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The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man Empty The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man

Mon Jun 06, 2022 12:54 pm
The Stat Sheet:

The Shadow Man Hunter:

Suika sighed as she walked into the bedroom, the children finally asleep; and Guren off dealing with Kazekage business — she found herself an opportunity to relax. As she slipped out of her clothing and into the tub filled with hot soapy water, she would lean her head back letting out another longer sigh as she did so.

Her body was more sore running after the twins then it ever felt in training or battle. The warmth of the scolding hot water relaxed her muscles and bones. Little did she know as she laid there, someone would slip into and out of the Spire undetected; leaving a small envelope on the silk sheets of the bed.

The woman would remain in the warmth for an hour before slipping back out and dressing herself in a black camisole; heading back into the bedroom as she brushed her long white locs. Her eyes scanning the bed; as she came to notice the plain white envelope addressed to “His Little Snow Bird”.

Her crystal blue eyes staring at it, if her blood didn’t already run cold, it would certainly do such right now. She knew that nickname, only one man would ever address her as such; she could feel her heart drop within her chest as she moved closer to it. Picking it up slowly, the writing was foreign to the woman as she starred at it in the moon light; her eyes scanning the room carefully as she could feel her hands begin to shake lightly.

Her children, without a second thought she would rush to the room that contained the twins, opening the door silently as she confirmed the two sleeping bodies. A sigh of relief as she quietly closed their door. Resting her back against it, returning her gaze to the envelope.

Running her slender fingers against the lettering on the top… “His Little Snow Bird”…

She had a run in, or had at least thought he did months ago; and this only confirmed it. He had sent for her finally; her body felt weak as she turned over the envelope; using her index finger to slowly open the thin paper, pulling the letter out carefully.

Dearest Little Snow Bird,

I have watched from afar since you departed us; I came for you once and you managed to escape my grasp. But my little snow bird, you will not escape again. You’ve grown, dearest Suika… Your now an adult, far more aged than I thought you’d ever. I’ve sent the Shadow Man to bring you home. Meet him within your strange bloodwork’s, at exactly midnight; or else your precious children will not make it through the night.

I look forward to your return, my dearest little snow bird.

I’ll always keep my eyes on you,


She could feel herself trembling; she couldn’t ever allow them near her children… Never. Her emotions were wild and uncontrollable when it came to Shoji. She turned heel and returned to her bedroom to gear up; in the event that something went wrong and she was unable to return home she would leave a letter addressed to Guren, then one to each of the twins. Expressing her love for them, her wishes for them, along with anything she had neglected to teach them before.  She couldn’t leave without telling them how much each of them meant to her.

After her letters, and gearing up; she would flip out of the Spire quietly and undetected; during the eve of the night; towards the bloodwork’s.

Suika would enter the central arena, a perfectly circular 200m in length and width, surrounded by a 25m high wall with earthen floor which was covered with a decent amount of sand, and overall is complete flatland — she had never entered the arena before; as she came through the north entrance.

Her eyes would scan, looking for the Shadow Man; her crystal blue eyes shining in the moonlight as she gripped her nails into her own palms. She wasn’t going with him, this would end with a fight to the death. They wouldn’t have her or her children.

688 WC
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Village : Hoshigakure
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The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man Empty Re: The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man

Tue Jun 07, 2022 2:01 pm
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man Empty Re: The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man

Tue Jun 07, 2022 4:30 pm

The Shadow kept quiet after his little excursion…he made the necessary preparations should he fail in his mission…and of course when he would succeed, there was just the little manner of exiting the village.  He had everything planned out in excruciating detail.  He was instructed with the task of bringing back the Snow Bird…of course Shoji did not expect the Snow Bird to come back without a fight, nor was The Shadow told that she had ties to the Kage…he knew that getting out without any wounds for either of them was a long shot, but he was determined to get in and out now before the break of dawn…any later and his courier would be on the way to tell Shoji of his demise and of the location of his favorite…well, it's better to discuss behind closed doors.

