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Spilling the Tea [Summit]

Gogyou Bushuugi
Mizuki Ohta
Travin Iburi
Ryouta Shinkou
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Spilling the Tea [Summit] Empty Spilling the Tea [Summit]

Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:00 pm
Ochatsu is a bustling city at night. The evening hours of the summit will not make the journey to the venue any less crowded, the jade city awash in lights and trees, the bay gleaming like a mirror. The streets swim with umbrellas as warm evening rain washes over the city. Night markets and theaters beckon under pagodas and palazzos. It may be tempting for the visitors to stay for a while, particularly if they have ever felt stifled by the old-fashionedness of most shinobi villages.

For the Third Mizukage, it isn't too different from the village she leads. It's obvious that this city has had more time to grow and find its footing in peace, maturing past the rapid growing pains Kirigakure has experienced. She hopes that it's a vision of her new home's future.

The summit is to be held in a tall hotel in the heart of the city, an elegant meeting room reserved for their use on the upper floors. The meeting is due to start in about an hour, though Murata has invited the visitors to feel free to arrive early to enjoy the amenities. Befitting the country graciously hosting them, they are to be provided world-class tea, as well as other various foods and accommodations. She suspects that it may be an unusual way for shinobi to be hosted, but who doesn't appreciate free food?

In lieu of the traditional pentagonal table, a round meeting table has been prepared for them, to accommodate for an unknown number of guards. The room is pleasantly furnished with overhead lights and looks out over the city. In the center of the table lies a paper seal that gently hums with chakra, obscuring the signatures of everybody within twenty meters, more than enough for the middling - though not at all cramped - size of the room.

Murata sits at the table and goes calmly over various notes, Travin not far away. Thankfully, the building is very well ventilated, otherwise she'd broil to death in her armor in the tropical evening. Even so, she only wears the bottom layer, leaving the woman clad in sleek black underneath a loose blue silk shirt tucked into black pants, 'helmet' of her armor hanging behind her head as a hood. The blue hat of the Mizukage sits on the table before her, waiting for its siblings to join it around the center, and Samehada is slung across the back of her chair. 

The smell of the room is pleasant, and hotel staff occasionally check in on Murata to see that everything is attended to. It's risky for a civillian city to host an event such as this, and Murata appreciates it greatly. Her own aversion to needless violence aside, it'd be best for her to try and avoid conflict purely not to jeopardize her burgeoning friendship with Tea.


Tea Seal active, placed at center of room.

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Spilling the Tea [Summit] Empty Re: Spilling the Tea [Summit]

Tue Nov 09, 2021 9:22 pm
The journey had been rather long and arduous with his current companion who had at some point relented on her endless complaining and poking at Ishimaru which allowed him some comfort of rest, but as the nighttime came above the carriage he would awaken to find the carriage coming into view of the town of Ochatsu. Ishimaru's amber eyes began to light with childlike hubris as he looked into the town itself, reminded of the nighttime of Konoha with its many bustling stalls and people enjoying themselves. It was also the first time that he saw a different look on Karruchi's face besides her resting bitch face. It was definitely a sight to take in and he wouldn't ruin it by saying anything to her. The carriage would slowly come to a stop as the rider instructed them that this would be as far as he could go and he would wait here until their business had concluded. Ishi would give him a thankful bow before returning his hands into his Kimono sleeves," Thank you sir. We appreciate all that you are doing for us. Come now Lady Karruchi we don't want to be late to the most important night of the village now do we?," she looked at him with a disgruntled look but would follow behind him, pushing her ANBU mask firmly onto her face to obscure her features. With the Hokage hat placed firmly on his head he would begin to traverse the bustling city with his ANBU operative in silence just taking in the sights of the world around him seeing many similarities of his own home. Much had changed in the world but it was the simple things like this that made him happy.

