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Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
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Clan Specialty : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 378800

Assigned Duties Empty Assigned Duties

Tue Sep 10, 2024 4:26 pm
Mission Reports:

Shiro felt different after that night, bathed in the pols of blackness and tar throughout the night. His body had changed slightly, retaining his physique and clan, yet his chakra differed. Laced with the ability to use Space-Time chakra, Shiro weaved the necessary hand seals to use one of the newest techniques he learned from that night. His mind had opened up to the possibilities of a new future, which started with him first experimenting with his capabilities throughout his own home. Two fingers were gently placed on his head before suddenly vanishing from out of sight, appearing instead from the living room instantly in his kitchen. He marvelled at the wonders of Space-Time jutsu, travelling would be far easier now that he had a way of teleporting himself from place to place. However, he knew that he had to meet a friend soon, with Akabayashi not returning and instead placing his current interests in a different village entirely. Shiro knew that he had to bolster his forces. Nemui was adept, he could tell, but Reizo was someone that he knew could perhaps using a few pushes here and there. He had heard great things from the academy, Reizo’s background and experiences within that of Kumogakure allowed their forces to adapt and improve significantly more than following the ways of the bloody mist.

His role as Deputy Kage gave his new order far more legitimacy, especially in the face of critics who wished to see the return of the bloody Mist and take back Konohagakure as their vassal once more. A fool's wish, one that was motivated by greed and a sense of superiority that they could no longer maintain. However, he knew he was getting sidetracked. Shiro remaining Byakugan flexed, his vision expanded across from his own home towards the direction of the academy. He had a feeling that Reizo would be at the academy finishing up some sort of assignment or curriculum for the students, however, he wanted to talk to his buddy again, and also get him on the path to becoming a jonin in his own right.

Weaving the hand seals for instant transmission once more, his index and middle fingers placed gently on his forehead once again, a small Wakizashi attached to his waist right before he headed out with a vanish, leaving his house and arriving at the front steps of the academy, a few of the students gasped at the arrival of their Deputy Mizukage. A small wave was sent towards a few of the younger students before he went inside, quickly opening and closing the door without making much of a sound. Traversing towards where Reizo would be and hopefully being able to inform him of his duties to the village.

Reizo Shōyu
Reizo Shōyu
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : woo! Missions
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 45500

Assigned Duties Empty Re: Assigned Duties

Thu Sep 12, 2024 12:58 am
Reizo sat hunched over his desk in the Academy’s dismal classroom, surrounded by a disheveled mess of papers. The monotony of grading had become a displeasing routine over the year since he took the teaching role, each assignment a reminder of how his life had diverged from the thrilling days of his shinobi career. The stacks of tests before him seemed to grow taller with each passing day as the Chunin procrastinated each task with trivial distractions. While his students admired him and valued his instruction, Reizo couldn’t shake the ennui of the classroom boredom. The respect he received from his pupils and peers alike was genuine, but it paled in comparison to the excitement of his past missions with his team in Kumo and the days of partnering with Shiro here in Kiri. It'd been just about a year since he had seen anything aside from starry-eyed pupils and text on white letterhead. Not only was he getting listless, but he was even a bit lonely in his Academy role.

The din of kids training in nearby classrooms was a constant backdrop, blending into the white noise of his daily existence. Despite the slow decline in his emotional state, Reizo’s Sensory abilities, a skill he had honed over years of intense training, were still quite sharp. He could sense changes in the chakra around him with a level of precision that bordered on supernatural. Seemingly out of nowhere, a familiar chakra signature, distinct and unmistakable, tagged the periphery of his awareness that encircled the Academy. Shiro’s aura was a known presence, and though Reizo recognized the energy, he chose to ignore it in order to continue trying to catch up on the mountain of work his indolent past self had left him. He hadn't seen the Deputy Kage in about a year, and while his showing up was certainly welcome, albeit rather unexpected, Reizo suddenly had found the urge to keep busy. Perhaps it was the  gravitas of his friend's recently earned title that had his brain thinking it should be locking in.

