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Oh, right. The poison.  Empty Oh, right. The poison.

Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:36 pm

Oh, right. The poison. The poison for Kuzco,

As the sun began to rise, Suika found herself rising as well; the last few weeks she had been volunteering at the hospital; with the sudden rise of needed help, she figured it was one of the few ways she could impress the Kazekage. She stretched as she stoked the morning fire, getting ready to heat up some breakfast before she would prepare for her next twelve to sixteen hours. As the eggs would begin to fry on the large black pan, and the smell would fill the air, she could feel someone closing in on her; her grimace as she quickly grabbed a kunai from her bag. The increase of attacks out side of the village was getting annoying, her first thought was that the attackers from the outside had made it into the village, and took notice of her fire… As she stood at the ready; she noticed three bodies emerging from the trees just off of the distance; “Miss Suika!” One of the figures called, making note that whoever these figures were, knew her name she lessened her stance, and put the kunai back, “Yes?” She answered, sitting back down, moving her eggs around the pan.

The figures came closer, three genin, and aspiring doctors approached her. “Miss Suika, the corner has requested your assists, he says it is urgent!” Suika found herself sighing as she placed her eggs and bacon on her plate. “The corner you say?” She lifted her eyebrow, “Did he happen to say why?” She stuffed a fork full of eggs in her mouth, as she watched the genin, “He says that there is a body… The cause of death and he is struggling with identifying the cause of death… The person… Had significant factors that it might have been…” The genin paused, looking towards the others… The female of the trio spoke up; “It appears that this person could have been a Yuki, an ice wielder like you.” As Suika took her last bite of food, her eyes shot up towards the genin, “Like me?” Her right eyebrow raised indistinctively, another Yuki? The chances of that were slim… But signs of ice? Perhaps… She stood up, “Tell him I will be there promptly.” She nodded and sent the genin off, ducking back in her tent she grabbed a journal, it had a list of physical traits of her clan, as well as identifying factors. She grabbed her back, and several medical journals that she was given upon entering her volunteer work with the hospital.

If this could be someone from my clan… There is a good chance there is organs missing… Or that this person was killed because of what we are…” She thought to herself as she began her run towards the hospital. She wanted to get there as quickly as possible, but each morning she would help the local bakery with brining out their stock; the old woman running it use to have her son help her, but he was off on mission for the village; and she needed the help. Of course Suika was more than happy to oblige, the old woman being grateful for the help around the bakery in the morning, and at closing time when Suika got off of work; she often packed lunches for Suika… Home made meals were always so much better than the quick food she normally ate all the time. As Suika came into the town, she made it for the bakery; she figured if she doubled her regular speed; that she could get done the opening faster than usual and get to the hospital quickly. As she opened the door to the bakery; she made note of it being dim, and the normal smell of freshly baked goods weren’t there… “Ma’am?” Suika shouted, with no response… Suika glided her way through the back of the bakery to the door that would bring her upstairs to her old woman’s apartment…

As Suika attempted to open the door, she found herself unable, it was locked still… She furrowed her brows, knocking on the door, “Ma’am! It’s Suika!” She called out loudly, waiting for a response… Five minutes passed before Suika heard a light tapping… “Is that you Ma’am?” She shouted again, a single tap… “Ma’am the door is locked, may I use force to open it?” She shouted again… Another single tap. With that, Suika took it as permission to break open the door. With both hands on the door handle, Suika focused her chakra, her hands glowing a bright blue as the door handle turned to ice slowly. After a few seconds, Suika slammed her fist into the handle, shattering the metal, flinging the door open, she ran inside, the main room was decorated with pictures of the old woman’s son; as well as old pictures of her and her husband…

Suika could still hear the tapping and followed the sound, reaching the back of the apartment; she noticed a door cracked slightly, the sound of the tapping was coming from there. As she opened the door, the old woman was on her back, her ankle was red and extremely swollen. “Ma’am! I’m here, I’ll help!” She quickly helped the old woman up into a sitting position. “How long have you been stuck like that?” Suika questioned the old woman, “Oh dear… It’s only been a few hours… I thought I heard knocking on my door last night, and… Well, I guess I fell getting out…” She chuckled, trying to make light of the situation. “Oh Ma’am…” Suika sighed, getting her up to her feet; only to realize that she couldn’t stand at all without help, “I think we need to bring you to the hospital. It is too dangerous to let it heal on it’s own… It might need to be reset.” The old woman tried to protest, but ended up agreeing once Suika brought up her son, and how he might not go on another mission knowing that his mother hurt herself. Suika carried the old woman down the stairs, and out onto the street.

She was a sweet lady, not even weighting 90 pounds wet… Her age was getting the better of her, at 90 years old, she had spent most of her life taking care of others, her older sons had all gone off to other villages, married with children now. The only one left was her youngest, although Suika didn’t classify 47 years old as ‘young’, but she always had referred to the man as her baby… Suika wished she could understand the endearment that was used behind the word… But simply shrugged it off; as something that she wouldn’t ever understand. As Suika walked slowly with the old woman in her arms, she made her way towards the hospital. Being unable to go as quickly as she originally wanted; but it didn’t matter anymore, a dead body could wait; a living breathing one however couldn’t. It was pure luck Suika found the woman, had she not been helping her every morning; she could have been stuck like that for quite some time… If not maybe had even died there… Suika shuttered at the thought; the woman's son finding her after he returned home… She sighed under her breath; a few passersby questioned Suika; and commended her for her good deed; but that really didn’t matter to the young missing shinobi. All that mattered was that the woman was safe.

