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Stat Page : Dracoso Hehane
Mission Record : Learning Path
Summoning Contract : The Okamis of the Haze
Familiar : Sutsui Hehane
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 88570

Care Station: Burns and Bandaids Empty Care Station: Burns and Bandaids

Sat Jul 02, 2022 12:57 pm
After reading up a bit and talking with the medical staff at the academy at what can happen at the beach, Dracoso decided to set up an area at the beach to help some of the visitors. From sunburn to heatstroke, small cuts to swimming accidents, Dracoso figured his medical knowledge could be well applied. He convinced one of the building owners on the beach to let him borrow one of the backrooms to set up a medical station to aid with issues.

He set up a sign towards the entrance to the beach and another one a little way out from where he was located near the backroom. He set up an emergency shower which used a showerhead made of ice to feed cooled water onto whoever was overheating. He set up a couple of first aid kits and had Sutsui using her barrier technique to analyze a person's body and find any issues before transmitting the information to him to deal with them.

Several children were brought to him with cuts or bruises. Some had been running too fast and others had been roughhousing down near the jetty. Two individuals were brought to him who had heatstroke. A quick butterfly effect to focus them while he slowly cooled their bodies with the shower and shade helped them to recover enough to walk out themselves. One woman had a nasty gash from getting too close to the reef nearby and it was quickly patched up with the touch of a mystical palm. Due to blood loss, she was helped back to her hotel nearby to recover.

The sign out front read: "Care Station: We are happy to help any who are in medical need. Stop by if you just need a place to cool off or someone to talk with about your problems. Severity of issue takes precedence." Dracoso wondered what other kinds of individuals he may meet today.

{Starting WC: 320)
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