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Village : Kirigakure
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For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban Empty For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban

Mon Jan 17, 2022 8:24 pm
Here we go again. Ban entered the stadium without much of her previous problems since now she knew where things were. She was glad that she was getting invited back to the stadium since her last two matches were given a draw due to complications of the stadium. The Hozuki still couldn't believe the odd of two things not working in the same stadium. They assured her this time that they would be operational. Ban held some hope for it to be true but remained skeptical.

Regardless of the stadium, Ban was just excited to get a chance to spar with Kita again. She was desperate to show her peer what she could do since neither of them was able to show each other their strength during the chunin exams of last year. Ban wasn't going to hold back. 

The crowd was small, around 100. It was pretty average for a smaller battle like most chunin battles. They were contractors, citizens, and even some shinobi. Ban could remember a time she was in the stadium watching the blood games. It was always her favorite sport to watch. 

The Hozuki would arrive in the stadium in full Kiri correctional and detention armor, holding her helmet in her hand so that she could get a good look at Kita before starting their battle. In her hand was her maul. It was a new addition to Ban's inventory but she was getting quite good at it while she had it. She would wait at the starting mark for Kita to approach.

WC: 258


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Kita Hajime
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For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban Empty Re: For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban

Thu Jan 20, 2022 11:59 pm

Requesting Tournament Standard Arena:

The young shinobi took a deep breath before stepping onto the stage in front of the rather small looking crowd lining the stadium. Kita reached slowly for the weapon that newly adorned his left hip, Star Falling, before withdrawing the blade and holding it aloft in his right hand. Slow steps carried the youth forth from his position at the edge of the arena, until he stood 50 meters from the southern edge of the arena. It was difficult to see Ban over the massive 300 meter distance between them, though he reckoned that they were in position. Indeed they were, as Ban had settled herself into position 50 meters from the northern edge of the arena. The boy gave a sigh as the announcer's speaker flared to life, and he brought himself into a meditative pose, his sword resting across his knees.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Have I got a fight in the works for you today! Delayed last time due to technical issues, we're starting it up again now! This fight today, Kita Hajime vs Ban Hozuki will take place in our tournament standard arena! Don't let the name or appearance fool you though! The gray arena-top is perfect for contrasting the rapid fire flashy techniques that're gonna be flying at you today!"

The crowd gave some minor cheers, though Kita paid them no mind. In his last fight Kita would have given a sign of respect to his opponent, though he made no such attempts now. Admittedly not due to any desire to disrespect her, though he certainly didn't feel like honoring the sanctity of an arena  that was willing to postpone his fight by months for technical issues that took place over a single day. No, instead Kita was preparing for the upcoming battle, drawing in natural energy from the surroundings to give him an edge in the upcoming fight.

"In the northern corner we have Ban Hozuki! Looks like she's looking to bash some brains in with that hammer of hers, and oh boy does her opponent look like a prime target! And in the southern corner we have Kita Hajime! He's taking a nap right now it seems, but maybe our sleepy contestant can get in a few blows or two!"

Kita snorted in annoyance, though he gave no other response. That announcer was an asshole anywho... A single bell tolled through the arena, signaling the start of the fight, and permission for the contestants to start moving.

Word Count - 413

AP Tracking:
Kita Hajime AP: 2000/2000 AP

[Spent post gathering Nature Chakra Stacks. Current Nature Chakra Stacks: 2/6]
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For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban Empty Re: For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban

Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:16 pm
Ban had to snicker at the announcer's introduction of the two. She was ready to bash some heads, even if they were attached to the necks of her colleagues. The Hozuki and the Hajime prepared the two to give it their all, and Ban couldn't hold back if she wanted to win this fight. 

Though it was strange that Kita was sitting down right before a match, Ban figured it couldn't be goo; she had no up-close knowledge of natural energy, so what he was doing didn't make sense. The two were 300 meters away from each other, 50 meters away from where the stage changed from dirt to durable flooring. It was a lot of distance to close. Ban would start by preparing two kunai with explosive tags rigged to them, hiding them up to her jacket's sleeve, and then putting her helmet on. 

After prepping the kunai, Ban would move towards the stadium's center, 150 meters into the center of the circle, with her maul in hand. 

