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Blades Chinoike
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Bronze Blood [Solo] Empty Bronze Blood [Solo]

Mon Jun 20, 2022 12:12 am
“These guys really knew how to pick the best place to party, huh…? Guess I’ll have to show them that not everyone is going to wait for a goddamned commission before dealing with them.”

A couple of days have passed since Blades’ wonderous encounter with his new friend, Naki. Their missions wouldn’t be ready for them right away, so as always, the older Genin had to spend his time doing what he does best; knocking the heads of the unfortunate would be crime lords that infest Sunagakure. As great of a little oasis as his home truly was, their more lenient policy on Missing Ninja occasionally let some cracks in the system slip by their watchful eyes, and on top of that, the vast deserts surrounding them only had more of a grander scale when it comes to the crime riddled world that they live in. If he didn’t know any better, other than Kirigakure and the Water Country, the Wind Country is probably the most dangerous in terms of what could take you out when you aren’t within the confines of the ‘Village Hidden in the Sand’ itself. That’s why he has to help keep his home safe… even if it means no pay, glory, or even a thank you. With what little power and skill he has, serving this village is what gave him life - in both a figurative, and very literal sense. Really, he should be reporting all of this officially in order to get his fair dues… maybe he’d be a much higher ranked shinobi by now, if he did that. But would he feel right, letting countless families, couples, kids, or gods forbid his grandparents, suffer when he could end it right there and then? No, no he wouldn’t. Such is the life of a vigilante, and he can’t say he didn’t ask for it. It was his choice.

“Alright, time to head out.”

If he could help it, he did his work during the night, and today was no exception. As soon as the sun’s scorching rays no longer touched the ground that lays beneath them all, and was replaced with the luminescent comfort of a crescent moon’s light hung in the sky from off of the constellations instead, he’d be right on his merry way to the top of his own rooftop. Very few people actually stood up much longer than now, and he had at least a thirty minute trek to his destination. A satchel hangs around his torso snuggly, with a standard issue ninja belt to assist in holding even more, but nothing special. Otherwise, his outfit is quite unique in comparison to what anyone wears here, he thought; black leather armor wasn’t what made it special to him, but most of it is standard in that regard, until you get to his almost mini-cloak hood combo… and the kicker of it all being a small, black masquerade-style mask to help further obscure his face under the hood. Needless to say, seeing this man pop in front of your door during the day might garner a laugh or two, but at night? Chilling in execution. You don’t want to see anyone like him, because if you catch the ire of the Ebon Rose, pray to what gods will listen to you. Attached to the lower portion of his back also holds the scabbard and gifted weapon of his newly acquired friend; a finely crafted katana, built to be intimidating and at least competent during a normal fight. Against other ninja or kunoichi, he might have been afraid of it breaking, but he has no reason to believe he’s dealing with anyone but common bandits. It should work out, and he’ll have a new test drive of his brand new sword all laid before him, to test its flaws.
“Unless my intel up until this point is wrong, anyway…”

Shaking that thought aside, he’s off; leaping from roof to roof, light in his steps and not taking a single moment to ever stop and redirect his movements. Traveling through his beloved home became as easy as breathing to him from taking on the mantle of a crime fighter, and he practically knew every shady alley and corner in the nooks and cranny down every street. On the way to his desired location, he takes a moment to sift through what he has gathered on his suspects for the night, wanting to make certain without a shadow of a doubt that he remembers it all. The possibility of getting caught by a patrolling colleague of his has always been a risk he’s willing to take, but not without the means to prove he isn’t just pounding down on a couple of poor, random sods… or if it came to it, even killing them. So, he scrolls through the miniature notepad he has for the case, alongside organizing his various vital pieces of physical evidence. One of these such important tidbits is a small, bent ryo coin, with the kanji for “extortion” engraved into it. “Amateurs,” he muses, reading over his notes. “With whatever means they have to them, they bend the coins of various merchants they rough up for ‘protection’ money, and leave them on a nearby desk to mark their territory… all while loudly proclaiming their intentions. Really, it’s a wonder how they managed to keep it all quiet. Took an hour of convincing to get one of the artisans to get me one of these…”

