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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem Empty The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem

Thu May 18, 2023 6:32 am
Akabayashi teleported himself, his path, and his bodyguard to the gates of Hoshi where he had left his mark. He wore the Mizukage outfit including the hat it had accents of light purple in addition to the blue. There was an old man at the gate speaking to a guard about some ninja who had abandoned the village and the identity of a ninja who aided in the escape. The guard mostly ignored the man, but Akabayashi didn't. "Seto get that man's statement find out who abandoned and who let them escape."

Seto moved to the man and took all the information from the man. The man described the ninja who had escaped including the names and even the ninja whom had let them both go. He was even able to state where his carriage had dropped them off the borders of Rice country. He explained he kept his mouth closed until he returned because he assumed they would kill him if he didn't do as they said. A fair assumption.

Akabayashi walked up to the guard who recognized him regardless of his strange garb. "Tell me what the man said and bring the kage here." The doctor stated plainly. The guard would give the doctor the basics of what happened excluding the names and descriptions of the people as he was uninterested in the man's statement. Other guards would go and get Ayato. The doctor would have to speak to Seto later to get the details.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem Empty Re: The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem

Thu May 25, 2023 3:32 pm

The Kage arrived at the gates immediately after. Ayato Hyuuga, the Seventh Hogokage, stood proud and tall. He was waiting to hear the report. As the guard approached Ayato, he relayed the information to the Hogokage. Ayato listened attentively, his expression growing more severe as he absorbed the details of the man's statement. He understood the gravity of the situation and the need for immediate action.

"Thank you for relaying this information," Ayato said to the guard. "It seems we have a serious breach in our village. We cannot afford to let this go unchecked. Please gather a team of skilled shinobi, including Seto, and prepare them for a mission to locate the escaped ninja and bring them back to face justice."

The guard nodded and quickly left to carry the orders, leaving Ayato and Akabayashi alone at the gates. Ayato turned to the Mizukage, his expression a mix of concern and determination.

"Akabayashi, it appears we have traitors in our midst," Ayato said. "We must act swiftly to protect our village and its people. I will join the mission personally to ensure its success. We must uncover the full extent of this betrayal and bring those responsible to justice."

They could not let this act of treason go unpunished. Hoshi's safety and honor are at stake. 

With their resolve firm, Ayato and Akabayashi set the necessary preparations for the mission in motion. They would gather a team of skilled shinobi, gather more information from Seto, and plan their approach to Rice country, where the escapees were last seen. The journey would be difficult, but with their combined expertise and determination, they were determined to bring the culprits to justice and restore the security of Hoshi village.

[WC: 270]

Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem Empty Re: The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem

Tue May 30, 2023 12:06 am
"No questions about why I am dressed like this?" The doctor would say, looking at his kage robes. "Not a single one. I had this tailor-made in Kiri after I blew down its gates, and the worst part is I don't even want to wear it. I can't just kill people when I'm in it, and I have to worry about how it will affect Hoshi and Kiri." He would place his hand on his forehead and sigh.

"Well, the person in the village should be simple to handle. I find it difficult to believe these three spoke so freely before a stranger. Question Isaribi Uchiha: if they knowingly or not let this village ninja go, either kill or demote her and ensure they learn how gate duty works. The two that fled to rice country, well, I know where they are going. There is not much of a village there. I was near it recently and found a dead body, abandoned and alone at its gates. It was lonely. So, I took the body; the village leader tracked me down we talked. Someone had just attacked them, supposedly; I am still waiting on word of who it was. Regardless, we came to a deal I gave them some organs in exchange for the body. And I can teleport us there, but I can't have to go back to Neo Kiri and ensure things are in order. Have a former Hyuga Mizukage waking up one eye short and probably pissed."
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem Empty Re: The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem

Tue May 30, 2023 9:16 am
Perhaps that is a good thing, Akabayashi.

A voice said, stepping from the shadows of the gate’s foundation. Tsuna, clad in his Blood Oath armor, to the head, equipped with his Lightbringer to his left hip. Speaking on the comment about not being able to kill whenever he wants to. The Omen of the battlefield stepped into view of both the Hogokage and the newly appointed Mizukage. To his right, approaching along with him, a meter in height massive lion adorned in brilliant gold armor (cosmetic purposes). The beast, slowly, yet purposefully glancing over both Ayato and Akabayashi to attempt to discern the situation.

Tsuna and his familiar would come to a stop, 3 meters from both of them. The helmet of the Hoshimura would then collapse into the collar of the armor as the cape draped down from it and began to sway in the light breeze. It has been a while since these three men stood in the same place, the last being the ceremonial ascension to Nova after the tournament. Tsuna would turn his attention over to Ayato. Bowing before him.

Greetings, Lord Ayato, it is always good to see you in good health.

Turning to Akabayashi, another bow was given.