After twenty minutes of walking while carrying the woman on her back Suika came across to the front of the hospital; the old woman protested again, saying that it wasn’t necessary for Suika to have carried her, nor having to bring her to the hospital but Suika simply smiled as the pair went into the hospital, Suika sat her down in a chair, talking with the Nurse; and explaining the situation. As Suika said her goodbyes and walked off towards the morgue and the corner that had requested for her help… Suika wasn’t entirely adapt to medicine yet, but she had gained some knowledge the past few weeks, and she had begun studying poisons and their affects as she became interested in the idea of mixing ice with poison. Similar to some jutsus she had learned, wanting to mix poison in them for longer term effects… She began pondering about those things as she turned to corner to the two large doors, the morgue stood in front of her. She stood a few moments before let a deep breath out… Time to find out what was going on.

As Suika opened the door, the corner had his back turned to her; “Well, you sure took your sweet time.” He muttered, working away at the body. “It isn’t as if the dead are going anywhere.” Suika replied, causing the man to snort in a form of laughter. “You sure do got that right.” He pointed towards the second table, a man laid on, “That is the body I want you to inspect.” He spoke as he moved towards it, Suika walked towards the body as well, her eyes scanning it up and down. “And why is it you believe this man could be one of my clan?” She spoke her eyes became fixated on tips of his fingers… They were… Blue? Suika narrowed her eyes, unlike the other dead body, that still had reminisces of a heat signature, this mans body had no heat signature. “How long has he been… Dead?” She lifted her eyebrow; “Four hours… At least according to the gentlemen who brought him, they claimed when they found him, he was badly beaten, and on the brink of death. The travel from where they found him, till when they brought him here, he died.” Suika was shocked, normally a cadaver would retain their heat signature for a short period of time before the bodies became cold and it was no longer there. The other body would have been dead for approximately the same time as this man.

Well, I think you’re right about his ties to my clan.” Suika whispered, touching the mans arm, the coldness of his skin was even greater than her own… Yuki’s were normally cold to the touch, a dead Yuki would become even more so. A small sigh as she lifted the mans arms, inspecting his finger tips… They were… Frost bitten? She quickly put on a pair of white gloves, grabbing a scalpel and small square piece of white paper, she would scrape along the tips of each finger, just enough to get a decent amount of material. She went over to the work area, looking at the finer details of the particles she lifted from the mans fingers… She was right in her suspicions. She sighed, confused as to how someone of her clan would get frost bitten… It didn’t make any sense. Yuki’s were immune to the cold… He could potentially be a half breed. She shuttered at the though, mixing blood with another clan… It wasn’t right. She went back to the body and drew three small vials of blood, moving to inspect those next. As she looked closer at the makeup of it; she took note of a foreign virus in his blood… Still attacking healthy cells… Gasping, she ushered the corner to come and look. “What do you think it could be?” He sat there astonished… “I don’t… I don’t know, I’ve never seen anything like it.” Suika nodded, her eyes narrowing towards the body, trying to make note of physical changes that it might be going through.

That’s when she noticed something that wasn’t there less than five minutes prior. His toes were now turning blue, becoming frost bitten… She quickly took a sample from a toe that hadn’t become infected yet, a toe that was, and a toe slowly becoming infected. She rushed back to inspect, only to find her worst nightmares come to reality. “It’s poison… But it’s a poison I’ve never seen before.” She whispered, shocked and disgusted at the effects they could see for the time being. “I need to figure this out, I need to figure it out quickly… This new type of poison, if it truly is this fast acting, and can still effect even after death… It could truly mean trouble for the entire world.” She stood up, “I need to go to the medical archives. I need to go to the library. Isn’t there a poison expert here in Sunagakure, Corner?” She questioned, the man nodded, writing down the address to the expert, wishing her luck; “I’ll place the body in the freezer for the time being.” Suika paused as she went to leave. “No… We should put the body somewhere warm… I think this poison might be reacting to the coldness of his body… It’s almost as if it’s amplifying his abilities.” The corner laughed and nodded, “Then I’ll place him by the furnace.” Suika nodded and walked out.

She needed to get there quickly, her first stop would be the archives, her second the library, and the final destination before returning to the morgue would be to see the expert. Time was of the essence.

  • Health 300
  • Chakra 100
  • Vigor 100
  • Speed 90
  • Strength 10
AP 1270/1270

Total Post WC 2202
Total WC 2202
Total WC Needed 2202/16400
  • 2202/3600
  • 0000/4800
  • 0000/8000

Active Skills
  • Beloved Presence This skill gives me double the mission rewards, and double ryo.

Active Jutsu
  • None
  • Total AP subtracted is 0 AP

  • None

Post Information
The Pathologist:
The Pathologist:
The Pathologist:

  • None

The poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. That poison?
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Oh, right. The poison.  Empty Re: Oh, right. The poison.

Sun Nov 28, 2021 10:35 am

Oh, right. The poison. The poison for Kuzco,

Suika’s first stop to the archives took longer than she originally was excepting it to, when she arrived to the small building just around the corner to the hospital – she was greeted by a little old lady, her skin wrinkled, and large thick glasses just on the tip of her nose, she stood around 4 feet tall and maybe an inch or two to spare… The old woman slowly made her way over to her chair, which she all but climbed into; “Hooow can I helllp you my deearrr?” She croaked out, taking her right index finger to push up her glasses slightly more; as she moved several stacks of books out of the immediate view of the desk she was sitting at; Suika saw her name tag, ‘Kronk’ this name made Suika furrow her brows ever so slightly – what a strange name.. Especially for a female. Suika smiled widely towards her, she had often been told this was a way to show a sign of… Comfort?

