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Honor and Glory

Ayato Hyuuga
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Honor and Glory Empty Honor and Glory

Tue Sep 13, 2022 6:19 pm
And so it came to an end. Countless clashes between Hoshigakure shinobi battling it out with one goal in mind, Nova. Some simply wanted to test their mettle against their peers while others wanted to prove themselves to anyone watching, but most of them dreamed about the White Cloak, the symbol of the Swords of Haven. Each and every single one of the participants hoped to fill up a spot in the history books and Akaboshi couldn't blame them. The Nova Commander saw it all happening, paying attention to the new and upcoming while more experienced ones also tried their hand at combat.

As the final battle ended and a victor had been decided it was time for a ceremony, festivities to honor everyone who participated in the Tournament. The crowd was ecstatic, everyone filled with excitement after witnessing Hoshigakure's forces putting on quite a show. A nice, welcome change of pace for the village that had been through a lot. Akaboshi watched it happen and enjoyed every single minute of it. Goosebumps covered the Red Nova's skin before he would eventually stand up as he started to make his way down. Flanked by two of his guards the Nova Captain finally came to a halt at the middle of the arena.

With the white cloak firm around his body he greeted the crowd, waving at them as he took in the atmosphere. "You could have at least put a shirt on, you might scare everyone away" he whispered to Aemon who was standing at his right while the young knight of Pendragon, Raven, remained at his left. "I'm honored to be standing here right in front of you in the middle of this arena, or whatever remains of it" he began his speech, a little joke referring to the current state of the Dragonpit after everyone battled it out. It was a strange feeling, momentarily being the center of everyone's attention and all eyes on him. 

Akaboshi was visibly happy, witnessing how the Tournament had brought the whole of Hoshigakure together and united each and every single one of them. "What a spectacle they've shown us" he shouted, applauding those who gave it their all. Every single one of the participants fought for what they were worth. "I would like to thank all of you for being here with me, enjoying and witnessing the future of our village together". Some of the fighters stood out, while others showed promise. Nevertheless, the Red Nova hoped it would encourage the rest of Hoshigakure to be strong, no matter how tough times would get.

It was almost time for the ceremony to officially begin, only one thing left for him to do. "Now, before we can get to the formalities, I would like to bring someone out who made all of this possible. Everyone, please welcome Lord Hogokage to the stage". The crowd would cheer as the Seventh joined Akaboshi at the middle of the arena, two of Hoshigakure's most finest standing at the center of the Dragonpit. "Lord Hogokage, perhaps you would like to say something as well?". He would then take a step aside and allow Ayato to take the floor. 

(WC: 531)

Fu, Akabayashi Terumi, Ayato Hyuuga, Hikari Namikaze, Enishi, Yuuma Fujiwara, Kenchi and like this post

Ayato Hyuuga
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Honor and Glory Empty Re: Honor and Glory

Sun Sep 18, 2022 6:02 pm
"Tsunayoshi," he whispered in the crisp morning air," Enishi, Morio, Youta, Zeo, Madara, Shinrei Yamato. Fu the Monster Hunter." The names were like a prayer from his childhood. "If the gods are just, they will deliver me my Nova."

After years of service, the Winter Knight and Atarashi Hiyu were relieved of their Nova Corps duty. Both felt it was time to pass the baton to the newer generation. That was self-absorbing bullshit that Shina had to feed to the public. Both were from a dark and gritty unit with no place in the current landscape of flashy heroes in Hoshigakure. There were barely any chances of either of them dying on the field - so the retirement papers had been served. The Nova Corps currently consists of, Akaboshi, Dusk, Yasha, Akabayashi, and Yohei. The last one always looked like a bad day away from pounding a guy to death in a back alley.

Ayato had been seated in the Master's box; with the other nobles and influential political figures of Hoshigakure. The Kage's chair was made of ornate wood - watching, expecting each competitor to give all they had and more. A few fights lasted longer than others. There was a celebratory mood; the betting and the bantering came along as the wine flowed. Even Ayato, who drank cold water, could almost get drank just by smelling it. Everyone wants a taste of summer before it flees, like the ancient saying in the City of Haven.

