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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Acta non Verba Empty Acta non Verba

Tue May 23, 2023 5:49 pm
Being the one that had to deal with the troublemakers of the village was a responsibility that Jecht didn’t care to much about but also held great respect for. As someone who typically wished to be left to his own devices and enjoy whatever whims that came his way, Jecht was raised that there were rules in place for a reason and there were consequences to those actions if they ended up breaking rules.

So here he was at the newly constructed Inferno Arena, it was apparently pretty hefty and state of the art when it came to safety measures and all that technology mumbo jumbo. Why was he here at this time of night? Well it seemed that two genin Himari Hyuuga and Tenshi Uchiha decided they were above the rules set in place for their own safety and had somehow gotten out passed the gate guard and went to take on a mission at the borders. Something that was only allowed to those who had proven that they could protect themselves from the many enemies of the village.

From what Jecht had been told they had successfully completed their mission which was a positive after all this was the next generation but the reckless and blatant disregard for their own safety didn’t bode well in this world. This success could lead them to attempting more dangerous missions they aren’t ready for and the luck they experienced here could very easily run out, it was a very common occurrence in this world. Even more so they were apart of clans that were well known in the world and were highly sought after by those with desires of obtaining their clan’s bloodlines and dojutsus.

So Jecht had put out a summons to both Genin to meet him here at the Inferno Arena. He could only hope they showed up ready for what is in store for them, because if he had to hunt them down things would end up much worse.

WC: 331

Jecht's Stats:

Last edited by Jecht on Tue May 23, 2023 5:58 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added Jecht's Stat Page)
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

Acta non Verba Empty Re: Acta non Verba

Tue May 23, 2023 6:01 pm
Tenshi’s Stats:
Tenshi was still with Himari when they received the summons from Jecht. The Genin was high on life from what he and the young Hyuuga had accomplished together. Their first every reconnaissance mission, and it was a resounding success! Perhaps Jecht wanted to personally congratulate them on their stunning performance? No that definitely was not it, Tenshi had a feeling of that. The fact that they had been summoned to the Inferno arena of all places was a telling sign of that.

He looked over to Himari as they began to quickly head to the Jounin’s location, ”I have a feeling sensei Jecht will not be very lenient with the two of us, you do not think we’re going to get in trouble for succeeding with such a mission?” Who was he kidding, Jecht was going to beat their asses, Tenshi knew that feeling all too well. He shuddered slightly at the memory of their last meeting.

If it was any consolation, Tenshi and Himari had the fact that they learned some extremely valuable information. If acted upon, the village could save many lives by rooting out the Viper base before it got a chance to establish itself.

When he arrived at the Inferno Arena, Tenshi spotted Jecht ahead, clearly waiting for the two of them. Tenshi made sure not to get too close to the large man, he knew all too well what would happen if he got his hands on them. He quickly whispered to Himari, ”He’s just standing there… menacingly…” Before quickly standing up straight and acknowledging his superior.

”Master Jecht, here responding to your summons. How… err… are you on this lovely night?” Tenshi looked around awkwardly.

+10 to pants browning
WC: 281

Last edited by Tenshi Uchiha on Tue May 23, 2023 7:27 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added stats)
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Acta non Verba Empty Re: Acta non Verba

Tue May 23, 2023 6:48 pm
Himari's Stats:

And Himari was still with Tenshi when they received their summons from the Jounin within brevity. The duality of both Genin's countenance was like night and day, while on the surface Tenshi appeared to be brimming with a sense of accomplishment and aplomb, Himari could barely hide the apprehension as to what awaits them in the Inferno Arena. Holy Ninshū, the concision of the arena's name was enough to crack the quaking resolve she had just moments prior. Or perhaps it was simply her exudence of bravado to mask the fear? Worse yet, what would her mother think if word was to reach her about Himari's recent escapade? At the very least, they made it out with their lives and a wellspring of information she can only hope to be of vital use toward the village's growth. The question that looms over her head now, was whether that was worth the cost?

Lost within her own thoughts, hearing Tenshi's voice suddenly shattering what would have been her spiraling into a long series of catastrophic thinking. Although, the giddiness in her movements as a result of her anguish remains stalwart.

"Yes! Oh, um, yeah, if he's kind enough to acknowledge we completed the mission and came back safe and sound, maybe? I don't think he'll be a meanie about it."