Within the cusps of his mind rang the voice of his other half, his Yuumei counterpart Nurai as if it had been while," Quite a beautiful place. Your home could be this if the cards are in our favor," the voice had not been wrong, but now wasn't the time for self-doubt and they both knew it. The walk from the gates toward the tall tower maybe went on for about thirty minutes as the duo stared at the doors. Karruchi had already activated her Byakugan underneath her mask, the woman being prepared for anything at the moment. She wouldn't say anything to her Kage yet because nothing stood out, but at the first chance something happen she would react. Walking in, he would be greeted by someone and shown where the meeting would be at. In silence the group would walk until both Hokage and Karruchi were lead to the door. Giving a polite bow, the black and white haired male would walk in and remove the hat from his head and look around to see two others, and when his eyes saw the hat he knew. Sitting his own hat in front of his chair and his sword to the right beside it he would give a small bow and speak firmly," Lady Mizukage. It is a pleasure to finally be able to meet you face to face. Was your travel without trouble?"

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Spilling the Tea [Summit] Empty Re: Spilling the Tea [Summit]

Wed Nov 10, 2021 11:28 am
Travin walked with Murata down the streets of Ochatsu the Jade city. He was amazed by all the stalls and vendors still out at night and how the city itself was lit up. It was like one of the fairs they had back in kiri, but due to whether they were not this robust. It was hard to keep flames lit in the mist without sitting stuff on fire. He kept his Seigan active they entire time they were walking down the streets and picked out a few chakra signatures that could belong to Shinobi, but nothing that was posing any threats to them. The path they took led them through the shopping district, or that's what Travin thought of it, anyway, as they had several shops selling different stuff from umbrellas to different types of tea. 

With his Rentei clan armor on and his hood pulled up due to the rain, Travin reached into his cloak and pulled out a small sack of money. Handing it to one of the merchants in exchange for a box of expensive tea bags, kettle full and hot with tea and a small cup of tea. With a quick motion, without ever stopping his stride, the kettle of tea and box of tea bags vanished into his cloak. He sipped the tea, enjoying the rich flavor as he walked through the streets next to Murata. Finishing his cup as they approached the tall building that their meeting was supposed to be taking place in. The now empty cup vanishing into his cloak as well before they walked into the building. 

Taking the elevator to the upper floors, Travin followed Murata into the room that the meeting was to be taking place. Murata sat down at the table in the middle of the room for the meeting. The table having a paper seal on it in the center. Travin made his way over to the table on the side of the building that held the food and the tea. There was a young lady standing beside it That offered to help him. “I’ll just take a cup of the tea” Travin told the lady as he grabbed one of the Sugared Flower Shortbread before grabbing his cup of tea. The shortbread would vanish into his cloak as he turned around. Not wanting to get powdered sugar on him before the meeting, he would eat it later. 

He would assume his position behind and to the right of Murata and would be drinking his tea when the door opened. His hood still pulled up over his head, casting a shadow on his face, making it hard to pick out any details other than the blue light rising up out of his eyes even while drinking his tea. Travin would stand until called upon or needed, enjoying his tea and listening to the conversation that would happen.


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Mizuki Ohta
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Spilling the Tea [Summit] Empty Re: Spilling the Tea [Summit]

Wed Nov 10, 2021 11:43 pm
The travel time was nothing to her, it passed by in a blur if she was honest - the cities, towns and villages all bled together into cohesive fabric as she made her way from the Wind Country to the Land of Tea. It had been nearly 30 years since she had ventured into this territory and she was eager to see how that time had progressed the nation. Having gotten through their gate with little to no interference, she was now wandering the streets with her hands held tightly behind her back - it had truly grown up to become a beautiful and bustling city center that was to be sure. Back alleys though, were always her bread and butter, and after a few moments she found the district that wasn’t as populated with people - the perfect setting for her summoning. She had indeed attempted to go to this meeting with the skin of her own body on the line but in the gaze of her own son… her one true soft spot in this life; nothing was to be denied him. 

Performing the six hand seals with one hand was done in a few seconds, all the while looking around her for any watchful eyes - and in a second more the puff of smoke that cleared held a slightly disheveled Souji Hyuuga. Her first words? “Remember my son, you wanted to be here.” The words were quickly followed by her abrupt movement back into the main area of the city - the bustle and noise of vendors slamming back into her ears, as the lights caused her eyes to constrict sharply, showing how deep the crimson had taken over the slivers of violet that surrounded her pupil - the Byakugan eye though had no issue. 

