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Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

"I speak for the Trees" C-Rank Empty "I speak for the Trees" C-Rank

Sun Apr 03, 2022 9:31 pm
Mission Name: I Speak For The Trees
Rank: C-Rank
Mission Location: Eastertide Fairgrounds - Yoshino Forest
Word Count Requirement: 2,000 WC
Reward: 4,000 Ryō / 20 AP

The map he received from the stranger in this world was indeed a great source of information. it helped Zeo understand where he was and how to proceed. But what the man said bothered him. That this world would disappear because of someone's interference. A plot held against this world. What it was, or why a person would want to destroy this realm-- was beyond Zeo as he ventured. Without a way to return to Hoshigakure, he had little choice to venture on, but he didn't feel threatened by this place. At least, so he seen so far.

The cherry blossom trees grew in abundance in this forest, the land so rich and fertile, the grass green, the clear sky and crisp air-- it felt like a dream. Was this really another realm all together? Zeo couldn't help but wonder that as he looked at the map. The area of the forest was indeed there. He saw the village he left and the mountains on the edge. However, what disturebed him was the green-blackish area on the center of the map. A gloomier area in the center of the trees-- marked by a red circle no doubt the stranger left for his own use.

Zeo couldn't really put his finger on it, but something was otherworldly about this place. Far different than the world he knew. Going on a gambit-- he took a moment and activated his Uchugan to see the area around him. His starry eyes appeared, glimmering as beautifully as the cherry blossoms did.

WC: 256
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

"I speak for the Trees" C-Rank Empty Re: "I speak for the Trees" C-Rank

Mon Apr 04, 2022 8:31 pm
The view exploded to his eyes as he flinched at the scene of beautiful, blinding and vibrant colors. It was like looking through a kaleidoscope or a magnifying glass as the vibrant spring colors became far more vibrant. From the trees and sky to the very pedals of the cherry blossom. The forest was completely radiant with positive, brimming chakra. Zeo wasn't even sure as he tried to undo a genjutsu, the overflow of both chakra and spiritual energy overwheming his sense of vision-- however the moment he agitated his chakra, he was certain he wasn't under one. However, it felt unreal how much chakra radiated from this land so much. It was almost 'magical' if a word could describe anything like it.

However, when he did finally looked through his Uchugan eyes, he found something else among the brilliantly bright and colorful landscape. Something moved and it wasn't merely the wind. The pedals of the cheery blossoms glowed and soon 'auras' were seen, with odd shapes that resembled tiny-little creatures with small arms, legs and eyes-- with larger bodies like balls. They circled and hovered in the air, soon spying Zeo as he looked at them. They looked back at him, as he looked at them. Confused, Zeo soon raised a hand with his starry eyes still active. "Um... hello?"

The simple gesture caused them to scatter and hide behind some trees or other cover, startled that Zeo actually saw the little creatures. "Wait-Wait! You don't have to run. It's okay. Hi there. I'm Zeo... can we... be friends?" he asked, curious to their innocent nature and choose his words right like talking to animals.

After a moment, the little cherry blossom 'shikigami', as the only name Zeo could think of to call them, poke their heads out from their hiding place to see Zeo and his greeting. It took them a minute, but soon they drifted back into the air and flew closer to Zeo. They looked around him, almost as if they were dancing in the air with the wind. Even though Zeo felt no such breeze. They were indeed spirits of these woods perhaps, and why he saw them only through his special eyes.

Zeo kept still and at peace, allowing them to wander around him and look him over like curious children. He didn't feel any kind of hostility or anxiety towards him, or rather he tried to be as calm and gentle as possible. The spirits didn't feel any threat to him. "Well, aren't you all friendly. It's nice to meet you." he said to the spirits. His mind then turned to the topic at hand. "Um... I don't suppose you guys know about the bad things happening in this forest? A man told me something was wrong with this world. You wouldn't happen to know what is going on?"

Their reactions were non-verbal, as their movements halted and they 'flinched' at the question. They seemed almost nervous as they turned to eachother, and suddenly they began to fly in an aggitated speed-- spurred on by what Zeo could only interpret as a kind of panic or fear. It was almost dizzy to watch. "Okay, okay. I take that as a yes... Look, maybe we can help eachother. Would you like that? If you can show me what is going on, I may be able to fix it. Can you maybe show me what is going on?" he asked.

