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Ryumi Hiyu
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Sharknado 7: WAIT!  WHY ON NRPG!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharknado 7: WAIT! WHY ON NRPG!?

Sun Aug 14, 2022 3:02 am
Ryumi's strong physique was actually able to wrangle in the shark for brief periods of time. The snapping, gnashing sounds of the shark trying to get back in control only had Ryumi trying to grasp at the shark more and more. The splashing and crashing of the waves around her as the shakr continued to shake itself off of the girl. Her own grip on the shark’s own dorsal fin was tight, enough to where if she even so much as gripped harder the fin itself would be pierced through due to her own strength. She could only give a grin as it seemed she was getting the monster under control for a brief moment as the shark was slowly making its way in circles. Ryumi wondered if that was enough to get the shark under control. She didn’t mind riding a shark for a little while. But at the same time she knew that the townsfolk in question were going to absolutely hate it if she didn’t try and put down the shark. The people on the boat stared back in awe as the girl seemingly had enough strength to steer the shark around with seemingly only her own hands. Ryumi’s gaze shifted, her purple eyes swinging back towards the shore. Youta’s light baby blue hair was in view as he was shouting for her to bring it towards the shoreline. A small thought entered Ryumi’s head at the thought of actually doing that, shouting back towards Youta, getting distracted by the boy in question.

“Why would I bring it back to shore?! I don’t want it to end up trying to take a chunk out of you guys!!” Shouting back while tightening her grip on the fish in question. She had her fill with riding the shark, pulling back her fist to land a devastating punch towards where she could see the massive gills on the left side of the shark’s dark blue body. The white lining of its soft underbelly was showing just below the sapphire sea that surrounded her. She would have taken the punch no doubt, had a certain princess of light not sent out two glowing blades within the shark's tough upper skin. The blades, while having sunk into the shark's flesh, made the beast let out a shrill sound of pain, jumping upwards with Ryumi still on the shark now holding for dear life with that dorsal fin. Her fingers touched at this point as she knew she had pierced through the shark's skin as a result of her intense grip on the massive predator. Perhaps Ryumi was indeed being very stupid at this point. She had clearly shown that she had not taken the assignment seriously and it had led to the shark now gaining more control in this situation. She needed to act fast, yet her bo-staff had been left back home with Lloyd. Meaning she had no real way to attack it from a range.

The sudden surge of blackened, Iron chakra had Ryumi turn her head in awe at what she was about to witness from the Red Nova. As the massive sea of chakra coming from the Nova commander was frankly ridiculous from her own point of view. There was no way someone had that much chakra held deep inside of them and was able to form a being like that from just molding it to their liking. Yet Ryumi, gazing upon the massive being known as the Susano’o, She could only admire the majestic wings slowly spreading out from the base of its back. The  Majestic Susano’o took flight from where the edge of the beach was, others were in sheer awe of the amount of strength being displayed for this one shark. Yet when he eventually took flight, the flaming black vestiges of chakra around the Susanoo gave her goosebumps. The shark would attempt to escape, yet Ryumi held it in place somewhat before those two Shuriken immediately came into view in an instant, embedding themselves into the shark. Decimating the beast in the process with nothing more than chakra shurikens. Ryumi had ended up jumping away from the shark as a result, landing safely on top of the water with herself being mostly alright. Besides now standing in an ocean of dark inky blood pooling right underneath her feet.

When the Nova’s own commander offered a hand towards the Hiyu, the girl immediately stretched out her whole arm to wrap around the finger of the massive construct of chakra. Certainly this was an impressive and downright flex of the Nova commander… And she had made a bad impression in front of him… But honestly she was having too much of a high right now from even so much as riding a shark in the presence of two of the strongest shinobi inside of Hoshigakure.

Returning to the shore, Ryumi could only be giddy with excitement at what Akaboshi had shown towards everyone. It reminded her somewhat of the power that Atarashi wielded. Making her wonder if Akaboshi knew about Atarashi at all.

“That was so cool Akaboshi-Sama! That reminded me a lot of Atarashi sensei’s strength!” She commented, turning her head towards the blonde woman and questioning. Immediately stretching out her whole arm to reach over towards and offer her hand towards the Namikaze, Ryumi was happy to see that there was another person she had not yet met.

“Nice to meetcha as well! I don’t think I’ve seen ya anywhere!”