“We are in the Land Of Tea, specifically the city of Ochatsu where we are going to be meeting the new Mizukage and company for a friendly conversation based around the recent actions of Sunagakure in the name of Konoha revolution.”, her brisk pace was not slowed or halted in any manner as she continued her path through the bustling roads - weaving in and out of the ways of those who criss-crossed through the intersection. “The meeting is to be held in one of the top floors of an esteemed Hotel set to begin in about an hour and a half. I made sure to get here early to be able to summon you without cutting it too close… and I like to scope out the area for potential issues.” She had no reason to look back to ensure Souji was following her - the two seemed like an odd pair on sight but if she had to choose anyone to accompany her, it was him. Though every step she took closer to the building made her choice feel more and more like a foolish one. 

The staff upon their arrival in the lobby was more than accommodating and was of course expecting them - given the symbol on her hat. The ride in the elevator was uneventful, simply straightening her outfit and ensuring she was mentally prepared for the upcoming moments. A flash back to her hosted meeting flitting through her mind and was quickly squashed as she got a look at her reflection in the metal of the ascending box. Pale skin was now peeking out from a black and white kimono that was slit up the thigh - revealing her owl feather tattoos, the band across her ribs held the entire ensemble together but even with that the wide neck of the garment slid to her outer shoulders exposing more feather tattoos. Instead of having her hair hang loose it was pulled up into a tight bun and pinned with a kunai; all topped by the Kage hate showing off her Kazekage status. Exposed and tightly bound at the same time - a perfect explanation of her mental state. 

The doors slid open and she bowed her head in gratitude of the staff that accompanied them thus far - but ahead them down the hall was an open door way that could only be their final destination. 

Suddenly her hand reached back and caught Souji’s hand in hers, squeezing it with more intensity than her expression showed, “Souji… a lot has happened these past few weeks and I’m not… sound anymore. Stay close and help me keep myself in check… you are the last one who can keep me this way.” Cryptic as her words were, she expanded on them no further as she dropped his hand and clasped both of hers behind her back, walking down the hall until she entered the bright lit and adorned room. In it was a single familiar face and many more unfamiliar, though her eyes were still covered by the veil of the hat it was clear who she was to anyone who cared to glance up. 

The room was adorned with food and samples of wonderfully scented teas brewed to perfection - but her eyes were set on the woman that sat at the table with their guard standing behind them…. And that seal. Removing her hat from her head she too sat it on the table directly in front of the Mizukage hat and slid into the seat in front of the woman, her lips curling into a smile of pure delight. “We meet again I see. It seems you had time to set up precautions.”, Though her eyes - one pale white and the other a mix of crimson and violet refused to stray from Murata, her finger tapped onto the seal that sat intact in the center of the table - slowly a single nail grew out from the finger held to the seal as if to enunciate this point. “Impressive Mizukage, impressive.” 

Leaning back in her seat suddenly she threw her arms out in a majestic manner, gazing around the room with childlike wonder, “Kirigakure spares no expense, and I am honored to have received your invitation.” As she leaned back in her seat her eye caught onto the only other figures in the room, causing a smile to spread in earnest. “And whom the fuck might you be?” Her eyes glanced down to the hat resting on the table, and her smile widened even further before leaning forward, resting her elbows on the table - full attention on the man who was so formal it hurt to watch. “Could you be the re-re-re… re? Instated Hokage? Honestly it’s so hard to keep track since Wan and Ita were in such quick  succession.”  

She had ignored the woman who had at first attempted to offer her tea, and had turned her nose blind to the sweet smelling food that surrounded them - all she could focus on was the five heartbeats that pounded at interesting rhythms around her now. Crossing her right leg over left she settled back into her chair to stare down the Mizukage with curiosity. No hostility could be seen in her face, as there was none - “Are we all in attendance… or are we awaiting more? I could always look out for them if you were awaiting a formal beginning to our proceedings.” All she had to do was raise the eyebrow that sat above the Byakugan to get her meaning across.

wc 1213

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Spilling the Tea [Summit] Empty Re: Spilling the Tea [Summit]

Thu Nov 11, 2021 12:56 am
"Do you still have that kettle on you? Mind you don't spill it on my head," Murata warns Travin as he takes up his position behind her, leaning back in her chair to prod backwards at his chest to punctuate the point. Her Ninshu momentarily connects them, a familiar vista flashing across Travin's mind - Kirigakure, at night, shining all around the bay. It's then that Ishimaru walks in, and Murata looks to him from her languid posture, casually straightening up.