You, as well, Akabayashi. Forgive my intrusion, but I couldn’t help but to overhear you two speaking of a security breach? In Hoshi? Must I deal with the culprit?

Tsuna did not take the safety of the village lightly, and it must have occurred when he was investigating the assassin’s infiltration route via the sewers. That would be the only explanation as to why he didn’t know about it. After all, Tsuna sees all and hears all within the village. No secret is safe from him.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem Empty Re: The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem

Sat Jun 10, 2023 6:02 pm

"Ah, yes, the oufit," Ayato replied to the vulture. The Kage had hoped to discuss this matter with more privacy. However, their common past had shown that, albeit the Doctor shared Ayato's ideals of security, he was much more eager to cut to the chase. "Akabayashi, you dressed in Mizukage robes can only mean that the liberation of Kirigakure was a success. You have a village to lead, and I have a vacancy in the Nova Corps."  The Hyuuga said to the taller man. When they had met in that abandoned mill during that operation all those years ago, Akabayashi's figure towered the teen Ayato like a mountain; now, they were nearly the same height, albeit the Doctor was still a couple of inches taller. Funnily the Hogokage hadn't noticed before; how odd.

"On behalf of the people of  Hoshi, whose lives were threatened with an unsolicited attack by heads of the previous Kiri Regime, you have my thanks. It also warms my heart to know that the survivors who settled in Haven since the days of our founder see it as a success and find solace in it." He paused momentarily, reflecting on their village's shared history and bond and the weight of which now fell on their shoulders. The liberation of Kirigakure was a significant event that impacted the original village of the old and its diaspora. 

"Hoshi and Kirigakure have long-standing ties rooted in our founder Denkiteki Hayato's vision. We must uphold that legacy and ensure the prosperity and security of both villages. I am committed to working closely with you and the people of Kiri to forge a stronger alliance and safeguard our shared interests."

Ayato's expression hardened yet again when Akabayashi mentioned a defender of Kiri would be waking in a hospital with one eye short—a defender who bore his family's last name and bloodline. He understood the insinuation; both had been swimming in that pond long enough to know how the fish was gutted.  

"I am confident you will bring the defender who bravely fought to recover from all injuries. During the Suna Summit three years ago, I learned of the invasion of Kiri and Konoha. The terms the victor, the old Kiri regime imposed, were so harsh that Konoha was finished and ruined financially. One does not do that to defeat the foe. That should be the end once your man is on the canvas. We have to hold our hand and give them a fair chance. This is not a matter of me stepping on your toes, but now that you have a village under your command, I trust you to act in a manner worthy of the calling you've been called to."  

"You'd be surprised at the tangled mess some people leave behind. Desertion has fallen on sad days." The mission to apprehend the two fugitives who fled to Rice country could take a step back. If it was the abandoned wasteland that Akabayashi described, it was likely that two low-rank ninjas without combat expertise or successful Hunters on their belt would be chewed out by it sooner than later.

As Tsuna joined the conversation, accompanied by his trusted animal companion, a golden lion - Ayato acknowledged his presence with a nod, recognizing the seriousness of the situation and the need for their combined efforts.

"Tsunayoshi, it's good to see you," Ayato replied. " we have discovered a security breach in Hoshi. It seems that a ninja within the village aided in the escape of another ninja who had abandoned their duties. We cannot tolerate such betrayal. I trust your judgment in dealing with this matter." Tsuna's reputation as the Omen of the battlefield and his ability to see and hear all within the village made him a valuable asset in these critical times. Ayato knew he stood a better chance of swiftly resolving the situation and preserving the security and integrity of their village.

Investigate Isaribi Uchiha thoroughly and ascertain whether she knowingly or unknowingly aided in the escape. Depending on the outcome, appropriate measures will be taken. All in your judgment and authority as a man of the Nova Corps." 

[WC: 696]
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem Empty Re: The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem

Fri Jun 16, 2023 10:38 am
Me being unable to kill on a whim is probably not a good thing. Its probably one of my best qualities. The ability to make a decision and live with the results. At least that is what the Doctor thought it seemed others disagreed.

"Yes, I do have a village to lead. Hopefully, not for long however being in charge doesn't suit me. I am more of a dagger in the dark, rather than a boring beuracrat. Pretty much the opposite of you no offesnse you are perfect for it. I also intend to work with Hoshi for an alliance. Might I suggest a simple way to teleport between villages using a flying thunder god array? I'd also have to update you on Kiri's storm barrier password. Also feel free to swing by and pick up the villages secret jutsu for the Hoshi library it would be nice if you could bring some to Kiri to learn." It would likely be taken offensively about Ayato being boring but leaders should be boring and diplomatic rather than feared military minded individuals like Akabayashi. There was need for both in a village however your black operations squad shouldn't be known and being Mizukage definitely makes the vulture known.