He had set the stage, inside of this arena he had rigged the floor and entrances and exits with sealed explosives that he could trigger at any moment.  He had also made sure that the lights of the arena were damaged to allow him to work within the shadows as he normally would.  He then transformed himself into another message card like the one from before, leaving himself upon the ground for now until the time was right.  Which…as lady luck showed to be on his side, the Snow Bird walked into the arena, the clacking sound of her gait to the center left The Shadow Man to want to jump and start this show…but he kept himself still until she began to scan the surroundings for him.  He did not speak or move as he watched for a moment, and finally as he saw her squeeze and ball up her fists.  He would cancel the transformation jutsu and whistle to himself  “Good to see you again…Snow Bird…” He said as he flipped within three meters of her.



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The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man Empty Re: The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man

Thu Jun 09, 2022 11:44 am
And so it begins

The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man U6dMKUL
The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man

Suika’s stance didn’t change when the man appeared before her, she refused to look at him, her fear of the creature that stood before her was all to grave, she had heard the stories of what this man was capable of; just like herself becoming strong and powerful in a political matter, this was Shoji’s strongest, his right hand, she knew that if he was being sent, that it was only a matter of time before Shoji would return himself to retrieve her, as she wanted to send a message; a long and hard message. She wasn’t allowing the Shadow Man to return to Shoji’s side, but she was going to send a message that she could kill him with ease; and in return when Shoji came, he would meet the same fate. But the moment that the Shadow Man spoke; she could feel those fears rising up; her eyes widening as she remained fixated on the mans feet; her chest heavy; weighing what felt like hundreds of pounds crushing down all at once.

Suika couldn’t help the fear, when it came to this man, she knew that he never travelled far from his master, which only meant to her that Shoji was in a close enough distance to the village and her children… Her children, something lit with inside of her, her twins, Guren, the village… As the rage began to flood with inside the Pureblood Yuki; ice would quickly begin forming up her body; racing quickly as it aimed to envelop most of her exposed skin. Just as quickly as the ice would form across her body; the weather would begin to shift and change, creating a 10 meter radius around the pair; the freezing rain and hail would begin to quickly drop down from the clouds within the night sky; these clouds would seem to follow the woman as she moved, if she chose to move from her current position; but she wasn’t done, no not yet. As the woman fully activated a technique known as ‘Absolute Zero Calamity’ – within mere moments, setting the stage for the battle to wage forward.

As the storm would begin to form in the sky, the woman would simultaneously begin to weave her hand seals, ‘Bird, Dog, Snake, Hare, Bird, Dog’ – the ease of the seals as if this was a technique, she used often enough seem to blur through the raging storm; her movements being at full speed; she would feel her chakra building up within her, the energy coming out in a ‘burst’ of blue chakra, or ‘perma frost’ as others could notably call it, the blast covering a 25 meter radius around the woman, and as the man before her was within 3 meters; with a speed of 25, the likely hood of being able to get out of her blast radius was next to impossible; the burst shooting out in all directions at the speed of the technique, (speed is vigor xx vigor is currently 240).

Should the technique connect with the Shadow Man, he would be quickly enveloped with small chains of ice, crawling along his skin and should he have any equipment on his person, the chains and effects of the jutsu would also connect and begin damaging them.

As the woman stood there; she would smirk, raising her eyes towards the man, focusing her energy as she continued to weave signs carefully, Dog, Rat, Bird, Snake and finally Dog once more; her eyes focused on the area just behind the shadow man; using her new found ability of ‘Absolute Zero Calamity’ to begin the forming of five spears of ice, using the technique known as “Certain Kill Ice Spears”, she would keep them remained in the sky,  using the storm as her source for the spears at 3.1 meters from the Shadow Man, although the man wouldn’t know they had formed unless he turned his back on her, she wanted to be prepared of anything, should the man escape her chains of ice, she would release the powerful spears to rain down upon him.