"Lord Hokage," Murata greets Ishimaru in turn, flashing the young man a pleasant smile and inclining her head in turn. Her immediate impression is that he reminds her of Koutaku - they are similar in age, and he speaks with an air of earnestness, though of course Murata cannot know whether to trust this yet. She greets his ANBU guard with a nod of acknowledgement as well. "It was a nice enough trip! The Konashi isn't too bad this time of year."

The seat is comfortable, the ambiance of the room seeming designed to ease the tensions the Kage will be carrying in with them. Murata's eyes wander to one of the small scrolls on the table before her - one of the two entrusted to her by the Second Mizukage, and the one that she had had no will to open. Is now a good time? It would certainly sour their cordial introduction, but if things were to go south, she'd hate to have to depart without giving it to Ishimaru.

"Here. I'd like to get this out of the way before we get started," she says, picking up the scroll and placing it delicately before the Hokage. "These are the remains of Tadashi Namikaze. He was a Konoha-nin killed at our gates after attempting to assault one of our ANBU. The body fell into my possession, so I thought it would be best to turn them over to you so he might be able to go home." Of course, she cannot reverse the Second claiming his eyes and a few of his organs, but she had the morgue in Kirigakure make his body presentable - glass eyes, and so on - in case the boy still has family in Konohagakure who would want to bury him.

It seems Murata had made good use of that time - the Kazekage arrives early, as well, with one eye matching her skin and the other matching her demeanor. It takes the Mizukage a moment to recognize her as the same woman she'd seen so briefly in Hoshigakure, prompted by the instant look of recognition in Mizuki's expression. In her defense, Murata looks much the same as she had before, whereas in Mizuki's case Murata has half a mind to ask if Hoshigakure drained her blood as well.

The Mizukage greets her gaze with dark, curious eyes, expression still muted from her words with Ishimaru. The hum of the seal subtly shifts in response to the Kazekage's touch. "I try," she responds mildly, unsure if she's being made fun of. "Glad to have you here, Lady Kazekage."

Murata sips her tea, allowing the Hokage to speak for himself on the manner of who exactly the fuck he is. It's her village at fault for Konohagakure running out of well-known shinobi, so she has no room to speak on the manner, instead simply enjoying her drink. Her heartbeat indicates somebody somewhat out of her element, but not overtaken with anxiety - a fully reasonable level of alertness, perhaps. Samehada stirs, a low rumbling coming from the blade, sensing these curious new presences - a fellow burning hunger, and a chakra cavernous like the deeps, reminding it of the abyss it had inhabited for long months. She meets the mismatched gaze of the Kazekage once more, setting down her drink.

"We'll wait for Kumogakure until our formal starting time comes, and then get started," she says. Murata leans forward to place her own finger on the seal, and its tone shifts once more. "Feel free to keep an eye out."

TWC 1144

1/5 Bond Counters, unless Travin evades the poke. :p

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Spilling the Tea [Summit] Empty Re: Spilling the Tea [Summit]

Thu Nov 11, 2021 2:33 am
Ishimaru had been delighted to hear that the Mizukage’s trip was good. Though he had been rather aloof at the moment his ANBU would clear her throat to assure the young Kage that he should keep his aloofness to himself. Waving a hand dismissively at the sour Hyuga he would remove the cloak he had been wearing and drape it over the chair he had been sitting in. As the cloak had been removed it would show more of the long black and white hair that had been obscured by his clothing. The mix of black and red that adorned his Kimono would be within the light for all to see as he got comfortable and looked around for a moment. The scroll caught his attention and as Murata spoke he would wear a more stern look as he took the scroll and looked at it. He sat in silence for a moment before Karruchi boldly spoke,” If you think giving us a dead body will do anything you are-,” her words would be cut off by a stare from the young Shinkou, his right eye glowing a mix of red and blue,” Hold your tongue Karruchi… you have no place to speak on the matter… stay in the shadows,” the two had a brief stare off before the ANBU operative fell silent and bowed.

