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Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open] Empty Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open]

Wed Jun 16, 2021 1:34 am

Ita returned to Suna for the first time since the treaty between Konoha and Suna had been established and he did not intend on wasting any time or being useless- the same went for the other Konoha shinobi that currently resided in the village as well. Ita was grateful for the Kazekage to allow them into their village and offer them help in freeing their village so he planned on doing whatever he could to help around the village. Ita would visit the mission station of the village frequently, but would often find himself turned away, that was until today.
Standing at the window of the mission headquarters, a heavy-set older woman would lean over the counter to the Hokage, “Don’t you have anything better to do? You’re not even from this village.” Instead of responding, the Uchiha remained silent, vigilant in his demeanor. Hopefully if he refused to leave she would give him something to do, anything. “You’re not going to go away until I give you a mission huh? Alright, I may just have something for you.” As she ended her sentence, she would disappear form sight in the back of the office while mumbling some words under her breath which Ita felt it was probably best that he could not hear her. A few minutes later she would return and place a manila folder on the counter. “You’re an Uchiha right? Well, you might be of some use after all. It’s nothing crazy, but there have been some reports of petty theft. Some of the victims interviewed said they may have been placed under a Genjutsu, but it’s hard to tell since he tends to target people who are alone at night. You might want to get a coffee.”
A slight smirk would cross the Uchiha’s face as he grabbed the file. “Thanks, but not thanks,” there the only words he had left to offer her as he turned and left before she could renege on the offer. Ita would then proceed to take out a small piece of paper and a pen from one of the pouches hidden underneath his robe and would scribble some words down before returning the pen. Next, Ita would summon Toru, a black crow. “Toru, please deliver this message to the Leaf Genin who have accompanied us here, I request the assistance of anyone not occupied by more pressing matters. Thank you.” Ita would then hand over the piece of paper and the crow would nod his head before taking flight and splitting into several other crows that would spread across the village.

WC: 432
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
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Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open] Empty Re: Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open]

Wed Jun 16, 2021 10:32 am
Like a shadow in the dark, observing and waiting for the right moment to strike, the silver haired Senju scanned his surroundings. Ever since the Konohagakure delegation made its arrival in the Land of Wind and entered the village of Sunagakure, Goto made sure to never let his guard down. Although they received a warm welcome and were allowed to stay for as long as they liked, fact of the matter was that they still found themselves in a strange place, regardless of being in need of a change of scenery. Most of his days were spent not letting the Kage out of his sight considering there were only a few of them and even though Konohagakure allied with Sunagakure one could never be too sure nothing would happen while they were there.

With the wind gently blowing through his silver hair Goto picked up on the familiar sound of a crow flying over. "Toru", a whistle used to catch the summon's attention the young Senju made it aware of his position before letting it land on his arm where it then took place on the boy's shoulder. "Good boy. What do you have here, a message?". Upon opening the letter the silver haired shinobi would find the Hokage's request for assistance on a mission he was going to undertake and was looking for people to join him on this endeavour. "Who am I to ignore such a request, let's go" he spoke under his breath before appearing in a blur in front of Ita. "Lord Hokage, allow me to accompany you on this mission. A person of your importance should not walk around without a guard". For now Goto would await further orders before taking any actions, wondering how many others would decide to show up and help out. 

(WC: 300)

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Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open] Empty Re: Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open]

Wed Jun 16, 2021 5:05 pm
Kaibuku entered through the gates of the village, his usual outfit of blacktop and trousers dusty from his long day of training. He made his way to an alcove near the gate that had a water fountain. He drank from the fountain gulping down water for a full 30 seconds "Damn I can't get used to this climate". At that time a crow flew down and started to flap its wings in front of Kai's face. The crow had a summons for all Konoha genin that resided in the village, they were to report to the Hokage at the mission center. Kai's eyes widened as he looked down at the state of him "This will not do for the first meeting with my new Kage". Kai began to frantically collect water from the fountain and rub the dirt from his Uchiha symbol that hung from the sash at his waist and clean his headband.

Kai then made his way over to the mission center, thankfully one of the 3 places he knew how to navigate to within this village. Kai came to a skidding halt in front of the people he had teleported to this village with but had barely been properly introduced. Dust flew up all around him, undoing the work he had done to try and make himself more presentable. "H-H-Hi I'm Kaibuku, p-p-pleased to meet you again sirs." He said in a frantic stuttery voice as he awkwardly extended a hand and held his head with the other. An awkward smile was plastered across his face and his eyes were closed, he did not do well in this formal situation.