And how was she to tell? She knew next to nothing of Jecht than his name from their summon. He very much could be a meanie, and judging, once more, from the name of the location they're in, maybe that moniker is a severely gross understatement. When both Genin arrive, Himari stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Tenshi — well, as best one could given the significant difference in height and stature — and kept her mouth shut during Tenshi's dialogue out of reflex. If she learned one thing when dealing with her superiors, was best to let them talk and steer the conversation and not rock the boat unnecessarily.

But, it's time, now, to face the music and make amends for their actions.

Passively mounting 2 Dread Stacks (2/10)

WC: 340
TWC: 340

Last edited by Himari Hyuuga on Thu May 25, 2023 7:39 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Grammatical changes and fixes)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Acta non Verba Empty Re: Acta non Verba

Wed May 24, 2023 12:05 am
The shuffling of feet, that uneasy feeling of potential danger was thick in the air. It did not come from Jecht it was radiating from the two young genin that had showed up. On time which was a positive. Jecht in his 6ft 5in and 250 pounds towered over the two Tenshi had the height so it wasn’t as major but he was still as lanky as he was during their first interactions at the training grounds.

Himari was a petite girl that clearly wasn’t someone with a forthcoming personality not greeting Jecht upon their arrival unlike her companion Tenshi. A smile would be present on Jecht’s face as it typically was, it would be weird if he wasn’t smirking about something, but this time it was a pride. After all these two kids had accomplished a dangerous mission at their level.

“There they are, the two young and thriving genin, the stars of the night.” Jecht would say as he approached the two closing the distance naturally. He put his hands on each of their shoulders, Jecht’s right hand going on Himari’s outside shoulder and his left mirroring the same on Tenshi.

“We have much to talk about concerning your recent mission gathering information on the Viper gang.” Jecht mentioned as he made eye contact with each one of them. “It was bold, it was brave, it was something that we normally only allow people do to once they have proven themselves able to protect themselves not just from the target but from outside forces.” He said as the weight of the old man’s hands seemed to grow heavier and heavier on the two Genin’s shoulders, not digging not harming but it would slowly feel like his hands were turning into hunks of metal.

“There are rules in place to protect the bold from their own actions. These rules are what keep us from devolving into the same chaotic mindset and lifestyle of the criminals out there. Those who can’t follow said rules are always punished.” Jecht said as the warm smile he had been wearing started to fade. There was that visible change in the older shinobi, his warmth that spoke of caring and guiding smoldering into a cold and absent disappointment.

“You two have gone without permission on a mission outside the safety of our village, you have gone to a place where the protections that keep you alive were absent. You have chosen that your own decisions were above those of higher standing and experience.” Jecht said as he finally removed his hands from the pair’s shoulders, if they moved from their spots and looked down they would be able to see that there was now impressions of there feet about an half inch into the ground from the weight of Jecht’s hands.

“Since you both have decided you are more than ready to undertake missions outside the village against what your superiors have thought then I will test that ability you both seem to have.” Jecht would say as he moved to 10 meters from the pair. “Tenshi you know how this goes, though here in the Inferno Arena there is a safety in place so neither of you will die no matter what is done. Along with these barriers around the arena keeping any strays from damaging the place.” Jecht would mention in passing as he gestured to the area around them. The arena was in its base environment which was just a flat dirt ground spanning 60 meters from one end to the other so there was plenty of room for them to move.

“If you prove you have the ability to protect yourselves, You will be let off with a minor punishment for not getting permission to leave the village.” Jecht said as he faced the two genin holding out a spread hand, “if you are unable to prove your ability then you will face a harsh punishment for the same reasons along with the fault of hubris.” Unlike with the spar with Tenshi the first time Jecht would take a proper fighting style keeping that hand outspread.

“You have 5 seconds to ready yourself.” Jecht’s whole demeanor would solidify into one of a warrior as he settled into his stance and slowly each finger would curl inwards giving a non-verbal countdown for the two genin. Jecht was keeping an eye on both genin now making sure to only pay attention to their bodies as he had trained himself to do from a young age.

