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Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Raging Inferno
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 79000

A Day in the life of a Genin Empty A Day in the life of a Genin

Sun May 29, 2022 5:56 pm
Missions for the Day:

Karo was always willing to help around when it came to the village's wants and needs. Especially when it involved helping out good businesses and also made sure that people were paid. But now he was the strapping young lad assigned to help with the delivery of one specific business that is rather famous for having a rebranding of sorts over the last few years. That being the monkey’s uncle. Which seemed to specialize in tea and food products most of all. It reminded Karo of a few other local businesses that he went to for some kind of grub or to simply relax at and lounge for the day. He remembered even bringing his parents along one time since they were usually at home with nothing much to do. His father was still considered an active shinobi. But Karo doesn’t remember the last time his father was out on any missions in a while. Yet here Karo was beginning to help shepherd the goods towards the restaurant. His own mission was simple, which was to help with protecting and making sure all of the goods got there on time. It would be rather embarrassing if an E-Rank mission was considered too difficult for Karo. Yet he was mostly calm and quiet while on the mission itself.  The other workers must have been thrilled to find a seventeen year old working with them instead of a couple of kids. Yet Karo was mostly simply helping with making sure all of the unloading went by swimmingly. His hands grasping onto boxes in order to pick them up and drop them towards where others were stationed to come by and help.

Karo however did need to speed up the pace a tiny bit in regards to actually helping out the workers in general. If not then he wouldn’t have enough time to help with the other E-Rank missions he was going to work on for the day. Karo began to quicken the process when it came to the unloading and eventually helped put away the goods that he had just delivered with the help of the others who were nearby. He remembered talking to one of them for a brief moment, and Karo noticed that one of his eyes was a pure milky white. Meaning that he must be blind at least in that eye. Which only made Karo actually like talking to the man more while the rest were working with them. He seemed to be a retired Shinobi whose eye got blinded during a mission. Now he was one of the managers of the restaurant. It was rather fascinating to listen to the man talk on and on about his life before coming here and what his life was now. Yet the boy would also begin to talk about his own life in the process while finishing up the rest of the packaging and unloading. Talking mostly about his mother and father during this time with the man who he later found out was named Hakota. Which made Karo smile that he was blessed with the name of one of the managers. Yet all good things must come to an end at one point or another. As the young boy was finally complete with the mission. Karo began to get ready for the next mission when Hakota briskly walked up to Karo and gave his hand a small shake.

“You did good! expect another request to come by working here pretty soon alright?” The older man said to Karo. His gruff voice filled the room as Karo only nodded in response. Waving the older man goodbye before walking off in search of his next mission.

Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Raging Inferno
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 79000

A Day in the life of a Genin Empty Re: A Day in the life of a Genin

Sun May 29, 2022 8:59 pm
Following up on his rather impressive display at helping unload and restock the popular restaurant of the monkey’s uncle. Karo found himself reading the mission log of the next E-Rank mission he was supposed to be doing soon. His eyes scanned the paper for any other kind of details while he was walking down a street that was covered in the sand of a raging sandstorm a few days prior. He had a slightly surprised look plastered on his face at just how covered it truly was with sand. Making him wonder if this really was the byproduct of a Sandstorm at all or just some kind of sick joke someone played on the townsfolk.

Of course the people of Suna hated sand as much as anyone else in the world. Even though they’ve had to live on it for over a century now. It was commonplace to find people all over the village spouting out about how much they hated sand. How coarse, rough, and irritating it can get as it gets into everything and everywhere all at once. Karo could agree on those aspects of it quite well, especially when it came to those that had to lean up the roads like he was going to be doing for the day. Karo noted that just how much the roads were caked in sand was definitely going to take a few hours to clean up. But something that he didn’t find to be unexpected. In fact he knew that this was going to take awhile. So perhaps it would also give him time to think about the chunin exams and what was in store for him there in the first place. He knew that there would be countless amounts of people who would be strong enough to take him out in an instant. But it only made the challenge of thinking about ways to counter others far more enticing than simply skimmed over these past few days. Especially when it came to some of his opposition. Mainly that of Yusuke who he knew at least had a fire release. Which only made things all the better that he wouldn’t be using those fire jutsu much against others during this. The only thing that truly would be necessary was that he needed to learn something that could help him deal a big amount of damage without the thought of someone being able to easily counter his own hand seals for jutsu. So it was only a matter of time before he was able to eventually find a jutsu that could fit this kind of criteria for him to be able to potentially fight against the others that were far more experienced then he was.