WC: 273

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Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open] Empty Re: Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open]

Wed Jun 16, 2021 9:08 pm
It did not take long for the youth of the Leaf to assemble in response to the Hokage’s calling. For this, Ita was thankful for. Toru had proven to be a most valuable friend over the years and Ita had to admit, the crow was efficient for his age. After Toru finished his task he would not return to Ita, but instead unsummon himself and the birds clones would whither away in clusters of feathers before disappearing completely.
The first to arrive was a boy with silver hair whom Ita had recognized from the initial voyage from the Leaf to Suna via Ita’s teleportation abilities. The first to arrive would appear in a blur of speed not long after Toru’s initial departure, meaning that he must have already been nearby. To be honest, Ita wasn’t used to the respect that came along with the title of Hokage and knew it would take some time getting used to. “Thank you for the concern but I’ll be alright. Please take a look through the mission paperwork while we wait to see if anyone else will be joining us.” Ita would produce a manila folder containing the details of the mission and hand it over to him. “Goto, right?” Ita would say, hoping that he was correct- but he knew he was correct. In fact, Ita had his eyes on the silver haired boy from the very beginning- for reasons of course.
The next to arrive was a shinobi who was tall and thin, but despite his stature, he appeared to be very nervous. “Great.” Ita would think to himself, hating how being Hokage had caused those around him to react differently to him. At first glance, Ita did not remember his name, but the Genin before him bore certain genetic features that reminded him of his own clan. “An Uchiha?” He thought to himself. Ita would look down at the boys hand and back up to his face, not instantly granting him the hand shake he requested which would create an awkward moment for the Genin. Eventually, Ita would extend his hand and grip his. “What is your name?” Ita would inquire while looking slightly up at him.
Finally, introductions had concluded and the sun was beginning to set over the village, the large walls that surrounded it casting a shadow on half of the village- specifically the half they were standing in. “Goto, please give Kaibuki the mission details so he can familiarize himself. The mission we are on will not be difficult, but I figured it would be a good opportunity for use to work together.” Ita’s words would be straight to the point, blunt almost, bust despite the simplicity of his diction, they had a heavy underlying meaning- the fact is they were in this village to militarize and fight back against their oppressors. The change in leadership would also provide a large change for villagers and shinobi alike so Ita was trying his best to set a good example. For too long the village had been plagued by a revolving door of Hokage and Ita hoped to put an end to that. But that was neither here or there now and tonight the group would focus on their mission and get to know each other.
“Follow me.” Ita would say, doing his best to navigate the group to the area where most of the reports had cited the robberies took place. As they traveled, Ita began to realize that maybe their mission may prove to be more difficult than they expected. The Uchiha’s eyes would scan his surroundings as the group walked, taking in the images of every crook and odd job they passed. In a low tone, Ita would make a comment to the group, “We are getting close to where most of the reports took place, keep your eyes out for any suspicious characters…” His eyes took in the characters around them once more, “Although everyone looks suspicious around here...”

WC: 664

TWC: 1096

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Goto Senju
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Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open] Empty Re: Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open]

Thu Jun 17, 2021 5:40 pm
Goto gladly accepted the piece of paper containing the information regarding a mission Ita most likely picked out for the Konohagakure delegation to complete. "Correct, Lord Hokage" the silver haired Senju briefly confirmed his name before reading through the details of their upcoming task. From what he could make out of it, Sunagakure was apparently plagued by a shady individual wandering around at night. Witnesses claimed to have been tricked into giving up their money through the use of illusions, but that information heavily depended on how viable those sources were. "Hm, perhaps a Genjutsu user" the young Genin spoke out loud.

Once he was done reading Goto noticed they were joined by another Konohagakure shinobi, one who came to the Land of Wind together with them. "Of course, here you go Kaibuku", after accepting the handshake the silver haired handed his companion the mission details so he as well could go over them and familiarize himself with their task. While Kaibuku went over the information Goto agreed with why Ita decided to do a mission even though they were no longer in Fire Country. Although they had a different reason for being there, that being ensuring the future of Konohagakure and bring the village back to its former glory, it could prove useful to use this time to test how well they were able to work together.