The familiar rhythm of the grading process continued, with Reizo’s attention glued to the papers. Each mark, each comment, was a small but necessary task- part of the monotony that had replaced the more dynamic aspects of his former shinobi life. As he marked a particularly poor exam from the usual suspect in his class, a smirk couldn't hide itself from his face any longer as the Hyuga drew near. The soft murmur of voices and the stifled gasps from the hallway were faintly audible, and it was becoming increasingly obvious that Shiro wasn't going to just wait for Reizo to finish grading his papers.

Shiro’s chakra remained a steady presence, seemingly growing larger as he moved through the Academy, nearing the classroom the blonde shinobi was holed up in. Wiping the grin from his bemused but tired face, Reizo knew that the intrusion into his routine had to be left unacknowledged. It was as if Reizo had deliberately chosen to stay focused on his work, allowing the presence of his old friend to become just another part of the background noise.

Reizo continued to work for just a little while longer, noting that Shiro was practically on top of his position at this point. His eyes remained fixated on the piles of papers, and the world beyond his desk felt distant and almost irrelevant- aside from the glaring disturbance of the interim village leader, of course. It wasn't until this point that Reizo noticed some subtler changes in Shiro's chakra. He knew it had been quite a while since they had their last encounter, but he was certain something was different. It was beyond just getting stronger, although that was certainly the case too. There was something fundamentally altered in his chakra code, as if it had mutated or been subjected to artificial engineering. It was certainly peculiar; Reizo couldn't dismiss the eerie sensation of something uncannily familiar yet disturbed at the same time just for some boring paperwork. The students would have to wait. Surely they'd understand if they knew that it was Shiro that had interrupted his grading process.

It was only when Shiro was upon the door to his classroom that Reizo finally allowed himself to fully acknowledge the disruption and remove himself from the comfy taxpayer-funded chair. Reizo opened the door and came face to face with the former Kage turned Deputy, his eyes meeting Shiro’s pretty cerulean orbs as the Deputy Kage stood in the doorway. The sight of Shiro, with his distinctive white hair, pristine appearance, and calm demeanor, was a stark contrast to the dilapidated state Reizo had allowed his desk to become.

“Shiro,” Reizo said softly, his voice carrying a mixture of curiosity and mild surprise. He expected the young man to look different given the change in his chakra nature, but he appeared virtually identical to how Reizo had always remembered.

Reizo stood quietly in the inadequate lighting of the doorway that cleaved the hallway from the classroom. The shift from the solitary routine of grading to engaging with a real person (children hardly counted) was a welcome change. The presence of Shiro brought a sense of familiarity and comfort, a brief escape from the dreadful routine that had begun to wear on him. Truthfully, while he did welcome the peace and stability of his Academy role, he missed touching grass.

As Reizo stood in front of Shiro, he allowed himself a moment to reflect on the contrast between his current life and his past experiences. The thrill of his previous missions and the camaraderie of his old allies- both those native to Kiri and of the nations of his past- all seemed distant now. Yet, seeing Shiro again, perhaps the only living person who understood the full scope of his former life, was a reminder of what had been some of the best times of his life.

After letting the moment fully play out, Reizo half-teasingly quipped up. ”“Guess I’d been so absorbed in grading papers that I didn’t even notice you arrive,” a hint of a sly smile contorting his lips. If Shiro were still keen to their friendship, it’d be obvious that Reizo wouldn’t have let Shiro’s presence go unnoticed. He was far too wary and adept at sensory for that to have been the case. It was so blatantly a convenient excuse to give as to why he had made Shiro walk all the way to the door instead of going out to greet him. A self-satisfying power play to tease the Hyuga. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it? What brings you to here?”

Reizo’s eyes were still locked with Shiro’s, a flicker of recognition and acknowledgment passing between them. The usual cacophony of the hallways had fallen unusually silent as all eyes fixated on the pair. Pupils peeked from their classrooms and even other sensei stood by quietly, observing the acting Kage who had shown up unaccompanied and unannounced. Reizo allowed himself to be drawn out of his routine and into the presence of an old friend who brought a sense of belonging and order to his brave new world.