She heard the old woman grunt, “Ain’t so sense in giving me that fake smile youngin’” Suika starred at her, her icy blue eyes beating into the woman’s being, “I’ve been around long enough to know you ain’t got much emotion. Could tell it just by how you walked in here’.” The old woman snickered, as she pulled out a single piece of paper – “Alright, what can I do you for?” Suika at first dumb founded by the connotations of this old woman… She didn’t know about Suika before this, and yet she already had her personality down? How did this even work… Suika let the small wash off her face, “I need information on poisons, past cases, cases where certain abilities would be enhanced. Any unexplained deaths… In the last… year at first. If I need later I can always come back.” The old woman snorted; “Blunt and to the point. I figured.” The old lady began to type something into her computer – which quickly prompted her to get off of her chair and begin walking past the desk she was currently stationed at; “Follow me.” The woman spoke, brining Suika to a darkly lit station of metal shelves, two large levers on either side of the shelf; “This is something new they started but never finished. Guess we’ll have to see which lever is which.

Suika starred for a moment, “Which one is which? What do they do?” The woman laughed a little more; heading in the direction of the right lever, “One will move the shelf around, and bring us to the section of archive hardcopies you want, or; it will spill everything out.” Suika sighed, “I’m guessing if they all come crashing down, that would be very bad?” The old woman nodded, as she grabbed ahold of the lever, Suika assumed she moved enough of a distance to avoid being pummeled by books and paper, a small exhale as the woman looked for Suika to give the go ahead, “Alright… Pull the lever, Kronk!” Suika declared, the machine would begin to start up, a whirling sound coming from it; the shelving began to buck and kick as it began to shift, Suika took this as a good notion, moving closer to the unit; as she did this the shelving seemed to give a larger buck, the books in the current three shelves exposed would come flying at her, “Wrong Lever Kronk!” Suika shouted as the books flew in her direction, she attempted to dodge several of them, only being successful for the first few, before one would finally connect with the petite woman; slamming into her head – causing Suika to fall backwards onto her behind. “Ouch.” The old woman snickered, as she lifted the lever back up, “Why do you even have a lever like that?

The old woman shrugged at Suika, now at the second lever; finally the correct one at that – within moments Suika would have access to every single archive file that she needed in regards to this issue. As Suika fathered up her information; the old woman brought her a large bag to put the information in, “I expect these to be returned as soon as possible.” Suika simply nodded her head, and went out the door. No more words would be spoken as Suika passed along the streets of Sunagakure --- her icy blue eyes focused on the path as she darted across the village thinking of only getting to the library and gathering the needed books on poison, as well as flowers, herbs, anything that can cause enhancements to abilities such as her Clans ability to manipulate ice. As Suika would rush through the bustling village; ducking, dodging and weaving when obstacles would come her way, she finally found herself at the library; a sigh of relief as she looked down at the small watch on her wrist; three minutes had past as she finally reached the large library; as Suika skipped several steps to make her way up and into the library as quickly as possible.

As the flew open the doors, rushing inside; not even speaking a word to the librarian Suika rushed up the stairs and into the section of reading she already knew that the books requiring the information she needed was; she had been spending some time at the library; wanting to gain more knowledge in regards to finding out more about different poisons and their effects; she had planned to use this knowledge in line with her own ability to wield ice – no one would be expecting such a combination, and the over all damage it could cause depending on the type of poison could be minimal or catastrophic; as Suika skimmed through the different options, each book containing a treasure trove of information regarding poison’s Suika came across the few she was looking for, they were almost like an encyclopedia for all the different plans, materials and what not that could be used to make a poison, the only thing she wasn’t sure of what the fact that this poison seemed to be enhancing the abilities of the people becoming poisoned. As Suika continued to skim through, hoping to find something that might divulged the information she required; she would only come out empty handed.

With the current books in her possession, she made her way to the front counter, checking the books she needed out; waiting patiently as she man at the front desk took his sweet time, after about five minutes Suika was handed the books which she promptly placed into the bad she was given back at the archives; her final stop would be to the old woman who was the expert with all things poison; the old lady was in her 90’s, from what Suika had heard, she had been planning to visit her before to long, but she wasn’t expecting the visit to be this soon, or this urgent.

As Suika exited the library; she quickly found her way darting the across the streets of Sunagakure; a few vendors attempting to stop her; with offers of food, goods, gifts; all things she would normally stop at; simply to gain the experience of conversing with people; picking up little habits she would take note of during conversational bouts. As Suika darted along the street; bumping shoulders with people from time to time; she found herself stuck in a large crowd of people; these people seemed to be rouge like herself, but the two gentlemen were about to fight, and she quite frankly didn’t have the time to deal with it. A Small sigh as the crowd gathered thicker, people locked shoulder to shoulder, Suika unable to get through to the other side. A small sigh; Suika needed to get through and needed to get to the meeting point to see the specialist in poison… Perhaps she could have the missing pieces to the questions she had… This was a dangerous poison; one they surely would need an antidote for.

