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A Contract Gone Wrong Empty A Contract Gone Wrong

Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:29 pm
The rather haggard form of Shin could be seen breathing heavily as he stood over his now dead mark… whatever that horned beast was, it certainly wasn’t human. He was a great deal stronger now than he had been only a few months prior, something that he attributed to his near constant training within The Reverse, or more specifically, within the Throne of Heroes itself. He had been training with and against the spirits within each and every day… although that wasn’t exactly by choice. Whilst testing with some experimental jutsu he had actually gotten himself stuck within the Throne, and he found that time passed a little strangely there… at least when he was fully immersed. Days inside seemed like minutes outside, but he never seemed to tire… perhaps it was because the supernatural structure was all but filled with energy and Heroic Spirits. It mattered not, after what felt like months he had managed to leave, and as it turned out it had, in reality, been only around a week. 

He had left Sunagakure for a time, traveling through the Black Markets and eventually coming to the Shadowlands… or at least, what remained of the Black Markets there. As he came to learn, the previous Overboss had seemingly gone insane and butchered almost everyone, and those who were now in charge were willing to pay almost anything to have him eliminated. Shin, naturally, took advantage of this and left in search of his prey… only to learn that his prey had joined Sunagakure. This wasn’t good, but he couldn’t abandon the contract either… not only because the reward was immense, but because he knew that should he abandon it his former clients would stop at nothing to end him for it… and even should they not, it would destroy his reputation. Given this, he once more entered Sunagakure, once more meeting with Han and entering the village as he had before… but from there, he began searching out the man that he was after. It wasn’t easy, he was practically a ghost that never left his residence save for food and alcohol… but it was that almost religious following of his daily schedule that Shin preyed upon. 

The man always went out on a Thursday evening to one of the local grocers to buy a week's supply of food and drink, and when he did so this time Shin put enough poison inside his mead to down an elephant. To his immense shock and horror, the man was almost unbothered by it, with the poison seemingly only getting him drunk faster. He idly wondered whether the man was simply immune to the poison, or if there was something else at work… he didn’t know, nor did he care. This was a setback, but an assassin that couldn’t work around setbacks wasn’t a good assassin… and he was DAMNED good at what he did. He continued to make attempt after attempt, using various means from differing types of poisons and venoms, to making accidents happen around the man… but nothing he did seemed to faze The Mad Ogre. Poison only seemed to get him drunker faster, regardless of how potent it was or how much he used. Walls collapsing on top of him didn’t even make the Iron Giant bleed! He simply dusted himself off and moved on with his day. It was infuriating. 

After over a month of attempts Shin came to the realization that he had no choice but to fight him… and that wasn’t something he was looking forward too. The man was certainly not going to be easy, he was an S-ranked foe and one that had butchered an entire black markets worth of scum. He didn’t have a choice though… So he once more poisoned the mans mead, but this time he loaded enough poison to kill a whole group of elephants. He waited until he drank himself silly, as he did each night, and snuck in with his chakra suppressed and himself invisible. The man didn’t wake up, which was good… but when Shin went to slit his throat, the second his kunai touched the man's skin, his eyes shot open and he lashed out blindly. The surprise cost the assassin, who was hit full force in his right side and sent skidding back, a blinding pain emanating from his chest. As he came to realize with the inhuman figures monologuing, the man had become aware of his attempts quite quickly as the poisons he used was actually based around one that had been favoured by The Ragdoll, the Master of this fool if his droning was anything to go by. 

Thankfully, while the man was a skilled sensor, Shin was better… this, combined with his Space-Time abilities allowed him to wear the monster down and end him… but it was much messier and louder than he had initially desired, and by the end Shin knew he had broken at least three ribs, and his left arm was hanging limply at his side. 

This was the scene that a rather familiar figure, in an unfamiliar mask, came into.

“Junko… it’s been some time.” The Assassin would pant out tiredly, one of his eyes closed from the pain as he clutched his injured side with his good hand. 

“Shin… have you lost your damned mind!? This man was a Jounin of Sunagakure! This is not a target that can simply be overlooked like your usual ones… but you knew that, didn’t you?” The bluenette would ask almost rhetorically, her oni mask modulating her voice as she spoke. He didn’t flinch nor balk at what she said… she was correct, he did indeed know that.

