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Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Warden

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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

Ill Desires (Tsuna) Empty Ill Desires (Tsuna)

Fri Jun 17, 2022 11:05 pm
No one had seen much of the blue haired smith in quite a while. The doors to his forge had remained closed for what seemed like weeks. He had not taken any clients and anyone stubborn enough to try and seek a job from him would be directed to his foster father, Mercurio. It was strange for him not to be taken clients in this time especially with the news of Hoshi repelling another invasion. Good for them. Pushing a strand of ink and blue hair back, he would begin to fill the shop with the pounding of metal as the blue forge roared to life. This had been the sound that had came from the forge for days now. No one had seen him enter and none had seen him leave. Many had simply believed that his ghost had been working within the forge and keeping it alive, but no one truly believed that. Within the darkness of the forge a sigh could be heard as the hammer had been dropped onto the table, and his amber eyes closed for a moment. Walking around he would change the bandages that he had been wearing up to his forearm, the mix between grime and blood filling them once more. An experiment that had yet to bear fruit, but soon he would feel the changes for them. In the meantime he moved to grab a cup of prepoured water and guzzled it down slamming the cup back onto the desk. His hair had been disshelved and it honestly looked as if it had been changing colors, but that had been nothing to him.

Looking over to Cassian, the sword made flesh, he could hear the voice of his partner within it as the eye slowly came from it," Why don't you go outside? Touch some grass and interact with the other humans out there?," invasive as ever even as a part of him, it asked questions it very well knew the answers to. A small huff escaped his lips as he brought one of the bandaged arms to his face to lightly scratch at it with one of his fingers. He wasn't in the mood to banter with Cassian today, but he did enjoy that he still had someone to talk to. He could hear the rustling of the door, the chambers within the lock tumbling as someone came in and he immediately frowned," What part of "Closed" do you not ge- Oh... What do you want?," it wasn't malicious or even evil toward the person, just...on par for him. Leaning onto the counter he would rest his hand on his right hand and wait for a response to the person, hopefully with some news and food. He was starving.
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Ill Desires (Tsuna) Empty Re: Ill Desires (Tsuna)

Sat Jun 18, 2022 2:22 am
Hoshi has been triumphant as of late, more so than anyone could have conceivably foreseen. Ayato, and his collection of audacious following pushed back and defeated powerful shinobi aiming to do what one could only presume as dastardly things. In the midst of that, an attempt was made on the life of Tsunayoshi. Such intelligence was isolated from the common villagers, but made aware amongst the shinobi. 

It has been some time since the young Hoshimura last seen his brother, Morio. In fact, he couldn’t recall the last time - since all of the confusion anarchy that the village has suffered. He figured that it was time he stopped by the shop to visit. The Hoshimura would cross the threshold of the shop’s entrance, immediately catching an eye of the back of Morio’s head. Words came with that, but cut short and reset. A few bumbling blinks came in reaction of the words that came from his brother. “Does our clan not greet one another with a simple ‘Hello’ anymore, or has that custom fell short of you? No matter, I should be use to your irascible charm by now. Here, I took the liberty in bringing you some food. I know, how grossly humane of me.” Handing over the bag and beverage over, walking to the counter as he set it before him. 

Presuming that Morio would ravish his offering, Tsuna took a moment to look around.  “It is awfully cool in here. Have you not been working the forge today?” Cutting his eyes at him, he would ask delicately. Knowing full well the heat-kiss of an active forge. 
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Warden

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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

Ill Desires (Tsuna) Empty Re: Ill Desires (Tsuna)

Sat Jun 18, 2022 2:57 am
A chuckle left the males mouth as he stood up straight for once, the popping and cracking of his back sending a resplendent sound from his lips as he spoke," When have I ever been the type to say hello to anyone...clan or not. But at seeing as it is someone i actually enjoy being around...Hello," he would turn to face Tsuna and even the other Hoshimura would see that Morio had been through it. They would be able to see the bandages adorning his arms up to his forearm, the black stains that adorned parts of his hair and the endless black bags under his eyes. AS he took the food he would sit it down and begin to eat it rather quickly, the energy and light returning to his skin as he stopped mid chew to look around. Had it been cold in here? He had been running the forge but only in the back so it made sense," I have been running the forge using a blue flame but since I haven't been taking in any customers I guess it would be a little colder up here. People are thinking i'm dead or just not taking customers these days," he would scarf some more of the food down his throat as he gulped down the drink and patted his back to let out a wild burp. Morio had definitely seen better days, but after eating a bit he looked...better. He would clap twice which would cause a few of the lights to come on and Tsuna would be able to see the scattered swords and armors that littered the floor, some finished and some sitting in a state that could be best described as stagnancy.