Suika glanced around the surrounding area; there had to be a way to get through and get to the meeting point… Finally she saw it; Suika saw a large plant holder; usually it was decorated with a handing basket full of colorful flowers… She glanced over to the shop it belonged to; a ladder, it seemed like the owner had brought it in for whatever reason. Suika nodded mentally to herself as she began to slow her breathing, focusing her chakra in her feet; she needed to jump, and jump high enough to be able to grab a hold of the pole to fling herself across the large crowd. As Suika crouched down using all of her strength and chakra to enhance her jump upwards; she grabbed a hold of the bar tightly; letting out an exhale. Step one of her master plan completed; the only issue would now be to fling herself across the top of the crowd without hitting anyone, or hurting herself.

She would reposition herself carefully; kicking her legs forward, then swinging them backwards; doing this motion several times as she prepared for her jump, after a few moments and a few swings the time was now or never; another deep inhale as Suika gave herself one last swing back, before putting all of her strength into pushing forward; releasing the bar as she flew above the crowd of people; it almost looked like she underestimated herself and the distance she needed for a split second as she was nearing the end of the crowd; thankfully she just managed, two feet past as she came down, rolling out as to not hurt her ankles from the drop. Suika quickly stood up, looking behind her, “Still got it.” She smirked, this time a genuine smirk; emotion wasn’t something Suika was familiar with; but this emotion, almost came naturally in her success.

Suika quickly began her run towards the meeting point; she needed to get there before sundown; the contact between the two of them said that she wouldn’t wait any longer then sunset, as she didn’t even originally want to meet with Suika; but after the talk of an interesting new poison; the old hag couldn’t allow herself to miss out on gaining a knowledge she was sure she already knew. As Suika finally came upon the reaching point; she scanned the area, the sun hadn’t exactly set yet, but there was no sign of anyone waiting in the small park; the icy blue eyes of the Yuki couldn’t believe it; she found herself slightly angered at the thought the hag would just leave even before sunset. “Stupid.” Suika muttered, kicking sand to the side.

Stupid you say, little girl?” A voice called out, the setting sun was dimming the light in the surrounding park, “I think it’s stupid you drug me out all this way and dare be late.” The voice called out once again, Suika’s eyes returned to scanning the area, before finally catching a glimpse of the woman; she was maybe 5 feet tall, Suika wasn’t much larger than her, but this woman was hunched over; a cane delicately held in her hand as she got off the bench; moving towards Suika; “You said you have information on a new poison?” The old woman spoke, looking at the Yuki; “Y..Yes I do.” Suika muttered out, confused at first, the old woman… Suika could tell already by her eyes; much like her own… Were icy blue… Suika could sense the coolness radiating off of her body, “Y… Your like me?” Suika would question, narrowing her eyes as she kept a close eye on the woman.

Oh, took you long enough. I pegged you for a Yuki the moment you walked into the park, and you couldn’t even find an old woman like myself.” Suika felt a sense of… Shame? The old lady was right… Suika should have been more prepared… Especially with having already had one Yuki attacked… She wasn’t thinking at all. She needed to be more careful with her surroundings.

  • Health 300
  • Chakra 100
  • Vigor 100
  • Speed 90
  • Strength 10
AP 1270/1270

Total Post WC 2014
Total WC 4216
Total WC Needed 4216/16400
  • 3600/3600
  • 616/4800
  • 0000/8000

Active Skills
  • Beloved Presence This skill gives me double the mission rewards, and double ryo.

Active Jutsu
  • None
  • Total AP subtracted is 0 AP

  • None

Post Information
The Pathologist:
The Pathologist:
The Pathologist:

  • None

The poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. That poison?
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Summoning Contract : Forgotten Owls
Living Clones : Valeiru
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Puppetry Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Oh, right. The poison.  Empty Re: Oh, right. The poison.

Tue Nov 30, 2021 9:10 pm

Oh, right. The poison.  A9ZAf7m

Arantima awoke with a start, he felt a panicked heartbeat pass beneath his room, and that was rare as they would have to be hugging the wall of the spire quite tightly. He Watched them for a few moments as he watched them head off and clocked their direction as he swiftly got his Equipment settled, His new Filter Mask also helping to hide his identity as he decided that he should just come fully kitted out in his Armor.  He Looked out towards the direction that the Heartbeats had rushed off towards and Lept out of his rooms window towards the buildings and kept his distance.

He Kept to the rooftops after he had found the heartbeats on the streets, keeping at least one of the three in his sights but staying 20 meters away from them at all times otherwise. He followed them to someones home, He Focused on suppressing his chakra as he slinked up onto the roof where his augmented hearing would allow him to hear their conversation from a safe distance away. He likewise had His quiet steps jutsu active so he made no sound as he stepped.   So.. Thats why the panic.. But a Ice release user? What is going on here? I'm going to keep a close eye on this..  

He Followed This Yuki woman as she started to move through the streets, He made sure to stay Focused on suppressing his chakra and never let her get more than 9 meters away from himself so he could pin point her by her heartbeat. The strange thing was that she went to a Bakery before the hospital, though thinking about it.. the dead could do nothing but wait, so it made sens to take care of other chores first. When he landed atop the building silently as death he heard a very faint heartbeat coming from inside.

His curiosity was sated shortly after it had entered his head as this Yuki woman came out carrying an old Woman. After Suika had gotten about Fifteen meters away Arantima slinked inside the Bakery, closed and locked the doors and windows and slipped out of a window too tall to climb into for your average thief. No one needed to know it was him, but he felt better knowing it was all locked up for their return. He Bolted off once more, still suppressing his chakra and making his steps as silent as possible, though this severely slowed his speed, he was still swift enough to keep up with the Yuki Woman, especially now that she was carrying the old woman.

