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Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
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Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:38 pm
Ise was expecting it to be a normal day, however, shortly after getting dressed and ready to head out the door, his mother had stopped him, telling him that he had been given some sort of missive. It stated that he was needed at the Archives for some reason? As to the actual reason why it wasn’t made clear in the contents of the missive. All it stated was that he was requested at the Archives. In a way it kind of made him worry. Did he forget to put something back in its proper place? In all honesty, though, Ise hadn’t been there for quite some time - not since the meeting of Team Summer. “Maybe it’s for a mission? Hopefully, it’s not something bad,” Ise had thought to himself.

As far as the young Uchiha knew though, he hadn’t taken anything from the Archives. At least, not that he could think of. Then again, wasn’t stuff not really permitted to leave the Archives anyway? That’s how he thought the Archives worked anyway. Most, if not all the information within its walls was considered to be confidential in a sense. There were even things he himself was not able to see, let alone take out of the building. After all, he was just a Genin. The young Uchiha, slightly nervous, took a deep breath, walking inside the front door to the Archives, already having his shinobi ID out and ready for the front desk clerk. When he had made it to the front of the counter, he quickly spoke, slightly stammering; unable to hide his nervousness.

“H-hi! Erm … I was told that I was requested to be here? I don’t if it was for a mission or something else,” He said, trying to speak clearly. He gave the clerk his ID, showing it to her, which after a few seconds of scanning it over with her eyes, she had begun to speak. “Ah, yes! I’m actually the one who wrote and sent the missive! So glad you came!” The woman had stated, which kind of made Ise confused, wondering why she seemed chipper. “Well, I’ll take someone being happy that I’m here over being pissed off at me,” The teenage boy thought to himself. “Y-Yeah! … Why am I here, exactly?” The young Uchiha had asked the woman, still showing a hint of nervousness, albeit not as much as before.

Whether the clerk had already picked on the young Uchiha’s Nervousness or not, it seemed like she took the time now to pay attention to it. “You can relax. You’re not in any trouble or anything,” She said to the young Uchiha. “Phew! Well, that’s a relief,” Ise had said, chuckling a little bit. “You’ve actually been summoned here for a particular reason actually, and no it’s not a mission either. As you may already know, the National Archives of Hoshigakure is a facility that holds substantial knowledge - ranging from a multitude of jutsu.” She paused, while Ise nodded to what she was saying. “However, not everything, as you may also know, is classified and only available to higher ranking shinobi within the village. But, given your records as well as your progress, someone has given you partial clearance for a particular jutsu,” This newly-made response from the female desk clerk had made Ise instantly perk up, washing away what nervousness he had remaining.

“A new Jutsu!? Really!?” Ise had said, the words practically bursting out of his mouth with excitement, realizing how rambunctious he had suddenly become. After a minute or two of awkward silence, the young Uchiha had cleared his throat, regaining some sense of composure. “What’s the jutsu?” He had asked her, having a small smile on his face. The woman giggled slightly at his excitement and said, “Follow me, please,” She said, swiftly coming out from behind the counter, leading the way. As the clerk silently led him to the particular jutsu scroll, Ise had looked around, seeing a few other shinobi sitting at tables, silently reading over the contents of scrolls they had, not to mention seeing the multitude of what appeared to be high shelves, containing all different kinds of scrolls. Some of the scrolls he had seen were different colors. Some even had different labels on them - some that he could understand just by looking at them, and others that he couldn’t understand at all. Wow, I never paid attention to stuff like this before. Goes to show how much I pay attention to detail, the young Uchiha thought to himself, trying to keep up with the clerk while continuing to also look around the vicinity as well. The clerk had faced him quickly beginning to speak once more. “Normally, I’m only able to give people Cipher keys to specific jutsu like this, but since you don’t technically have full clearance since your a Genin, I will have to decode it myself for you,” She said, leading the way once more down towards the very last segment of bookshelves. “That makes sense. I mean, yeah I’m still obviously able to learn this jutsu, but I’m just a genin. Most of this stuff is for at least Chuunin, if not higher,” Isemori had said, catching on, seeing the labels for Chuunin clearance.

“I see you noticed that right away. No wonder you’ve been given partial clearance. You’re a pretty smart kid,” the woman said, which made Ise blush slightly; scratching the back of the head. If there were anyone around who knew Ise heard her say that, they’d probably be unable to control their laughter at that comment. In fact, Ise actually was never really the brightest. But anyone who can read the labels knew what they were able to look at and what not to. The woman had then quickly scanned the bookshelf on her right, looking for the particular scroll. “Ah, here it is!” she said aloud, swiftly using the cipher key in her hand to unlock the scroll, revealing it. Ise was thinking that the scroll may have looked brand-spanking new, however, the scroll looked rather worn out, clearly showing signs that it wasn’t made recently. As she handed the scroll to Ise and said, “Now, for your own discretion, you are unable to, under any given circumstance, able to leave the building with this scroll, nor reveal the contents of the scroll to anyone. With that being said, I’ve also prepared a private room for you to read the scroll, this way please,” She stated before once again leading the way to a separate room adjacent to the actual Library.

