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Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

{Training|Social} Don't make me Regret  this... Empty Re: {Training|Social} Don't make me Regret this...

Sat Nov 13, 2021 11:13 am
Hafuma looked into his room mirror, tilting his head left and right, observing his new frame. His father had wondered if Hafuma was a runt but it seemed that wasn't the case, the mirror reflecting a much different Hafuma then the one that entered the village just a month prior. His skinny frame no longer, not exactly a walking muscle head either but his skin stuck closely to his inner muscles giving him a vague image of a six pack forming, lean was the better method to define his look, he was definitely not the average shrimp. 

Looking at himself long enough Hafuma dressed in boxers still, turned to his new outfit, the clothes he came with all but torn and shredded from his training leaving him to buy a light weighted body suit in black specially made to add a face covering, his hair a bit long as well and he noticed he grew a inch or two. Dressed for the day now Hafuma already knew what he was going to do.

Walking towards the door Hafuma took a deep breath and exhaled as he exited his home, the military training facility was a godsend as his training their with some of the more distinguished Shinobi and those like him had open his eyes beyond words, they showed him how much he still lacked and his times out as a missing shinobi had taught him knowing your weakness is better than being ignorant to it, but not choosing to iron it out was a fool's death so Hafuma had spent his time doing just that to avoid an early death.

Hafuma made his way to the facility via rooftops of the village, he had additionally realized his body could not process the accurate flow of chakra due to his physical conditioning and stamina and that barred him from being able to learn a certain amount of jutsu, another weakness. Correcting that Hafuma made a workout routine consisting of a certain kick and punches to train his muscles and then running for cardio. Hafuma is much faster than before and stronger as well so he enjoyed the high speed scene of the village as he passed by.

Getting closer to the training facility, Hafuma knew there were always people around, so this was a good chance to try out his clans special eye technique, his dad if nothing else had spent many nights describing it to him as his mother used the ability, his eyes would change he would be able to see a world locked from him but he didn't know what that meant until recently.

Eyes closing Hafuma chakra coursed through him and to his eyes, opening them his pupils became slitted, dull emeralds lightning up with a shiny emerald like color, black spots forming around his pupils as Hafuma breath was taken once more. He saw the world around him but also other things, arriving at the gates and landing he could see a rainbow of colors up ahead, his father describing different elements as colors made sense now. Looking down at his own hands Hafuma saw a course of  deep brown coloring, he supposed that reflected he's earth nature chakra.

Gripping his fists Hafuma clumsily didn't notice someone was standing at the gate beside him while he was preoccupied, Hafuma seeing this person's chakra had a red coloring to it, fire perhaps? Interesting. "Hey there stranger" Hafuma said as his eyes returned back to a dusty emerald color, black spots fading and pupils rounding out. "Good day for training isn't it?" Hafuma said as he began to walk into the building to begin another day of intense training. 


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Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

{Training|Social} Don't make me Regret  this... Empty Re: {Training|Social} Don't make me Regret this...

Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:25 pm
Running towards the gate Hafuma saw a figure from afar, their back turned to the gate as they watched him approach since he made no attempt to conceal his Identity as he didn't imagine someone would attack him in the village. Having already activated his clans dojutsu, DracoSight Hafuma saw this figure as a flowing red sea of chakra, fire natured, interesting. Having looked at his own chakra nature just moments ago Hafuma knew that their nature's were pretty eventually matched, a destructive nature vs a strong offensive and defensive nature, Hafuma hoped someone like that would fight him. 

Closing in on the facility and the figure Hafuma deactivated his eyes as he passed them, a basic introduction as he passed by them unknown to the boy's actions as his hands were underneath his coat. The boy didn't respond immediately so Hafuma kept walking into the facility as he planned but then the bot answered asking for help, "No thanks I have a lot of training to do." (Since Gael didn't answer right away Hafuma had no reason to stop and continued his walk into the facility putting his back to Gael and the request is denied failing Gael Genjutsu since Hafuma never looked at him) Hafuma waved him off by lifting his hand making a fanning motion as he entered the facility, perhaps if Hafuma was getting paid he would help but just for the sake of helping? Nah, he wasn't that friendly and he wasn't that strong himself to help someone out.