WC: 1208
TWC: 1208
TTWC: 1667
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Remove Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 378800

Assigned Duties Empty Re: Assigned Duties

Thu Sep 12, 2024 5:06 pm
His eyes were drawn to the hallways of the academy, neatly decorated and freshly painted from the shipment of paint that had been bought on the Deputy’s orders. He was not the only one who had been busy with paperwork and the current status of the village. Akabayashi’s departure, with him also achieving the rank of Deputy left him swamped with paperwork, a few letters from local lords, and the Daimyo about his current position. Yet he was happy to have been the one to accept to raise the school's funding, even if it did cost slightly more for the taxpayers. There were hints of appreciation that he could see. The place was practically rebuilt from the ground up with new equipment and flooring. Nicely polished floors, not even a spec of dust on the ground besides whatever kids decided to play around near the mud. A few students greeted their kage, bowing respectfully in his presence. His eyes shifted to them, his hand waving at them bowing towards him.

“You have no reason to bow, especially not to me.”

A few of the students were shocked when he said that, responding to the few students that were still left inside with the idea that they had no reason to bow. Yet he wouldn’t continue on with his explanation, his performance the last time he was here, using intimidation and threats, it was a poor display of what he should have been. Reizo, with his experience, was able to keep the situation calm in contrast to Shiro’s threatening display. The boy had been grieving on that day, and it was the same day that Reizo and he had stopped speaking for so long. He found himself inching closer and closer to the Chunin’s room. A few more students walked past, some bowing, others however almost walked faster when they saw him. He knew that there was still fear, and still a hidden depth of loathing for his existence. The higher-up clans inside of Kirigakure did not like that a bastard child was in such a position, not only that, but he was a Hyuga as well, from a Ninja saying he hailed from Konohagakure, their historic enemy, and previous vassal. Their past would one day haunt them, even if the ones who did so were long gone. His confidence however in meeting his close friend remained, even as his presence became far more noticeable as he saw Reizo put down his pen and rise from the comfy chair paid for by the people of the village. His byakugan could see Reizo’s chakra, as he wanted to be surprised with Reizo’s appearance.

Yet there was a sudden spark, a connection that came through again when his eyes locked onto the Reizo’s Amythest eyes, cerulean orbs staring back for just a moment. It was a moment that Shiro would immediately remember, his smirk growing ever-confident, his arm, refined from years of physical exercise, loomed over the blondes head. Reizo’s uttering Shiro’s name made him lean forwards, getting dangerous close to Reizo, merely inches apart.

“Reizo,” He spoke, a mix of confidence and joy to see that his friend was at least semi-alive, even though his hair was disheveled and his appearance was similar to his own when he had come out of the hospital. His eyes noticed the amount of paperwork on his friend's desk, taking a small step into the room, seeing the papers, the small notes all around his friend's room, and even gifts from students of Kirigakure. It was so different then what he remembered, his thoughts lingered to his academy days, kicked in the mud for what he was, a Bastard, an orphan. . . His thoughts were interrupted by Reizo giving an excuse as to why he did not acknowledge his arrival immediately, an obvious excuse, Shiro had known what Reizo’s sensory capabilities were. His smile etched on his lips as he turned back towards his friend.

“Now you and I both know that’s bullshit, Reizo.”

Yet his question about why he was here made him stand fully straight, walking towards Reizo once again, Reizo had known about Shiro’s life, his ups, his downs, almost everything about it. This was something far different then what he had thought. This was different than even a normal friendship at this point. He had gotten close to Reizo, closer than even his sister. A man he felt he could call his confidant. . . Which is why he came dangerously close to Reizo again, leaning down once again, his face only an inch apart from the blonde. He could see a few other students and even other Sensei’s trying to peer into the room between the two friends.

Yet he felt his heartbeat race as to what he would try next, it was either make or break with this one moment, “Well, I assigned us a few missions. . . But also. . .”

He leaned in closer again, wanting to see if Reizo wanted it, his lips merely a centimeter apart as he waited for Reizo’s reaction.
Reizo Shōyu
Reizo Shōyu
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : woo! Missions
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 45500

Assigned Duties Empty Re: Assigned Duties

Yesterday at 1:11 am
Being so immersed in the day to day tedium of teaching, Reizo had hardly paid much attention to the cleanness and freshness of the hallways, but now they suddenly seemed notable. It was as if when Shiro returned into his domain, the world seemed to be less bleak. Yet it wasn’t the sterile walls or the quiet whispers of the students that held his attention at this time; it was the man himself. It was Shiro Hyuga.