“I am quite aware, yes… I wouldn’t be standing here if I had any intention of running, I would have left before you arrived… you and Sunagakure would have known who did it, of that I am certain, but you wouldn’t have managed to catch me. However, I have no desire to be an enemy of Suna, and I am surrendering now with the request that I be allowed to meet with the Kazekage.” He would explain as he steadied his breathing a little, biting down the pain and forcing himself past it as he spoke.

“...You should consider yourself very lucky, if your target had been anyone else I highly doubt you would live long enough to see the sun rise… but again, you knew that I’m sure. Come with me, and don’t complain when I get rough.” She would say, and he would simply nod. There was a time for jokes, and now was not it. He wouldn’t resist as she placed her hand on his shoulder, but he would stumble and clutch his side harder when the two of them seemingly vanished and reappeared in a room that he didn’t recognise. It was rather obvious what it was though, with the steel table, single light, and two seats on either side of the table.

“Nice interrogation room, a good atmosphere to break unruly prisoners.” He would comment rather drily, something that earned a light scoff from the still masked Junko. 

“Sit your ass down and shut your damn mouth.” She would say simply, her tone scathing even through the modulation of the mask, but it simply made him smirk. He would say nothing outwardly, content to wait for whatever came next. 

WC: 1234

Last edited by Shin on Fri Aug 12, 2022 8:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
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A Contract Gone Wrong Empty Re: A Contract Gone Wrong

Mon Jul 18, 2022 12:32 pm
Oh the things that Guren got dragged into.

As his day had been going rather slowly, the Third couldn't help but have the creeping feeling that something unsettling was taking place. While he sat within his office, he'd look over to his son Michio. The young Chinoike had been lying upon the couch in the office, tossing a kunai up into the air and catching it as it fell. Interestingly enough it had been an exercise that Guren used to do when he was younger and bored. Yet now there was never really time for him to partake is such menial pass times. There always seemed to be bigger things at hand, and villagers acting recklessly. Figuring the boy needed something to do, Guren would out to his son.

"Michio," his voice would boom.

His son, catching the kunai from the air would look over to Guren. "Yeah pops?"

"Do me a favor, and do a sensory scan over of the village. Something doesn't feel right."

His son would simply nod, and act on command from his father. Unlike other children his age, he didn't back talk his parents. Instead he did as he was told without question. Perhaps it had been a characteristic of his accelerated maturity. In any case, the Jounin would focus his chakra immensely and scan the chakra signatures throughout the village. In the process, he'd note a quick blip on his sensory radar. It had been a spike of chakra emitted from the home of one newfound jounin, followed by the continuous emission of chakra from two sources. 

"There seems to be something going on in the jounin apartment complex." Michio would say to his father, rather alarmed. Despite his ability to maintain his composure, the jounin was still young. Sensing this level of chakra expenditure at this time of the night couldn't mean anything good.

"Is that so? I'll reach out to the ANBU and have them investigate." Guren would say. And following this, he'd mentally contact the Sunagakure Communications Unit and have them establish a telepathic link to most available ANBU member. In this case, it had been Junko, who readily answered and accepted the task Guren assigned to her. Within mere moments she'd arrive at the scene of the crime, detain the criminal, and begin lugging him back towards an interrogation room towards in the spire. But just before she'd do so, she'd link her thoughts to Guren's and inform him that there had been a criminal at hand who had just assassinated one of the newest Jounin: Kenshin.

Guren would sigh, not out of sorrow for the ogre, but out of irritation of the situation. He didn't know the man at all, but that didn't change the fact that he was a shinobi of the Sand. Furious, Guren would rise from his desk, and begin to storm out of the office. "Michio, come with me. This will be a learning opportunity for you." As Guren beckoned his son to follow him, Michio would do just that. And the pair would use the seal upon the wall to teleport them just outside the interrogation room. There, the pair would find Junko waiting just outside of the room. From where they stood, they could see through the one way glass which housed a single and injured man inside of it. The door was sealed shut, as Junko wanted to brief the Third before they proceeded inside the room.

"Lord Third," the woman would greet Guren. "This is Shin, an assassin of sorts who had some dealings with Sunagakure in the past. Upon investigating the jounin apartment complex, I found him standing overtop of The Ogre's dead body. I don't know his reasons, but he stated he didn't wish to be an enemy."