She unlocked the door and said to him before leaving himself alone, “Once you’re done reading the scroll you can drop it off at the front desk before leaving so that way it can be put back in its proper place. If you need any help finding something, ask one of the staff members to call for Kimikiko Pendragon, and I’ll come running. Sound good?” She had asked Isemori with a smile, which had prompted him to nod and smile back. “You got it! Thanks, Kimikiko!” Ise said with his toothy grin, and with that, She closed the door behind her, leaving the young Uchiha to his own devices. Ise had sat down, just looking at the scroll, and thought to himself, “That’s amazing that I was able to learn such a jutsu! I wonder who authorized my partial clearance though, he thought to himself. He thought that it may have been Yuuma Sensei, or maybe even Yamato Sensei, but he wasn’t sure if they were even able to do such a thing. Whoever it was though, believed that Ise was not only capable of learning this jutsu, but also that was able to be trusted with it.

Ise carefully unraveled the string that held the scroll shut, and slowly opened it, not wanting to damage the scroll in any shape or form. It’d be a shame for him to finally sit down and read it only for it to get ripped or something. With that in mind, the young Uchiha thought it’d be best to read it one segment at a time rather than open up the whole thing.

“The Peacock Spirit Blessing Technique, a ninjutsu that has been refined over the years. Long ago, there were ancient rituals that would give a shinobi the blessing of the Peacock Spirit, hence the name of the jutsu,” The young Uchiha had started to read aloud, gently placing a hand over some of the pictures that were on the corners of the scroll. From what the drawings seemed to indicate, the jutsu seemed to manifest as wings on the user’s back, possibly made out of chakra. “However, in modern times, the need of the Ritual is no longer needed for one to gain the power of the Peacock spirit’s blessing.” Ise had continued to read aloud, which honestly made him relieved. At first, he thought he would need to do some crazy ritual thing in order to learn the jutsu. Luckily for him, though, it appeared as if all that needed to be done was to gather your chakra to one’s back where the wings would form. Isemori liked things being more simple, but then again, didn’t anyone prefer things to be that way?

“While this ninjutsu is active, it can enhance one’s own physical capabilities, or enhance the power of jutsu. The wings made out of chakra that form on the user’s back can also give the user the ability to fly,” which made the young Uchiha even more eager than before he started reading. He had never imagined that there would be an actual that gave someone the ability to fly. The thought of flying around in the sky like a bird was something spectacular to do, in his opinion. After the young Uchiha a little daydreaming about being able to fly in the sky, Ise had realized that there was still more that he needed to read in regards to the jutsu.

“Whilst this blessing does grant the user things they normally wouldn’t be capable of doing normally, while blessing is active, it causes a strain on the user’s body over time…” Ise thought for a moment and then once the realization of what the words meant, it made him sweat nervously, a gulping sound coming from his throat. “Jesus. You’d think that the refinement of this jutsu wouldn’t have such drawbacks either. I guess it was too good to be true though,” Ise thought to himself, mentally sulking about it. Ise had decided to pull out more for the scroll, thinking that there was more to read about it, however, it turned out that he was already at the end of what was written about the jutsu.

This in turn made the young boy think about whether the risk of learning as well as potentially using this jutsu was worth it. The young Uchiha had also surmised that whoever had given him partial clearance to be able to learn this jutsu had kept this in mind. Why else would he have been given a private room? Sure, the jutsu was exclusive to a select few, however, anyone who was of rank to have that kind of clearance would be able to access it without difficulty, so there had to be more to it than separating Ise from prying eyes. That was why the young Uchiha had believed that whoever had given him the clearance to be able to not just read the scroll, but also give him the choice on whether he would take such a risk if he decided to learn it.

After a while, the young boy had made up his mind, silently folding the scroll back and tying it back up so that its contents weren’t open. He proceeded to take the scroll with him out of the room, walking back up to Kimikiko at the front desk, and gave her the scroll. “I see you’ve finished reading it. What are you gonna do now?” She had asked, curiously. This made Ise give his signature toothy grin and said, “I’m off to the training field to learn it of course! Thank you for everything!” Ise had said giving her a small bow of respect before making a dash out of the building. “Time to see if I can pull this off or not! I won’t know if I don’t try,” The young Uchiha thought while a wicked grin full of determination had formed as he walked towards the Water Gardens to start his training to learn this unique jutsu.

WC: 2107

Moyasu Nokoribi
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Wed Mar 02, 2022 6:49 am
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