Walking through the facility halls Hafuma traveled through the area wondering what type of training would do good for him today, training his hand to hand combat with his weapons, wandering the library to learn a new technique, he wondered what he wanted to do but then as he was passing a hall he witnessed a random Shinobi with his clone, both about nine meters apart weaving different hand signs, Hafuma instantly thought they were casting different jutsu of the same type but he was wrong as one formed electricity around their hand and the other erected a wall of solid rock, electricity piercing it but unable to spread. 'That, I want to learn how to do that next!' Hafuma thought to himself as he continued walking to the forest area of the training facility Hafuma found a nice 60 meter diameter field of cleared grass that he could use as his training spot for the day, he was going to make sure to remember the spot as he began simple stretching exercises before getting fully underway.

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

{Training|Social} Don't make me Regret  this... Empty Re: {Training|Social} Don't make me Regret this...

Thu Dec 09, 2021 12:22 am
It was a new day for Zeal. He was still sleepy but alas. He needed to get going. Today he was going to go get some type of training done. It was a now or never type of moment for him. He was going to come of this semi retirement. It was a form of half stepping his ninja career. But that was because he truly was not in the best state if mind. He was still having nightmares and what not. But he needed to overcome them. Which was easier said then done. But he is still thankful that Akila is doing well. He just hope his other siblings are doing well. These are the things that are going on in his head at this very moment. As he finished putting on his ninja gear. He would look on and see where his sister was. As he peeped on into her room.

He would see that she is sound a sleep. That was good. Now all he had to do is get going to the training field. Which he did as he made his way there. He would be unwinding his hands and other body parts. To get ready to go out and get some training done. One could hope he still had it in him to go crazy with his might. But then again, there was a reason he could not do such a thing. As he himself was laying low key. But how could he do that when Zumi was no more.


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Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Clanless
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 78550

{Training|Social} Don't make me Regret  this... Empty Re: {Training|Social} Don't make me Regret this...

Sat Dec 11, 2021 1:58 am
Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
Stat Page : Hafuma Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

{Training|Social} Don't make me Regret  this... Empty Re: {Training|Social} Don't make me Regret this...

Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:25 pm

A Pendragon must have patience
My eyes are bound by truth

Finding a sixty meter circular field of cleared green gas Hafuma began his training for the day. Starting off Hafuma stretched both arms out, counting up to five, then retracting them but then again for another ten seconds, continuing he moved his arms in swirls but never let them drop any lower as he took a deep slow breath then took a deep breath out as he relaxed his arms. Moving on Hafuma began stretching his legs, his hands on his hips as he kept one leg straight as he bent the other one down, back leg tilting as he lowered himself to the ground but then rose back up and then switched to his other leg to repeat the process. 

Feeling much lighter and less tense, Hafuma decided to get to exercising right away. Having spent a month in the village Hafuma realized something, as far as some of his fellow Shinobi we're concerned he didn't have any outstanding ability, his eyes were special but not necessarily any big advantage not at least any he could make use of yet so only time would tell he supposed. Dropping to all fours Hafuma began doing push ups, one then two, he kept going until fifty. Starting from the fifty push ups Hafuma began to pick up the pace doing several pushups in a quick session, every fifth push up he brought his hands together to weave one hand sign starting from Tiger, ten more, Horse and then another fifteen more he finished it with the Ram hand sign, a cloud of smoke appearing over him as a clone manifested sitting cross leg on top of him near his upper body as additional weight, making his way back up that more difficult. 