Reizo caught him glancing at the little knick-knacks on his desk that he’d accumulated throughout the year showcasing his students’ appreciation. He detected the faintest twinge of jealousy, though he couldn’t quite place why. Perhaps it was simply that Shiro had paid any mind to his deskspace at all instead of delving straight into the business-ask as he normally would. The silence would’ve been awkward had Reizo not broken it himself to tease Shiro.

Shiro turned back towards Reizo and approached the Chunin curiously. Reizo hesitantly took a step back, somewhat cautious and nervous. Why was he nervous? Shiro’s voice in response to his own, soft yet confident, had been disarming if not a little charming. Had Reizo been any less resolute in his firmament, perhaps Shiro would have gained the advantage right then, but Reizo was too quick, too sly, and too well-versed in navigating bizarre social situations from his time with Max, the deposed child Raikage puppetmaster.

Now Shiro stood there before Reizo, looming over him with that familiar, self-righteous smirk. The confident gleam in Shiro’s dazzling blue eyes was both nostalgic and now even a little disconcerting. Reizo knew that look all too well. It was all too similar to the look of a hunter chasing prey, as Reizo himself had often seen on his missions with the Hyuga. However, this time it wasn’t directed at an enemy or out of bloodlust. It was something Reizo had little experience with; it was personal. Reizo wasn’t sure he was ready for nor wanted to face it.

He could feel Shiro’s presence as if the very room shifted under his weight. The proximity between the two was negligible now, with Shiro’s warm breath palpable. It was an intimacy that, despite their deep connection, felt foreign and mystic.

Reizo’s gaze remained steady, though his mind algorithmically searched for a way to deflect and escape. He could tell where this was going. Shiro, leaning in as though he had already made a decision for both of them, was dangerously close, his breath warm and his eyes gleaming, almost begging for something more than just a simple reunion. It was clear to Reizo that he would need to be the one setting the boundaries, though perhaps it would be fun to see if he could get Shiro to do a bit more chasing.

As Shiro made his intentions ever more clear, he let it slip that there were missions to discuss. The perfect l'occasion de évasion. “It’s good to see you too, Shiro,” Reizo said half-teasingly, taking the tiniest step back to put barely a foot of space between them. He was careful to make sure he didn’t trip over the row of desks just centimeters behind him. He didn’t even need to watch his step as the room’s layout was deeply ingrained in his muscle memory at this point. His heart skipped a beat, realizing he had narrowly dismissed a brush with something more. Reizo had dealt with situations objectively far more dangerous than this- missions where his life were threatened, moments where decisions had to be made instantly and with reckless abandon, and even defeating and taming a tailed beast- and yet this somehow ranked far scarier than any of those.

Once the space was created, Reizo instantly changed up and slipped on his professional mask as a self-defense precaution. His lavender eyes were still locked with Shiro’s, shifting his posture to be more confident and less defensive and intimidated. Reizo acted coy, a subtle shift in his expression that conveyed an awareness of what had just transpired between them with a clear but modest refusal to indulge it. He went from being the prey caught off-guard to now feeling like he had the opportunity to press and possibly humiliate Shiro with just his eyes alone. Thoughts of blackmail and extortion now danced in the blonde’s mind. A sly and almost sinister grin crept aboard the foreigner’s face. It was eerie how well controlled the smile was to avoid any change in the expression of his beaming eyes.

He stepped away, breaking eye contact for the first time, and moved toward his desk where there was more space so he wouldn’t feel so claustrophobic pressed against the students’ area. His fingers brushed, then rhythmically tapped, the papers that were chaotically strewn across the desk as if to signal the matters of the village and its future were obviously more pressing than whatever Shiro was attempting to impress upon him now.

”Now about those missions, Mr. Hyuga,” Reizo said smoothly, addressing Shiro as though he were a student who failed to do his homework. He let the words hang in the air, challenging Shiro. His tone remained light and playful, but there was a firmness to it that made it clear he wasn’t going to be drawn into whatever game Shiro was playing. While Reizo valued Shiro’s loyalty and companionship, he wasn’t about to allow the lines to blur and complicate things further.

WC: 917
TWC: 2125
TTWC: 3424
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