Guren would say nothing in response, but nod in appreciation of the debriefing the woman had offered. He'd look towards Michio. "Stay here and observe," would be all he said to his son. And with that, Guren and Junko would enter the room as Michio stayed behind and watched through the one way glass window. Upon entry, Junko would close the door and prop her weight against it. Guren, bearing a stern and bothered look upon his face, would make no pleasantries. "What the fuck do you think you're doing in my village? Killing one of our ninja is a heinous crime, one that warrants the most extreme of punishments. Death. Is that what you wish?" As he spoke, he kept his guard up in anticipation of the man and any sudden actions he might have. But one wrong move would have Guren and Junko ready to act.

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A Contract Gone Wrong Empty Re: A Contract Gone Wrong

Mon Jul 18, 2022 5:12 pm
Shin continued to wait even as Junko left the room and began to wait outside, somethint he was able to see thanks to his Byakugan and the rather unique way that he was able to use the Legendary Dojutsu. It was pretty clear that she was waiting for someone to arrive, and it was clear that it must have been the Kazekage, after-all, he had asked to meet with them. Hmm… perhaps it was a good thing Mizuki wasn't the Kazekage anymore, he doubted she would have even heard him out before ripping his throat out with those nails of hers. His right hand continued to clutch his injured side, but thankfully the pain itself had started to numb. All things considered he came out of this remarkably intact, only really some broken bones and burns for a dead S-ranked mark… but still, he recalled the sheer horror and shock that he had felt when the man managed to quite literally smack his phasing ability out of existence. All he heard was the shattering of glass before he felt an intense burning pain on his torso as The Mad Ogre buried his burning fist in, breaking bones and scorching flesh.

He was cut from his musings when he noted the appearance of two others outside of the little interrogation room. He would read Junko's lips as she spoke to the adult, and would release a small hum when she referred to the man as Lord Third. He was a tall person by most standards, standing at 5'11 and possessing a decently muscled body, not as much as his own but that didn't fool Shin… his own muscles were for intimidation only, they were all for show and he knew it. The man looked to be older than Shin, perhaps in his thirties, and had a worn and scarred face that told tales of the harrowing experiences that he must have been through in the past. His skin was dark and his hair black, long yet well kept in tight braids. He also had a well kept beard. Despite the harsh relatively harsh appearance of the man, he was clad in a Yukata sporting floral patterns… not the type of attire one would expect from someone that looked like he did, but also one that did surpringly manage to work for the man. He would smirk slightly as the man told the child that had come with him, and bore a rather striking resemblance to the man, to watch and observe. He had to admit, he was tempted to put on a show, but it was probably best that he didn't… he had no intention of losing his head here. 

The man certainly wasted no time upon entering the room, immediately asking whether Shin was simply trying to get himself killed for his little stunt, and frankly, he couldn't blame the man for it. This was a contract that he had only fulfilled because he didn't have a choice, and that was something that he was going to be very clear about when it came to this meeting.

"Ahh I always appreciate dealing with people that can cut straight past all the bullshit and get right to the point. Alright, allow me to be very blunt with you right now, Lord Third. This contract is not one that I wanted to fulfil because as it turns out, my mark went and joined your village shortly after I accepted the contract. But I didn't have a choice, and frankly, this was the best case scenario for your village. How much do you actually know regarding Shen Ushitora? Not much, is my guess, because if you did I don't think you would have accepted him as a member of your Shinobi Corps." Shin would explain, a small smirk present on his face as he mentioned his preference in dealing with people like Guren, although the more the spoke the more that smirk would fade until his face was an impassive wall.

"The man you know as "Kenshin" is in reality a man named Shen Ushitora, a former brigand that served Sunagakure before the downfall of the village at the hands of Kumogakure. When the village fell he took over the Black Markets of the Shadowlands and ruled with an iron fist, brutally killing any and all that opposed him. He was eventually dethroned by your First Kazekage, Kenshin Uzumaki, but he was spared and when Kenshin chose to leave Shen reclaimed his lost position as leader of the black markets. A few months ago however… Shen went mad and butchered every single man, woman and child residing within the Shadowlands Black Market, along with several villages within the Shadowlands itself. Last I heard the death toll was over 400 and there are still a few towns that have gone dark… and if you care at all, less than 50 of the people he butchered had any level of shinobi training. I am well aware that Sunagakure accepts former Missing-Nin, but I am also aware that your village has standards… and I am willing to bet my life on the fact that he never disclosed any of this information to you, Lord Third." The Assassin would explain, each and every word out of his mouth truthful and able to be proved should The Kazekage ask it of him. He had a copy of the contract, along with several official death tolls, stored within his Storage Displacement for the sole purpose of proving his claims. 