But Hafuma persisted even with his clone on top of him resetting and trying to another rep of fifty, at this point some amount of sweat building around his hairline and rolling down his head to his neckline dripping off onto a blade of grass, slithering further into the ground. This time weaving the same tiger, hors and Ram hand sign but this time after every eleven push up, this clone manifesting on the lower half making him extremely heavy, his Newly developed muscles struggling as he had to focus his muscles to keep himself up, more sweat dripping as he grunted in frustration as he felt like he was about to fall down. Hafuma taking a few moments to reposition his fingers to add more pressure to to the ground and shifting it off him, unlike before each push slow and strenuous as Hafuma finished off with a last round of hundred pushups before dropping to the ground. 

"Well that was fun" his first clone said, "Shut up.." Hafuma said as he was drenched with sweat and taking a breath, "Sorry Mr.Grumpy, let us know when you're ready.." His clones got off him as he sat up and took a breath, letting the wind blow past him as he felt serene. "Okay, let's continue" "With what?" Both his clones answered , "Hand to Hand" ,"Why do we even do that, you're a weapon fighter.." Hafuma thought on that for a good second but he had a answer he was satisfied with, "Good body and muscle control helps with wielding any weapon and a weapon in of itself is the extension of the users body so it goes without saying one should probably train their physical ability to handle a fight, relying too much on a weapon night cause incompetence, now get up

"Ugh, just so you know it's fucked up that your using us to train yourself but more so you have the intent to evade us and then find a way to counter take down us, brute!" Clone one said, "Yeah, have mercy!" The secondary clone chimed clearly just not wanting to be destroyed. " No can do boys, but guess what lets up your chances shall we? Hafuma said removing the two sheathed tanto blades he hid in his clothing tossing one separate one to each clone, "You guys can use these to defend yourselves and I also permit Ninjutsu use although if you do that and run out of chakra your make yourself disappear. Not that you have a choice since I can dispel you immediately." Hafuma spoke as he dropped into a stance, separating his right foot from his left about a two inches as his hips turned to his clones, the two flinching as they unsheathed the weapons apprehensively 

"Fine, if I'm going out I'm going out giving you a few cuts" The earlier secondary passive clone said as he ran to Hafuma, his speed equal to his own making  him quite fast as he charged him with a vertical swing using the tip of the blade as the driving force, Hafuma pushing his left foot off the ground hard leaping back just a half  a meter from the edge of the blade, landing he bent his knees as he pounced right back while ducking down, hips spinning as he continued his motion with his right leg sweeping out knocking his clones front foot away from them.

But before he could do anything the other clone threw the tanto directly at his face catching it at the corner of his eye, Immediately Hafuma closed the gap between him and the initial clone, sliding close to their chest, landing a jab right into their stomach but then his arm reached up grabbing the hand holding the Tanto as Hafuma used his grip strength to move the clones hands awkwardly back using the tantos flat side to block the tip of the thrown tanto, deflecting it as Hafuma then used his free hand to push into the clones stomach grabbing it and then shoving his full weight into the clone as he flipped them over, right leg raising as he smashed his foot into the clones jaw causing them to disappear into a cloud of smoke, as Hafuma reclaimed one of his Tanto. 

Second clone coming in with a left hook, Hafuma raising hid Tanto, spinning it around in his hand to point the tip of the nose back up thrusting it up to allow him to block the hook with the flat side, Hafuma placing his left foot onto the clone as he turned to them and then from that point kicked up kicking the clone in the jaw and then.. the finisher. Hafuma pressing his feet into the ground as he burst forward doing a wide horizontal slash cutting the clone as it then disappeared into a burst of white smoke as Hafuma reclaimed both Tantos again, each clone demise at his hand reflected to him as valuable data on how to avoid and counter, "Thanks" Hafuma said to his deceased clones.

  • Health 300
  • Chakra 52
  • Vigor 55
  • Speed 100(+25)
  • Reflex Speed +30
  • Strength 53
  • Attack Damage 25
  • Lifting Limit 315 Kilograms (694 lbs)
  • Jumping Distance/Height 89 Meters
  • Weapon Damage(Sharp) 63

Total Post WC 1,202

Total WC 2,202
Total WC Needed N/A
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  • Shadow Clone Jutsu (B-rank)
  • Total AP subtracted is 30 AP

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