WC: 753
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

Acta non Verba Empty Re: Acta non Verba

Wed May 24, 2023 5:31 am
Tenshi was not a fool, the moment the two of them had walked into the Inferno Arena, it was clear as day just how screwed they were. And yet, he felt no fear. Not out of arrogance or disinterest, but because he knew that Jecht had both their’s and the villages best interest at heart. Make no mistake of it, they were well and truly boned.

He could not help but smile back at Jecht as he spoke. The large man may have been preparing to punish them, but the pride on his face was not hidden too well. The big grin on Tenshi’s face slowly started to turn into an awkward and nervous smile as Jecht approached them and placed his hands on their shoulders. These were the same hands that had slammed Tenshi in the ground and almost ripped his throat out.

The pressure was immense and almost overwhelming, the shift in the older man’s tone alarmed Tenshi. Was Jecht getting taller? No. The two Genin were simply being pushed into the ground. The terrifying strength of the man was a sobering notification for Tenshi, it seemed as if this was not going to be a peaceful and combat-free night after all. And to think that we did such a good job of not getting into a fight during the mission… Oh boy…

When his hand finally left Tenshi’s shoulder, nobody was grinning anymore. As Jecht started to walk away, Tenshi knew what was about to happen, he looked at Himari and activated his Three Tomoe Sharingan. ”No matter what happens, stay out of his reach. If he grabs a hold of you, it’s over.” He whispered to her quickly, diverting his eyes back at the larger man.

For every step back that Jecht took, Tenshi took three quick ones in the opposite direction. He would not make the same mistakes as he had in their last outing. He would signal for Himari to do the same. She was clearly an extremely talented Shinobi, however, she had not had to fight this man before. Tenshi did not want her to face any harm, so he would do whatever he could to help keep his team mate safe.

By the time they both stopped moving, there was 40 metres between them, clearly still not enough, but Tenshi had a solution for that. Something seemed different about Jecht in this encounter, it was his fighting stance. It seemed he was indeed going to be going all out against them, the two Genin were in for the fight of their lives.

Unlike last time, Tenshi had no intention in wasting the five seconds that they had been given. The moment Jecht stopped speaking, Tenshi placed his palm to ground, Summoning Jutsu! to summon Rellgar. The four metre long Ancient Red Dragon allowed him to climb on board.

Tenshi would quickly motion for Himari to join him. Rellgar would eventually take off regardless, flying away from Jecht with a speed of 100 as his countdown got down to ‘one’. Rellgar would aim to maintain a distance of at least 60 metres if successful. The aim here was to get as much distance between them and Jecht as possible to better survey their strategy. “He has an ability that can pull us in from a considerable distance away, we need to stay out of his range!” He was of course referring to Jecht’s World in Sleeves technique, which had been what defeated him in their last conflict.

Tenshi’s aim here was to find a way to capture Jecht in his Sharingan Genjutsu, however, it was clear that his opponent was avoiding making eye contact with the Uchiha. “It seems as if we will require those smoke bombs after all Himari!”


-10 AP for Sharingan
-20 AP for Summoning Technique

WC: 629
TWC: 910

Last edited by Tenshi Uchiha on Wed May 24, 2023 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : A few fixes)
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Acta non Verba Empty Re: Acta non Verba

Thu May 25, 2023 9:29 pm
Wait, Tenshi hadn't confirmed with the Hokage about their mission across the border? And to think this entire time the two of them had official leave with the Kage's blessings. That changes a number of things and explains the tension in the air about why they were summoned by Master Jecht in the dead of night. And if the Arena is anything to go by, she'd be in for the fight of her life, and against a far more seasoned opponent, at that.

During Jecht's monologue and approach, Himari had to continually resist the urge to backpedal with each step as he approaches. Even in spite of the grin on his lips, she was no fool her gaze met his. There was an eerie sense of mounting dread and all the while when his hands touch Tenshi and her shoulders, the gradually, near-literal iron grip of his hands would influence the downward force into the ground which left visible imprints of their soles.

And his familiarity with Tenshi in the past caught her attention. If her compatriot was this shaken up by Jecht's presence alone, they certainly weren't going to leave her with only a slap on the wrist. But if this was the preliminary punishment to prove themselves able-bodied, to some unbeknownst measure, to survive the harsh and unforgiving reality of the shinobi world outside the comfort of the village's walls, then the least she could attempt to do was to not hold back either and give it her all.