Without a final thought, she would once more continue to weave her hands, Tiger, Horse, Ram and then the Clone seal; two identical versions of herself would appear just behind the woman, without a secondary command, they would leap back to be approximately 3 meters from behind her; positioning themselves to begin to mediate and collect Nature Chakra.

Suika would finally turn her attention to the Shadow Man, remaining unable to truly look at him in the eyes, in fear of what was behind his mask of shadows… She knew nothing of the mans abilities, or capabilities besides the fact that Shoji trusted him with his entire being. “Do… Not… Call me that.

The first words she would speak, full of emotion, rage, the desire to murder… She found herself unable to keep control of her emotions, as she normally would be able to; she wanted to take a kunai and slowly dig it across the mans skin. She wanted him to feel the pain that Shoji had brought upon her everyday for years… How he turned her into a pet, a toy thing… Something innocent that he broke and bended to his own will… It disgusted her, having her own children now made her realize how horrible a fate she had to run into these… Demons.

She could feel her heart beating heavily as she stood before him, “Why! Why is it he feels the need to hunt me! I’m finally happy! Actually HAPPY!” She would scream towards the man, knowing that there was no one around the Bloodwork’s during this time of night, most of Sunagakure’s Shinobi being away on missions or sleeping soundly within their homes, located quite a distance from the arena. She moved her hand towards the sky, focusing her energy once again towards the Ice Spears, “He won’t have me. He’ll never have me. Nor will you people get my children. I promise you that. I’m not his weak bird anymore, I’ve been reborn! A phoenix now! Reborn in the ashes of the disaster you people left me in!” Her crystal blue eyes seemed to have a glow against the storm raining down on them, her body having already taken slight damage from enchaining her own abilities with ‘Absolute Zero Calamity’. She was going to make sure this man wouldn’t leave the arena, let alone Sunagakure alive. She wanted to rip his limbs from his body, dissect him until there was nothing left but a husk.

The rage for blood seemed only heightened within the woman as she finally faced her past.

Depending on how the man would answer, inquiring as to why after all these years they tracked her down, and wanted her back; should the man give her a straight answer, she would hold off on releasing the spears, should the answer only piss her off more than she already was, she would release all five spears down onto the man, creating five more in their place as they rained down onto him.
The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man YxaifWT
Inside of her own head, the sense of panic from the Shadow Man even being within Sunagakure, let along having stepped foot within the Spire – she could hear the sound of Shoji’s laughter within her head, the screams from her past echoing inside of her head as she could feel her hand shaking as she waited in anticipation of what the next moves would be on this chess board.

At this point Suika was ready for anything; she wasn’t letting anyone take her.

1255 WC // 1943 Total WC

New Stats, Jutsu Information:
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man Empty Re: The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man

Sat Jun 11, 2022 6:39 pm
She immediately did not meet his eyes…a very mixed development, but the buildup of her chakra was not. His Meigan activated and his chakra began to warp as he embraced the shadows as he knew he had to act now. He was not one to waste an opportunity as the ice was starting to spread and The Shadow Man whistled six tones as he smirked and the lightning would gather in his right hand with a flash as he then whistles the five tones he to amplify the chidori he just activated Since they were within 3 meters of each other, he bolted forward since she would not catch his eyes, his speed was 105 before thrusting the amplified hand of chidori forward before she could activate any further combo. On top of his speed he was using Chidori with a power of 190 and a speed of 105 (I believe) still as he growled. If the attack hit her, she would be paralyzed for two posts, but of course if she found a way out of this, he would whistle tones before placing his hands on his body placing a seal on himself. He was not letting anything being left to chance as he was a hunter of opportunity. He would however clash against the ice spears if he had to with the same power and speed as he would not drop the technique.

If by some miracle the paralysis went through, he would walk around her, before speaking to her once more. “You merely thought that you could keep out of our reach…settle down and have a simple life…Wherever you go, you know that shadows will always follow you…the reach of master Shoji is long and you are a pet he has…kept tabs on for quite some time. It is time that Sunagakure and Shoji reach an agreement of sorts…you do understand what that means don’t you?” He spoke calmly as he was intrigued by her powers as a Yuki that she had seemed to awaken, he was astounded at how quickly she turned to violence but still…fear. He could use fear.