WC: 169
TWC: 427

AP and HP:
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban Empty Re: For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban

Sat Jan 22, 2022 4:40 pm
It seemed as though Ban wasn't going to continue the assault just yet. So be it Kita reckoned. The waiting game suited him a bit better. It gave him far more time to gather his nature chakra. He wouldn't whip out his sage mode immediately he imagined, though he wasn't going to make any predictions about the upcoming fight for fear that he was incorrect. No, for right now, this would do nicely.

Kita continued to sit in place, breathing calmly and continuing to sit in place gathering nature chakra stacks.

Word Count - 91

Total Word Count - 504

AP and Stuff:

Last edited by Kita Hajime on Sat Jan 22, 2022 4:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot AP Costs!)
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For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban Empty Re: For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban

Sun Jan 23, 2022 7:38 pm
Kita was just sitting in his starting position, even as Ban was charging at Kita. Was he mocking her? No matter, She would make sure that it didn't continue. Ban would continue to move towards Kita after getting to the 150-meter mark. As she continued, Ban would put away her maul on her back and weaved Tiger - Boar - Dog - Rat for Temple Style: Discovery of the Incomplete Truth (B-rank). She would then pull out a kunai and infuse it with the chakra from the said technique. All this would be completed before 60 meters of movement (10 meters for actual amount moved during this time.) 

Once 40 meters away from Kita, Ban would pull out a kunai and infuse it with the chakra from the Temple Style and throw the Kunai using her immense strength from her Tidal Crash (Throwing speed and power: 80 + 30 (amp towards speed) /2 +40= 95 speed and power). If struck by the kunai, it would hit directly in the center of Kita's chest. After throwing the kunai, Ban would continue to move forwards towards Kita. She would stop at 10 meters from him if he somehow remained unmoving. 

This would hopefully provoke Kita to move to get out of the line of fire while he was sitting.

WC: 213
TWC: 640

AP and HP:
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban Empty Re: For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban

Mon Jan 24, 2022 2:22 pm
Kita a deep sigh escaped from Kita's lips from his meditative position. And here he though that he would be able to gather enough nature chakra to top off his meter so to speak. Oh well. He doubted that he'd really need it. The boy's eyes opened just in time to see Ban throw something from her position 40 meters away. Looks like he'd be dealing with an attack now.

Ban threw one of her kunai directly at Kita's chest. Immediately following the throwing of the kunai, Kita proceeding to weave a set of hand seals. He quickly weaved the signs for the Seal of Absorption successfully, and placed it into his left palm. Though he wasn't quite done yet. Taking advantage of the technique's ability to be placed consecutively without needing to recharge, Kita weaved the seals successfully again, this time placing a seal on his right palm. Now he was satisfied with his work.

Finally, Kita decided it was time to shift onto the offensive. Kita quickly weaved the hand seals for the shadow clone jutsu, finishing the seals perfectly and spawning them two meters in front of himself, one slightly to the left, one slightly to the right. The one on the left was positioned back slightly, just enough to stay out of the blast range. Aside from that however, they would be roughly 2 meters away from one another. They both were summoned in the standing position with swords sheathed, and they both immediately began to weave hand seals. The one on the left weaved the seals for the Water Dragon Bullet, though the one on the right weaved for the Great Vortex Technique. They both completed their respective seals at the same time, and used the combined technique Water Release: Spiraling Water Dragon, with the dragon forming from the mouth of the clone on the right, taking care to aim the center of the dragon directly at Ban. It would start small, though eventually it would grow to the full size listed on the technique page.

The original Kita would simply bring himself to his feet with a sigh, gripping the hilt of his sword in his right hand and holding it aloft. This entire ordeal had occurred in the time it had taken the kunai to travel 5 meters. Ban herself would have travelled 2 and a half meters in this time, placing her 37.5 meters from Kita, 35.5 meters from his clones. How would she react to this little attack?

Word Count - 417

Total Word Count - 921

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Village : Kirigakure
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For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban Empty Re: For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban

Thu Feb 03, 2022 5:19 pm
(Safey Sheilds are on)

It was finally time for the two to confront one another. Kita was going to be happy that he took the extra couple of minutes to gather more of his energy (not actually, obviously I can't control Kita). The difference between Kita and Ban is that Ban was prepared before this fight even began. 