"As I am sure you can imagine, there are a great many people that wanted him dead at any cost, and I can guarantee you that cost would have included the lives of your people. Their hatred for The Mad Ogre ran so deep that they have actively killed those who turned down the contract when it was offered, and as for those that accepted and didn't follow through, well… half have vanished and the other half have contracts on their heads. Knowing this, I am sure you can see that I had very little choice in this, as even though I know they couldn't have had me killed they would be able to destroy my reputation and have me hunted for the rest of my days."

"Now, knowing all of this, I will also let you know that I could have simply escaped after ending The Mad Ogre, but I chose not to. I chose to enter Sunagakure through legal channels rather than infiltrating the village, and I chose to allow myself to be imprisoned… all because I had good relations with Suna in the past and wish for that relationship to remain intact. I even have the Visitation Permit in the right pocket of my pants if you need proof that I did indeed enter legally." 

And with that, Shin was done explaining himself and his actions. He was content to allow Lord Third to process everything he had been told, and if asked for proof he would oblige and retrieve it all from his Storage Displacement, along with the Visitation Permit within his pocket.

WC: 1187

Last edited by Shin on Fri Aug 12, 2022 8:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
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A Contract Gone Wrong Empty Re: A Contract Gone Wrong

Wed Jul 20, 2022 1:18 pm
Reluctantly, Guren would keep a cool mind when listening to the explanation of the assassin. Even though he had appeared injured, the man was dangerous. And this was evident by every word that he spoke. His assassination of the Ogre had been premediated, and the product of a contract he undertook. And from the sounds of it, this Shin fellow had opposed accepting the contract in the first place. Judging by the state that he appeared before Guren, he was right to be hesitant. Unfortunately it seemed as if he was an honest and competent man, two characteristics which Guren respected. But he wouldn't hold Shin to high regards, especially after he had killed a Sunagakure shinobi. Even though the Ogre's past was grim, he had still been newly inducted into the ranks of the Sand Village. But Guren had to remind himself that he only did this out of curtesy of the Ogre's dedication to Kenshin and his sworn loyalty to Sunagakure. It hadn't been of trust, nor interest in the man. And to be frank, Guren hadn't yet trusted him. He had sought to conduct an investigation on the Ogre's background but that never came to fruition. He had only been in the village for a short period of time before ending up dead by the hands of the man who stood before the Kazekage. It had been a weird situation for Guren. On one hand, he felt compelled to punish the assassin. But on the other hand, it seemed as if the Ogre had it coming. Truly there would be no winners in Shin's situation. Either decline the contract and die. Or accept it and face the consequences. 

The Third wouldn't interrupt the lengthy report from Shin, and instead would stand there as an unmovable force. His face matched his body language, serious and stoic. His hands down by his side, just covered by the sleeves of his yukata. With his hood upon his head, he'd stare into the eyes of Shin through every word the assassin spoke. His gaze was piercing, yet he refrained from activating his dojutsu. For the moment there had been no need. He was in control of the situation, and though this man did not seem trustworthy his intentions and words seemed to be sincere. Shin even went as far as to reference his previous good standing with Sunagakure, topping it all off with his willing surrender. Though he made a comment about being able to leave instantly and unnoticed, Guren wouldn't buy his bluff. The threat had been detected as it began, and if needed Guren believed that he and Junko could have arrived quick enough to thwart an escape. But that point was up to debate, neither men knew the capabilities of the other. And it would serve no purpose to comment on the matter. Instead, when Shin concluded his description of the situation, Guren would waste no time requesting to see proof of the contract and the visitation permit.

"Show me the contract, the records, and your permit."

Upon being presented all of the information Guren would rifle through the papers, quickly scanning over their contents. From his time as a missing ninja, he had seen similar contracts though not of this specific type. They appeared legitimate, along with the visitation permit that Shin presented. It had been validated with a Sunagakure seal, characteristic of all visitation permits to the Sand Village. While Guren spent a brief moment looking through the papers, Junko would have her gaze fixated on Shin in anticipation of any act he may take. But assuming he didn't, Junko would remain passive and Guren would lift his eyes from the papers. He'd take a step forward, and drop the stack onto the table before Shin. 