The spirits slowed down, looking at Zeo-- then huddled together. Theyt clearly were talking amongst themselves, leaving Zeo out. From their movements, some were calm, while others were clearly arguing with their peers. Despite his eyes, or his sensitivity, Zeo couldn't imagine what they were talking about. However, it must of been important. After a bit of time, a bunch of them scattered-- flying into seperate directions into the winds.

"Hey! Wait, Please! I just want to help!" Zeo cried out, but they were quickly gone into the trees and air. Just as he was starting to feel a bit bad , thinking he startled them-- his gaze then came to one of them. The last one there. This one floated softly and had its unblinking eyes looking right at Zeo. Zeo was surprised by this one, seeming braver or calmer than the rest. It looked to him, almost expectingly. "Um, hi there. Are you... not going to run away?"

It gave a soft 'chirp' and soon fluttered in the air. It circled Zeo, then moved further to a direction of the woods-- off the beaten path. It stayed there, looking at Zeo now, expectingly. "Oh! You wan't me to follow you, don't you?" he asked kindly. The sakura shikigami chirped as it urged him on. Unwilling to ignore the lone, cheerful spirit, Zeo followed him deeper into the woods.

Time passed as they passed the brilliantly glowing landscape. The very sky was also beautiful along with constantly blooming cheery trees. It was almost hard to keep an eye on the little spirit as it was hard to see among the other pedals in the air. As they walked, they saw other spirits. Whether or not they were the same ones as before, Zeo didn't know. Still, some were cheerful, others seemed to wave at them waringly. It made Zeo wonder, why were some of these little creatures afraid.

It was then they reached deep into the forest-- they found it. A large section was fundamentally different now. It was almost like a blotch on the entire landscape artwork that this world was. Darkness had eclipes the area, leading into a large hill before them. The very sky had been blotched by dark clouds, hints of green seeming to mingle among them-- and a lightning storm tthat was eerie in nature. The very ground looked like a fire had scorched it, the bark of the trees stained as black as onyx. It was as if the area was devoid of life, but the leaves of the trees-- were now a sickening shade of green that almost looked poisonous or toxic. They stood at the edge of this threshold, baffled by the scene. At the very top of the barren hill-- was a massive single tree, now barely with any leaves there as it seemed to stand alone, almost dead. STones circled it, almost like some kind of shrine or holy ground.

A gulp escaped Zeo, as the sheer energy felt wrong. With his eyes, he noticed the chakra in this area was barely there. Thin, if a word was appropriate for it. However, the spiritual energy there was something else. While that existed, what he saw was almost 'poisonous', that even going in there turned Zeo's stomach.

"Now I know why the other spirits were scared. This place seems... really, really bad." he said, unwilling to use the word 'evil'. It was very close to the feeling he got from this place.

The little spirit gave a sad coo as it looked at the scene, but despite it, it turned to Zeo expectingly, wanting itt to follow him.

At the very edge of the area, other cherry blossom Shikigami were there. He turned to see them, many were crying out and trying to urge them to turn back. Zeo knew little of shikigami, but the one near him, the one who led him there, seemed far braver than the others. Even though they looked identical and behaved similarly, this one seemed to want to do something about the problems plaguing the forest.

After a kind smile to the other spirits, Zeo turned to the sole shikigami who led him here. Kindly, he raised his hand as if to try and 'pet' him on the head. Though intangible, Zeo rested his hand right where the head was. "I'll do everything I can to help," he said.

With that, the spirit gave a chirp of appreciation and continued into the blight-infested area towards the hilltop. With a breath, Zeo followed him into the blackened land.

WC: 1347
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

"I speak for the Trees" C-Rank Empty Re: "I speak for the Trees" C-Rank

Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:37 pm
The climb up the hill was depressing as the entire region seemed like a cloud of gloom that would easily creep on you. Even the seemingly cheerful shikigami was wary as he relentlessly pushed forward. For some reason, the little spirit was determined to make it there, and see Zeo to his destination. The source of the spirits' woes. Zeo kept up as they climbed the hill, finding themselves at the foot of the large tree.

The stones and ruins around it were almost natural save for the significant runes carved on each stone. They seemed to have meaning, but vines and roots had long overgrown over them, becoming ugly landmarks. The tree was like a shadow of death that loomed over them. Even Zeo didn't want to look at it directly. "What could of caused this in such a rich landscape. Was that man right that someone caused it?" he asked more to himself than the little spirit. His gaze looked down as he thought-- and that was when he saw it.