Turning his head back to Murata, the eye would return back to normal and he give a slight sigh and slid the scroll into his Kimono sleeve,” Thank you for this. While the life of a Shinobi is fleeting I thank you for returning one of ours back to us so that he may rest with those who also displayed the will of fire. Forgive my guard she can be a bit… too passionate in her ambitions,” it wouldn’t help tensions if his guard would be so brazen as to pop off at the mouth but he had the advantage of being able to reign her in. The steps of another caught his attention as he looked behind the chair only slightly to see two more come in. He didn’t assume which Kage it would be but the Mizukage would soon answer that question for him. 

In honesty he had only met the first Kazekage during his brief time in Suna, just after his experience in the blood pits, but he had to say that this first impression of the Kazekage was… disappointing. He was prepare to introduce himself until hearing how the Kazekage boldly if not blatantly disregarded his role and made a jab all the same. Something he would expect from Karruchi for sure but none the less he would roll it off of his back and respond,” Who the fuck am I? A rather rude way to ask someone their name but I digress. I am Ishimaru Shinkou, The Ninth to hold the title of Hokage and the last for quite a long time. Now that we’ve exchanged pleasantries shall we get into why we are here.” Of course there was one other that was missing from this menagerie of Kage, the last to show which had been Kumamoto. As The Mizukage wanted to wait, Ishimaru would rest his head on the cool,metallic right hand and wait.

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Spilling the Tea [Summit] Empty Re: Spilling the Tea [Summit]

Thu Nov 11, 2021 3:44 pm
As the smog cleared away, the contour of her only son would materialize his flesh and blood. His closed left eye would gradually open to reveal his crystalline blue eyes — once violet. The two of them were mirror in complexion, porcelain in fairness of skin. Where Mizu’s hair was that of dusk at its darkest, Souji’s was that of dawn at it’s brightest. When his eyes set upon his mother, he was warmed-over with fond memories. His anxiety was nowhere to be found as he had faith in her. Her words would reach him, he would give her a subtle sigh and nod. He knew all too well that this was her way of trying to warn him of the possible dangers of this place. 

As she moved precipitously, so too did he. It was like second nature to him to move along her side with fluidity. He couldn’t discount the Crimson of her eye, he knew what that meant for her, she was close to the brink of her apex self. But as of now, he knew that she was in control of herself. Should she overstep her humanity, he was there to protect her from herself. Perhaps this was the true purpose for him to be there, to be with her. 

She gave Souji the honor of informing him of where they were and why they were there. To his surprise, they were going to meet with the ‘New’ Mizukage in hopes of speaking about Suna and Konoha’s revolt. “The new Mizukage, huh? I wonder if we ever saw them, or if they are any better than their predecessor.” Finding it perfectly easy to communicate with her while shifting and speeding through the bustling roads. “I see. Should something go down, Ogre will be pissed that he wasn’t invited. But, then again, this is above his depth, he’s more suited at nuking a village than discussing politics. I’ll keep my eye open and on everyone.” He would say, chakra rushed his system and coursed around his eye bulging his veins along his temples and under his eye and eyepatch. Everything was within his gaze, nothing beyond his glance. Souji was a prodigy when it came to his clan’s birthrights. 

The closer they got, the more Souji could tell that there was something…off with his mother. Her chakra looked the part, she seemed to be at war within herself. The white flames of wisps would flicker about his head as he analyzed. He understood that inner conflict all to well, he still wars with his own inner demon that seeks to eclipse him. Once they were at the lobby, Souji would close his eye — his vision was still true as he could see through the lid of his eye. The Byakugan was unique in this aspect, wish is why it never missed. The red marking under his eyes as decor due to his metamorphosis would add color to his pale face. He would follow his mother to a foot while watching unbeknownst to everyone everything around me. 