"That Hoshimura fights valiantly. I haven't seen such an excellent performance in years."  A noble in the Master's box observed while the finals were taking place. "If Haegon had a hundred of them during the Red Rebellion, perhaps we would have been ruled under a different administration." they japed and brought snickers from those around him. All smiles died when the Nova standing to Ayato's left walked to the man's bench and punched him hard, knocking him down from his seat. Silence for a few seconds broke with the Kage's voice.

"It appears you've knocked old Sir Lyonel senseless," Ayato observed while his eyes were still locked on the match that was taking place. 
"He did not have much sense, to begin with, else he would not have japed of the rebellion." Two Hoshi Chuunin carried the old noble outside, and the spectating resumed until the match ended.

Ayato Hyuuga walked towards the center of the arena, flanked by his Nova. The steps did not sound like leather sandals brushed against the sand-caked earth. The Byakugan wielder had donned his black robes, over them his Kage cloak. A purple variant of the white one was seen in most shinobi villages during the days before the cataclysm. In Ayato's last summit, every Kage except himself and the Mizukage had opted to dress in their garments - but Ayato was always a man of tradition. And so was the man who proved Ayato's most bitter rival. He would have worn the same white robes in Suna, but to avoid any mix-ups with the white of the Nova Corps, Ayato's purple Kage cloak had come into the picture. 

Akaboshi had introduced himself in the arena before his Kage, flanked by an older man and a green boy out of his unit. Not exactly what the Hyuuga heir had in mind when he insisted on Akaboshi to pick a squad - but he trusted his old classmate's judgment. 

 "Thanks, Commander, that was very moving."He nodded to Akaboshi before turning to address the competitors who had lined up in a single file. "Your battles have surely taken a toll on the arena," the Kage observed, looking at the blasted terrain around them. "Anything less, and I'd be disappointed." A gust of wind blew, and Ayato put a rough, callused hand to fix the position of his hat. It was a fine hat, the color of amber, the symbol of Hoshi in purple at the triangle at the front. 

"You all came to this tournament to put on a show for the people and did that. The two finalists are getting welcomed into the ranks of Nova Corps, with a third ninja handed a white cloak for their overall performance. But every man and woman here today is the real winner. We had a saying back in the Academy, our good Captain will tell you. It doesn't matter if you fall so long as you get back up. And you will knock off the dust and get back up. Now without further ado, let's give a warm round of applause for Tsunayoshi Hoshimura." Then the Kage would address the victor, trying to hold back a smile at his protege's success. "Comes and join your brothers." Once Akaboshi had handed Tsuna the white cloak, Tsuna took his position behind Ayato and the rest of the White Sword. Ayato would once again speak.

"And the finalist Kurosawa, Enishi. Come and join your brothers."

WC: 801

Fu, Hikari Namikaze, Yuuma Fujiwara, Kenchi, Akaboshi, Tsunayoshi and Ayuna Chinoike like this post

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Honor and Glory Empty Re: Honor and Glory

Sun Sep 18, 2022 6:21 pm
Yohei's fist burned from how hard he had punched the noble. The Kage commented on it and did not appear to be very amused by his exhibition, but there was mutual understanding underneath it. Yohei was a veteran of the rebellion that had risked his life to fight in the vanguard to save the lives of fat drank nobles like Sir Lyonel; he would not have that man disrespect his Kage or jape of the rebellion.

He quickly pulled the trigger and smashed that guy's face, but he was not to blame. He was itching for a fight and would take it any time he could find it. Unfortunately, Yohei was still recuperating when those bozos attacked the village a few months back and did not get to carve his pound of flesh out of them as he had wished. Some felt it might have been too early for him to engage and would die in battle, but what of it? There was no more honorable death for a samurai than on the battlefield—his area of dreams. If Yohei had died during the Red Rebellion, perhaps someone would have made a lovely song about him and would sing of it with pride. But the drowner was still here, meaning he still had work to do.

He commanded two chuunin to walk the senseless noble out of the master's box with a silent nod. And once the final match was done, he followed his Kage and Nova commander to the ruined arena with the rest of his brothers of the Nova Corps. Waiting for the tournament's winner to be announced and then take their vows.