"I think Shiro will be okay, just angry I offered surrender but they refused and started attacking a random dude. They attacked him thinking he was with me but I have no clue who he was. So, basically I got Kiri to attack a random dude who ended up doing most of the fighting while we just stood there until the end where we finished off the defenders. It was quite unexpected, but it worked and we weren't the agressors." Everything in the statement was true, it just sounded completely made up. His heartbeat or body wouldn't give any indication he was lying even if he had been seeing as lying was something he did frequently.

The doctor would listen to the orders provided to Tsuna. It was to apprehend Isaribi Uchiha a good start. "If you want to find the two ninja they let leave. Just come to Kiri and I will take you there. Password to the Storm Barrier is Cabbage Merchant Best Merchant." He of course made sure no one intended to hear could not likely by shooing them with his hand before it was whispered.

WC: 399
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem Empty Re: The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem

Thu Jun 22, 2023 9:08 am
Ayato wasted no time sharing the information about the security breach to Tsuna, perhaps it was his status as a Nova, or was it his skill? The breach did not consist of just one shinobi, but two from what he was gathering. Was he really gone for that long to allow something so foul to take place? He could only blame himself for the incident. It pained him to find things out like this, priding himself on being the eyes and ears of the village.

Forgive me, Lord Ayato. I should have been here, or else this wouldn’t be a topic of conversation right now. Leave it to me.

He started to move out, but before he could additional information came, a lead. Isaribi Uchiha. The stoic girl? He knew little about her, but that would make sense as to mean she knew little about him if she had anything to do with it. The expression in the face of the Hoshimura grew distant, his gears were turning. Ayato seem to have his suspicions about the girl, why else would he set someone like Tsuna on her trail, knowing full well of his distaste for traitors.

Uchiha Isaribi? She’s the distant one, void of surface emotion, well reserved. I know very little about that one, but that is of my own fault. I will seek her out and learn what she knows.

Asuran would brush his head against the left hand of Tsuna, gaining his attention. As the Hoshimura glanced over in his direction he would feel his thoughts linked with his.

Tsunayoshi, I can sense that you are being too critical of yourself due to the circumstances of this event. Do not allow such things to cloud your mind, instead walk through it. You will see things more clearly this way.

Sound advice from his companion, left Tsuna with a subtle smile as he realized that he was right. A nod would be offer to show acknowledgement. It was at this time that Akabayashi chimed in, bringing up two shinobi that left? So it was three? Damn…was the thought that went on in his head, but was swiftly casted out recalling the advice given to him by Asuran.

I will be there, after I’m done here, Akabayashi. Mind sharing your memories of chakra signatures with me, yours more so?

The Omen asked, waiting for a response. It did not go without saying, but he would glance over to Ayato which meant that he was asking him to.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem Empty Re: The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem

Mon Jul 03, 2023 3:05 pm

Ayato listened to Akabayashi's remarks, not taking offense to his comments about being a bureaucrat. He understood the different roles they played and the need for both diplomatic leaders and individuals like Akabayashi, who excelled in covert operations.

"I appreciate your perspective, Akabayashi," Ayato nodded. "Indeed, leadership requires different skills and approaches. We each have our roles to fulfill, and Kiri is not the kind of village that one can rule with one hand open for loyalty unless the other is clutched around a weapon. As such, I can hardly imagine anyone more suited to the task than you."

As Akabayashi suggested the idea of a teleportation method using the Flying Thunder God array, Ayato's interest was piqued. The notion of an alliance between  Hoshi and Kirigakure had also been on his mind, and such a transportation network could strengthen their ties significantly. The potential benefits of such a transportation network between Hoshi and Kirigakure were clear to him, and he saw it as an opportunity to strengthen the alliance between their villages.

"That's an intriguing proposal," Ayato said, considering the possibilities. "A teleportation network between our villages would foster closer cooperation and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and resources." He paused momentarily, contemplating the logistics and implications of such a network. While it held immense potential, he knew they must tread carefully to ensure its safe and responsible use.

"However, we must also consider the security and control of such a network," Ayato continued, then considered his concerns. The Flying Thunder God technique is powerful and advanced, and its implementation would require careful planning and oversight to prevent misuse or unauthorized access. "I am open to exploring this further. Let us discuss the details and logistics in more depth shortly. And I will gladly bring the secret jutsu from Kiri to Hoshi for our shinobi to learn."

Ayato listened intently as Akabayashi recounted the events in Kirigakure and the unexpected turn of events. Though it sounded unusual, Ayato trusted Akabayashi's judgment and ability to handle such situations. And it didn't have to be pretty, and war seldom was; history books only remembered the victory. 

"Thank you for sharing the details," Ayato said; more than needed to know, he didn't say. "Your unorthodox approach led to a successful outcome. We all face unexpected challenges in military missions, and how we adapt and overcome them truly matters."

