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Daikuri Hyuuga
Daikuri Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Missions
Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu [体術]
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Good Deeds Empty Good Deeds

Sun Jun 02, 2024 12:08 pm

It was late afternoon on a chil weekday as Daikuri was reading on of his favorite manga books. He was sitting on bench just on the outskirts of a children's park in the village of Konohagakure where a few kids were playing. He was sitting up forward his head down eyes stuck to the pages as one of his characters was about to defeat an overwhelmingly strong villain. Turning the pages he was gasped and shook his head as the turn of events in the manga left his favorite fighter defeated. Unable to defend the slaughter of a city he was trying so hard to protect.

"Aww man that sucked...wat a bummer" he said as he turned and finished the last page of the manga. Finishing the book and not wanting it no more he stood up and threw it in a nearby garbage can as then turned into street about to be on his way home. But as he turned away from the garbage can he bumped into something, or someone as he looked to see what it was. It was an old scruffy looking man now sitting butt on the floor surprised just as Daikuri as he was knocked off balance. "Pardon me sir... my apologies let me help you there". Daikuri said as he helps the old man up and gather few things he dropped which the man was carrying with him in a basket on his back.

"Young man if you really want to help me i need some help fishing, because you see..." the old man said as he got up slowly to his feet. "My son is doing god knows what and i can't find him he usually comes with me on this trip as my ole lady doesn't like me out on that bout alone. Says it worry's her because I'm not as strong as I used to be. You mind accompanying me?" Having nothing else planned for today he thought this might be something he could do for a while as the old man did have a point. "Sure." Daikuri replied with a faint smile, then off the two was to a boat just not too far from the village where it was docked a river.

The two got on the boat and set sail, they found a spot not too far from land where Daikuri then helped dropped the anchor to keep the boat stationary. "Let me let you in own a little trick off mines. You see this." the old man then said as he reviled a bright orange powder he held in a small glass container. "This makes any fish in the area start jumping like crazy making them easier to CATCH just watch." He said as he opened the container throwing a good amount out into the water before closing it back up and placing it down. He then reached in his pouch and gave Daikuri a kunai with a rope from the boat deck which was a good length.

"Tie a knot on there" the old man said. Daikuri did as he was told and the old man did the same, by the time they were finished prepping everything there was now plenty of small fish jumping up from the water around the boat. Reacting to whatever the old man had just put in the water. "See! Now this how you get em" the old man said as he raised his arm aiming at a nearby fish jumping up from the water. He then threw the kunai at a surprising speed striking the fish and then withe the rope he pulled in his catch, holding it up showing Daikuri as he wore a huge grin. Proud of his performance. " Your Turn".

Now trying to do the same as the old man Daikuri scanned the nearby water of the boat looking for a good target. Spotting a nearby fish he then cocked back his arm and trough the kunai striking the fish also as it fell back into the water lifeless. He then pulled in his catch with his rope and held the fish up showing the old man he was able to do the same thing too. This went on for about an hour until the boat was filled with plenty enough fish and the powder the old man had put in the water effect wore off. It was getting let so they decided to wrap things up it was a good day at the river and the old man had more than enough fish to bring back for his family.

WC: 764
Daikuri Hyuuga
Daikuri Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Missions
Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu [体術]
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Good Deeds Empty Re: Good Deeds

Sun Jun 02, 2024 5:44 pm
Good Deeds R.7397d8a942931549ff38448d8f6a6a4c?rik=wWGGtublb%2bEzZw&

Feeling good about helping the old man the other day it was time for Daikuri to bring his attention to elsewhere. Today was a new day new day and earlier was at the mission board and took on a new mission. It was an E Rank mission and was going to be a breeze for the young ninja he had replayed the mission details in his head as he walked along the village streets. It was a lot of panhandling going on within the village walls and his task was to find the source of this and put it to an end.

So here he was on a patrol walking the busy streets of Konohagakure trying to find anything that looked out of place. He was strolling for about an hour before h stopped on a busy street, wondering where a good place was to start. "If I was a panhandler, where would I be?" he said to himself as he scratched his chin. The streets were busy but no sign of the criminals that he was in search of. "Guess it's time to widen the search then" he added as he looked upwards at the roof of the buildings around him. He stopped as he found one ahead it was a few stories high, high enough from him to reach the top for a better view of the streets.

Dairkuri then started to jog towards thar building that was just a block away, reaching it he then proceeded to into an alley next to it before jumping on to the side of the building. Focusing his charka on his feet, he ran off the side of the building at a burst of speed reaching the top in no time. A he stood on the roof he gazed down on the streets his head turning, his eyes squinting as he tried to spot any sign of a panhandler. Then boom he found one. There was an older age man slender in build harassing a lady with her child as held a hat in his hand trying to pressure the women for money.

Spotting this Daikuri face grew tense as he planned his path towards the man. He with his right hand he held up the "Ram" hand seal then he vanished in a blur with great speed at he headed straight towards the group below. Appearing now just being seen as a blur Daikuri was now behind the man as he unknowingly continued "Since you don't want to give me nothing i might as well take it give me that" he said as he reached for the lady's bag. Watching in disgust Daikuri then raised one arm and then with a lot of force delivered a karate chop to the man's neck making him fall to the ground.

In pain and rubbing his neck as he got out the panhandler then yelled "What the hell man......YOOO FELLAS!". Not knowing the man hand someone with him Daikuri turned around and saw two more guys approaching. "Here we go..." he said quietly to his self, he needed to end this quickly. "Ms. please get away from here as quick as you can!" he then added talking to the woman and child. He then proceeded with the following hand seals "Tiger - Horse - Ram - Clone seal" with two clones of himself appearing with a puff of smoke on both sides of him.

"Need you to watch him for me, okay? Please don't kill him come with me." he said to the first and finishing with the second. As the two new guys came closer Daikuri and his clone stepped forward then both spined, crossing each other's path as they focused on each other's targets. They both delivered an open palm strike to the attacker's throat as they ran into the attack. They both fell in pain now even strong enough to withstand Daikuris hit. "Ha i wasn't expecting that but hey I know a cell that's calling your guy's name time to pay for your troubles you brought within these walls." he said. It was time to bring the group in as the mission was now complete, Konohagakure panhandling problem was now finally solved.

WC: 701
TWC: 1,465


Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Good Deeds Empty Re: Good Deeds

Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:30 pm
Daikuri Hyuuga wrote:
WC: 701
TWC: 1,465



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