On the elevator, Souji stood with his hands within his pockets. Donned in black, crimson and gold. White and silver hair, one golden sun emblem earring on his left ear that hung to his shoulder, black eyepatch with golden eye on it over his left eye. A black short-sleeve shirt with crimson design, his right arm completely tattooed with a name in kanji that covers a space that says Sarutobi - - something. A black sash that has silk golden highlights. Black pants and shinobi boots. His weapon pouch on his lower back. He noticed his mother catching a glance of herself. Perhaps this was a empowering thing, or a cry for help? He couldn’t really make heads or tails of it.

As the doors slid open, he would noticed his mother bowing her head to the staff, Souji did not give them the same respect. He merely scuffed and pressed forward. His hair shielding his left side of his face complete to hide his closed eye and the veins pumping. While his right side of his face shown his eyepatch. 

As her hand grabbed hold of his, Souji acknowledged it, he did not say a word as he figured as much. There wasn’t much to say in this regard. Because his better judgment was telling him to take her from this place, but he wouldn’t dare dishonor her in that way. She wasn’t doing this for her own gain, but the gain of her people. He respected that. “Calm yourself, mother. I’m here with you. There is no such change that will paint you dreadfully in my eyes, remember that. You are the mother of Souji Ohta. Savior of Souji Hyuuga. My lord and Kazekage. Steel your wondering thoughts and let’s be on our way with this meeting you were so eager to join without me. Hahah.” He would smile, gripping her hand back as he reassured her. 

Upon entering the room Souji stayed at his mother’s side, not like a child, but like a guard. Giving her 3 meters of room from him as he tailed behind her. He would notice before hitting the room everyone within and everyone hidden if they were. There was an odd sensation coming from the center of the room. But not so much so that Souji’s Byakugan couldn’t see through it. He thought to himself that this was some impressive seal to trip up Sensory types, which would be a problem for his mother — but, since she inherited his right eye, she would see beyond such a trick with no problem. 

Souji would station himself behind her, no need for him to take a seat if he was there to guard her. He never fancied letting his guard down in the company of strangers. Not then, and not now. 

[WC: 978]

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Spilling the Tea [Summit] Empty Re: Spilling the Tea [Summit]

Sun Nov 14, 2021 1:53 am
The Mizukage's polite acceptance of her presence and acknowledgement of the seal’s earnest compliment was overlooked by interesting words spoken by the only other member in the room who wasn’t tasked with guarding, he said his name name but… His words hit her ears, though they didn’t resonate the way they may have been intended - as she had begun to settle in her seat they reached her, and it truly took a great deal of effort not to scoff aloud. “You misunderstood me, I wasn’t asking your name. You may be the ninth but if track record holds I shall live to meet the 12th as well. I won’t ask for forgiveness of rudeness as your village has shown me nothing but that for many months now. I will, however, say I am sorry you are the one to catch the brunt of it today.” With that side comment out of the way she was full attention on the new Mizukage who was just setting the tea cup down with ginger movements so as to not cause any unnecessary clinking of porcelain. 

As she focused in on the woman she met so many months ago her heartbeat became louder in her ears - Fast paced and anxiety riddled to unfamiliar ears, but she recognized an admirable control to it that demonstrated a sense of understanding and awareness; nothing close to cockiness like the previous Mizukage’s calm beat of certainty. Even in contrast to the 9th Hokage’s - which was still pounding in her peripheral from adrenaline, most likely due to the accusatory nature of her words. If she was honest, she was surprised to hear permission be granted, she wasn’t some mongrel who would openly use a kekkei genkai of this nature without expressed acceptance of course - but it was truly invigorating to activate it nonetheless. Her smile morphed into an excited expression, where she couldn’t help but bite her bottom lip to contain the encroaching expression to a muted version. In an instant the eye was activated and she was staring at the Mizukage as well as everything around her within a mile. The smallest laugh escaped her as she turned her eyes around the room, getting further comfortable in her seat - it seemed she was the only one in attendance who was able to let go of formalities in an interim situation. 