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Youta Shinkou
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Sharknado 7: WAIT!  WHY ON NRPG!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharknado 7: WAIT! WHY ON NRPG!?

Thu Aug 18, 2022 8:26 pm
“Stupid and brave,  that fits Ryumi to a T.  She prefers to think with her fist hence the boxing match with a shark in the ocean.”  He would shout back to Ryumi “We will be Fine. What is the worst that could happen?”  Youta would look at Akaboshi and say “Respect? I am not sure how I disrespected you but you are right.  You are a commanding officer of Hoshigakure and at work. I do respect your strength and all that I have heard that you have done.  I am sorry to have offended you however I am not sorry if I offended her after our history.  There is a history and to be honest I know she is part of  Hoshigakure but I do not trust her.  And if I did not owe and like Ryumi as a person I would be back in my hotel in a hot bath relaxing on my vacation. Not my seas, not my problem but she is a friend and hoshigakure Shinobi never leaves a friend behind to fight by themselves, right Hikari?”  He would ask knowing the history he had with her in the realm of the puppet.  

He would see the Uchiha make his susano trying to instill fear or show off he was not quite sure.  And fly towards Ryumi.  Hikari would make some hand signs and some swords of light would form and one would form a little close to Youta but he was distracted and did not really care.  She would launch them at the shark.  And Youta would see the shark with all the swords of light in it.  The big black construct would pick up Ryumi and bring her back to the beach.  

“So Ryumi, Did you have fun? So does anyone have a plan for killing the shark?  I mean I did not really bring any ninja tools to the beach but More importantly we probably need to bring the shark closer unless you guys killed it while you were there. But either way I could go for some fish tacos. 

WC 346 
Hikari Namikaze
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Sharknado 7: WAIT!  WHY ON NRPG!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharknado 7: WAIT! WHY ON NRPG!?

Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:28 am
As the Kunoichi looked back at the group and saw the Red Nova activate his sharingan, and suddenly enwraped himself into a massive black chakra construct. Hikari joined in with the other beachgoers being in awe  of this technique. The form and shape of the technique reminded the Kunochi of one of the Valen Akari's techniques, but on a significantly larger scale. If only Hoshigakure had this sort of military strength two years ago, The Alpha would have had the opportunity to have gotten reinforcements or her attempted assault on the 4 tails. 

After a few seconds of looking on in Awe at the dark chakra creature, the structure would form two large chakra shuriken in its hands, and quickly and mercilessly end the life of the the young Kunochi's new surfboard. Once that was done, the Red Nova would pick up the Kunochi, and would bring her back to the beach. Perhaps the Akari assassin should have had done more to help, but she had been taken to aback by the Uchiha's reaction to do anything before the situation handled itself. 

As the two made there way back to shore, the young Hiyu was obviously stoked about the events that happened, fangirling over Akaboshi and the way he saved her, and to be quite frank, Hikari found herself struggling not to join in. As the two approached, Hikari would look at the two, "C... C... Color me impressed! That was quite the feat of strength Akaboshi! Honestly, I've never seen a chakra construct that large before." As then, Ryumi approached the woman and offered her hand towards her for a greeting. Hikari would move for a curtsy, before realizing she didn't have a dress on, and would instead offer her hand out. "Nice to meet you as well young lady. Since Akaboshi seemed comfortable showing that technique to save you, I'm guessing you are a Hoshigakure Kunochi as well, or at least a Haven Native. My name is Hikari Namikaze. I have been out of the village as of late, but just returned a few weeks ago. Its an honor to meet you." As the two squeezed hands, the former Alpha would feel the girl's massive grip on her hand. If it wasn't obvious from the girl's muscles, Hikari could tell this woman was pretty obviously a body builder of some sort. 

Once they were done, Youta would start talking, but the Akari Assassin got a bit distracted. Underneath her contact lenses the Byakugan the girl had transplanted would activate as she would look out towards the ocean to where the shark had been and the bloody water. Scanning through it, the girl would find the body of the shark, while it had been torn to pieces by the shuriken attack from the Red Nova's Chakra being. That being said, the majority of the flesh was still intact, which gave the Akari an idea... she wondered exactly how the shark tasted like. The creature was significantly larger than the size Sharks normally would be able to get to. It was quite obvious that this shark had some sort of difference when it came to the creatures biological make up. Perhaps this would cause a difference in the taste of the meat of the shark? Hikari wasn't known in Hoshi for her cooking skills like Akihana was, let alone world famous such as Kyson's 'Makukage' nor final leader of the stone village. That being said, having aspirations to be a house wife, Hikari was a bit of a cook herself, and was seeking out new ingredients. The thought of having such a large amount of fish to try to cook, which possibly could have its own exquisite taste. This thought obviously intrigued the young Akari, but it did present one problem. How was she going to be to get all that meat onto the shore?