It was when they Had gotten to the doors of the hospital that Tima sighed and hated what he was going to have to do next.

Oh, right. The poison.  RlNMUAA

Arantima Made the handsign for Dog and in a small dust devil he slowly became a Tiny mouse and while still focusing on his chakra supression he stopped focusing on his quiet steps as he was now as small and quiet as a mouse. He bolted to follow the Yuki woman, using his Naturally insane speed to bolt from corner to corner silently and out of notice. He stayed shiftd in his little mouse form until The yuki person.. Doctor maybe? He couldnt be sure from his vantage point as a mouse hiding in the underside of the Examination table.

He was releived however to know that he wouldnt be joining the body in the freezer and instead near the furnace. He Waited for as long as was needed until the coroner and The yuki woman were out of sight and out of ear shot before he crawled out of the examination table and broke the transformation..  So.. Poison.. That does something strange to the Yuki bloodline? Lets see if I can find something on this body they might have missed.

Arantima looked at the body and then over to the furnace and for a moment he was super glad that he was wearing his new filter mask, and at once he drew a kunai from his rib sheathes and began to use it deftly to scrape at and move area's of the body without having to touch it. After a few moments Arantima found what he was looking for and boy howdy did he find it, scraping around the nostrils of the Cadaver he found that his Kunai was suddenly getting very cold and after a few more moments was getting frosted.. And he had to drop it a few moments after on the body as it began to ice over.  Arantima Quickly formed Dog > Snake > Ram > Ox And the Frosted Kunai was sealed away in its own private seal for the time being.

He swiftly made his way out of the Morgue and after having been admonished once or twice by people saying he shouldn't be down where he was without an escort he made up some excuse about having been there to visit a friend and having gotten lost on his way out. When he was outside of the Hospital at last he noted that it was almost Sunset as the sun was just starting to set, barely beginning to sink into the horizon as he wondered where the Yuki woman would have gone to..

Oh, right. The poison.  RlNMUAA

Arantima looked around the entrance to the hospital and then recalled the conversation about the man having had been found and then he had a small realization that the area that this mans poisoning would have taken place is still potentially dangerous.. Unless the poison was specifically designed to be activated by Yuki blood, but even then if someone touched infected blood they could still get frostbite. Arantima Took it upon himself to Search the entire 100 meter square zone around the hospital.

Arantima took to the Walls of the City via the Surface walking technique and made his way around the streets and back alleys, Marking each completed alleyway or avenue with a small cut in the wall near the top so that he would know he has searched it and not marr the natural beauty of the stonework of the village. As he went down street by street he had found some Missing ninja who looked like they might have tried to stop Tima as he stood still but when he began to move again and showed that he was magnitudes faster than them and not only that but well armed most of them backed off.

Arantima still had one or two missing ninja who pulled a blade on him, and when he leveled his gaze at them, the serial killer aura of his intensifying into an aura of killers intent they slowly sheathed their blades once again and backed off, and as Tima moved passed them he purposefully cut the wall on the other side of them with a swift motion that made it hard to even tell when he had drawn the blade to do it with. The majority of missing ninja who saw that ran off swiftly at the threat of bodily harm without a word.

He had no time for these petty thugs that played at being ninja only to get their way from lesser people, he had a.. there it is.. He sniffed the air gently and his Kyuketsuki senses smelled the blood even though it was drying swiftly and would be a gelatinous mess at this point.  He was just an alleyway away from it and so he looked up at th height of the wall to his left and nodded as he crouched down and lept 50 meters into the air and landed on the ledge, looking into the alleyway beside the one he had just been in and there is was... A Single blood spat on the opposite wall, like someones head had been smashed into it and they spit up blood.

Aranitma slid down the wall and went over to the blood and sniiffed at it.. It wasnt actually coagulated at all.. just very.. VERY cold. He unsealed the Frosted kunai and used it to collect a small scoop of the blood before Sealing it once again.  He then touched the wall surrounding the blood and it was cold to the touch, but just from the blood sucking out the heat.  He Decided it would be best if he cut out the chunk of wall and sealed the blood away for now and so he did, using his Twin demon lance blade he cut out a square section of the wall about 1 inch deep so as not to ruin it completly and sealed the Blood stained wall with the kunai.

Now he had some more information but.. he didnt know where to go to give it to this Yuki woman he had followed here.. You know this is kind of shit that got you in trouble in the academy..  Going off on your own without asking permission first.. And no. doesnt matter if we are helping..  Arantima Frowned at himself.. He was right.. He was stepping on toes.. but right now that could mean a lot more than just getting in trouble it could help save someone maybe, so he looked up at the darkening sky and then he nodded, the park was a good place to ask for people in the village.. So he booked it.

Oh, right. The poison.  RlNMUAA

Arantima Was FAST, But even he couldnt make it to the park by sunset from the alleyway he was in.. When he did make it to the park finally, he looked across the way about 40 meters away from his position and couldnt beleive his eyes and had to rub them once and blink a few times, he even considered using Genjutsu release. There was the Yuki woman from before.. Standing across from a much older and much shorter woman.. He couldnt hear the conversation from where he was standing but he did see that there was trepidation in the younger of the Two.

He was still a good way off and decided that.. He had been stealthy up to this point.. So he might as well be stealthy again. He Rolled his shoulders and Supressed his chakra and moved as quietly as he was able, keeping to the shadows and doing his damnedest to get up to 10 meters without being noticed as approaching by either person.. It was going to be harder becuase he wasnt using quiet footsteps but it hadnt been long enough for that jutsu to recharge as it were.