"This all appears in order, and what you say of the Ogre may be true, but understand you still committed a crime against Sunagakure. No matter how new he was to our forces, or how dark his past was. I don't condone his actions, but you should understand the position that you put me in. How do you plan to mend the relationship you had with our village?"

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A Contract Gone Wrong Empty Re: A Contract Gone Wrong

Thu Jul 21, 2022 7:06 am
As The Kazekage looked through the documents that had been provided Shin would simply remain silent, his eyes firmly locked upon the man even as he felt Junko’s gaze burning through him, almost as though she were daring him to try something. It’s amusing really, he had been on the receiving end of that look from her many times during numerous spars… and despite this situation being many times more serious, the look he was being given remained the same. That self confidence of hers was always something he admired, and it was no different now… he was sorely tempted to shoot her a wink, but he had the feeling that she would attempt to stab him if he were to do that here, in front of the man that was both her direct superior and the highest level of authority within this nation. Heh… thinking about it that way made him realize he was wrong, she would likely do something far more cruel than simply stabbing him. He was brought out of his thoughts when The Kazekage took a single step forward and dropped the veritable stack of documents onto the table in front of The Assassin. When the man spoke Shin would give a serious nod, allowing his hand to leave his side as he leaned forward and rested both of his elbows atop the cold steel of the table, lacing his fingers together and placing them in front of his mouth. 

“Believe me, Lord Kazekage, I do understand the position you have been placed in, but I also believe that this may allow for a bit more… flexibility regarding our relationship from here. As for what I will be doing to mend my relationship with Sunagakure… Well, allow me to explain what I am envisioning, it will likely make more sense that way.” He would say seriously, before leaning back in his seat a little and unlacing his fingers, instead choosing to cross his arms before his chest. 

“What I am proposing is simple: I am an Assassin and Mercenary by trade, and while I do not have any true village alliances I do have preferred clients… and I am hoping that you and by extension Sunagakure would become one of my preferred clients. What this would amount to is pretty simple, you send me the jobs that you can’t risk being tied back to Sunagakure in any way and, should I accept the job, you pay me. I will not always accept these missions if they go against my… rather unique moral code, but there are very few things that fall into that category. A good example of that is slavery, I will kill someone without hesitation but I will never sell someone into slavery… that is a fate far worse than simple death. The same applies to rape, I will never force myself onto someone, regardless of how great of a payday it might be. There are other things of course, but the small intricacies can be discussed later, the important thing is that you realize I am still an independent agent that will not always accept the jobs you send my way.”

“Now, onto what this would give you as benefits. As I said before, it would give you access to an independent agent that is both willing and able to complete the dirty missions that you have accepted but cannot risk being tied back to Sunagakure, as well as a blade that you can bury in the throats of your enemies without the risk of it being tied to you or your village. It also allows you to remove potentially troublesome people that might not be enemies, like say... people in your own government that are making things difficult for you, Shinobi whose loyalty you doubt, or really... perhaps even just those that you don't like... I don't particularly care whom you send me to kill, nor the reasons why.. This is a very good thing as I am already a Missing-Nin and a rather well known Assassin, and now with this situation… one that could be seen to have a rather bad relationship with Sunagakure. I killed one of your Jounin, meaning if I were to… escape your clutches, and you were to place a bounty on my head… well, I think that would make almost anyone dismiss any possibility that you are in fact a client of mine. You could send me after anyone you wish and there is no true way that it can be tied back to you, save of course my betrayal… but I can assure you, I do not betray my clients. Those that betray their customers do not tend to live long in my line of work, and the few that remain alive are well known and are actively shunned and hunted.”

“These are simply the benefits of having an Assassin on your payroll of course, what sets my preferred clients apart is that I will never accept a contract that would have a negative effect upon you or your nation, nor upon your shinobi. Should someone attempt to hire me to do such, I will inform you. And, as a bonus, I will actively prey upon your enemies… after-all, I am always in need of more money and Missing-Nin are all but expected to rob people, so it is really two birds with one stone. Now, I cannot promise I will never rob any of your shinobi, as it would become quite obvious quite quickly that I am avoiding your shinobi and will damage our little ploy, but I will also not cause them undue harm wherever I possibly can.” The Assassin would finish, once more leaning forward and allowing his featureless white eyes to meet the firm gaze of the Kazekage unflinchingly.