"Hey.... Akaboshi..." Hikari would say in a polite, overly kind tone as an idea came to her mind. "Um.... I know that big... um... I don't know what you called it. You seemed to have activated your sharingan before you used it so I'm guessing its tied to that. Anyways, your sharingan summon  thing, might be a bit difficult to use again so quickly after using it. But.... could you do me a huge favor and...." As the Kunochi would say this, her voice would lead off. With her Byakugan activated, the girl would see at the far end of her vision another approaching object. Another large shark coming straight toward the beach... no wait. The shark was larger than the previous one. Hikari's eyes would narrow at this, looking over at the beast as it swam toward the shore, not quite sure of its intentions. 

"Well, looks like we have another one coming." Hikari would say, gesturing towards the Ocean. 

WC: 785 
Nova Captain
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Sharknado 7: WAIT!  WHY ON NRPG!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharknado 7: WAIT! WHY ON NRPG!?

Mon Sep 05, 2022 12:59 am
Fortunately the young woman knew what was best for her, her arm stretching out as she allowed herself to be picked up by the black Susanoo of the Nova Commander. Akaboshi would look at the lifeless body of the shark once more before returning to the shore. "I see you've met the old man, I guess his age still hasn't caught up with him yet" he replied as Ryumi mentioned Atarashi. Once both of them made it back to the beach the two kunoichi would briefly go over introductions, today being the first time they met, not that out of the ordinary considering Hikari had been gone for quite a while.

All four of Hoshigakure shinobi would now simply stand there, the female Namikaze in awe of Akaboshi's display as she so implied. The blonde kunoichi seemed to be struggling with her words, attempting to ask him a question or at least something close to it. As Hikari was about to finish her sentence she was suddenly interrupted, her attention diverted to somewhere in the distance. The Red Nova looked to the point in the ocean where the woman pointed, another, much bigger shark making its way towards the shore. "Must be family of the one we killed". Enraged by the death of its loved one, it was more than likely the animal had only one thing in mind, revenge.

Due to the approaching threat Akaboshi knew not to waste any time, even more so if he wanted to avoid any innocent bystanders getting caught up in the mess. Empowering his body with nature chakra the Nova Commander formed two red wings on his back, a halo appearing behind of them as they fully stretched out. "Don't follow me if you're only going to get in my way". Utilizing his bond with the Forest of Dreams Ravens, the Uchiha spread his wings as he took off. Soaring through the sky he quickly made his way to the massive shark, aware of the potential danger if they allowed the animal to get close to the beach.

Doing so, the Captain formed a total of six hand seals, Rat - Ram - Snake - Tiger - Bird - Ox, picking out a point behind the shark from where a distortion would begin to appear. From that location, an expanding dome of pure gravitational energy was created, rendering the animal completely paralyzed and unable to move any further. Akaboshi then followed up by reaching for his sword, his left hand firmy gripping the handle as he swung his blade through the air around him. An edge of wind would start to surround the Nova and once within range the man would once more swing his weapon in the direction of the shark.

A dragon emerged from the air current, making its way to the predator of the sea where it would target and attack the immobilized animal. The wind created by his technique would slice and tear through its intended target, ripping the shark to minuscule shreds as it continued to tear through whatever it touched. Blood colored the water red once more, another lifeless body drifting the ocean and slowly being carried by nothing more than the waves of the sea. Once he made sure the threat was taken care of, Akaboshi flew back to the shore where he'd meet up with the rest of them at the beach.

Assuming everyone was there he would finally allow himself to catch his breath, the usage of chakra taking a toll on his body. "I'm sorry about your surfboard Ryumi, but I had no choice" the Red Nova apologized with a smile on his face. Hoping there would be no other threats attempting to terrorize Mikadzuki Beach, Akaboshi then sat down on the sand, admiring the view after quite the eventful day. "What do you guys think, should we try and enjoy the rest of our time here now that everything seems to be over?". After all, regardless of what happened, they were still supposed to be on a holiday. 