WC: 258

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Honor and Glory Empty Re: Honor and Glory

Mon Sep 19, 2022 9:55 am
After all the bloodshed, sweat and tears came recognition for the participants. Each of them walked into the arena ready to give it their all, while most of them were not capable of doing such. While few were barely giving it a fraction of effort that was being displayed. It was like a lion’s den, yet Dragon pit seems more fitting. These champions were ferocious in their ideals. Roaring in their strive. And yet….

And yet…there was one, only one that managed to roar loader, strive harder than all the rest. Adorned in his notorious armor, Bittersteel. Beautiful crafted under the forge flames of Master Mercurio. It took bitter tone in the metal, after weaving steel from Hoshimura planes within it. It now took a singed, worn appearance, the cloth found upon it was tattered, the fur found through it blackened and singed from the previous battle. No cracks, but battle harden imprints could be found on this armor - furthermore giving itself an air of absolute destructive invariability. Its wearer stood tall amongst those standing to his left and right. His shattered Just Maid sat within its sheath, even in its destruction he hold to it like an extension of himself. 

He stood with such regal presence, eyes closed as he could sense perfectly well all that was around him. No helm was needed for this ceremony, only able bodies, ears and eyes for witnessing. His platinum hair would sway in the breeze. His body was still, as well as his mind. 

The Nova Commander, Akaboshi alongside Ayato, the Hogokage made their presence known before the masses. The eyes of the Raven would open and focus on them. The first of the two to speak was Akaboshi, his tone suggested that he was pleased by the results of the tournament, even if it destroyed the arena. For all of those standing here, on this day, for those that were going to be under the warmth of the white cloak, Akaboshi presence was undeniable. It didn’t matter if he didn’t speak much, or imposed as much flare as the Hogokage, Akaboshi was a monster of a man in his own right, something akin to a Dragon in human form. 

The Uchiha gave the spotlight over to Ayato in which Ayato spoke of his amusement of the state of the stage. He was one of tradition and spectacular events. He then move forward with his charismatic influence over the crowd, feeding them with his words to wrap them around the topic - understanding how they could easily be distracted by his being there instead of focusing on the importance of the evening. 

It was then that his name was called, his head rises and he stepped forward into a stride towards Akaboshi to collect his Cloak. When he stopped before Akaboshi to receive his well deserved cloak, something that he dreamed of having since he was but a child. He held it in his hands as he took in that moment for himself. His Kenseigan would flicker on, imprinting his cloak. In an instant of blinding light his Bittersteel would be replaced with the cloak, sending the before mentioned armor to the Hoshimura planes. 

He dons the uniform of the White-Cloaks. A white jumper-like suit of armor with a Red Cross symbol on the front that is cloaked by white a white sheet, gloves, and trousers tied by a quilted belt. The same quilted patterns are across the sleeves of this jumper. He wears long white boots that reach up to his knees at the front. Two shoulder guards that connect the cloak to conceal his entire body.  Tsuna would look to Akaboshi and then Ayato. “Thank you both. I will do my best to live up to this cloak and all that it stands for.” He motioned to stand in line behind the other Nova members, his brothers. He would await for hear Enishi called and then the final member. 

TWC: 660

-Claiming Nova status and Cloak of the Prodigy

Akabayashi Terumi, Ayato Hyuuga, Enishi, Kenchi and Akaboshi like this post

Akabayashi Terumi
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Honor and Glory Empty Re: Honor and Glory

Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:29 am
Yohei was creating a spectacle punching someone square in the jaw and causing them to fall from their seat. The gasps of the crowd were quieted when Akaboshi began to speak and called up the Hogokage who was trailed by his own Nova guards. Before Tsunayoshi was called the Terumi rose from his seat in the Nova's box and approached the stage to stand with his fellow Nova.

Tsunayoshi took his cloak when Akabayashi arrived he merely looked at his new comrade and whispered. "Welcome Tsunayoshi." As they stood in the back. After that it was Enishi's turn to take his cloak, however he would find his path blocked by the doctor of the Nova who removed his own cloak and placed it onto the Jugo's shoulder's before taking the cloak from Akaboshi and putting it on his own. "We have much training to do." He would say before returning to his position at the back of the group.