After throwing her kunai, Kita reacted by weaving two sets of the same hand seals to create seals on both of his hands. Then he'd create two clones from another set of a hand seal, which then would perform THEIR own handseals. It was truly a shinobi battle when a million handseals were being weaved one after the other. 

As Kita summoned his clones with the shadow clone jutsu, Ban would weave her hand seals for Water Release: Great Water Arm Techinque as she continued to advance (+60 to speed and strength). Once finished, her arms and legs would swell within her armor, adjusting accordingly. She then took out her maul and charged with more force (Bullrush: power 95). Her new travel distance was now doubled, making her 35 meters from Kita and 33 meters from the clone by the time the clone's released their techniques. 

The massive chakra from the two water releases made Ban smile with excitement as she was about to face it head-on. Her tiny kunai wasn't going to be able to tank this hit, it was useless to rely on it hitting its mark. Before the collision between the two, Ban would veil herself with chakra, using Skillful Art: Nullification. 

The Hozuki and the massive water techinque a little less than halfway between their distances, 18 meters away from the clones. The Skillful Art: Nullification would cause the techinque to lose 50 power (130-50=80), making it easier for Ban to battle the rough waters. Her strength allowed her to hold onto all her equipment without it all being taken away in the current. Her armor would protect her from the potential damage caused by the massive technique (Health 100).  Due to Ban's smaller size compared to the Dragon, it wouldn't cancel the technique.

Ban would travel through the jutsu until she was 5 meters from Kita's clones, she would slam her hammer onto the ground (Earth Shaker: Power/Speed 100). The wave of force that ripples the ground would reach 20 meters diameter from where Ban's hammer landed. If the clones or Kita were caught in the blast, their speed would reduce by 30 and get launched into the air 15 meters. She wouldn't stop her momentum as she does this.

WC: 421
TWC: 1061

Ap and HP:
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
Survived 2021
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For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban Empty Re: For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban

Wed Feb 09, 2022 6:03 pm
(Agreed and seconding the motion that safety shields are active)

For a moment, the roaring wave of water enveloped the field, making it difficult to see the Hozuki amidst the rapids. Though it wasn't too much longer before Ban's enlarged size made her clearly visible as a darkened shadow through the glowing water when she was roughly 7 meters out from the clones. The clone on the left, the one utilizing the Water Dragon Bullet, immediately gave a shout to indicate that the Hozuki had begun clawing their way through, prompting the original Kita to spring into action.

The boy quickly channeled the nature energy he had gathered earlier into his Pure Sage Mode. Natural energy coursed through his chakra pathway system, granting him enhanced speed and power as Celtic runes began to wrap around and envelop his skin, casting dark markings underneath his eyes. He dashed dead north, quickly sheathing the sword and rapidly whistling out a tune for two jutsu simultaneously. One for a Ninjutsu Amplification, and another for Electromagnetic Murder.

At his newfound speed of 210, Kita would reach his destination after traveling for 1.5 meters, placing him .5 meters behind the clones. In this time, Ban would have been able to travel .8 meters forward, placing her 6.2 meters from the clones. When Kita arrived at his location, both arms and fingers would be outstretched directly towards Ban, though not so much so that his limbs dipped into the water in front of him. The last note of the whistling completed just as he arrived in his intended location. With a single smirk, he let loose his Electromagnetic Murder, centered directly at the Hozuki's location.

At that moment, both clones would release their hold on their techniques, and the clone on the right would sit down in a meditative pose to gather nature chakra.

Word Count - 298 Words

Total Word Count - 1219 Words

Jutsu Used:
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban Empty Re: For Honor...Again: Kita vs Ban

Sat Feb 12, 2022 4:51 pm
Suddenly, the techniques stopped on Kita's side of the field. The electromagnetic murder had just managed to destroy the forward momentum of the Earth Shaker by the time it stopped, leaving the young shinobi standing still, all alone. There was no lightning, no water, no clones, no shaking earth... nothing.

"I, Kita Hajime, forfeit the match!"

Kita's left hand quickly formed the seal for body flicker just in time to dash away from the arena, leaving a crowd of booing spectators in his wake. For Kita, he had just realized that today was the day that Bobo was to be released from the hospital, and he wanted to be there for his friend when it happened. Though to the rest of the audience... it seemed a simple display of cowardice.

"Okay... Ladies and Gentlemen, with that, Ban Hozuki is the winner!"

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