Of course at the end of this, and he was unable to dodge or over power the spears he would still keep up his monstrous chakra and he would follow through with another attack, their conversation would have had to restart.

TWC: 735
AP Usage:
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man Empty Re: The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man

Sat Jun 11, 2022 8:27 pm
Forgot the tidbit about shadow stacks....

Was 2, but now 1 due to using Monster
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The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man Empty Re: The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man

Sun Jun 12, 2022 10:35 am
And as it ends

The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man KVvbcZ6
The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man

Suika smirked, she had the Shadow Man in her grasp; the simultaneous actions of her enhancement to the hand seals for the Consecutive Chains of Ice bursting from her; causing the man to still; the woman could feel the rage building within her as she balled her fist up; the ‘Certain Kill Ice Spears’ rushing in growth from the ground as it went to impale his chest, going through his heart; the next spear in the same motion would impale through his throat, disconnecting his head from his shoulders with one foul swoop. ‘Thudding’ to the ground and rolling off to the side.

Her crystal blue eyes watched as the head would roll from the body, the spear through the man’s chest would keep the body within the sky as she moved closer to it, her eyes inspecting carefully as she confirmed her kill… Quick, easy… Perhaps she was stronger than Shoji ever gave her? She had been a weak child, barely in the know of how the world worked when he first took her in. She couldn’t help but miss the child she once was; she missed the innocence that she had before all of this, before Suna, before Shoji, before the death of her parents… She thought of her home, where she was born, where her parents had planned on raising her… She missed them; she missed her home… But she knew that the dangers that laid ahead for her if she ever returned… Were far to great now that she had children.

Suika sighed, her body stiff from battle, her blood lust only partly quenched from this battle… She wanted more, she needed to finish this… But it would take time. The good thing is that time is all she had. With a laugh, she would deactivate all of her active jutsu, watching as the storm receded, the spears would melt away, the ice against her skin would dissipate, along with the chains along the now dead Shadow Man would also disappear. With the battle over and having won; she felt a sense of relief, she knew that she was strong now, stronger than she had ever thought possible. And with that; she would pick up the man’s body, along with his head, as she carried it tucked under her arm as she walked back towards the Spire. She knew that Guren held scrolls and other things that might make it possible to do something with the body; or if he even had any use for it at all.

As she walked out of the bloodworks, her eyes would scan the area one last time, taking a deep breath; “One last time.” She whispered to herself as she walked out to return home.
Exiting, Claiming Kill and rewards as per the hunter bounty.

  • Bounty:  8000 Ryo
  • The Body of the Shadow Man
  • 2500 WC.
  • 20,000 Ryo from the hunter mission itself, so 20,000 + 8000 = 28000 total. Making my Ryo 339,500

Upon approval, I will post my claims for the WC.

456 WC // 2399 Total WC

OOC Stuff // Hit Claims // AP, JUTSU ETC:
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
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The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man Empty Re: The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man

Mon Jun 13, 2022 5:30 pm
After the chains binded him his ninshu would activate as he was waiting on a chance he would have to use it.  The vision he pushed into her mind was one that would be both shocking, and anger inducing…It showed the Spire, looming into the darkened sky as the two figures stood below at the sandy walkway as the memory was of the Shadow Man’s perspective.