This event changed who the Nova were with the forced retirement of two of the previous Nova. It was a wonder the Doctor hadn't also been forced to return his cloak. If asked it mattered little, the title Nova kept him from his foreign affairs for quite a while anyway. Originally, Akabayashi had planned to remain a Nova forever as it was how the order worked in the past. This however seemed to no longer be the case and with this news there was opportunity. An opportunity to make Hoshi strong by training the new generation and an opportunity to explore outside of the village.

Fu, Ayato Hyuuga, Kenchi, Akaboshi and Tsunayoshi like this post

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Honor and Glory Empty Re: Honor and Glory

Tue Sep 20, 2022 4:27 pm
The Shiratori cried.

Amid all the bloodshed, broken dreams, shattered hope, and crushing despair that plagued the ferociousness of the Nova Exams, only one man remained victorious to stand above the rest - cementing himself as the most driven, most determined, most capable, and most dangerous shinobi in Hoshigakure. That man was none other than Tsunayoshi Hoshimura - the Omen of the Battlefield that adorned Bittersteel. Seeming to effortlessly cut through all of his opponents he was tasked to crush, he was the first Champion to be celebrated and inducted into the prestigious Nova Corps. The crowd's cheers defended the annihilated arena as Tsunayoshi strode towards his 'raison d'etre', his blond hair swaying alongside the billowing wind whilst he claimed his reward and symbol of the Nova Corps - the Cloak of Prodigy. His words to Hogokage Ayato and Nova Commander Akaboshi were intelligible to the crowd, but everyone possessed some sort of inclination that it was filled with the same unrelenting determination that allowed him to crush all obstacles in his path...Kakugo. As he put on his newfound gear, he truly evolved into Omen of the Battlefield - the Champion's Executioner. No longer was Tsunayoshi a Chuunin, he was truly part of the Nova Corps. But the ceremony was not finished, the Hogokage speaking one more sentence to induct another champion.

"And the finalist Kurosawa, Enishi. Come and join your brothers."


The crowd was absolutely silent. Some grew confused, a few seemed unpleased at the prospect, but most were simply indifferent. Enishi Kurosawa? Perhaps he was a finalist in the International Chuunin Exams, but he was a perpetual loser - a young man who was always close to victory but could never make the final step. Why was he someone chosen to be Hoshigakure's bastion? Could he be trusted to bear the weight of the village's future on his shoulders when the time came? Initially, the answer was a resounding no. He was just a boy; he hailed from a dead clan with little to no prestige in the village, adopted by a retired and old Jounin, and when the stage was at its brightest - he always finished short. The endless loser - that was Enishi Kurosawa. Even his greatest supporters had to accept such an irrefutable fact. 


It wasn't Enishi that was chosen to be part of the Nova Corps.

It was the Wraith. 

For a few moments, the crowd was silent, instantly those moments would be replaced by increasingly loud roars that turned into thunderous chants. The realization dawned on them instantaneously Yes, perhaps Enishi Kurosawa was a disappointment who didn't deserve the title of Nova, so the failure would turn into the shadow - the collective hopes of all of Hoshigakure. If the Omen of the Battlefield was the Executioner, then the Wraith was the true Champion. So he would stride through the tattered coliseum with emblazoned glory, each step increasingly elevating the audience's decibels in the arena. However, instead of steps, they were a pair of crutches supporting his damaged legs, and instead of his usual look of resolve - his face was wrapped in bandages that only revealed his autumn hair and ice-blue eyes. Overall, his body was badly damaged and tattered, but he refused to accept true defeat, powering through the pain and striding towards his achievement. Even with Natsuki's efforts, he still needed some time to heal from the effects of Grand Chariot and Tsunayoshi's cavalry.