That is if she could muster the courage to fight a superior in a league of their own.

As Jecht concludes laying out the ground rules and conditions, he steps away from the duo and so does Tenshi. And upon her comrade's recommendations, she follows his lead, maintains eye contact with their soon-to-be opponent, and matches the same speed and number of steps taken until the distance that will momentarily separate them from Jecht was 40 meters.

And for what reason could it be that she would have to keep a certain distance from him? Not that she was eager to bugger around and find out for herself, but she would very much like to keep all of her limbs intact, if at all possible.

Upon hearing perform the summoning jutsu, a puff of off-white smoke from the scroll he unfurled moments ago erupts and disperses to reveal a creature of legend she'd only had the pleasure of reading about in fictional novels. But now was hardly the time to be awestruck. As soon as Tenshi beckons her to hop on, she quickly sits directly behind him on the ancient red dragon and fastens both her hands onto the summon's body before take-off. What bone-chilling fear gripped her earlier loosens up from the assurance of her partner's familiarity with what she can guess to be his previous engagements with whom will test them.

While Tenshi explains the urgency of requiring more distance to cover, the confusion from prior pieces itself together, and she's silently thankful that he was quick on his toes to avoid exposing themselves to something that may have easily knocked either or both of them out in quick succession. Whatever the technique was, her subsequent concern was the scope of it. Considering that Tenshi's red dragon was retreating further outward, she could deduce that it must be quite far.

Upon hearing Tenshi's last remark, she hums in agreement.

"You two seem pretty well acquainted with each other so," She appends. "I'll do my best! But, I'll also defer to your judgment on anything important I should know and act upon."

She tightens her right hand's grip on the red dragon, not enough that it would inflict any pain yet the steadfast hold she has on it may prove to be slightly discomforting. Subsequently, she frees her left hand from it, burrows said hand into her ninja pouch, feels for an item using her digits and waits after the countdown reaches zero to observe their adversary's next move.

WC: 672
TWC: 1,012

Passively mounting 2 Dread Stacks (4/10)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Acta non Verba Empty Re: Acta non Verba

Fri May 26, 2023 11:08 am
Is this pride? Was this feeling in Jecht’s chest a feeling of pride watching someone who he had previously trained even with how minor the interaction was, adapt their knowledge into actual usage? Jecht was pleasantly surprised to see that Tenshi had made Himari and himself move back when Jecht was moving to his spot before starting the countdown. The young genin stood at 40 meters now from Jecht who was only 10 meters from the other end of the arena. This put the two right up against the “edge” of the arena it seemed like they had planned to put as much distance between Jecht and themselves but weren’t paying attention to the actual size of the arena.

As he was finishing up his countdown Jecht watched Tenshi place his hands on the ground and out of that came a dragon looking creature about 4m in size. Jecht ended the countdown with the Genin trying their best to get onto the dragon to what Jecht assumed continue to keep distance between the two of them. Jecht activated a Ushitora technique that would greatly enhance his own abilities, The surge of chakra through his body enveloped it in flames, turning him into a fire covered Oni. There needed to be a clear show of strength if Jecht was going to test these two to see if they truly have the ability needed.

The dragon seemed to be trying to get into the air and go to Jecht’s Right as they were up against the edge of the arena. Jecht moved with his enhanced speed to cut them off. By the time The dragon had been able to move 14m from its original position, Jecht had been able to cover 21m and would now be within 14m of them as long as they continued on their path Jecht would raise a hand above his hand and generate Lightning chakra and as it spread off his hand it would push out a field of Lightning chakra to its max range of 35m in all direction at Jutsu speed and power of 205. Should it hit the dragon, himari or Tenshi they will have to undergo a Strength check to resist being paralyzed and unable to move their body or use anything that requires them to make physical movements to use. Which would cause the dragon if hit and unable to resist to be unable to fly and crash to the ground.

At this point Jecht would slowly approach keeping an eye on the dragon, Tenshi and Himari’s bodies to see if they had anything else planned while maintaining Scatter.