“Kumogakure… Kumo..”, as her attentive gaze drifted from the people in the room she turned to full look at Souji - who stood behind her as motionless as a statue - the sight of him alone gave her a breath of sanity she seemed to be running low on. Eyebrows furrowing slightly at his stoic position as the moment really sank in again - he was here to ensure nothing happened… to anyone. The moment of relief was brief but she kept her eyes roaming the room - Byakugan seeing far past any vision she had ever had while her birth eye grazed the tables curiously. Suddenly standing, her form was at a table on the other side of the room without a moment's pass - no need to hide her speed here for what did it matter? As her slender pale fingers brushed the cloth that adorned each table she continued her thought, “Last I recall of them was a very charismatic Kage and an extremely shrouded body guard.”

Her eyes caught on something that looked close to a delicacy she found back home, though it smelled nothing near what it should, it lacked a specific iron smell to it; regardless of presentation they weren’t doing the dish justice. Pulling her hand back from the table and straightening up as her hands clasped neatly behind her back - she spoke to the staff set to attend them - her tone was far sweeter and gentler than anything she had presented to the two kage. “Would you by chance have anything more enriched with iron would you?” Turning her eyes on the poor girl nearly gave her a heart attack - her pulse quicken so fast she was sure she could see a vein poke out in her neck. “I’ll pay extra of course, my diet isn’t exactly something that is featured on menus now a days-”, as the attendant stared her down with eyes as big as the tea saucers she served upon a gentle pale hand reached out and grabbed her forearm. “If you would do be the honor of going down to the kitchen and asking them to procure a chocolate blood mouse well.. I’ll pay for every ounce of wasted food from this event from my own pocket… please as a favor to our guests?” The last bit was more telling than it seemed - maybe she was just trying to spread the special request out as a ‘group’ request, but Souji would know the full meaning of it all. 

The girl bowed her head slightly, murmuring her acceptance of the task to the best of her ability, before running out of the room - leaving Mizu’s hand to fall back to her side; all the while she watched her descent down to fulfill her request. She stood, stock still for a few moments - far stiller than anyone should be able to - before her head finally animated to turn back to look at the table she had abandoned minutes before - “Fantastic accommodation Lady Mizukage, truly, though I highly doubt my request will be able to be filled it is so refreshing to see such diligence now a days.” Moving closer to the table she grabbed the back of her chair and leaned over it - allowing her chin to rest on her arms that were folded over the top. “Kumogakure… holding up all the fun. Why did you invite them again?” Though her face was pointed toward the wall to the left of Murata’s gaze - her mismatched eyes found hers in an instant - holding her gaze as she asked her question.

WC 985

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Spilling the Tea [Summit] Empty Re: Spilling the Tea [Summit]

Sun Nov 14, 2021 4:39 pm
A deep breath, heavy footsteps as they finally touched ground. Thanking the man responsible for safely bringing them to the Land of Tea he stared into the distance, heart beating faster knowing what was to come. "Let's go". His distorted voice called out to the Storm Operative, both men dressed in their Darkened Skies Mk II armor, faces remained hidden underneath the masks. On their way to the city going by the name of Ochatsu the blacksmith's son would remind Satoru about his task. "Remain calm and collected, careful but confident. Remember, we are Kumogakure". Assuming Kaito had done most of the explaining Ichigo simply continued ahead, soon arriving at the aforementioned destination.

Minutes would pass when both men arrived at the city, the Drunk taking in his surroundings as he looked around. Night slowly fell over Ochatsu, a sign no more time should be wasted admiring the view and they should start heading towards where the meeting was going to take place. "I believe the hotel is that way" he voiced, curious about the differences between Tea and Lightning. After some time which was spent walking the Deputy and Storm Operative finally found their way, standing in front of the fine looking establishment where discussion would be taking place. "Follow behind and keep an eye out for anything suspicious" he whispered to Satoru before setting foot in the building.