“So...she is here…Ishida I want you to bring her to the arena and subdue her…I am going to see what our little Snow Bird has been up to since she left with my own two eyes.”  He said as he walked away after handing a letter over to Ishida…the Shadow Man.  As the two went their separate ways the memory showed that he spied on Suika for some time, even when she was getting into the bath, but then as he placed the letter on the table, he heard a small noise, causing him to quickly look up and see that there was a young child standing before a door.  Ishida was quick to catch the boy in a genjutsu before walking him back to the bedroom.    After placing him in bed, he woke up the other child and did the same thing, and with the two under a genjutsu…he gave them orders…verbally Suika could hear the words in her head as if she was telling them to her children. “You two will follow my every command.  First you will pretend you're asleep until this jutsu is lifted or until you are given the phrase, Rise up my birds…and you will answer ANY questions given  Once the questions are answered…you will go back to sleep and forget what you spoke of, but keep your knowledge that the Shadow Man was here.”  He smiled as the two would nod at his orders before falling asleep and as a precaution he placed two seals under the beds of the children before slipping back outside of their window without a sound.  He moved away from the spire as he had a trap to set up, meanwhile he glanced back to see his benefactor…Shoji staring up at the spire, his chakra was memorized and it was easy to see him even as he was dressed in the uniform of the village hidden in sand…he smiled to himself knowing that his plan had worked and he was going to bring in the Snow Bird just as instructed.

The vision then slipped to another time, when Shoji had ordered her to kill two targets...her first targets, and upon her refusal...he made Suika watch as The Shadow Man did the deed, slowly.  Plucking out the eyes of the young Uchiha in the home of a slaughtered family, all for Shoji.  He left the second target locked in a genjutsu so that way the kid would have to watch his brother be removed from this world...a sign of what may be repeating itself if Shoji was not stopped, The Shadow Man was only a branch of a larger, more twisted tree

Except…that did not happen as he had hoped.  After the effects of Ninshu were worn off, Suika would see that her ice spears did as intended and Ishida…the Shadow Man was impaled upon her attacks and was bleeding profusely, until his head was removed from his shoulders…not until after he had one last movement…to spit blood at the Snow Bird and give her one last wink...he may have died there like some dog, but he had already placed another plan in motion, and when his death came…the seals around the arena would begin to go off…a chain reaction that would tear open several walls and open up…a few passages he had planned for earlier “things” were opened up.  Now was the time Sunagakure would fall to Shoji, and the Snow Bird will learn that NOWHERE she is will be safe.


Claiming MY WC goes to my alt in Tanbo Yami Meiji
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The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man Empty Re: The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man

Tue Jun 14, 2022 8:26 am
And as it ends

The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man KVvbcZ6
The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man

As the images flashed before her eyes, she could feel everything; locked down inside of her the fear of Shoji, the pain that he once caused her boiling back up… Her body felt as if it was on fire; watching as he entered the Spire—the Shadow Man interaction with her children, a cold chill would climb up her spine as the horrifying images flashed through her mind; until the moment the Spears would tear through the Shadow Man. Suika stood only for a few moments the bombs going off around her; or perhaps they were still within these images she had been showed. But there was no time for guessing, only actions.

As she scooped up the body and head of the Shadow; rushing to make her way home without a second thought of the BloodWorks for now; she needed to see her children, she needed to see Guren…

She had no idea how to tell what was real or not, but the body she held within her arms was proof enough of her battle and victory, however small it might be… if his images were true, Shoji had entered her home… She had to make sure everyone was safe…

Exiting, Claiming Kill and rewards as per the hunter bounty.

  • The Body of the Shadow Man
  • 20,000 Ryo from the hunter mission itself, so 20,000 = 20000 total. Making my Ryo 331,500
  • Claiming A Rank from victory.
Total of 2500 WC to use for claims

201 WC // 2500 Total WC

Last edited by Suika Yuki on Wed Jun 15, 2022 2:42 am; edited 1 time in total
Hayato Yuki
Hayato Yuki
Stat Page : Frigid Blade
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 21270

The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man Empty Re: The Snow Bird VS The Shadow Man

Tue Jun 14, 2022 6:53 pm
Hi Melon, you have to pick one reward, not all, from the bounty rewards list here:

The NPCs' equipment and ryo totaling no more than 8000 Ryo,
enough Organic material to attempt a transplant,
the NPCs' dojutsu eyes (A-rank+ only),
the body of the NPC****, 2500 WC.

this is mention in the mission guidelines. Let me know when you pick and I can get this approved for you. Thanks and congrats ^^
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