WC: 437

Combat Stuff:
Ushitora Enhancement -100 AP +80 str/spd
Blue Oni: Scatter -85 AP (Chakra Reduction of 15 percent reduced this by 15 AP.)
Blue Oni: Scatter stats after scaling/masteries:
Range: 35m
Power: 230 (205+25 mastery)
Speed: 205
Health: 205

AP usage: 1010 > 825

Jecht's New Stats due to Enhancer:
Vigor: 30
Chakra: 50
Speed: 70 > 150
Strength: 125 > 205


Last edited by Jecht on Fri May 26, 2023 11:12 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added visual graphic)
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

Acta non Verba Empty Re: Acta non Verba

Fri May 26, 2023 1:11 pm
Tenshi laughed at Himari’s comment about him being acquainted with Jecht, if only she knew just how true it was. If there was one thing their last encounter had taught the Genin, it was that the monster of a man had exceptionally creative ways of closing down the distance between him and his prey. “Hey when we make it through this encounter, I will buy you some ice cream!” Tenshi’s optimism was only truly outward, the ‘when’ should have been replaced with an ‘if’ in this instance. As Rellgar began to move in his initial direction, Tenshi noticed a change in Jecht.

Thanks to his fully developed Sharingan, he saw the chakra surge before the actual nightmare that followed it. He was not just trying to teach them a lesson, he may actually attempt to end the two young Shinobi here. With the help of his enhanced vision within his Sharingan, Tenshi was (barely) able to spot the direction that Jecht was rushing in. The man appeared to be trying to cut their path off before the trio could make it into the sky.

They had made it no more than five meters before Tenshi pulled at Rellgar, forcing the dragon to turn around and fly in the opposite direction. With his 100 speed, Rellgar would only barely make it out of range of Jecht’s monstrous ability. Tenshi was in awe of the man’s speed, he was far quicker than he had been in their first encounter, was this Jecht when he was fighting to kill? Not allowing himself to get caught up in the moment, Tenshi refocused and tried to devise another plan.

Assuming there was no interruptions, Rellgar would have made it a further 10 meters away from the edge of Jecht’s ability when Tenshi acted next. “Himari we are far too easy to take down while we stay so close together, take Rellgar and try to make some distance between us! I need you to throw a smoke bomb at the location on the wall I am about to jump to!” He quickly yelled to the speeding dragon, who was attempting to climb upwards and forwards, five meters from the wall at all times with a speed of 100. “Rellgar! Rellgar I am going to jump towards the wall and draw him away from the two of you! Take Himari wherever she needs you to go, you can trust her!”

Without waiting for a response, Tenshi leapt off of the dragon. Attempting to use his full jumping distance, Tenshi would travel five meters in the direction of the wall, five meters upward away from the ground and 12 meters in the direction away from Jecht. If Himari threw the smoke bomb as he requested, Tenshi would land on the wall, using the Surface Walking Technique to remain attached. Tenshi would then use the smoke bomb cover to form the Ram seal, and cast the Clone Technique to summon four identical clones of himself.

This was another lesson that Tenshi had learned from Jecht in their last encounter. “these work more with a distraction so that your opponents can’t figure out which is the real one” he had told the Uchiha. The clones would be summoned so that all five versions of Tenshi would be formed in a straight line going directly up the wall. The real Tenshi was the closest to the ground, wanting to avoid falling too far if something went wrong. At this point, Tenshi would be ten meters off the ground and a total of 45 meters away from where Jecht had been while he activated his technique.

Knowing that they could not run forever Tenshi and his clones all turned to face Jecht. Tenshi and his clones unsheathed and drew a Tanto, of course only Tenshi’s was real. Tenshi continued to look for any opportunity available to make eye contact with and distract Jecht with Genjutsu. Rellgar would continue to fly in whichever direction Himari wished, if at all, and willingly obeying her orders within reason.

-15 AP for Summon upkeep
-10 AP for Sharingan upkeep
-5 AP for Surface Walking
-20 AP for Clone Technique
Current AP 1097/1177
Summoning Points remaining: 7/10

WC: 670
TWC: 1,580

Last edited by Tenshi Uchiha on Mon May 29, 2023 6:46 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated distance (I think))
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Acta non Verba Empty Re: Acta non Verba

Tue May 30, 2023 2:14 pm
Hearing Tenshi's comment, she titters. "I'll hold you to that!"