He had to rely on simple stealth movements, stepping toe to heel and controlling your breathing so that it was either silent and slow or matched along with a wind gust. He kept to the shadows in the setting sun and used his black armor to his advantage of keeping him closer to those shadows. He crept forward meter by meter, keeping his eyes on the pair talking in the park as best he could so that they didnt break away from him without his notice. He would stop once he was around 20 meters away and wait a few moments to see if even with his chakra supression he was noticed but if he was not he would do his best to keep quiet.

He would continue his approach to that 10 meter distance bubble as best he could and remain as silent as the dead. He wanted to listen to what was going on, but he didnt not yet want to interrupt.. Had this Yuki woman already found the culprit? Had she found someone connected to it? He wanted to know before they knew he was there and had involved himself in the brujaja and messyness of this poison fiasco. He had some information, or at least he thought he had something useful for the Yuki woman and he hoped it would be useful, but right now he didnt want to ruin anything going on between that Yuki woman and the older woman in the park. So for the moment, if he had made it to 10 meters without being noticed, he would stay hidden, listening.

Oh, right. The poison.  RlNMUAA

2020/2020 Words

Transformation E rank - 5 AP

Basic Sealing technique -10 AP (Used a few times for flavor)

Quiet Footsteps - 5 AP

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1346/1346

Vigor: 90 |  Chakra: 30 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 30 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters

Oh, right. The poison.  A9ZAf7m
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Ryo : 0

Oh, right. The poison.  Empty Re: Oh, right. The poison.

Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:18 am

Oh, right. The poison. The poison for Kuzco,

Suika listened to the old woman; tell her tales and explain her story, it was long and drawn out; something told her that this woman knew more than she was letting on; after Suika explained the information that she had gathered regarding the situation as hand the old woman nodded; “Just as I suspected.” She muttered, this would cause Suika to raise an eyebrow; her icy blue eyes glittering in the evening sky… She starred for a moment, questioning what this woman would have to say; just then as the conversation was coming to an end; Suika would make note of two individuals incoming; similar chakra to the ones in the morning that visited her; she would quickly turn her head, unsure on how they found her; “Miss Suika.” The one would say, “There is more bodies at the morgue, just like the first.

Suika would wave her hand, motioning for them to leave; as the old woman would hold out her hand; to give Suika a vial, “This contains a plant, that is only accessible from Yukigakure; this plant should solve your problem.” She stated, Suika would nod and quickly take off full speed towards the morgue once more; if this was the case, and more bodies had indeed been found; her suspicions were right, and she needed to get answers and get them quickly; as held her hands up, forming the sign ‘ram’, she would flicker on top of the roof of the near by building; out of the corner of her eyes she noticed a man hiding in the shadows, nearly invisible with his black armor around his body; her icy blue eyes starred for a moment at the top of the building; unsure how she had felt about being watched… She only paused for several moments, considering what her next moves were; she could attack this man, as she didn’t enjoy the thought of being watched… Or she could move on and get to the morgue again…

Her eyes glared; deep into the shadows; sure the man was now aware of her looks, she would scoff, before turning her back quickly and resuming her run. She knew somewhat of this mans appearance; and she couldn’t make note of anyone else having worn black armor within Sunagakure before; so if he was from the village; she would find him later and deal with him then; if he turned out to be like her; she would find him regardless and find out what he had heard, and if she determined that it was to much; she would take care of the issue herself.

As she reached the morgue; she would make note of the current sights of the situation; there was several more bodies, but this time of different clans, or abilities all presenting with the same issue that the dead Yuki had; after carefully inspecting their blood; she would determine this to be a fact. A sigh as she leaned back in her chair as she held the vile to the ceiling starring into it. “This is to be the cure.” She would state; her eyes glancing back towards the bodies being accelerated. She would nod; getting to work; her eyes fixated on completing the task at hand, she needed to make a cure, and test it on the dead before her.

She would make quick work with steady hands until she would feel another chakra signature appear close to her location; her icy blue eyes would glance up towards the door, waiting to see who would come through.

  • Health 300
  • Chakra 100
  • Vigor 100
  • Speed 90
  • Strength 10
AP 1270/1270

Total Post WC 592
Total WC 4808
Total WC Needed 4200/4200
  • 1800/1800
  • 2400/2400

Active Skills
  • Beloved Presence This skill gives me double the mission rewards, and double ryo.

Active Jutsu
  • None
  • Total AP subtracted is 0 AP

  • None

Post Information
The Pathologist:
The Pathologist:

The poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. That poison?
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Summoning Contract : Forgotten Owls
Living Clones : Valeiru
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Puppetry Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Oh, right. The poison.  Empty Re: Oh, right. The poison.

Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:12 am

Oh, right. The poison.  A9ZAf7m

Oh, right. The poison.  RlNMUAA
Arantima listened to the old lady tell her stories and there were more than a few times where he had to keep himself from falling asleep.. He was not one for listening to old stories and hidden meaning unless he was allowed to interrupt and try and cut to the chase. He coudlnt do that when he was hiding from these two people and he felt that twinge of guilt again as he was hiding.. He didnt know who these people were or how they would react.. but he also wanted to help if he could at all. He looked around as he felt another heartbeat enter his sensory distance and he looked around before he heard them more than he saw them.  He calmed himself and focused on his chakra suppression, he was safe as long as he was hidden, not only that but he was the fastest ninja in Sunagakure.. He would be fine.

