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Private training: Make the new kid Bleed! (I/O) Empty Private training: Make the new kid Bleed! (I/O)

Sun Aug 08, 2021 7:26 pm
Arantima had been invited to come to the 10th Training ground, which was normally off limits unless you were the Kage or a master ranked Ninja. He woke up from his room within Mizu's home and rolled around in his bed a bit in the morning needing to wake up but not wanting to leave the comfortable soft embrace of his bed. He sat up finally and ran a hand through his hair which was growing rapidly, already at around shoulder length as he ran his clawed nails through it as a makeshift brush. He lets out a gust f breath from his lungs, half a sigh half an exasperated huff as he turns to set his feet on the floor, he stands with a groan and a vague sound of complaint as he trudges over to the vanity and washes his face.

He stares into the mirrored steel vanity and messes with his hair a bit, trying to get a good look out of it but it was still growing, and so it was not going to cooperate. He tried to get it somewhat presentable which he was successful at but it as still messy. He looked around the room for a moment and tried to decide what exactly he would want to bring with him, He wasnt sure what he would need so he packed his scrolls, he packed his Weapons along and then he scurried off out of the window as he always did and Rushed his way off towards the training grounds.

Along the way he Wondered if he should show her the new jutsu he had learned.. And he wondered about it for a short while before he actually came about and was looking at the entrance to the training grounds. He made his way out towards the 10th training ground and was met with several security checks on his way and gave his name to each checkpoint and after a moment he was allowed through. His Nerves were not really high at all, mostly he was just curious as to what he was going to learn from Mizuki today.

She was the Kazekage and that meant she was powerful.. he had watched her literally move through a solid floor/ceiling and had wondered if that was going to be something that she could teach him.. He hadnt seen her use weapons so obviously she wasnt going to teach him any Weaponry Techniques, but then again he didnt know much about her. He would take this as a chance to maybe get to know something more about her, if he had the chance of course. His Nerves twinged a bit when he got to the entry gates to the 10th training ground and as he entered the grounds his steps immediately went silent as he activated his Silent footsteps jutsu.

The only sound that would cause his arrival to be sensed would be his soft breath or his scent, which was kind of like petrichor. He stepped slowly, Though still faster than most academy students could move at a full run he was much slower than his natural speed but silent as the grave in his movements. He was almost twitching with anticipation as he moved along, trying to sense anyone in the grounds that he could while he searched for Mizuki. To say that he was excited for what he could be learning today was an understatement in the least and a gross misrepresentation in reality.

When he got to the center of the Grounds he took a moment to kneel and close his eyes, breathing as softly as he could almost taking on the aspect of a dead person with breathing so light it was almost not there. His heart beat was non existent ever since his transformation into the Kyuketsuki that he was now, so it was only his scent which would give him away. He smelled like a fresh rain, the scent of Petrichor as it was called, The unique scent of fresh rain in the air that would not be something common in the training arena.

He was armed, his Twin demon lance sitting crossed his lap as he seemed to be meditating until he was met by Mizuki and told what he would be practicing today. He had set out infront of himself Three Kunai and Three Shuriken behind himself with the points of his Sword staff making Eight points in his small meditation circle, whatever if any purpose it held was inconsequential to the moment.

757/757 WC
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Private training: Make the new kid Bleed! (I/O) Empty Re: Private training: Make the new kid Bleed! (I/O)

Wed Aug 25, 2021 10:39 pm
Lavender and owl feathers - that was the scent that would waft into his nostrils as she emerged a meter in front of him; using Mayfly in this manner was odd to her as used this jutsu in a more offensive surprise way. This was different, as she merged with the earth and her body formed, her hand would reach out and grab one of the laid out shuriken examining it in her hand as she rose to her full height. “Mediocre weapons against us… drawing blood is everyone's goal until you are up against a Kyuketsuki, no one seems to grasp that though.” Dropping the tool to the ground she would turn from him, her face now facing the river that split the training ground - her mind drifting to her battle with Kenshin in these same grounds not 6 months previous. 