“So… what say you, Lord Kazekage?” He would finally ask, never once allowing his eyes to break from their lock with the Lord of Bloods. 

WC: 993

Last edited by Shin on Fri Aug 12, 2022 8:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Big Blood
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A Contract Gone Wrong Empty Re: A Contract Gone Wrong

Wed Jul 27, 2022 11:39 am
Guren would listen to the proposal from the assassin. He was straight forward in offering his services as a hired hand, and nothing more. This was unlike the offers which Guren had received previously. The Ogre sought to enlist within Sunagakure's forces, similar to what Raiden had done. Hell, even Zaled had presented himself as just a traveling teacher. The offer that Shin had presented was dark, and aligned with the cultural position of the village. Nevertheless, it felt wrong to ally himself and the village with someone who had just acted against the village. What a complicated situation. And what a complicated man. He even offered an option to cover up the undercover operation that he would be conducting. It was deep to think on, indeed. And as Guren thought, right when Shin finished his proposal, Junko would speak up.

"Lord Kazekage, though he did kill the Ogre, we didn't really know him. Nor did anyone in the village. I doubt any villagers or other shinobi even knew he was a jounin. But consider Shin's proposal. Though his brashness disgusts me, he could be a valuable ally. Someone more worthy alive and on our side, than dead."

Guren nodded in agreement to Junko. She had been perceptive and straight forward, sparing no pleasantries nor beating around the bush.

"This is a predicament..." Guren began with a slight sigh. "Yes, no one knew about the Ogre. So I am hardly upset about his death, though more concerned with the offense to Sunagakure. What Shin proposes, somewhat remedies this. Though we lost a high ranking shinobi, we could gain a subtle ally. If we were to play along than I would have several terms. This arrangement is to stay a secret, and should it ever be linked back to us, I will pursue you myself. The bounty being placed on your head will be a necessity, and should amount to 300,000 Ryo. Of course this will mean that the Ogre's death and status will be publicized, and the village will know a jounin's blood is on your hands. This bounty will be instated after you have...'escaped'...this village. But I will warn you...seriously harm another Sand Shinobi, and you'll face me.

Assuming that isn't a do you propose we speak with each other while you are away from the village? I would expect that we have some level of communication in order to conduct business."

Though he was conflicted, it was time for Guren to embrace all aspects of Sunagakure. As dark as they may be.

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A Contract Gone Wrong Empty Re: A Contract Gone Wrong

Sun Jul 31, 2022 8:34 pm
Shin would suppress the smirk that tried to form upon his lips at Junko’s words, the woman was certainly not one to go for false pleasantries, but that was why the two of them had gotten along so famously back when they first met. The two of them had spent hours exchanging barbs whilst sparring, something he had thoroughly enjoyed… seeing Junko get flustered and frustrated at her inability to hit him was simply too entertaining for Shin, and with each insult he added on top the woman would only try harder to hit him to wipe the smirk from his face. Ahh, good times. The Lord of the Bloody Sands was the next to speak, explaining that he was not upset about the death of The Mad Ogre himself, instead being more offended by the insult to Sunagakure in killing one of its higher ranked Shinobi. This would simply earn a nod from Shin, he understood that feeling all too well and he could not fault The Kazekage of all people for it, he HAD just killed one of his soldiers, after-all. When the man gave his terms Shin would allow a grin to split his lips, although it would falter for a moment when the man gave his threat about what would happen should he harm another Sunagakure Shinobi.

“Lord Kazekage, I wish it was otherwise but I cannot guarantee that I will bring no harm to Sunagakure shinobi in the future. If our act here is to work I cannot be seen to be avoiding them should the opportunity present itself, nor can I simply be seen running away or trying to avoid fights should any of them come after me in the future. You have my word that I shall not end their lives nor injure them badly enough to maim or cripple, but I simply cannot give you any guarantee that I will not be forced to hurt some of your men in the future.” The Assassin would explain, his white eyes peering into the gray irises of the man unflinchingly and without fear. He was fairly sure that The Kazekage would understand what he was saying, and hopefully the man would be willing to relent his point a little here. It wasn’t as though Shin WANTED to hurt Sunagakure Shinobi, but he simply could not guarantee that he wouldn’t be forced to in the future, and if The Kazekage was unwilling to accept that then it was best to get that over with here and now. Provided Guren was willing to accept this point, Shin would continue.