He Listened to the development and then he heard the old woman give Suika something, he didnt dare peek around to see what it was but he heard that it was some sort of plant. He Then felt Suika's heartbeat shift FAST out of his range and he tilted his head to follow the trajectory and when he looked up at that line.. He saw Suika looking directly at him.  His eyes were no different than they were usually, a Serial killers serious gaze, even if behind that gaze his mind was Flailing violently trying to force him to run away with his arms waving and throwing the blood and powder behind him as he screamed all the way back to the spire.

Arantima watched as Suika darted off Towards the hospital once more.. He could catch up for certain but he also could catch the old lady and ask her questions first..  He sat there for a moment thinking about what to do before he realized that he had been sitting there for far too long and had to make a choice.  He Set off towards the hospital once more.. Off to meet his doom more than likely. He Looked up at the night sky and sighed gently as he started to walk slowly through the Sunagakure streets. He made no rush, no running or body flickering. He had been trying to Be stealthy all day and that meant he was tried of the running and ducking and dodging.

He Walked through the streets and alleys on his way through the village and kept his senses alert even if he was walking, very relaxed and very casually; as casually as you can get in full battle gear that is.  He Looked at those who passed him by and they scurried off passed faster as they met his gaze. He Looked up at the sky again and hoped or prayed for even one cloud but there were none to be found. He looked back and forth between the Streets as he crossed them just checking to see if there was anything interesting down them, but there never was and yet he kept looking.

He walked up towards the hospital and leaned gently on the wall of an alley about 30 meters away from the Entrance of the hospital as he looked over the building and then he looked back in the direction of the Alley he had found the crime scene. That alley was about 30 meters away from where he was. He pulled out the paper he had written notes on and made sure that the kunai with the blood on it was still sealed inside of the paper on the back. He went over his terrible handwriting a few times and nodded before he moved to step towards the hospital.

Oh, right. The poison.  RlNMUAA

As he opened the doors to the office he did so only far enough so he could catch it with his feet and hold his hands up in what might be mock surrender in any other case but in this one is was genuine. Once the door was fully open he looked across the way towards Suika, the note he had in his hand with the Text side pointed towards her in his left hand.

"There is a lot to explain but not a lot of time to do that.. There was a commotion outside of my Room, and I tend to get curious.. Things got intense and interesting really fast and before I knew it I was stuck in the middle of it and wanted to help.." He indicates the note in his left hand by jiggling it gently and inclining his head towards it. "There.. Are my notes on what I found that no one else seemed able to.. IT really is not much but I did find the initial crime scene.. And it seemed that the cause was some sort of inhaled substance or at the very least airborne.. There is a Kunai sealed in the back of this paper that is heavily frosted just by contacting traces of the stuff."

With a swift wrist flick the paper was folded just solid enough to spin like a playing card and fly in a spinning fashion to land gently on the nearest clean work surface to Suika, otherwise Tima had made no moves to enter or do anything but that flick. "I am Arantima.. No fancy family name but I do good work.. And I dislike when bad things happen to decent people.. Yes, sneaking about is wrong but sometimes.. its useful. I've learned how to do it even among Sunagakure, which I hope is impressive enough what with all of the sensory types that live here. I am no medical ninja but I can hear heartbeats and smell things normal people cant even through this mask which filters out most poisons that you would breathe in. If I can help at all I would offer my services.. Officially instead of being a sneak about it."

He had still never moved from his spot, but it was easy enough to tell he was playing no tricks there. His eyes were a stark contrast to the rest of his body language and tone but while off putting would hopefully not be as unsettling. His eyes were always serial killer serious, burning a hole through whatever he looked at.  He was looking at each of the bodies in the room and tilted his head at a couple of them before he pointed at one of the ones that was furthest away from suika and closest to himelf. His arm didnt move but his fingers did to perform this point.

"That one didnt die from the strangulation marks on his neck..  There is a small Senbon wound behind his ear,, He wasn't taken out lightly, Thats a hard shot to hit.. " Tima's eyes drifted over to the one who in between that body and Suika before he inclined his head "That ones hands are more frozen than the rest of him.. So he more than likely was fighting with the one who looks strangled.. They were probably fighting over something when the one who did the poisoning found them.. I cant see the other side of his head from here but I would bet he also has a small wound behind the ear. If not, check the inner ear, They might have been off by an inch or so with the struggling between the pair. Would have killed them to separate the hands from the neck before they froze together."

He lifted up on his tip toes and scanned the room again before looking back over to suika giving her a nod before he looked at the paper he tossed to her and indicated it with an upturned nod before he took a single solitary step outward "Like I said.. I am Arantima..  You can find me by visiting my Shop, the Wind demons guild here in the village If I am not there.. Well They can message me easily enough. If you need any fuirther assistance from someone who is skilled at assassinations let me know." He Bolted. Not directly backward, that would be stupid.  He Ducked off to the right and out and up through a nearby high window.

Oh, right. The poison.  RlNMUAA

He Looks at the startled nurse taking her smoke break in the small alley he exited the window into and with a small wave he caught the wall with his Bare hand, his finger nails digging into the stone just deep enough to grab onto the wall so he can jump right off of it and land on the building nearby before he started to jump between the rooftops like a flash, moving off at speeds hard for ninja to achieve. He still could move yet faster if he saw someone getting too close for his comfort by activating his Enhancer but that wouldnt be needed for the moment he thought.