She was dressed as usual - Shorts, bodysuit and caped shawl - but her body language and demeanor seemed less inviting from the last time; and her eyes were less kind. Perhaps it was due to her standing in front of a clan subordinate or simply she was reverting to her true persona - who was to tell. She oozed hate but it was indirect, more like an aura if ever perceived. Staring at the river she would continue to speak, “You have so much to learn in such a short time… what is it I can help with?”
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Private training: Make the new kid Bleed! (I/O) Empty Re: Private training: Make the new kid Bleed! (I/O)

Thu Aug 26, 2021 12:57 am
Arantima kept his eyes close as he smelled her scent enter his nostrils, Lavender and a scent unfamiliar to him assaulted his heightened sense of smell and as it did his nostrils flared as he took another deep heady huff of that intoxicating aroma, like the one he had smelled when she had awoken his blood. He listened silently still as she moved about and told him of the dangers of making a kyuketsuki bleed and he tilted his head in curiosity at that statement.. He had heard her say something along those lines before and he had noted that his blood did flow differently now that he was fully awakened to his bloodline.

He was caught off guard by the question but he understood it a moment after as he thought on it, and without opening his eyes he let out a soft sighing breath "I do.. Far too much to learn.. But there is so little for me to learn readily, I keep having to scour archives and find old scrolls with techniques that were forgotten.. So I was hoping that you could teach me some things about the Kyuketsuki.. Like why is it dangerous to cut us? I bleed, just like any regular person.. But you make it seem dangerous to do that, why? I would Also, like to show you what I have learned so far and see if I have been progressing fast enough for one of your Clan members.. It is my duty to make you Proud MIzuki-Sama. It is my Pride to impress you." He never opened his eyes but he was facing her as best he could, having only had her voice to work off of.

He was very proper, and more than polite but above all there was a respect in his voice for her and a desire to do well. He quickly formed Dog > Snake > Ram > Ox and with a small dust devil all of his shuriken and Kunai disappeared from the ground, leaving only his Swordstaff. He Stood and bowed his head low, holding his hands out, his left hand balled into a fist and his right hand open palmed at an angle in a sign of respect for a Sensei, his swordstaff balanced in the crooks of his elbows.

"I understand that you are the Kage and you are very busy.. But please teach me of our clan.. Guide me so I can become strong. So I may make you proud.." He still has yet to open his eyes but he was not trembling, not even in the presence of this woman who drove his blood to boil and his breath to become ragged and short.. Whom the very scent of sent his mind awash with thoughts and feelings he had no way to place. He stayed like that for a long moment before he Straightened up, His eyes open now, hardened but hopeful and not threatening.

He flicked his elbows up and sent the staff only a few inches into the air but with a speed that was nearly inhuman he grabbed the staff and separated it. The Cable between the Halves spooling out to its full length as he threw one of the nearly meter long blades in a straight line to his left and pulled it back with his other hand which was still holding one of the halves, catching the handle of the blade that was rocketing through the air as it came back to him.  He held the cable a short length from the base of the handles and began to Florentine the twin blades in different patterns.

He Kept his eyes locked with Mizu's the entire time as with every change in pattern or motion he let out a small breath with the exertion. He Finally Re-linked the two halves and with that he held the sword-staff to his side like a spearman would hold his weapon at the ready. Had the Drill been over the top, yes but had he felt like he needed to impress her.. Also yes. He was not even breathing heavily yet, though his chest was rising and falling as he watched Mizu for any sort of reaction before speaking again.

"I.. Am not some master with Ninjutsu.. nor with seals though they interest me. I am a Weapons Master, and that means I am going to have a hard road ahead of me. but I want to learn to use Water style Jutsu.. I want to work with a few more Bukijutsu to make sure I am strong enough to be acknowledged.. By everyone."