“Excellent… Now believe me Lord Kazekage, I have my ways of keeping in contact with you. Some would require more trust than others, but of course I understand that as we are now you hold little trust for me, and that is perfectly understandable. The simplest method, which requires the least trust in me, is simply using Summons to send messages between each other. This would work best if you have a summon contract of your own, as that means I could have my summons send messages to yours, which would relay them to you. That way there is even more of a filter between us, I won’t be seen with your summons and you won’t be seen with mine.” The Assassin would explain simply, a small smirk upon his face as he explained his idea to Guren. It was one that he had given thought before, seeing as he had used summons to keep in contact with employers in the past… he had simply never done such with someone whilst having a contract of his own, which he figured would work wonders for anonymity. 

WC: 618

Last edited by Shin on Fri Aug 12, 2022 8:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
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A Contract Gone Wrong Empty Re: A Contract Gone Wrong

Sat Aug 06, 2022 11:52 am
“You’ve thought this out, I see…” Guren began. Though he was not keen on the idea of his shinobi being a target of an assassin, it was at least somewhat comforting that Shin had no intention of further serious harm to his work force. Nevertheless, Guren was firm on his stance regarding the well-being of his shinobi. He would not verbally press the issue though, but would instead offer Shin a serious and concerned gaze when the assassin would refuse a guarantee. As long as the assassin understood that whatever his actions would be, there would be an equal and opposite reaction from the Third. It would be in the assassin’s best interest to stay far away from the Sand Village, yet keep the communication flowing. And that was how the conversation segued.

“I do have summons of my own, and a few messenger ones in my rank as well. Vultures, to be specific. Another potential avenue, which may be one we figure out down the line, is reverse summoning or teleporting to each other. I presume someone of your abilities is capable of that.”

With the end of the conversation nearing, Guren would exchange a soft glance to Junko. The proposition the group was engaging in was serious and confidential, one that could not leave the confines of this room. “Shin, understand that I am offering you a branch of trust. Do not make me regret it.”

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A Contract Gone Wrong Empty Re: A Contract Gone Wrong

Fri Aug 12, 2022 7:22 pm
Shin would meet the serious and concerned gaze of The Kazekage with an equally serious one… it seemed that the two of them had reached an uneasy accord on this point, although he was certain that if he was indeed forced to fight against some of the man's Shinobi in the future the two of them would have another tense conversation. Ahh well, he could understand what the man was saying, and he would be leaving Wind Country soon after this meeting was concluded regardless, so the man would have some time to settle down a little more and hopefully come to see that The Assassin was somebody he could both trust and rely on. He had no doubt in his mind that the lack of trust between the two was a very large part of the reason he was so adamant on this point, and he truly couldn’t blame the Kage for it either… in fact, if he had relented the point easily, Shin would likely have held less respect for the man. As it was, Shin knew that the man truly did care for the safety of those under his employ, even if that care didn’t come from a place of simple kindness or naivety… no, the man cared for them because they were HIS… and THAT was yet another thing Shin could respect. 

“Indeed I have Lord Kazekage, one does not simply propose an idea like this without putting a great deal of thought into it beforehand… well, not if one wishes to keep their head after proposing it.” He would reply, a small smirk forming upon his face as he made his little joke near the end.

When the man confirmed he did indeed possess Summons, Shin would give a nod, his smirk widening a little when the man mentioned they were Vultures… now that seemed like it fit for the Kazekage of Sunagakure. He would then give another suggestion, and that would make Shin raise a brow.

“Teleportation is an ability that I possess and am quite skilled with, but Sunagakure seems to possess some type of barrier that blocks teleportation both in and out of the village. Now, I am quite certain that there are ways to teleport through it regardless as my Byakugan has allowed me to see some of your Shinobi do just that… but I would imagine that gaining the ability to teleport through this little barrier of yours is something that would require a great deal of trust between you and I. For now, let us stick to using our summons as messengers, and perhaps once there is more of a rapport between us we can discuss me gaining the ability to teleport in and out of your village. The race I am contracted to is one native to Wind Country, The Vipers of the Red Sands, so if you require a message to be sent to me simply have one of your summons deliver the message to my summons, and they will ensure it is delivered. I will, of course, do the same should I need to inform you of anything.” The Assassin would explain logically, ensuring the Kazekage understood that while some semblance of trust existed between them they should allow more of it to form before they start to truly entrust the other with things they could exploit. He had no intentions of doing that of course, but he didn’t want The Kazekage to worry about him having access to that information.