Secondly, there was a kunai, dipped in the blood of who he presumes is one of the members of this misfit gang. One of his medical contacts could not find any correlation with the merchants and their own blood, nor did it match anyone in their records, so it only left the thugs to watch out for. What was a mystery is who it belongs to, if it had their blood instead of a victim’s… “This will be a key factor in ensuring I’m not sought after once all of this blows over. The Ebon Rose can’t be caught empty handed, or I can kiss this gig goodbye.” He sure was lucky that they had a focus on technological and medicinal advancement here in Suna. It’d make it so much harder to prove a lack of foul play on his end otherwise. Anyway, there was the final piece that he needed… a copy of one of their sleazy operation’s ‘receipts’. The fact they kept any paperwork at all at least spoke to the fact they did not want to get caught on tax fraud. On top of that, it listed what the protection is actually for, which is really what intrigued him the most. “Apparently, a ‘green eyed man’ is responsible for the need of guards… and extortion naturally stemmed from this as a result. I’m more inclined to believe they’re both connected, but I won’t know until I’ve confronted them myself.” Speaking of which, having refreshed himself fully, he sighs and stows away all his goods, and looks ahead at his swiftly approaching end point… the ruins of the old Sunagakure Academy; broken down, weathered by time, and abandoned by its people. Really, it’s a miracle he hasn’t busted anyone in this area yet, but maybe that’s because most had the respect not to want to dig up the past, for the sake of moving on with the future. Respect that these men in particular sorely lacked… an act they’ll pay for in blood.

Considering the large exterior and interior enclosures, he could be here all night searching for these hooligans. That has never deterred him though, so now that he’s here, there’s no turning back until the culprits have been apprehended, and left to suffer while a force of shinobi are tipped off to their hideout. Perfect enough for him, since although he does this mainly to protect his fellow neighbor, and bring justice to the world, he’d be lying if there isn’t some sort of personal enjoyment in… the thrill of the hunt. These scum were the only prey he could get his fix from, without unreasonably damaging his self-guided moral compass, or his standing in society as a whole. The Bloodworks do exist, but… he’d need to find a better time to apply, when there isn’t so much going on, and when he’s maybe a little stronger. Dealing with what he can now, and taking down the individuals that actually matter instead of suicidal, battle hungry fiends just made more sense to him. “Okay, let us see where these assholes are hiding… maybe the cafeteria? Could have some MRE’s stacked up in there…” Not that he needed to eat, as he already has, but the idea of maybe snatching himself a few hidden caches of ready to eat food appeals greatly to him. He has to focus, though, and with one final breath and solitary stare down across the whole campus, he’s ready. “Down the hatch.”

Literally, because there was a fire escape hatch on the rooftops. His feet covered in a thin veil of chakra, he rather quaintly walks inside, and sticks to the actual ceiling itself, so it’s easier to close up his entryway instead of making it known someone is inside. “Thank you for the Surface Walking technique, Academy…” he fondly exclaims to himself, before bending down to his knees and getting a closer look at what he’s dealing with. This was the main lobby area of the school, and it didn’t really do him any favors searching here, as there were no patrons to be found. At least they weren’t dumb enough to wait at the front entrance. Alright, so where does he have left to go? Pulling out an old campus map he acquired from the library’s archives before he got here, he deduces that they’re probably huddled up in the auditorium. Out of all the structures inside, it’s the most secure, with a couple of exits that don’t expose their flank, and the inward structure of the seating arrangements giving them apt cover for possible projectile weaponry trading tactics. Dropping to the second floor from the top, he does a sneaky little flip in midair and lands on his feet as quiet as a mouse, looking both ways beside him before he continues., and deactivating his current abilities. Thus far, everything is simple and by the book… which really perturbed him. Usually, something goes wrong in either the beginning or middle of his misadventures, and he really dislikes it when it’s the latter. More on guard than before, he keeps a hand on the hilt of his sheathed blade and sticks low to the ground, crouching as he sneaks eastwards, where he’d find the rightmost entrance to the auditorium. Not a single breath is wasted, as if it hitches even slightly, he knows his cover is blown.