The act wasn't normal for him but as he got the lights on he would begin to pick up a few of the items and put them back in place," So what brings you to the forge Tsuna? This doesn't seem like a visit for work...," he didn't sound as malicious as he usually did and for some reason he was...mellow. All things considered he was trying to figure out a few things about himself and what he wanted to do next. After he had cleaned up a bit of the floor of the stray armors and weapons he would return to the counter and sit on it, resting his arm on the handle of Cassian who would be just a few inches from him," You look...different...You cut your hair didn't you? Long hair would have been a better look for you ya know," a small chuckle escaped his lips as he sighed and waited for a response.
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Ill Desires (Tsuna) Empty Re: Ill Desires (Tsuna)

Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:09 am
Huh…Morio had a point, Tsuna doesn’t recall him ever speaking the words “hello” since he known him. It was like he was allergic to such a greeting. Tsuna smiled, guffawing as he thought of a comical apperception - Morio breaking out into hives as he utter that word. “I suppose you are right.” Affirming what was indeed a fact. Yet, Morio did the improbable. He said hello, but without the hives. Tsuna, appalled and puzzled would reach his hand transversely to place his palm onto the forehead of the blue-haired boy. “Despite how abominable you look, you do not seem to be running a fever. Odd.” Retracting his hand, fully analyzing the situation. He couldn’t deny seeing, or ignore the state that his brother was in. 

Brother…what have you…gotten yourself into?” Ignoring the question given to him, as it was an immaterial question, compared to the well-being of his kin. Taking the initiative to help him collect and put away the materials that were scattered about the shop. It wasn’t like him to be this blotchy. Even on a bad day. Something must have been truly bothering him, or perhaps it was something else…something worth investing his undivided attention to. 

The Hoshimura would await for a response to his question. Keeping a respecting, yet flinty eye and expression. 
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Warden

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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

Ill Desires (Tsuna) Empty Re: Ill Desires (Tsuna)

Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:03 am
A small chuckle escaped his lips as he looked back to the desk," Of course I'm right...," though it didn't come out vocally, it was a mental thought that he would keep to himself for now. There was a small blink as the hand had been put to his forehead, a foreign touch that made him tilt his head quizzically before shrugging it off as an act of care. Throwing the empty bag and cup into the rubbish bin behind the counter he would look over to Tsuna in a confused manner," What makes you think there is something wrong with me?," he didn't think it was the way he looked or anything.. Did Tsuna see something that Morio could not see about himself perhaps? Either way he would continue in his endeavor to make the forge look a little more hospitable...and not a raging mess. Morio pondered on the question that was imposed to him for a moment as the two cleaned for a moment, looking down at the bandages that began to glow with an effervescent green almost in a throbbing pattern before dying down, a smile appearing upon his face as he brought the bandaged part of his arm to his face. It was almost childlike exuberance that appeared on his face as he began to cackle madly, composing himself shortly after and pushing some hair out of his face," I have gotten myself into perhaps one of the greatest weapons I will ever contribute to this decrepit world...a weapon of my own design and one of a kind in every way imaginable," he would begin to unravel the bandages slowly as he continued," I have been in a creative bind ever since i created that ebony black blade over there. I didn't know where to go...what to make.I aimlessly made weapons and armors trying to fill a void I had never knew existed. The dragon within me wanted more...wanted completion but now," he would have finished unraveling the bandages that had covered most of his arm from his hand up to his forearm to show Tsuna the culmination of his work.