“Now… I have a request for you, Lord Kazekage. You are free to decline if you wish, as this is nothing to do with our agreement and is something that will only help me grow more powerful… but should you help me, I will owe you a favor in the future. I am in search of… powerful shinobi, or rather, powerful shinobi that are no longer living… It matters not what bloodlines they possess, if any at all, simply that they were powerful in life… I do not require the corpse itself, nor the organs of said corpse, I simply require 2 litres of blood from them. If you can provide this for me… I will owe you, and I will ensure that this debt is repaid in full… but once again, you are free to say no and I will hold no ill will because of it.” The Assassin would then say, asking his favour from The Lord of the Bloody Sands while also promising that this favour would be repaid in full if it was granted, and ensuring the man also understood that denying it would garner him no ill will from The Assassin. 

WC: 781
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
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A Contract Gone Wrong Empty Re: A Contract Gone Wrong

Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:47 am
As careless and compulsive as Shin first seemed to Guren, the assassin was slowly changing the Kazekage's opinion on him. It seemed as if this partnership between himself and Sunagakure would benefit the village more than what having The Ogre as a Jounin would. And come to think of it, The Ogre hadn't done anything in his entire stay within the village. He joined with the intentions of protecting Sunagakure, yet had barely made his presence known. To Guren, having an ally who operated discretely would behoove Sunagakure greatly, but not on a jounin level. That would be more advantageous in the role of an Anbu member, or an affiliated assassin. And that was exactly what Shin had been proposing. Via the previously established mental link between Guren, Michio, and Junko, Guren would begin a brief telepathic communication channel with them.

"Junko, Michio...The information from this meeting needs to stay internal between the three of us. I'll clue several parties in, but this must remain confidential. The death of the Mad Ogre is a slight to Sunagakure, but I feel we are gaining more in return. And on the plus side, no one knew of the Ogre and the Ogre had done nothing for our village yet. Stay on guard, but I think this Shin fellow may be alright."

Though Michio and Junko were startled by the sudden telepathic communication from Guren, they knew better than to show any signs of the conversation. Their posture, demeanor, and expressions all remained unchanged, as did Guren's own. Following this brief aside, Guren would softly nod his head in a single motion. He agreed that it was necessary to think out the whole process before just blindly performing an assassination. And even as Shin had done so, he still was putting himself in a sour situation. To Guren, this spoke volumes on the assassin's planning and IQ. Nevertheless the Third didn't comment more on the subject, and allowed Shin to reply to Guren's comment uninterrupted. And so far, his analysis was correct. There was a barrier or interdiction seals that would prevent Shin from teleporting into the village. And so summons were the only practical way of communication. But Guren would completely dismiss the idea of Shin freely entering the Sand Village, but not after some time spent developing the trust between the two. And still, Guren could freely teleport to him as needed. But again, this was a mute point and did not need to be said aloud. Surely Shin could deduce that much information by himself.

"Aye, summons will do just fine. We will see how this...partnership develops in time, and with that we may look to amend the terms of our verbal contract in the future."

With both men in agreement, it seemed as if the conversation was nearing a conclusion. Up until Shin requested a favor from the Third, to which he'd repay in the future. The inquiry brought a slight smirk to Guren's face, the first sign of an emotion not named furious or alarmed. "That can be arranged." Guren began. "All I ask in return is knowledge of what you plan on doing with the blood of a fallen man."

Should Shin reveal that information to Guren, the Third would nod and internally analyze it. Subsequently, he'd perform a short series of hand seals and the corpse of the Shadow Man would spawn upon the table which lied between Guren and Shin. The man's body had originally been a mess, thanks to the short work Suika had made of him. But Guren had since used iryojutsu to restore his body into one piece, making the man's cause of death being difficult to judge to the untrained eye. In any case, with the body lying on the table Guren would speak up once more. "Take all the blood you need. And I'd like to cash in my favor now actually. I'd like to task you with investigating some areas. I'll offer you a map of whereabouts, but as I am tethered to restoring the village and its shinobi to a state of glory, I'm unable to investigate those locations myself. I realize this information is cryptic, but trust that at a later time I'll send you a vulture which will relay the details you will need."

WC = 718. TWC = 2922
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