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Sosuke Hyuuga
Sosuke Hyuuga
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Sosuke's Genin Exam Empty Sosuke's Genin Exam

Fri Jul 28, 2023 6:12 pm

Dressed to impress, wearing a black shirt underneath his white yukata, Sosuke readied himself for the big day. Even though he could have been done with it years ago, he was more than skilled enough, the youngster couldn't help but put it off. Compared to most of his peers, the Hyuuga could be considered a late bloomer, one that didn't mind focusing on other things in life. However, he had since long outgrown the level of  what would be expected from the standard Academy Student. And so the young shinobi of the Mist was on his way to take the Genin Exam. 

When he arrived at the academy, Sosuke headed over to the main office to hand in a request form for the exam. With a polite nod he accepted the piece of paper, the only thing that remained was to wait for a proctor to arrive. Assuming it would take a couple of minutes before someone showed up, the Hyuuga took the time to mentally prepare, wondering what kind of test they would throw at him. Others who graduated in the past informed him of how it went for them, explaining how the proctor was different each time. The information was welcome but wouldn't be of much help in the end. After all, Sosuke had to be able to make it on his own. 

A couple of minutes, no more than fifteen, would pass before one of the proctores showed up. Wasting no time, the Academy Student rose from his position, politely greeting the teacher with a slight bow. Once he was given the signal to enter the room he would follow behind the proctor and set foot inside the classroom. Doing so, the young Hyuuga watched as the Chuunin sat down behind the desk, placing a file on top of it. Standing in front of the proctor, Sosuke waited for the man to speak. The teacher slightly raised his head, looking the student in the eyes before going through the piece of paper again.

Still standing there, back straight and hands behind his back, the shinobi of the Mist awaited further instructions. Once the teacher eventually finished his paperwork he would cross his fingers in front of him and look up at Sosuke. Giving the proctor a nod in return to his smile, the Hyuuga would calmly listen to his words before taking a moment to collect his thoughts. All he had to do was demonstrate his knowledge and perform two of the most basic shinobi techniques. Nothing too difficult. He knew the techniques, practiced them plenty and although they weren't perfect, it should be enough to pass the test.

Now that the instructions were clear and he knew what was expected of him, Sosuke took another brief moment to gather his thoughts, taking the time to decide which of the two he would perform first. Both the Transformation as well as the Clone Technique required the same amount of hand seals, one to be exact. However, that wasn't the only thing they had in common. Similar to the amount of hand seals it would take someone to perform them, the two techniques also required the same amount of chakra due to being of the same rank. All things considered, it wouldn't really matter which one to go with first.

Perhaps he could try something complex to impress the instructor, or something he knew would work. Take a risk, or play it safe. Both approaches had their pros and cons and there was no way to tell which one would end up being the best. Each time he had practiced the technique before, Sosuke went for something basic, simply transforming himself in someone he saw or knew. After all, it would be quite stupid to transform into a strange creature while out on a mission. Way to blow your cover. Either way, the proctor waited long enough. It was time to demonstrate his skill with the Transformation Technique.

Bringing his hands together, Sosuke formed a single seal, that of the Dog. Channeling his chakra throughout his body, he decided to transform himself into the lady at the front desk who gave him the request form earlier. Imagining and visualizing the woman in his mind, something that would make the technique easier to perform, the Hyuuga continued to let his chakra flow through his body. In the process, the disguise started to layer itself over his body, now resembling the same woman he met upon entering the academy. Once the technique was done, the Hyuuga would keep it up for a couple more minutes and release it when the proctor was satisfied.

After he was allowed to move on to the second and final technique, Sosuke would perform another single hand seal, that of the Ram and channel his chakra once more. Doing so, the young shinobi of the Mist created a total of four identical clones around himself. Consequently, he would show that they resembled him in every way. And with that, the two techniques were done. Now it was time to await the proctor's judgment. The teacher looked up once more, flashing a smile as he was seemingly pleased. The following three words, congratulations - you - pass, only confirmed that thought. 

Relieved to hear those words, Sosuke gave the proctor another bow before collecting his Kirigakure headband. He tried his best to control his emotions but couldn't help but flash a smile. His day started with an exam and now his journey could officially begin. The only thing that remained now was to return home and show his parents the result of his hard work. The once Academy Student had become a Genin of the Mist. Nevertheless, the Hyuuga knew that with his new rank also came a list of responsibilities. He no longer could only think about himself, but presented the entire village. And if anything, he wouldn't allow himself to disappoint. 

Once he finally made it home and celebrated together with his parents, Sosuke couldn't help but wonder what adventures would be waiting for him.


(TWC: 1009)
- 1000/1000 Lightness Skill
Kirigakure Headband
- Mission rewards (1,000 Ryo / 5 AP & promotion to Genin/D Power Rank)
- 10 stats to speed
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Sosuke's Genin Exam Empty Re: Sosuke's Genin Exam

Fri Jul 28, 2023 6:16 pm
Approved, killer
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