The Wraith approached the members of the Nova Corps and the Hogokage himself. Ayato, Akaboshi-sensei, Tsuna, The Samurai of Hoshigakure, and Doctor many notable faces. A year ago, he'd probably cry in ecstasy if he saw so many famous shinobi at once, but the Wraith had killed that part of himself...the people no longer needed that. The crowd would grow silent once again as the crutches would stop moving as the Sage of Pleiades faced his peers. Reaching his hand to take the cloak that his former Sensei was about to bestow upon him, such was interrupted by the doctor, placing his shroud onto the Sage as a form of endearment. The Wraith would blink in surprise, but such surprise would immediately switch to his previous solemn attitude as the Terumi would state that there was training to be done. The Wraith would nod in acknowledgment. There was plenty of room for improvement - he wouldn't stop until he could execute any and all threats opposing the village. Adorning the white and scarlet cloak as he would flow chakra into his bandages, ripping the bandages off as he revealed his face that was fully healed through his chakra that he was progressively getting back - the Wraith would give an earnest bow before the audience, then towards all members of the Nova.

"Thank you both, Sensei and Hogokage. Thank you all for accepting me, I will work hard to reach and exceed your expectations."

His ice-blue eyes hardened, indicative of a champion's spirit.

"But please do not take it personally when I surpass everyone."

WC: 832

Fu, Akabayashi Terumi, Ayato Hyuuga, Kenchi, Akaboshi and Tsunayoshi like this post

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Honor and Glory Empty Re: Honor and Glory

Fri Sep 23, 2022 10:41 pm
Memorable, such would be the word used to describe what took place that day. The whole of Hoshigakure and perhaps even the outsides of Haven Country would speak of the event they witnessed, news of heroic battles reaching many ears for years to come. "Who knows, maybe they'll even write songs about it" the Red Nova spoke under his breath as most of the prominent figures had gathered in the center of the Dragonpit. The Swords of Haven, a title befitting of those wearing the cloak. Akaboshi could hardly hide his smile, a sense of pride and accomplishment coming over him as he took in the atmosphere.

The Captain stood firm, flanked by two of his guards who'd be unknown to the public for now but who would soon make a name for themselves. Akaboshi listened as Ayato started to address the crowd, his friend reminding everyone about the true importance of the Tournament. As the Hogokage announced first place, followed by the cheers of those spectating, the Red Nova motioned Raven to hand him one of the White Cloaks before handing it to its new owner. "Wear it with pride, although I already know you will" he spoke to Tsunayoshi, placing his right hand on the young shinobi's shoulder.

Once the first finalist had taken position behind the Kage and the White Swords, Ayato would speak again, welcoming Enishi to the stage to join his brothers. This time it was Aemon who handed him a cloak, the Commander in turn bestowing it upon the second addition to the Nova Corps. "I still remember that day at the gates, a young child on the verge of tears who had returned home after almost giving up hope. You did well and made us proud" Akaboshi spoke to his former student. The boy had become a man. Almost as fate would have it the two of them were reunited once again.

Now that both finalists received their cloaks and joined the other Nova at their position behind Ayato and himself, it was time for Akaboshi to announce the third and final member who'd be added to the White Swords of Haven. He thought long and hard, taking everything in consideration before finally coming to a decision. "As our Kage said, you all fought brave. Everyone here can call themselves a winner, but a choice has to be made". He reached for the last cloak, looking around almost as if he was keeping everyone in suspense on purpose.

A smile appeared on his face once more, a deep breath as he finally announced the name of the third shinobi who'd be granted the rank of Nova. "Morio Ametsuchi, come and join our brothers". Just like Tsunayoshi and Enishi, the crowd cheered and applauded the young shinobi entering the stage where he'd receive what he fought so hard for. "I hope whoever was watching you saw what I did". Although he didn't make it to the final, young Morio was able to give everyone a taste of the potential he held. Following the flow of the atmosphere, Akaboshi would watch as the Swords of Haven united and stood behind their Kage.