Yet Karo had been busy thinking about what to do for the chunin exams in the first place. He also was busy sweeping up and cleaning the roads of the excess sand that was in the way. Due to the previous sand storm that had completely covered the roads with the crunching material that seemed to get everywhere. Karo understood that he did have most of the day to indeed clean up the amount of stuff that was certainly in the way. Yet his thoughts kept on drifting back to a specific jutsu in mind that he could indeed learn before the chunin exams. It had to be something that was big, something bombastic in a way to show off his own skills and talents without being considered cheap or arrogant. He had shown that he had what it took to be a chunin, no matter what the odds were he had to be a good shinobi. And what a good shinobi does is hide their intentions. Which is exactly what he planned on doing throughout most of this process. So when he began to finally finish up with the cleaning process of the roads. He felt a sense of relief that he had an idea that he could actually use for the process of the chunin exams. But he’d have to be quick if he wanted to attain most of that kind of glory in the first place. He had to be fast when it came to the missions now more than ever. If not he was indeed going to be left standing while watching his peers grow, and that simply was no fun at all.

Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Raging Inferno
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 79000

A Day in the life of a Genin Empty Re: A Day in the life of a Genin

Sun May 29, 2022 9:00 pm
“Art is totally a subjective thing, you can make art out of literally anything so long as someone finds it attractive or beautiful in some way? So why are you taking this mission just to move some statue?” Karo’s mother droned on to him about how he was taking a lot of missions that seemed to be below the skill level he was actually on. Yet Karo only shook his head before motioning that he did indeed have to leave for this kind of thing. Showing that he was still obligated to help when it came to the missions he did indeed take. Yet he did have to give her an explanation after all as to why he was taking so many E-Rank missions. Noting that he’d probably still get a surprised glance from her for his own reasoning.

“Well they are pretty easy all things considered. Especially since I can do them and gain some good money on the side of this. It’s practically perfect for me to get an easy way of doing things. Besides, after this I’m doing something actually important to the village!”

With that the tall boy went out of the house without saying another word. Waving towards his mom throughout the window while she only could shake her head at her own sons both ambition and lack thereof. He was like a double sided coin, he both had heaps and bounds of ambition for a boy his own age. Yet he also was someone that seemed to not try and push himself to that kind of limit in the first place. It made Karo’s mother worry sometimes, especially when he himself signed up to participate in the chunin exams that everyone was so excited about. Yet he had just graduated from the academy not even a few weeks prior. So why would he put himself out there for seemingly no reason besides having that ambition to drive on and on when it came to being a shinobi.

Yet Karo had been rather busy thinking about both the chunin exams and also what his own mothers opinion was on the matter of art and that Suna itself shouldn’t be worried too much about being beautiful. Especially when it came to the fact that there were probably a bunch of other important showings that Sunagakure itself could do to make themselves more appealing. Perhaps moving out of a desert was one of those things that certainly got a chuckle out of the young shinobi. Especially when he finally arrived to help move the statue for the person that had requested the mission in the first place. He was a rather young gentleman with pure white hair, a diamond earring latched right onto his earlobe. Karo noticed a few others were helping with moving the statute. So it was best that he helped with the process and made himself useful. Taking off his red jacket and wrapping it around his waist before getting to work with moving the statue in the first place. The white haired man directed them to move it a bit more to the left so that way it looked perfect inside of the dunes. Karo could only give a slight chuckle at the curses and swears people were leveling towards each other and the man who was directing the project itself.

However when everything was finally said and done Karo could feel his arms were going to be sore for the next few days. Yet it was totally worth it to see that the statue did indeed look nice right inside of Suna. A massive structure of a beast crashing into sand certainly fit the themes of the desert quite well. In which Karo thanked the ones that helped him with moving the statue before claiming his money from the guy who directed them. Waving towards all of these fine gentlemen, Karo checked his mission logs and saw he had one last mission to deal with. That being to learn how to patrol the village of Suna with efficiency. At least that’s what the mission briefing clearly stated towards him as a result. Yet the boy could only shake his head with a slight smile. Knowing that this was going to be a fun walk across the slowly cooling down sands of Sunagakure.

Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Raging Inferno
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 79000

A Day in the life of a Genin Empty Re: A Day in the life of a Genin

Sun May 29, 2022 9:04 pm
Karo knew that this was going to be the last mission of the day for him due to the excess amount of work he had done previously. Most of which was just physical labor for the most part. Yet this was something that didn’t require much in terms of actual labor and more so keeping a close eye on everyone inside of the training that he could at least spot. Which was something that was going to be drilled into him by the person he was with. A rough looking chunin with his brass jacket loosely hanging around his body while he was guiding the boy on how to exactly patrol around the village. Which simply was to keep a close eye on everything and make sure that no one was doing anything considered nefarious for the most part. Now thinking about it Karo would rather do this a few good hundred times before actually doing any more physical labor for the rest of the week. But alas he knew that the chunin exams were coming up. Meaning he’d have to get that labor done somehow, but it definitely was indeed a good exercise for him to understand just how patrols work and what he should be looking out for in the time he was supposed to spend being with the person teaching him. Karo didn’t know the man's name, and the man seemingly didn’t want Karo to know his name either. As he kept on saying to Karo to refer to him as simply sir. Karo was pretty steadfast in learning what to refer to someone as. So he’d only pay attention to the streets of Sunagakure while out on this training patrol. Karo noted how everything seemed to be going very well inside of the walls of the village. Yet his thoughts always seemed to wander towards that same event that everyone never stopped talking about.

“You’re a Genin right?” The man asked him point blank while walking. In which Karo could only nod his head in response. Karo was indeed excited for it, yet it was still something that he should be worried about in that regard. Something that could come back to bite him in the ass if he isn’t careful with regards to knowing just what he could be fighting against. These chunin exams were certainly something that Karo had not been expecting, to which he’d partially vent towards the man he was with.

“I am a Genin participating inside of it, but it’s a bit bigger than I imagined. There’s so many different people there. It’s all just overwhelming to say the least.”

Karo spoke with that same calmness, shrouding his voice about how he truly felt most of the time when it came to super stressful situations such as the upcoming Chunin exams. Yet he knew that deep down he was at least somewhat ready to participate. It was that drive that would continue to push him to greater heights no doubt. Which indeed was something that kept on coming into his head. The thoughts of how he might simply not be ready, which was a thought no one wanted right before going into something that everyones been talking about for so long with such deep excitement. But the older shinobi only nodded his head, somewhat surprised that Karo spoke with such calmness about how he felt with the chunin exams. The man gave a small smile and patted the Genin’s back as a response.

“Well, just be careful, and don’t do anything stupid during it alright?” He said. Right as their time seemingly was coming to a close Karo thanked the man for the advice. His thoughts filled with this feeling of wanting to go and do more out there now more than ever. He’d make sure that people were indeed proud of what he would become from this. He’d show that he was ready for this kind of rank soon enough.


Exit and Claims:

Last edited by Karo Yogan on Mon May 30, 2022 1:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

A Day in the life of a Genin Empty Re: A Day in the life of a Genin

Mon May 30, 2022 9:33 am
Hello I see you are trying to claim Bonus AP but according to your Stat page you are not at Max Stats. As of right now you are unable to claim bonus ap due to that. Also I see you are trying to master Cero at A rank but it reads as if you are going from A to S. If you could edit that to something similar to this Cero(Mastery for X effect) X/2750 For A rank that would be greatly appreciated. Once these edits have been made to the claims please Message me or put this back up for approval. Thank you.
Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Raging Inferno
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 79000

A Day in the life of a Genin Empty Re: A Day in the life of a Genin

Mon May 30, 2022 1:01 pm
(Ah my apologies! A lot of other people have been accepting stuff for bonus ap in threads with Karo and Ryumi, but it should be fixed now!)
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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A Day in the life of a Genin Empty Re: A Day in the life of a Genin

Tue May 31, 2022 12:04 pm
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