The green pulsing form would ebb and flow before becoming a dull arrangement of lines on his arm that looked as if it hurt," I have perfected a weapon that is apart of me...every bit of my body as the bones within my skin...but as sharp as the blades that adorn this shop. I have toiled over this in sadness but now am liberated to see that my creation has life now," in his eyes he had seen the fires and storms finally subside but to his brother he could be seen as crazy or even eccentric. Morio cared not for his creation had came to life and now...he was one step closer to obtaining the power he so deserved.
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Ill Desires (Tsuna) Empty Re: Ill Desires (Tsuna)

Fri Jun 24, 2022 1:51 pm
Was it not distinct? Did Morio, somehow started his day without glimpsing in a mirror? Tsuna, surveying his brother, quite assiduously at that, gave a bewildering expression. A few quizzical blinks of his own at the question. “Surely you jest, right? You look like early morning defecation on the sidewalk. No one likes the sight of early morning defecation on the sidewalk.” Shuddering at the mere thought of it. Two swift shakes of the head would snap the Hoshimura from his self cajoled nightmare. Pressing on with his assistance to help tidy the forge, Tsuna despise a chaotic atmosphere - to the core, he did. Yet his concentration for his task was curtailed by the demented cackling of Morio. Comically the boy would snap his head up, pivoting his entire body to face Morio’s direction with a puzzled expression. “What the FUCK was that?!?!?” A helter-skelter inquiry. 

As his brother began to disclose what he’s been up to, Tsuna noticed the grossly hue coming from the arm of the other Hoshimura. Without knowing, his gaze narrowed, his focus grew in that dubious display. His explanation proceeded, bandages were unraveled. Tsuna…with an inquisitive face stepped closer to Morio. Obtaining a better view. Could this really be a weapon, that Morio somehow amalgamated with? This is far beyond the teachings of Mercurio, Tsuna should know, he was one of his students. 

Both, disturbed and awed, Tsuna stepped back, gawking at his brother. The flames of inspiration were indeed blazoned within his eyes. He could see it to be true. It’s been some time since he saw this side of him, in fact, it was the second time. The first being when Tsuna taught him one of his personal creations. “This explains a lot, I now know why you look like dookie. But, what did you sacrifice for such a power? And do not tell me that there wasn’t one, we all pay a sacrifice, big or small, for the advancements of our person.” Pondering the events that were laid before him, Tsuna moved to the counter; leaning on it. Should Morio desired to explain further, he would listen intently. 

A subtle sigh would escape him. One that held more to it than “overwhelming” information. He glanced over to his brother, then away. Contemplating on if he should… “You’re not the only one, to ‘design’ something wonderful and unique. I too have been establishing a contribution to this healthy world. Or rather, I have created a better one.” The sentence trailed off, correcting his posture he would turn to face his brother. Extending his left hand to him. “Come, it would be an elementary comprehension to see it with your own eyes.” It should be felt about now, what he was talking about. Morio should feel Tsunayoshi emanating an opaque and dense chakra, gradually developing from him. Surround him and him alone. Should he take his hand, Morio will find out first hand exactly what Tsuna was referring to. 

Yet, the closer Morio would get to Tsuna the more it would feel as though there were many, thousands, hundred of thousands to an infinite number of eyes and chakras glaring at him. All of this coming from Tsunayoshi Hoshimura. 
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Warden

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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

Ill Desires (Tsuna) Empty Re: Ill Desires (Tsuna)

Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:11 pm
"...So you are saying I look like shit is it?,"the male said as he turned, his eyes flickering with the Kenseigan but soon it would dim and return to his normal eyes as he smiled," Just kidding~ No. I don't know what I look like honestly. All I know is that my hair is turning black in certain places because i can see the strands," he wouldn't mention that he had not taken a shower in about three days. The sweet sickening stench of sweat was not apparent yet, but his hair had matted and stuck to his form as if he had neglected it. He tilted his head for a moment at Tsuna's reaction and his question in...confusion. Price? The price was not steep, not even on his radar but it was a price nonetheless. Even as the younger Ametsuchi turned to face the counter and Tsuna, the fire in his eyes slowly began to dwindle," The price was myself...these are now apart of me. No matter what I do, what I try to lose these will remain with me the remainder of my life and even beyond. This grafted weapon is a living will and testament to my inheritance as an Ametsuchi...and as a blacksmith. Not even Mercurio, Vanear....or even you could surpass my craft after this...And this is only the beginning," that fire returned however as he smiled and ran his other bandaged hand over the now glowing green markings. The culmination of everything he knew and learned...some forbidden and even taboo, but he had became a perfect canvas for his work.