As the doctor whispered the Storm Barrier password, Ayato focused on memorizing it, understanding the importance of maintaining secure communication channels. He nodded in acknowledgment.

"Sounds like you put all your creativity in that password," Ayato said. "Rest assured; I will utilize it responsibly when needed. You can go ahead, and I will follow suit once I sort out a few other matters. "  He handed Akabayashi a box where a pair of sinister gauntlets were stored, marked with a seal by Ayato. With their conversation coming to a close, Ayato and Akabayashi would prepare for their upcoming missions and discussions.

Ayato observed Tsuna's determination and willingness to take responsibility for the security breach. He recognized the weight of Tsuna's role as the eyes and ears of the village and understood that even with his abilities, it was impossible to be everywhere at once.

"No need to blame yourself," Ayato reassured him. "We all have our limits, and it's impossible to anticipate every situation. Foes and false friends are all around us. They infest our village like roaches. How we address it matters now and ensure they don't crawl on our skin at night."

He appreciated Tsuna's commitment to seeking out Isaribi Uchiha and gathering information. As the Omen of the battlefield, the Nova nickname he took great pride in, Tsuna had an innate ability to perceive things beyond the surface, which could prove invaluable in uncovering the truth behind the security breach.

"Thank you, Tsuna," Ayato replied. "Your insights and instincts will be crucial in this investigation. Approach Isaribi Uchiha cautiously, and let us know if you uncover anything significant." As the conversation turned to Akabayashi's request to share memories of chakra signatures, Ayato understood the importance of collaboration and information sharing among their shinobi.

"Akabayashi, I see no issue in sharing the memories of chakra signatures between you and Tsuna," Ayato stated. "It could aid in tracking down the two shinobi who fled. Collaboration and information exchange is key in times like these."

He looked at Tsuna, his expression earnest. "And so is Ryo. Village resources will be at your disposal. When you are ready, go." He trusted his judgment in this matter. If sharing chakra signature memories would resolve these issues swiftly and effectively, so be it. Ayato remained confident that with their combined efforts and expertise, they would be able to apprehend the individuals responsible for the breach and ensure the safety and security of their village.

WC: 847
TWC: 1813


Petrification Gauntlets to Akabayashi

Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem Empty Re: The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem

Sat Jul 08, 2023 2:24 pm
Tsunayoshi asked the doctor to share his memory of chakra signatures but of whom? Assumedly, the people he was after and his own. Ayato echoed the same thing. For what purpose though. He immediately supressed his own chakra as soon as the words were spoken. "I do not know the chakra signature of those you seek only where they most likely went. There is a little farming "village" in the country those two supposedly went to. My guess is this place was most likely their end goal. If they are there it should be simple to get them. The place was poorly defended and even those who chased me long after I took the corpse from their gates I could have killed without issue based on their obvious apprehension. But I figured they would have a more practical use later. As for my own signature. No." It was all he said people knowing exactly where he was at all times was nerve wracking.

He would move slightly away out of the usual range of chakra sensory. "If you need to find me, I will be in Kiri. You know the password to our storm barrier. I forgot about the interdiction seal password." He would whisper that to Ayato and Tsuna. Akabayashi would take the box with the seal on it. Likely a flying thunder god array well this would make things easier.

"Please stop by to discuss what we spoke of whenever. You can teleport to Kiri with the array on the box I presume if this isn't what I think it is. Mark the box. Thank you for the gift." Once Ayato either affirmed or made an FTG mark the doctor would teleport back to Kiri along with his path after a quick goodbye.

Potential Exit
Claims: Petrification Guantlets LW
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem Empty Re: The Mizukage Arrives, but not on a Golem

Sun Oct 15, 2023 4:58 pm
Ayato watched as the doctor shared his limited knowledge of the chakra signatures he was after and his own. This was a crucial development in their pursuit, and it was clear that time was of the essence. As the doctor continued to speak, Ayato listened attentively, taking in the information about the suspected destination of those they were chasing.

"I appreciate your help with the information, Doc," Ayato acknowledged. He understood the doctor hesitantly sharing his chakra signature, but the offer to discuss their previous conversation was reassuring.

He nodded when the doctor mentioned Kiri. "I'll mark the box. We'll reach out to you as soon as we have any updates or need further assistance," Ayato replied, a sense of determination evident in his voice. They were one step closer to their goal, and Ayato was ready to pursue it relentlessly.

With that, the doctor departed, and Ayato's thoughts turned to the next steps in their mission. His gaze shifted to Tsunayoshi. "We need to set a trap for Isaribi. She's the real threat here, the one pulling the strings. The rogues who left are just pawns in her game.  Let's return to the village and coordinate our efforts. Time is of the essence," he suggested, ready to set their plan in motion.

[WC: 213]
[TWC: 2026]


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