(WC: 527, TWC: 1058)

Kenchi and Tsunayoshi like this post

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Honor and Glory Empty Re: Honor and Glory

Sat Sep 24, 2022 12:40 am
The roars of the crowd were deafening as the Commander of the Nova came to the forefront on the stage that had marked many a battle in the last two days. His works marked the last of the fights and the first of the winners to be named among the ranks of Nova. Morio had been listening to the speech within the realms of the arena, but just outside of it where many of the passerby’s could hear the speech as well. Standing next to his two children, he would fold his arms and listen to his words with due diligence but something had been missing from this. Ryouma stared up at Morio for a moment as he tried to piece together what the older smith had been thinking,” You did your best in all of this so what if you don’t get the cloak. At least you showed them that you are the stuff of legends- the true dragon,” Morio’s head would tilt but a few inches as the Icy blue lenses stared at the red eyed male. There was an exchange of silence between the two before Morio’s right arm extended and his right hand patted the boys head gently.
That was not the issue in his mind  at least. He wondered actually who would get the cloak. True he bested the “Prince” of Hoshi and while his battle with Enishi had been close, he couldn’t help but wondered what the outcome would have been had he pushed himself a little more. No sense dwelling on past mistakes, only seeing the opportunities in them is what laid ahead. The next to address the masses was the head himself, the Hogokage. Morio had only met the man once himself, but had heard much of the man from his cousin- Vaenar. He’d describe the one eyed male as sort of a fanatic to the Kage but nothing more. At last the ceremony was underway as the first name had been called.
Tsuna Hoshimura. The Prince of the Hoshimura. A small round of applause would come from Morio before falling silent,” Never a doubt in my mind that you would achieve it. You were always wanting one of those cloaks weren’t you Tsuna,” though the words had been uttered mentally, he couldn’t help but feel as if this was preordained in a sense. The roars of applauds would fill the area once more before dying down. The next would be called soon after.
Enishi. The Hawk. Admittedly Morio had been a little miffed their battle couldn’t have gone on longer, but honestly there had been time for a rematch. As the applauds resumed welcoming another into the fold of the Nova. There had been a small silence as Akaboshi stepped up once more, this time ready to announce the third, the last who would be welcomed into the fold of the Nova. There was an almost audible silence from the masses as many wondered who would be the last. Reimei and Ryouma knew as they looked at their father and the black dragon chuckled. The silence was soon pierced by the name called.
Morio Ametsuchi.
The two stared up and pushed their father onward in unison,” GO FATHER!!,” and he did so. Looking back to the black dragon, they would move in unison as the black dragon roared and took on its true visage, and taking him to the center of the arena. Just shortly after his name had been called a black mass would fill the sky causing the sun to be blocked. As the dragon landed in the middle of the battle scarred arena it would kick up dust and debris as the sight of the black dragon would fill the sights of everyone watching. Stepping off of his back and landing onto the ground with grace, Morio would walk toward the stage and stand tall in front of Akaboshi as his mask was removed slowly. The delicate whirs of the gears within the mask would silence as the mask was pulled forward showing the draconic icy blue eyes of the Ametsuchi heir as he took the cloak and grinned,” I had a lot of people watching over me. Thank you for this,” though the red armor had been nice, it was… too loud for the male. The armor would be engulfed in a bright light before disappearing from the hands of Akaboshi and the only thing to remain had been the cloak. Taking it into his own hands he would make a small motion with his hands to toss it onto his shoulders as it connected with his amor, Nidhogg, and flowed freely. 
From there he would begin to make his way up the stage and take his place beside both Enishi and Tsuna. Looking forward to the crowd he would utter something to the both of them as he smiled,” Thought you’d leave me behind hmm? “

Fu, Akabayashi Terumi, Enishi and Tsunayoshi like this post

Akabayashi Terumi
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Honor and Glory Empty Re: Honor and Glory

Wed Dec 07, 2022 1:06 pm
No claims.
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Honor and Glory Empty Re: Honor and Glory

Mon Dec 26, 2022 6:07 pm
Time to exit this too.


TWC: 832

+Promotion to Nova Corps, which I guess means I get +10000 Ryo according to the Dual Rank System
+ x1 Cloak of the Prodigy
52 WC to finish off Chidori [2062/2062], previous training is here (whenever that gets approved) This will replace Rasengan.
780 WC towards learning Blacksmithing with 25% WC discount [780/1500]
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