He Ran and ran and ran over the rooftops of sunagakura, Ducking down beneath the roofs and into alleyways and doubling back on himself in the case that anyone was stalking him. His armor made him easier to spot in a crowd but that wasnt his concern at all.. what was his concern was anyone following a scent trail or other trails he might leave that he wasnt seeing.. and crowds tended to destroy those. He perched on the walls surrounding the training grounds now and kept a weather eye out on the clear ground surrounding it.

He was not nervous, but he was wary and that always saved his ass.. He may be a neurotic teenager still but he was also a trained killer and that gave him some instincts that were good for this sort of moment, knowing how to disappear without needing to be vulnerable while you do so.. He let his breathing fall off from the heavy panting of physical exertion to a soft and gentle sound that would be hard for even someone with his heightened senses to hear.

He waited there for what felt like an hour before he did catch sight of someone who had been standing there.. watching him duck out into the shadows once more out of seeming boredom.. or an order that came in.. Arantima smirked under his mask, this trick always got to people.. Sitting still for far too long when he should still be running but never giving someone a chance to get close enough to attack him without being noticed.. Infuriating.. He knew exactly how they felt becuase this tactic used to work on him in the academy too but now it was a weapon and he just watched it land its mark.

He didnt slip down and move back into the Village however, He slipped down and Ran the wrong way into the training ground.. Becuase they hadnt moved back to leave they moved back to LOOK like they had left. That was that old lady, which was the worst of it.. That old grandma had found him and that was the part that made him run so hard right now.. What could she want with him? How had she sensed his presence.. or had she always known he was there?

When he hit the desert sands training area he stood there.. His eyes open and his senses all on edge. He stood there for awhile before he sat down and kept his eyes and ears and meager chakra senses peeled for anything that would follow him.. Which would be suicide for them unless they were highly skilled Ninja. He waited, and waited longer and longer until he had been there for an hour and there was no sign of anything or anyone coming for him now, which was a releif.. He had hoped that retreating even deeper into open ground would make him harder to approach.

He stood stiffly and began to make his way slowly back towards the spire, and his bedroom window.. He walked up the Marble surface of the wall and slipped into his room.. As he turned, he usually would leave his window open but tonight he would shut the window tight and Lock it shut with his most powerful Fuinjutsu lock so that not just anyone could get to him tonight.. They would have to be either skilled enough to infiltrate the Kazekages entire spire or they would have to be skilled at fuinjutsu breaking, either way if they were that good.. He would deserve the consequences.

He took off his armor and equipment, making sure to put them on their proper racks and stands before he slipped into his bed to get some rest after a rather hectic day out sneaking and hunting information down, hopefully he had helped.. even just a little. But that was up to fate afterall.. It was out of his hands for the time being and he wouldnt worry about it overlong.. he was already asleep and the sleeping didnt worry about anything that wasnt in their dreams, and his dreams were good tonight.

Oh, right. The poison.  RlNMUAA

2180/4200 Words

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 1446/1446

Vigor: 90 |  Chakra: 30 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 30 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters

Oh, right. The poison.  RlNMUAA


23000 Ryo and 80 AP for mission completion

Claiming 25% max stat discount instead of WC based AP

750 WC to learn Summoning Technique

375 WC to learn Storage displacement

750 WC to learn C rank of Immaterial Tools

750 WC to learn C rank of Water clone

750 to learn up to the C rank of Step on high ladder

750 to learn up to the C rank of Temporary Paralysis

Discarding 75 wc

Oh, right. The poison.  A9ZAf7m

Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Last Tower

Genjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

Oh, right. The poison.  Empty Re: Oh, right. The poison.

Sat Dec 25, 2021 10:17 am
Approved of claims
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Ryo : 0

Oh, right. The poison.  Empty Re: Oh, right. The poison.

Mon Dec 27, 2021 11:40 am

Oh, right. The poison. The poison for Kuzco,

Suika sat shocked, and confused at first; the man who entered began to speak proclaiming his name to be Arantima; a simple name, but blunt. This man would begin to speak; but he would hear no words back from the woman… Her eyes fixated on him; the anger rising… He had been shadow investigating this entire time; but only now decided to come forward with this information… She could feel the rage building up within her… As she would listen she would raise her right hand up towards her face; biting down on her thumb as she slipped her left hand under her right elbow… She sat; as he explained everything… She would not offer this man her name; nor would she stand or react to his leaving… She simply took the evidence and the information that came along with it… Her eyes returning to her work as he left through the window… She would find him; as he informed her how to locate him… Stupid, in her eyes… Giving such information that could easily get him killed. She would spend the next several hours concocting a cure; or what she hoped would be a cure for this menace of poison… She would lift her head; as two shinobi would enter; explaining to her that a noble had been attacked on the roads; and that it wasn’t safe to move him… She would have to go to him; he was still alive… But for how long? Only time could tell….

She would grab the tiny vile, the antidote she assumed she had made… It was the only hope… And the only one she had. She left her notes behind… As she took off running; she had to make it out past the borders; she needed to figure out who was doing this.

  • Health 300
  • Chakra 100
  • Vigor 100
  • Speed 90
  • Strength 10
AP 1270/1270

Total Post WC 302
Total WC 5110
Total WC Needed 4200/4200
  • 1800/1800
  • 2400/2400

Active Skills
  • Beloved Presence This skill gives me double the mission rewards, and double ryo.

Active Jutsu
  • None
  • Total AP subtracted is 0 AP

Post Information
The Pathologist:
The Pathologist:

The poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. That poison?
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Oh, right. The poison.  Empty Re: Oh, right. The poison.

Mon Dec 27, 2021 2:35 pm
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