Seeing as he has nothing else better to do while keeping a lookout, his eyes wander the various examples of ‘décor’ strewn across the academy. Torn up and burnt books, ajar metal lockers, ripped up banners with depictions of the dreaded ‘Koroshi Uchiha’... Was it always those damn Uchiha that ruined everything around the world, really? That seems unfair to the infamous bloodline, but he can’t really deny how horrible this one turned out to be. Their cowardice, even in the smallest of terms, made enough of a disgrace of themselves to require future generations to build an entirely new academy, in order to bury this one in the past. A history buff didn’t have to tell you how significant a person must be to cause that to occur. He shudders even thinking about all the men, women and children that suffered because of their actions… and it only strengthens his resolve to make sure he doesn’t follow suit. Fortunately uninterrupted during his thought process, he gingerly touches the doorknob of the eastern auditorium’s door, and presses his ear against the wooden slab, listening for potential tripwires or other nefarious traps they could have set up. “Sweet… nothing, and no lock, either. Could have forgotten this spot.” Smiling in satisfaction to no one but himself, he creaks the door open as quietly as possible, bringing himself inside without a word.

Not much to say about this place, but when he peers his head over the second floor railings, he spots his prize; a group of… four men? In his study of the gang, he was only told of three… but that part of the mystery is soon to be wrapped up for him in a neat little bow, because his eyes widen when he realizes what’s going on. Three are currently on the ground, and it looks like they’re groaning and panting with pain… with the last one standing up, holding what looks like a war fan in their hands, their stance even from afar riddled with malefic intent. “This oughta be interesting… alright, pal. Put on a show for me.” Seeing the need for his wall climbing magic skills once more, he proceeds to creep up the nearby wall, and essentially guides himself upside down until he’s directly above the four mystery freaks, which would let him actually better listen in on what’s going on. Needless to say, he’s not surprised at all with what he’s about to hear, at least a first. The ending is the real kicker.

“You fools… what did I tell you?! You’re asking for too much! If they get even a single coin off course, it could ruin the entire operation… it’s like you can’t put aside that insatiable greed for one fucking second to ensure you can actually keep getting paid! What’s the big idea?” Said the only one standing up, who the Ebon Rose assumes is just their boss behind the scenes. They actually sounded a little familiar, but there’s not enough information to go off of yet. Knowing this might be important, the vigilante has his notepad at the ready. A funny looking man in a ragged wool coat, curled up and hugging his sledgehammer, speaks up, with a gruff and irritating voice. “But, boss… we’s gotta feed ourselves too, ya know. Can’t be living off of scraps while protecting their arses from the likes of yourself.” Intrigued, the Ebon Rose ponders, “That explains the kunai. Okay, this guy must be attacking them to create the need for protection… but it doesn’t tell me how they’re keeping them quiet.” The war fan man continues. “You. Don’t. GET IT! You stupid, stupid idiot… until I can gather us enough funding, I can’t secure us a base out of town. This should be easy, even for your illogical mind! Your friends couldn’t handle it, so that’s why I put them to sleep, but you? You’re the smartest one!” He gets closer to the funny one, menacing beginning to fill through the room. The vigilante’s hands twitch, and he’s starting to get annoyed at war fan man’s attitude. What he wouldn’t give to shut him up. Again, he feels like he’s heard him before…