The greenish glow of corruption-- the same he saw in the brightened land. It was far stronger under his feet as he saw a pulsing 'core' of such under his feet, near the 'roots' of the tree. "Something is under us?" he asked.

Ki-ki-twi! The chirps of the shikigami gave off as Zeo regained his senses and looked for it. He soon found the little spirit floating near the mouth of a cave-- situated right at the base of the tree's roots. Despite the clear hesitation the spirit had, it showed him the way. Its once beautiful glow already started to fade a bit from the gloom and darkness that permeated this environment. While Zeo worried about the health of the spirit, it persisted.

Zeo approached the cave. It was pitch black, with more of the black vines that etched within. Realzing the cave went down, he had no choice but to go in and the spirit followed.

As he ventued in, the soft glow of the green veins began to appear, at the very least lightening their way. As they ventured down, Zeo noticed how sluggish the spirit was as they pressed on. "You don't have to be here. Whatever is down here, I'm sure I can handle it. If you are scared or hurt, you should go back." Zeo tried to communicate to the spirit, afraid something was wrong.

The spirit, however, gave a firm shake of its body-head, insisting to press on. Unable to argue with the wordless spirit, Zeo continued on, at least glad he had company in this foreign land.

They soon reached the end of the cave's tunnel-- and what he found was indeed odd. Veins of black roots and green crystals glowed with the same sickly aura, now even visible to the naked eye. Zeo deactivated his Uchugan, just so he could see better, but he could still see the Shikigami-- luckily, for whatever reason. The green crystals seemed odd as if both part of the landscape but also tempered, and all them seemd to ge clustered towards a big part of the tree roots-- which glowed with the same strange corruption, marked by a far different sigl in the center. A seal of some sort!

"What the hell is that?!" Zachary said, surprised. All the while the Shikigami looked around, nervous.

With the raise of his voice, however, the ground began to tremble. Zeo swayed a bit but held his ground and the spirit beside him started to squeak. All of a sudden, the stones started to move. They didn't tremble or break-- but float, drawn by the crystals inside them. They soon gathered, and connected, forming a shape that reached the height of the cavern. After the final pieces, the green crystals caused crevices and cracks, turning into limbs, and a face-- causing the formed golem to let out a deep, bellowing roar before them.

"Eh, I should have seen this coming..." Zeo commented sarcastically as he saw the intimidating beast before him.

It soon took a step forward and a bellow-- before causing the ground below them to move. Zeo flinched but soon saw the target was not him, but the exit as soon stone slabs came up and blocked the way they came. They were trapped.

"In... tru... der.... must... die...." a groan echoed from the giant as it lumbered towards them, raising a fist above Zeo to bring it down.

WC: 751

Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

"I speak for the Trees" C-Rank Empty Re: "I speak for the Trees" C-Rank

Tue Apr 05, 2022 8:55 pm
Zeo and the little cherry shikigami quickly bolted out of the way, as Zeo rolled out of the way, skidding a distance along the wall and tried to keep his distance in the enclosed cavern. The golem-like being clearly was driven to kill him for intruding in this place. But Zeo wasn't about to let it go. "Alright, that's enough. " he said as he formed hand signs. "Lightning style-- Thunderclap---!" he shouted, and extended his arm back, lightning coarsing through his limb prepared to fire...

till the tiny shikigami flew in front of his path, waving its tiny arms to stop. It was preventing him from attacking.

"W-What are you doing? We have to stop it or it will smash us to bits!" Zeo argued, but the spirit persisted.

Another thud came as the giant came back around, reeling a giant arm back to swing at them. Zeo quickly ran again, abandoning his jutsu to dodge it. The spirit didn't want him to attack their enemy? Why ? Wasn't he the cause? Something wasn't right with this scenario.

It was then the beast began to roar-- opening its large, glowing green mouth as more corrupted energy gathered. Zeo's eyes widneed, realizing the danger to come.

WC: 207
TWC: 2561
Learned Jutsu: Ninshu-- Soul Resonance Rank A -- stat boosted, Vigor and Chakra. 2500
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
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"I speak for the Trees" C-Rank Empty Re: "I speak for the Trees" C-Rank

Tue Apr 05, 2022 9:04 pm
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