(TWC: 2252)
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- Mission rewards (18.000 + 20.000 Master bonus + 4500 AP conversion ryo, 1 Shark Fin, 1 Pirate Cutless, 1 Shark Scales, 1 Swashbuckler's Eyepatch)
Ryumi Hiyu
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Sharknado 7: WAIT!  WHY ON NRPG!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharknado 7: WAIT! WHY ON NRPG!?

Tue Sep 06, 2022 3:03 am
“Of course I had fun, Youta! But I was trying to rangle the fish towards where the fishermen were to give them some amount of spotlight! It’s their beach as well! They should be able to defend it just like we would from an attack towards our own village!” She gave a wide smile towards her other Hoshigakure Ninja, making it quite apparent that she was indeed a part of the village like Hikari had thought. However Ryumi didn’t really think that her grip was that hard, She had also held a firm grip when shaking other people’s hands. Yet her newfound and monstrous strength was becoming apparent as more and more people seemed freaked out by how strong she actually was.

“It’s nice to meet you Hikari! Although I definitely am a Hoshigakure Ninja! Got all the scars to prove it! It’s an honor to meet you as well!” Her hand ceased from almost crushing the Namkizake’s own hand from her brute strength alone. She had always been wondering about other Hoshigakure ninjas and the history surrounding them. Not only that but Hikari certainly piqued her interest as someone who apparently left the village a few years ago. Yet why would she leave the village? It had been around the time of the revolts and her meeting her parents for the only time in her life. Why did this kunoichi suddenly show herself back up inside of Hoshigakure?

Yet at the sudden slight shot at her own sensei, Ryumi could only chuckle at the thought that he was truly an old ass man. She didn’t know much about Atarashi Hiyu, The Grave Digger was quite elusive besides his simple title and what he was most known for. Yet she couldn’t lie that she didn’t really question how old he was, the thought simply didn’t come to mind whenever she had spoken to him. She shifted her body to face Akaboshi before thinking about what she should say in regards to Atarashi.

“Is he really an Old man? Besides he didn’t seem that old to me, definitely not senile either! If he was then I wouldn’t be standing here! I’d most likely be in the belly of the shark as we speak.”

She only gave a small nod of her head that she could have died there. The thought was one that she had quickly waved away due to her own strength and newfound spirit being invigorated by the mere thought that she could get close to helping Lloyd. This whole place felt like a good time to simply relax and let her fears and emotions wash away inside of the beautiful ocean. Each sudden crash only filled Ryumi with more life as she was just about to hop into the ocean in order to completely refill her vigor and hopefully allow her some peace and excitement. The waves would certainly get better as time went on inside of the dazzling beaches vast ocean. Ryumi’s purple eyes stared out for a moment before Hikari made an alarming announcement about what was inside of the water again. This time an even bigger shark had seemingly made its way towards the lower part of the beach itself. Ryumi only grinned at the thought of proving her strength towards the rest of them. She could feel her arms begin to ache with the stress of pulling the first Shark around, an even bigger one was just the right amount of challenge she needed in order to have some amount of fun.

“Perhaps we should show them why they shouldn’t have come for revenge at least? I’m sure that we can easily take out this next one without too much trouble-” She was suddenly interrupted by Akaboshi basically suggesting that unless they were strong enough, that they should not get in his way at all. Ryumi's eyes twitched slightly that she couldn’t at least contribute something to the overall mission itself. She didn’t like being left behind, especially when she could be the one to deal with the shark and not have Akaboshi waste his time with the shark itself. Yet her opportunity had closed the moment that Akaboshi had transformed from his normal form into something that resembled a Raven... A massive bird human hybrid anyways.