He was brought out of his thoughts by what came next. His eyes would shift over to Tsuna as he pondered on what the male meant. Had he made some sort of weapon? Hardly. It wouldn't compare to his newest showcasing then what... Curious he would take the hand of his brother and as he did he could feel the overwhelming eyes of something or someone watching but more so he could feel one other thing....this was pure Hoshimura energy. Whatever spark had been in his eyes quickly died as he realized something quickly...and harshly....the bastard had became more the heir himself. Had he been so wrapped in what had been going on in his forge that he didn't notice he had been left behind. Outwardly he would smile and look at Tsuna for a moment." So you...have unlocked a power of the Hoshimura that even evades me...the heir of my own family...Congratulations," but behind those words and within the cages of his mind he silently fell into a state of dishevelment that almost fell like despair.
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Warden

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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

Ill Desires (Tsuna) Empty Re: Ill Desires (Tsuna)

Mon Jun 27, 2022 5:29 am
Mid thread Claim:
TWC: 1,823

> 919 words toward Hoshimura Style: Overdrive putting the total at 3,750 out of 3,750. Proof found Here
> 904 words into Dark Chariot B Rank 904 out of 1000
18 AP
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Ill Desires (Tsuna) Empty Re: Ill Desires (Tsuna)

Mon Jun 27, 2022 3:40 pm
Tsuna took Morio’s hand into his own. The words of his brother slipped his lips. Tsuna’s reaction to them was compassionate. He knew this would come from showing him, but Morio of all people deserved to see this…maybe even more than Tsuna himself. In an instant the two would vanish. 

They would find themselves in a realm, not another dimension that centers all creations. From above there was nothing but stars, endless seas of stars. Trees that reached 250 meters tall. Massive in appearance and awe. It would come to one’s understanding that the size of this place that they stood upon a planet of its own, and also a universe. It was barren of human life, yet there were animals that did not look like normal earth animals. But most importantly there were…spirits. These spirits were countless as they surrounded the two Hoshimura. They gazed at them with heavy eyes. Should Morio observe them he would see that these spirit were Hoshimura clan members of every dimension, every universe that has pasted. Above them, scattered were these moon sized orbs. These were the Amatsu-Mikaboshi stars that Tsuna drew power from for his unique Jutsu. One could never see them until now. “A would like to welcome you, Morio. This is Mount Olympus, my world, a creation of my will. A universe that connects to multi-universes that summons all passing Hoshimura to one place. So that they may live one in pierce even after death. So that they may be with their loved ones. This is where you and I will come to live after our last breath is taken. This is what we would call…Heaven.” The spirits would nod. As they dispersed and moved as normal humans would in the world. Socializing. 

The Hoshimura would look to his brother. He did not need to have his eyes active to sense the power coming from Morio. “Did you forget that I am also a sensor ninja. I can feel the power held within your arm. What you have is also great, and it’s not only self serving. It is a path that only you can take. Where this is a path only I could take. From the moment I was baptized into the clan fully I’ve been haunted by the whispers of the dead Hoshimura. They wouldn’t let me sleep or remain awake without hearing their stories. Hearing their cries and pleas. I gave them a place to exist, not a void of emptiness. This world is vast, even stretching further beyond what your eyes could see. There are more planets that I command and even more spirits that live there.” Beginning to walk off, he would beckon for his brother to follow. 

Come, there is more I wish to show you.” 

[Mount Olympus has been officially created]

Mount Olympus : 1000 AP cost.
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Ill Desires (Tsuna) Empty Re: Ill Desires (Tsuna)

Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:51 pm
TWC: 1486 

Spending 1312 of the above WC to learn Distant Thunder at B-rank. 

Mid-Thread Claim.
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