Assuming his fellow Genin had caught up on reading through the paper the silver haired Senju would follow behind Ita as the Kage began to lead them to where the reports mentioned the robberies took place. "Yes, Lord Hokage". Goto carefully started scanning his surroundings, keeping an eye on any suspicious events taking place while not giving away the fact they were investigating the matter of the stolen money. If anything, he didn't want to alarm the culprit and let him get away. "So far nothing out of the ordinary" he spoke under his breath only for Ita and Kaibuku to hear. He then continued to take in his surroundings once more, hoping the person responsible would eventually show up. 

(WC: 348, TWC: 648)
Kaibuku Uchiha
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Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open] Empty Re: Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open]

Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:46 am
The instant the Hokage did not take Kaibuku's hand a feeling of shock took through his body and his face soured. "You idiot, you don't just throw your hand in the Hokage face," He thought to himself before the Hokage eventually took his hand and asked him his name. Kai's face turned proud and he puffed out his chest as he replied in a gleeful tone "Kaibuku UCHIHA. It's an honor to accompany you, sir". A very obvious emphasis was on his family name.

Kai then turned to Goto as he handed him the mission statement and shook his hand in a more direct manner. "Thank you, Goto. Let's be pals" he said, inserting himself in an awkward way again. As the other two turned and started to walk away Kai's shoulders and head dropped and his arms hung lifelessly in front of him "That could have gone better," he thought to himself. Then he bounced back, a wide smile across his face "A mission with pals though," he thought as he clenched one fist into a ball. The pair had not started to pull away from Kai, so he began to jog towards them while taking in the mission specifics.

Kai scanned his surroundings thoroughly, taking the opposite side of the Hokage to that of Goto, to increase their sensory range. Kai had yet to awaken the doujutsu of his bloodline, the mighty Sharingan. The Sharingan abilities would certainly come in helpful here, however, Kai would have to use his natural eyes. Kai replied in a low tone to the other two "The face coverings they were in this country are not helping either." Kai thought for a moment "Perhaps we could bait him out with an over-the-top performance of how rich we are." Kai rubbed his first two fingers against his thumb and raised an eyebrow. The suggestion came out of his mouth before he even went through how it would work.

WC: 324
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Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open] Empty Re: Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open]

Mon Jun 21, 2021 8:59 pm
 “Kaibuku Uchiha, huh?” Ita would say, finally shaking the boy’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.” The Hokage would say to his clansman. Ita wondered if he had activated his sharingan yet but did not believe it was the time or the place to inquire about such a thing.

As the group walked, the sun that had scorched the desert and village began to set and the night sky crept in. “Now that it’s dark hopefully we will be able to flush him out.” Ita would say under his breath to his squad while they walked. It was then the other Uchiha of the group came up with a rather brilliant idea- to bait their target out by putting on some sort of display of wealth. “Great idea Kaibuku. I’m going to use the transformation technique and I want you guys to follow behind me, but out of sight. Once the target moves in, apprehend him.”
Now that the plan had been set there a was nothing else left to say. Ita would turn abruptly into a nearby alleyway where he would then create a singular hand seal with his right hand (Dog) and in a poof of smoke, his appearance would change completely. Ita had taken the appearance of a rich merchant he had seen earlier on in the day. His attire would be that of someone very wealthy (minus the hat) and he would have a coin purse hanging from his belt for all to see- although the contents were simply fools gold and held no true value.
Now that the trap had been set, Ita would peak out of the alleyway and then reenter into the street. Ita could feel the presence of the other shinobi within his party around him, although he could not necessarily see them, which was perfect. Ita strolled down the street, choosing to wander into some of the worst areas of the outskirts of the village where he knew he would be able to draw out some sort of theft of mugger- even if it was not the one, he was looking for. After a while of walking, Ita would pick up on the presence of a person tailing him. Now aware of the follower, Ita would divert from the main road into a side street where the two could be totally alone and to his delight, the man trailing him would follow.
The man behind him would pick up his pace and at the same time, Ita would slow down allowing the crook to catch up to him and make a move. Once the crook was in range, he would produce a [insert low rank Paralysis Genjutsu here] and Ita would feel his movements become restricted. “Gotcha.” The Uchiha would think to himself.
“Give me all ya have and I’ll let ya leave with your life! I seen your coin purse- yer a long way off from the market fool.”
At this point, Ita would cast genjutsu release without the use of hand seals due to his mastery, and he would remain still and without words as he waited for his team to swoop in and apprehend the suspect.