The sudden change in Akaboshi’s own form gave Ryumi quite the surprise as well. She couldn’t believe that Akaboshi was this strong now that she saw it up close. If that was the case just how strong was their own Kage… How strong was Atarashi if Akaboshi was easily able to make constructs easily over 40 meters tall with nothing but pure chakra and also easily destroy a massive shark like it was nothing. Now Akaboshi was leading the charge against the much larger beast before them. Her eyes were wide with surprise by just how big it truly was. Something that she would have to be an actual monster in order to fully control and lift around. The Nova Commander however seemed rather calm. Suddenly a massive gravitational force was slammed down onto the shark's body without pause. The small wails and thrashing of the water as the shark had tried to escape its own unfortunate demise. As with a single slash from Akaboshi’s own blade. She witnessed a massive dragon emit from the tip of the blade's own air current. Roaring with killing intent, the dragon shredded right through the shark's durable skin and cartilage before cleaving away the muscles before them. Ryumi’s eyes were wide with surprise at just how strong Akaboshi seemed to be…. Yet it only made her strive for what Atarashi had told her. That a Hiyu with complete control over their own body and without limits could take the heads of four of the most powerful clans in their own world. Akaboshi’s return was met with a small smile coming from Ryumi’s mouth as she gave the red commander a bow with her hands clasped together. Wanting to show her own respect through actions, at least he knew that she wanted to potentially ride the massive shark.

“It’s alright Akaboshi-Sama! Just the next time ya do it I might have to lightly punch ya!” She chuckled before turning back towards the rest of them with a bright grin.

“Now! Who wants to go get some snacks! We only got so much time! So let’s make the most of it right?” Ryumi shouted towards the three of them. Beckoning them to follow her as she was going to go get some type of snack from the local boardwalk. Wanting to make sure that all of them had a good time after all of the massive surprises that had happened today as a result of the shark attack against them. Ryumi only hoped that they all could have some fun together as simply people from their own village. That’s what she wished the most in the whole world, that she could simply enjoy today.


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Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Sharknado 7: WAIT!  WHY ON NRPG!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharknado 7: WAIT! WHY ON NRPG!?

Wed Sep 07, 2022 7:27 pm
As Ryumi was stepping off the hand of the giant construct that akaboshi made she would come up and talk to Youta.  So Youta would see his friend Ryumi and take a breath then with a sigh of relief say to her. “I knew you would enjoy that boxing match with a shark.  And you were trying to get a 7 or 8 meter shark towards that little trowler.  The shark is almost bigger than the boat. What were they going to do? They might have a harpoon let alone the validity or the ability to kill a shark that big. But then again you are as reckless as always but then again everybody needs a friends like that it keeps things interesting and fun.”  He would look out over the ocean then look at Ryumi one last time and say “Well either way glad your safe and now I do not really have a dog or a fish in this fight. You seem to be getting a lot stronger then the last time we worked together. Working out? How is everyone on your team?”  

He would look out to the ocean and see a massive what looked like a mix between a bull shark and a great white shark.  Which might explain why it was so aggressive and willing to get so close to people.  He was not a biologist though and he was also a visitor to the area so he had no idea what kind of shark it was.  He was quite curious though and would activate Meigan to look for any chakra signatures other than the four current Hoshigakure shinobi.  The water was a blood red with seagulls already picking at the remains of the shark each trying to get their fill of meat. He would then see the other fisherman go to start collecting some of the meat.  He would look around to try to find anyone else who might be able to help around.  

“That is impressive, Akaboshi.  Glad you are on our side over at Hoshigakure.  I can see why you are the master at arms or of war. To be honest I do not really know what your title is other then master. But master of what? Like I get you are in charge of shinobi but what is your actual title?”  He would then look back out to the ocean and see along with Hikari, a bigger shark probably 12 to 13 meters in length and weighing three to maybe four hundred pounds of pure anger and revenge for the other shark.  “Ya I agree I do not know who that other shark was maybe momma shark or daddy shark.  I heard a great shark song we could sing.  I think everybody knows it now.  I am just kidding about singing though. But also for everyone’s information he does have some water chakra though I know shocking right?” The shark would be moving so fast towards them when Akaboshi should just calmly say something to the effect of join me or do not he does not care. But stay out of his way. Youta could have done that but thought that he could be of some use but was not sure what he was gonna do to match Akaboshi since he could not fly or really get out there in time to help the old master out.  

Youta knew that water was not going to be his friend, especially if it was choppy at all.  Some the waves made it hard, Youta thought that any form of water walking or surface walking would be challenging and tiring.  So he decided that it would be best to let akaboshi take care of the new shark that was heading towards them and would say “I could help but you will probably finish it off before I am able to get out there to help you.  If you want to wait.”  But Youta knew that Akaboshi would most likely not wait for Him.  So Akaboshi would fly out to meet the shark. Youta was very impressed with the strength of the Master and that he could probably finish this shark off pretty easily.  He should be able to take care of it and then they could go home.