While watching Jecht's movements, she and Tenshi, upon Rellgar, scale up nearby the Arena's barricade. That is until he whips both riders around in an attempt to steer them in the opposite direction, which jostles her and reflexively holds onto the dragon's body. And this was not in due part to the already incredible speed at which Rellgar flew, it makes her wonder how long ago it was since they'd known one another. Just how *many* tricks does Tenshi have up his sleeves? And whatever it was that Tenshi saw within only 5 meters upon Jecht's approach, it was going to be something serious.

She had to thank Tenshi for his lightning-quick reflexes, Jecht's movements would've appeared as a blur, and keeping track of his impending approach could've disorientated any ole shinobi unaccustomed to high rates of speed. But, to her benefit, she could maintain eye contact relatively well enough to predict his intended path of travel. And were he to stop at the intended location and afterward execute his jutsu, if they were successful in their maneuver, just be out of reach of an otherwise gruesomely minute throwdown.

Himari listens to Tenshi's spiel and nods. If they were going to increase their odds of survival, or in this case, their slim chances of getting away with a minor infraction, they would have to divvy themselves up until single-man units. Although close-quarters combat was out of the question considering the significant difference in skill, she had other means, despite the limited quantity, to apply even a little pressure to hopefully turn the tide of the fight.

"Sure thing!" She answers with gusto. "Ready whenever you are!"

As soon as Tenshi leaps off the dragon, at a speed of 125, she attempts to throw one bandage-wrapped ceramic sphere at the intended surface her teammate would land. Should the sphere succeed in colliding with the intended surface, it would ignite and expel a cloud of off-white smoke 3 meters in radius. All the while as she maintains the same speed of 100 prior on top of Rellgar, she then attempts to create distance between herself and Tenshi by up to 30 meters.

As she's traveling 15 meters along her intended path, she performs, with the one hand closest facing toward Jecht, a palm strike as a white-blue colored projectile shaped like a sphere 10cm in diameter shoots from the Himari's palm. After reaching 1 meter from the casting point, the projectile breaks and sprays out a total of 15 metal senbon of compressed air. These projectiles travel to their maximum range of 30 meters in a straight line sprayed like a cone and scales at jutsu speed. Should the jutsu strike true, they would pierce and skewer him upon contact, dealing damage at jutsu power.

WC: 465
TWC: 1,477

Combat Statistics
-1 via "Smoke Bomb" usage (1/2)
-25 AP via "Storm Senbon" activation (+10 AP recovered from jutsu via Heavenly Body skill)
Storm Senbon stats after scaling:
Range: 30m
Power: 80
Speed: 80

Total AP: 520/545

Passively mounting 2 Dread Stacks (6/10)

Visual Graphic:
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Acta non Verba Empty Re: Acta non Verba

Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:40 pm
Jecht having not taken his eyes of the genin and their dragon saw the flying beast change its direction after traveling 5 meters and now head in the opposite direction as if trying to juke the old man, but its speed wasn’t something that could cause him to fall for something so simple, so Jecht simply adjusted his angle to this new direction he had already closed the gap by 7m by the time they had changed direction so by the time the group had reached 10m in their new direction Jecht had moved 14m due to his increased speed and he would raise his hand gathering lightning chakra unleashing Blue Oni: Scatter within 10m of the genin. It would expand at jutsu speed 205 up to 35m from Jechts, and should it hit the group they would need to have a strength higher then its power of 230 to resist being paralyzed unable to move or use anything that requires physical movement.

"Keep running like rabbits and we will see how that works for you." Jecht said more then loud enough for the pair to hear him.

WC: 188

Combat Stuff:
Ushitora Enhancement -50 AP +80 str/spd Duration: 2 of 4
Blue Oni: Scatter -85 AP (Chakra Reduction of 15 percent reduced this by 15 AP.)
Blue Oni: Scatter stats after scaling/masteries:
Range: 35m
Power: 230 (205+25 mastery)
Speed: 205
Health: 205

Ap usage: 
825 > 910 due to refund of Scatter from prior post
910 > 775 [-50 ap from Enhancer and -85 from scatter]
Due to the change of Tenshi and Himari going in the opposite direction from prior Jecht wouldn't have used Scatter in the position previously stated so it refunded the 85 AP. Though it will be spent for his usage in this post as long as nothing changed to cause him to not use it.

Acta non Verba UE3YLjn

Last edited by Jecht on Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:07 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added WC)
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