768/1525 WC
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Ryo : 330650

Private training: Make the new kid Bleed! (I/O) Empty Re: Private training: Make the new kid Bleed! (I/O)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:14 am
She would listen with interested eyes, his struggle to maintain control as he spoke was something interesting to see... had she been that green at his age? She figured she must have been they all started somewhere. His requests for information and training given his role as a weapons user was interesting to say the least and had she had more time to give to him in that moment she would indeed do her best to do so... unfortunately during the moments he was speaking the voice of Pakuun was raging in her head that she had a very important letter waiting for her at her desk from the village of Kirigakure. Setting her jaw for a moment she decided to do what she could in the limited time she had. "While I am busy, I can show you a little something I have developed that should at least give you a taste of what Water ninjutsu and what our clan can do. For more in-depth training and information I would rather I take you to our history - perhaps a day trip to the Kyuketsuki Tomb would do you some good. For now however..." With her next actions she would teach him the basics of Water Ninjutsu and show him the basics of Blood Ninjutsu.

With that she purposely slowed down her hands to form the Rain Tiger at Will -  Bird > Rat > Ox > Monkey > Rat > > Dragon > Ox > Snake. Above them in what was once a clear warm day - Dark rainclouds coalesced high above them in the sky reaching 50 meters around her and growing at a worrying speed. As soon as the clouds finished forming, torrential rain begins to pour within the technique's range. "Water comes with the mind set of fluidity, free form harnessed but rain is the first experience I wanted to show you, its everywhere and if left to swell can drown an area.... but when combined with the Kyuketsuki." The smile she gave was more reminiscent of who she was to become in later days but only a shadow of Hiromasa. The red in her eyes pulsed and spread a bit shoving the violet back further away from the pupil as the rain shifting from pure water to thick hot blood - drenching the area and the two in it and steaming as it hit the hot ground. If Arantima had any open cuts, and the blood from the rain hit it the effects of blood poisoning would hit him for a moment - paralyzing him in place before she released the tech and the rain cut off like a facet; which would also release him from the paralysis.

"I will send you a summons when its time for your true training to commence but for now cousin, I must depart. I can't wait to see how far you come." , Nodding a little she would turn and stride off a few steps before melting into the ground once more to head to the Spire and the letter that would alter the path of Sunagakure. 

Jutsu Learned and SKill Taught:
Rain Tiger At Will V7 - Water Nin turned to Blood Nin
Nature Corruption -Skill

TWC 762 
Using 25% Stat Discount
762 words towards Telepathy Seal [V7] 762/1875
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Private training: Make the new kid Bleed! (I/O) Empty Re: Private training: Make the new kid Bleed! (I/O)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 1:09 pm
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Private training: Make the new kid Bleed! (I/O) Empty Re: Private training: Make the new kid Bleed! (I/O)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 5:38 pm
Arantima watched the rain fall.. and then watched as the rain turned to blood. That, was more than definitely something that was unique to the Kyuketsuki he imagined. He had heard of jutsu that allowed someone to create rain from nothing but not make it rain blood. He watched Mizu turn to walk away and then disappear into the ground, he made a mental note of asking how the bloody fuck she pulled that one off someday, but for now he would take this time to focus on what Mizu had shown him and try and work out how to form water techniques.

He recalled from his Jutsu encyclopedia.. The simplest Water Style jutsu there was, it was called fish spit. He Formed the symbol for monkey and thought about the way that Mizu described Water chakra flowing, free form harnessed and put to form.. It took him a solid minute to get the chakra to infuse with the right wavelength of nature but eventually he had found himself capable of spiting out that three meter stream of water. He tilted his head when he noticed however that no matter how many times he Cast the jutsu that it did not turn immediatly to blood like he saw the rain do with Mizu's jutsu. As he made his way out of there he made another note to ask her why..



Can not claim AP due to claiming discounts

Claiming 75% Training ground discount towards the following

Learning Water release useing the following rule " However, D-rank and C-rank characters can learn one additional basic element per rank. Still, to do so, the element will require 2x the WC (Example: C-rank character has 2 elements, but wants to learn a third. The character can learn the element, but it will cost 8000 words rather than 4000.)"

Water release Base cost 2000, modified to 4000, Discounted by training to 1000.

1000/1000 To learn water release.

Blood release Advanced element normally 2000wc to learn.  Discounted to 500

500/500 To learn Blood release

250/250 to learn Fish Spit

Discarding 5 words
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Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Private training: Make the new kid Bleed! (I/O) Empty Re: Private training: Make the new kid Bleed! (I/O)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 6:29 pm
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