“But… but Akane-kun-” Smack. Right across the face, the man named Akane slaps his subordinate, and the rage in his voice rises. “I told you NOT to call me that, you absolute fucking BAFFOON! You don’t listen to my orders, you don’t listen to the name I told you to give me, you don’t use your money right… all you do is whine, and whine, and WHINE. I can’t fucking take it anymore! Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you, right now, Daichi! No, Dumbchi!” Daichi whimpers, clutching his hammer, like he knows what’s about to come… but he utters out, “B-because, you’re… a n-ninja… you’re supposed to be cool, right? That’s what you told me…” Seizing up, Akane shakes with sheer contempt, and he slowly raises his fan hand. This was the end, Daichi thought. No more marshmallows, no more helping the nice merchants… no more money. He was a bad guy, but he wasn’t a bad guy. Akane, however… “No. I am not a ninja! I will be the next criminal mastermind of the century, to get back at this dirty peasant village, and I won’t let a bumbling, inbred, ingrate, son of a whore RUIN IT FOR ME!!!” But, before he could lay down the final blow, a kunai knocks his fan out of his hands, and a swift kick to the face sends him tumbling to the floor, though eventually recovering and on his knees, yelping in the shock of sudden pain. There in his place stood the Ebon Rose, who throws what looks like a shuriken at the nearby candles that lit the place, before staring down Akane, a solid, bright hazel glare being all that stares back into his own brown orbs. “Oh, and who is THIS motherfucker?!” The angry lunatic shouted, pointing at Daichi, and back at the vigilante.

“So… you get your rocks off by bullying the poor into doing your bidding. Is that it? Such a shame… a member of the Sand should know better. Don’t worry… when they receive your mangled body and take you into custody, you’ll know who I am. The Ebon Rose. Now, shut up, and fight.” Daichi shivers in the sidelines, as he’s heard tales of the man who saved his life just now, but as for the ninja across from them, he has no clue what this Ebon Rose freak is. All he knows is that it’s another body to add to the table. Laughing hysterically, he pulls out one of his own kunai, and exclaims, “And all YOU will be, is the ‘Ebon’ STREAK on my walls!” Then, he recklessly charges at his new opponent, who in kind draws the blade behind his back with what could be described as blinding speed, swinging it in a wide arc in front of him in an upwards diagonal angle, sending the boss’ weapon careening into the stalls below. A terrified scream leaves his lungs, but he keeps on going anyway, now trying to punch at the calm, focused vigilant with a left hook to the jaw. But, it’s way too late to have any sort of actual battle here. Simply put, they were too angered and unstable to do any damage, and though they too were a Genin, they didn’t have nearly enough real world combat experience like the Ebon Rose has. All he receives in response is a close up at their solemn gaze, before he smashes the hilt of his sword straight into their nose. Crying in sheer pain and agony, they topple over to the floor, where Daichi watches his former leader crumple like a used paper towel. Blood trickles from his now broken nose, and while the injury isn’t very severe, what the vigilante has in store for them next won’t be so lax.

With no need for his elegant weapon anymore, he sheathes it safely and securely, slowly sitting down on his victim’s chest. A cold, dead stare meets the horrified look of a Genin way over his head, and as calm as the winds of this cool night, the Ebon Rose mutters, “For the suffering you’ve brought upon not only Sunagakure’s citizens… but the dishonor you bring to your fellow shinobi… I, the Ebon Rose, will serve as your just punishment. When the authorities bring you in for questioning, I don’t want you to forget that name… what you felt, when you look into my eyes… and how you’ll feel, after I’m done with you.” Unbeknownst to the Ebon Rose, not only was he himself being a little more cruel right now, infuriated by the sheer cruelty of his latest enemy… but his eyes… they were shifting colors. While his hazel spheres have been engulfed in a crimson, bloody red, which glowed in the dark effectively, one that closely examined it could tell this was not the Sharingan… what was it, then? Of course, poor Akane doesn’t know, but he certainly will remember it. Not only was he possibly going to die, but to a freak, no less? Only monsters have eyes as red as a blood moon. This would be a new experience for them both, though the vigilante hardly notices as he firmly pries the scum’s wrists from his face, squishing them together with one hand. A snarl enemates from his throat, and with a twisted grin, showing off his sharpened canines, he simply remarks, “If Suna decides to not take you back in as one of their own… then I’ll make certain you can never use your precious chakra again, Akane.” Practically about to pass out from fear, all they can remark with in response to the Ebon Rose is… “How… h-how do you know my name???”

