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Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Train, Train, and Train again! Empty Train, Train, and Train again!

Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:57 pm
Training. Training. More Training. This is what Kota was focused on. He was still miffed about how he performed in the exam. The hunter wanted so much more out of life. He figured the only way to get it was to keep growing stronger. Kota had spent some time growing his mind to match his body. Now he wanted to see if he could improve some other area of himself.

Kota had remembered a technique he believed a man to be trying to teach him at the beach. It took him some time to look the man up. Even then it was more effort to vaguely describe what the jutsu looked like. Inquiring about a jutsu that changed eye color was looking for a needle in a haystack. He put an ad out looking for someone to teach him the jutsu he was missing. Who knew that someone would actually take him up on the offer. If it was that jutsu or something else it would be impossible to tell. Kota would not mind learning anything as long as it was useful.

The archer stood in the empty training grounds alone. He was the first to make it to the grassy field. He felt like it would be too much of a missed opportunity to not practice his forms. Quiver on back and bow in hand. Kota started to move across the field in different stances with his eyes shut. He was trying to get a feel for the world around and within him. A chance for harmony.

WC: 258
Stat Page : Demon Princess of the Sand
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Clan Focus : None
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 17570

Train, Train, and Train again! Empty Re: Train, Train, and Train again!

Wed Sep 21, 2022 2:31 pm

Train, Train, and Train again! 47d08cb3b033c6e8fb919fc6adc1eeda

"My ability to care is limited. . . what is my purpose?"

~ Since her failure to make Chuunin was cemented, Sumiko Yoshido kept her head low and had completely turned to a recluse in nature; only being seen in the wee hours of the morning and the darkest of nights during times she knew that the active population were immensely reduced. After weeks of having her parents trying everything in their power to restore life in their little girl, Sumiko found her otherwise dreary and repetitive routine broken by her mother, Hirayama, by bravely stepping into the folds of the preteen's dark cave like room. Of course, Sumiko would never bring bodily harm to her parents but the child's aura was overwhelming in nature due to the wallowing nature of her aura which was very sensitive to the sensory specialists.~

Hirayama: " Sumi-chan. . . you have to get up! This isn't the end of your life unless you make it. Get up and go to the training grounds immediately. You have a student."

~ Sumiko's head wouldn't move an inch but her now dull grey eyes trailed over to the door to look her mother in the face as she spoke. It was truly odd how a girl who essentially lost herself in pity and disappointment really upheld the foundation of her traditional upbringing. The statement of her having a student reanimated her limp body as she found herself sitting up in a daze and skepticism. Who in their right mind would seek out training from her of all people? The girl who lost both in combat and tactile wit which cost her a high-stakes mission? Was this a joke? Her inner demons turned this opportunity to return to the forces as a renewed kunoichi was twisted into a sense of annoyance and an underlying hatred for everything.~

" You shouldn't have done this. . ."

~ Her voice was weakened severely yet even in the awkwardness from not speaking since the Chuunin Exams it held slightly pointed energy. Her mother sighed audibly but still stood defiantly at the child's door which Sumiko knew meant that there was no yielding her decision. Sumiko slid out of bed slowly and got ready; her mother stepped out of her room but her signature lingered behind the door.
Sumiko took her time preparing and within 20 minutes, the tiny genin girl appeared from her room in her usual training kimono. Clearly, it had been some time since Sumiko was seen in such a put-together and crip fashion because the moment Hirayama saw her a smile enlightened her face. This moment almost pulled the girl out of her funk but she found that she wasn't ready to do so Sumiko buried herself deeper in her dark emotions which she also knew that her mother could detect in her chakra. No words about it was shared but her mother didn't stop smiling as she handed her a flyer which Sumiko took and peered at.~

(thought) " Tch. . . of course some random shinobi wants access to this technique. . . why don't they go to the old man themselves?"

~ Irritated over this obstacle that prevented her from staying in her room for the rest of her life; Sumiko's face broke its' stoic expression and actually frowned.~

" Fine. . . I'll be back in a few hours. . ."

~ Sumiko grumbled as she made her way out of her home and made her way towards the training grounds with purpose.~

Train, Train, and Train again! Main-qimg-29b9122ca7e9d8e6a6a50bba0052fc78-lq

~ Within a few minutes, the teen finally appeared in the training grounds. If he lack the affinity for sensory, her location would be hidden from him and would only be visible as a slow-moving shadow blocking the sun. Should he look up to see what it was; he would notice a giant folding fan gliding over the training grounds as a young girl dismounted within the shade of a random tree off to the side. Her identity would be unknown to the boy unless he had managed to remember her signature and would only be visibly noticed once her great folding fan was collapsed and placed back into the holster that was along the center of her back. Sumiko tucked her tiny porcelain hands into the billowing sleeves of her kimono as she looked upon the boy with a stony gaze.~

" Are you the person who wants to learn the gauge technique. . ."

WC: 715
Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Train, Train, and Train again! Empty Re: Train, Train, and Train again!

Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:21 pm
The archer was just chillin underneath his tree. It felt like he had to wait forever for his teacher to show up. When she did,  Kota was surprised. He did not expect his instructor to be so young and familiar. The archer could not put his finger on where he had met this person before. He stood up and gave the girl a smile.

“Yep. That would be me. I hope you would not mind teaching me. When I first heard about it during the moving shoot. I wanted to learn it from the crazy guy. Except he was busy and I lost track of him when the beach closed. I never got around to actually doing it.”

Kota was rocking on his feet back and forth. “I am ready to start when you are.”

WC: 135
TWC: 393
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