Entering the hotel they were immediately greeted by the staff present, a pleasant welcome followed by being asked about their reason for visiting. "Kumogakure delegation, here to mediate the meeting between the Kage of Kirigakure, Konohagakure and Sunagakure". That being said Ichigo followed behind, a member of the crew leading them to the upper floor where village matters were going to be discussed. "Stay close to me, I'm sure the other guards will do the same" he addressed Satoru now that the pair still had some time to speak between themselves. Ichigo knew that once the summit was on its way it would be a while before both men could talk to each other again. "Wish me luck", standing in front of the door the Deputy would make his debut.

Entering the room he noticed a strange atmosphere, certain tensions between some of the parties that had gathered. "Lords and Ladies" his voice as heavy as the mood hanging around. Ichigo removed the mask, revealing the scars and tattoos across his face. "I hope we're not late to the par-tea?". A little joke to get things started, why the hell not. 

(WC: 421)

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Spilling the Tea [Summit] Empty Re: Spilling the Tea [Summit]

Mon Nov 15, 2021 2:41 pm
"I wouldn't expect it to," Murata replies to Karruchi's outburst, for a moment visibly surprised to get such a reaction from behind an ANBU mask. Kirigakure's ANBU have always been extremely disciplined, but she has not yet seen one under this kind of pressure, so she cannot judge. Such stringent repression of emotion is questionable anyhow, so besides looking a little taken aback, Murata's response holds no contempt for either guard or Kage. "It's for the kid's sake." Her eyes wander back to the scroll, Ishimaru's words inviting a nod of understanding from the Mizukage.

The barbs traded between the Kazekage and Hokage are interesting. Were they not allies? Mizuki makes no secret of why she is irritated, and Murata digests this information quietly. How many friends does Konohagakure have in the world now? Soon, the Kazekage's attention is back on her, and she returns it. 

The unbidden excitement in the Kazekage's expression is greeted with mild curiosity in Murata's. That eye must be new. Being under the gaze of the Byakugan always makes her feel a little bit naked, but she's used to it by now. She glances to the Kazekage's guard, both eyes conspicuously covered, gaze lingering on him for a moment before returning to Mizuki, who rises suddenly from the table and puts in a special request to the kitchens.

"If anybody else would like anything, feel free to ask the staff," Murata says, beginning to consider that Mizuki may be a literal vampire. Interesting. The ghost stories of her childhood continue to be proven true. From the phrasing of Mizuki's request, they'll likely bring up enough mousse for everyone, and Murata is content enough to try the dish. "Our lovely Kazekage has an eye on the kitchens, so you can all rest easy that nothing will be tampered with."

As to why Kumogakure was invited, well...

"I thought conversation might get heated or derailed, so I took the liberty of inviting a neutral party!" she says pleasantly. "From what I heard of the previous summit, it was... unproductive at best. Oh! Speak of the devil." Murata turns to wave in greeting to the Kumogakure delegation as they step in. 

Murata snorts at their mediator's terrible joke, appraising the man. Samehada makes a sudden noise at the sight of the Kumogakure delegation, a low groooooowl coming from it, spines flexing under its wrappings. "You're right on time - behave," Murata half-turns mid-sentence to put a hand on the sword, as though chiding a misbehaving pet. Samehada settles. "Sorry. This thing is about as friendly as its prior owner."

Once everyone is seated, Murata speaks again.

"I've let our mediator know everything I plan to bring up. Please know that he only has the information that I was able to provide, of course, and his job is to keep us to the facts and help us come to agreement," she says. A letter had awaited Ichigo upon his arrival, filling him in on the itinerary - Murata is to ask about Fu, seek an explanation and reparation for Sunagakure's attack on the Second Mizukage, and see if she can find acceptable terms with Ishimaru for the freedom of Konohagakure. If the others have anything to discuss, they will have time to do so. The first item will not involve much conflict, in theory, so Murata takes the liberty of continuing to it, and the purpose of the seal will be explained before they move to the second item.

"To begin with. During the Chuunin Exams, Hoshigakure took two genin into custody for receiving transplants from a missing-nin, Stein, hosted by their village," she says. "...a missing-nin who went on to proctor for them afterwards, I believe. These genin were Kita Hajime and Fu, of Kirigakure and Konohagakure respectively. We have been able to recover Kita, but were unable to negotiate the release of Fu. Have any of you heard news of her?"

TWC 1796

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