“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know, traitor.

Giving in to his inner rage, and the thirst for blood, he leans down and chomps straight into the older Genin’s fingers, causing a cascade of precious iron-laced fluids to gush out. Finally, Akane’s mortified voice echoes into the room, a far cry from his inane ramblings earlier. It only lasts a minute, but when he runs out of breath and can no longer take the pain, he passes out. During that entire minute, his blood is feasted upon by the man on top of him, at least for as long as its running. Funnily enough, him actively doing this helps to stop the bleeding faster, which just serves what he wanted to begin with. This welp wasn’t worth killing, especially when he’d be suffering a lot more in the hands of the law when all is said and done. Finally, he’d gotten his fix… and he taught this sick man a valuable lesson in humility. Indeed, his plan could have possibly worked, were it not for his sloppy cooperation with his ‘teammates’, and his arrogance inspired superiority complex. Ripping off their shirt, the Ebon Rose carefully wraps the fabric around those ruined hands of his, so they’d stop flowing the rivers of life for good, and keep Akane alive for pickup later. Then, he drags his unconscious form over next to Daichi, wiping the blood from his face and licking it up with his fingers. Chuckling quietly, he looms his deathly red stare down at the sunken soul, knowing he’s completely and utterly scared. He should be… but he isn’t in danger. “Don’t worry, I’m only going to knock you out. You sound like you might have a chance at getting out of jail alive… just make sure you tell them everything when they get here, Daichi. Akane can’t control you anymore, but you will still pay for your crimes.” Before the man can say anything, he kicks his head over, knocking him out cold.

Hours later…

When Sunagakure’s authorities gain an anonymous tip that a failed rogue shinobi, and his lackeys were located in the abandoned ruins of the old academy, it was quickly searched, and they’d find Daichi and Akane tied up together, still asleep, with the other two bodies continuing to lay on the ground. Beside them, a small bundle of baggies with items in it, and a similar pile of papers in a casual report format laid, and when read, it relays the following:

Dear Sunagakure,

"Normally you don’t find me dealing with domestic matters, but in this case, it was a conflict that could have gone way more south without my intervention. The man with the green eyes, Akane Ena, just so happens to be one of your Genin within the village. He was using the other three you see near him as pawns to gather money from the merchants, and using his status to keep them all quiet about it, which is why a commission for this case was never opened up formally. The other one tied up with him is Daichi, who I believe was the group of three’s second in command, though he was as harmless as a puppy. I have no information on the two deceased men, but I’m sure Akane-kun will tell you all about it when he’s woken up, and you’ve taken him to the medical bay. As you already know, I took a bit of blood as usual, but this time it was a little more… serious. I took the liberty of making sure he couldn’t cast any jutsu to try and escape your custody, or in case he attempted to escape before you got there. You’ll be able to heal him if you decide to welcome him back with open arms, but I somehow doubt you’ll want to do that, considering he was planning on becoming a Missing Nin. Anyway, the rest of this report will have a fully detailed case on what I’ve gathered, as well as important pieces of evidence that will help you determine the verdict on this, as I always provide. I thoroughly enjoyed helping keep this village safe once again, and I wish you all a fair day. May the sands be warm, and your lives bloom ever on.

Yours Truly, the Ebon Rose.

A black rose rests in Akane’s hair, the calling card of the Ebon Rose, so combined with all of that, it’s safe to assume there’s no making up what occurred here. But, as the authorities questioned their new inmates, one has to raise the question… out of all the weird, and downright disturbing stuff that went down here, why was Akane so thorough with his indepth description of this vigilante’s eyes…?


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Bronze Blood [Solo] Empty Re: Bronze Blood [Solo]

Mon Jun 20, 2022 2:41 am
approved cool post ^^
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