He would activate water walking and follow just incase Akaboshi wanted some back up and would yell “You will definitely beat me out there but I will take care of anything that might come and attack or if, by a slim chance, it makes it pass you I’ll take care of the scraps that are left.”  He would run out as fast as he could and would try to climb up and down waves to make it part of the way out when Akaboshi would start his assault on the shark.  

When he made it part of the way out there he would see a distortion. It was some sort of space distortion that made the shark stop moving. Youta was not sure how it worked but he figured that the technique had something to do with gravity and messing with gravity. Which is impressive to Youta since it is a type of skill and technique that Youta could not believe was even possible to do.  He wanted to leave those kind of things to the more professional and higher ups in the village.  He did think he should or could mess with space and time.

Youta would look out to Akaboshi and see that he had begun to reach for his sword and pull it out. The wind would swirl and form around his sword and he would swing it.  you could then see dragons form out the wind and out of the swing.  It would tear through the shark ripping it to shreds and killing it right on the spot. Blood would once again fill the water right under Youtas feet. And watching the master at work was awe inspiring and gave Youta a little relief about the defense of the village especially knowing that he would be leaving soon to go to the outpost.

He would then scurry back to the shore and back to the beach where everyone was still hanging out. He would meet back up with the four other shinobi of Hoshigakure.  Youta would say to Ryumi “It is always interesting to see you, to say the least. But it is always a please Ryumi hope you stay well.”  He would then turn to Hikari and say “Hikari, it has been a pleasure to see you.  It is nice to get to know you a little more this time.”  He would then turn and bow to Akaboshi “master Akabosh, it was nice to see you again.  Impressive as always hope to see you soon.”  He would start to walk away and turn around and say “I am going to make my leave and head back to my room.  See you all later back at Hoshigakure.”  

WC 1165
TWC 2277

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Last edited by Youta Shinkou on Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sharknado 7: WAIT!  WHY ON NRPG!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharknado 7: WAIT! WHY ON NRPG!?

Thu Sep 08, 2022 4:19 am
It didn't take long for the Nova Commander to dispatch of the new threat and return to the shore, summoning a familiar creature that Hikari knew of from her own Chuunin exams. With the shark being a further distance away from any civilians or anything, It would have been quite easy for Hikari to take down the creature, that being said the red Nova seemed to be quite itching to go, so the Blonde would allow him to do so.

Once he got back in no time flat after taking out the shark, the Kunochi would go and put her hand on the muscular girl's shoulder. "It's ok, I have a spare Surfboard with Hoshi's symbol on it, you can use that if you want to surf anymore."

With Youka leaving, Hikari would give a quick curtsy to him with her imaginary dress she was wearing, "It was great to see you as well, hopefully we will be able to talk more in the main realm at some point."

Looking over at the body of the sharks, the woman would walk up to the water's edge, looking at the bodies, before looking back at her fellow Northerners. "Hey, do you think these bodies will be ok to leave here until tonight? I think I might want to collect them and cook them up. Of course, I'll be sure you all get some for yourselves." The Akari figured that perhaps Michel or one of her other Angelic summons could carry the remaining flesh over to her place to cook, but figured that none of them would wish to do that in the middle of the day on a hot summer beach.


WC: 282
TWC: 2257

- 1,125 WC to Water Release: Bouncy Wall completing it with max stat discount. (B Rank)
- 1,125 WC to Rainbow Fort Seal Completing it with max stat discount,  (B-Rank)
-  7 WC to Touch Explosive at max discount (B rank) 
- 55 Event Tickets
- Mission rewards: 1 Shark Fin, 1 Pirate Cutless, 1 Shark Scales, 1 Swashbuckler's Eyepatch
- Ryo:10,000 + 8,000 + 4,000 + 4,000 + (90 AP x 50 Ryo =) 4,500 = 30,500 Ryo
- Everyone's chakra memorized that Hikari doesn't already have.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Sharknado 7: WAIT!  WHY ON NRPG!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sharknado 7: WAIT! WHY ON NRPG!?

Thu Sep 08, 2022 12:17 pm
Approved @everyone
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