WC: 528
TWC: 1624
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
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Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open] Empty Re: Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open]

Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:34 pm
Although seemingly awkward around other people Kaibuku suggested quite the idea, something Goto found interesting. His fellow Genin explained his plan of acting like rich merchants in order to draw the culprit out after gaining his or her attention. Perhaps it was an obvious approach, one that would be easily found out if the thief had half a brain or was on high alert assuming he knew they were looking for him. But, it was still worth a shot. The silver haired Senju agreed and so did the Hokage. Ita would explain the two shinobi how he'd use the transformation technique to change appearances, taking on the role of merchant. 

Remaining out of sight, just like he was told, Goto continued to check his surroundings assuming Kaibuku did as well. A few seconds would pass when Ita returned and came from the alleyway back into the streets hoping the thief took the bait. The Senju started to move, following his Kage to the outskirts of the village, a place where some of the lesser civilized folks could be found, all the while making sure not to let his position be known. After a while of walking Goto noticed someone was tailing the Hokage, everyone aware of the current situation would quickly come to the conclusion it was none other than the culprit.

Keeping note of where the two of them had gone to, the silver haired shinobi hurried over to the sidestreet where he'd soon run into both his Kage as the person responsible for the latest crimes. Witnessing the man had already made his move and started threatening Ita, Goto knew there was no time to waste. When he found himself only 12 meters away from the thief's position the Senju quickly performed a set of hand seals in high succession, four to be precise, before putting his hands on the ground as he activated one of his techniques. Suddenly protruding roots grew out of the earth beneath him, making their way to the man whose fate was already decided the moment he ran into the three Konohagakure shinobi.

All it took was a simple touch. The second the culprit came into contact with the roots they would emerge and grow around their target, completely binding him and restricting his movements. "Looks like you're in quite the bind" Goto would smirk. Now that the criminal had nowhere to go the silver Genin left the finishing touch to either Kaibuku or Ita.

(WC: 412, TWC: 1060)
Kaibuku Uchiha
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Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open] Empty Re: Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open]

Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:21 am
The night had well and truly set in now and Kai stiffened and a proud look would parse his face as the Hokage liked the idea. Kai decided he would take the elevated position. "I'm going up," he said to the there two as The Hokage transformed into a merchant. Kai activated the surface walking technique and briskly walked up the side of the building in front of him. Kai crouched and started to shuffle along the rooftops as quietly as he could, following in between the position of the Hokage and the position that Goto had taken. After a short walk, a tail had been picked up by the Hokage, Kai now shifted his spacing further back so that he was behind the tail.

Kai watched as Ita took the culprit down an alleyway, it was smart to corner himself like that. The thief would be confident in his position and not be ready for the ambush, thinking he in fact was the one ambushing someone. Kai recognized the handseals for the Genjutsu Binding but decided to not engage, knowing that the Hokage would be able to easily break out of something of that nature. Then Goto acted and snared the thief perfectly. Kai did not recognize the jutsu but apparently, it would use some form of wood.

Kai waited until the roots fully formed around the culprit and then dropped from the roof, he landed next to the man and swiftly chopped with his straightened hand at the back of the man's neck, severing his consciousness for a few minutes at least. Kai was no expert at Taijutsu but a paralyzed opponent like this he knew enough to attack a critical point. Kai would turn to the Hokage with a gleeful look on his face and give him the thumbs up. "We got him," Kai said in a relaxed tone.

TWC: 909
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Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open] Empty Re: Find the Manipulator [C-Rank Mission/Open]

Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:23 pm
The plan worked perfectly. Goto ensnared the target and then Kaibuku rendered him unconscious, successfully capturing the thief. Now that their mission was almost complete, Ita would allow his transformation technique to end and the Hokage would take on his normal appearance. Ita turned to the two Genin before him, completely ignoring the criminal, and shot the duo a smile. “Nice work!” Ita would say, sounding almost excited. This type of behavior was not normal for Ita, but Goto and Kaibuku reminded him of Jace and himself when he was a Genin and for that he was thankful. “We make a pretty good team.” He would say, giving them praise once more. “I’ll be going now, please make sure this thief gets turned into the authorities. I’ll be reaching out again soon for our next mission.” With that the Uchiha would activate his sharingan and disappear in a blur of distorted space time, retiring to his room for the night and leaving the Kono Genin to get rid of the body, I mean turn in the criminal.
WC: 177
TWC: 1801

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