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Jin Rentei
Jin Rentei
Stat Page : Bubble Trouble
Mission Record : Mission Record
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 15500

Jin's Productive Day Out! Empty Jin's Productive Day Out!

Wed Jun 19, 2024 1:33 pm

Jin entered the village and took in the sights, observing the general culture and style of the people within, quickly realising that the whole village was seemingly a large mixing pot of individuals working together. Upon a moments reflection it made the most sense to Jin, vagabonds were known to be a little free spirited and eccentric, that was not even taking into account missing nin who were know to have some interesting and dangerous types amongst their ranks. Jin thought he might fit into the place well and as a relatively newer village was the perfect canvas to perhaps leave his mark. He decided if he did build something it would definitely be green. He was struck by a bolt of inspiration and spoke aloud as he could not contain himself. “Green bubble tea house!” After speaking it out loud he made amental note to look into that at some point. Jin knew he had to focus on the task at hand however and that was to pass the examinations to become a ninja of the village and wear the coveted Tsukigakure headband. Jin vaguely hoped Kimono were not a mandatory uniform choice, though he thought they looked good on other people, Jin had his own preference and style.

Jin was required to ask for directions when navigating the village, his own sense of direction (or lack thereof) might have left him wandering the village for days without locating the institute of medicine and he was keen to join the village and begin doing his part to help out and make a place and eventually a name for himself. With directions provided he set out deeper into the village and eventually located the entrance and was impressed by the seamless blending of lush vegetation and modern sensibility that gave it a relaxing and natural vibe. Jin had been to several hospital facilities and so he was expecting something more sterile and cold. He felt the fountain was also a nice feature and wondered if perhaps the Land of Mon had been the most beautiful land he had visited so far.

Jin approached the desk and spoke to the well dressed clerk sat behind the desk who greeted the vagabond with a smile. “Good afternoon, I have been informed that I need to pass some kind of medical test in order to join the village? Can I do this now or do I need to book an appointment and come back later?” The clerk began checking a list as he responded. “I will just check if we have any free rooms…and yes, if you head down that hallway then two rights and a left and the physician should be along shortly.” Jin nodded his thanks and proceeded to follow the directions given and arrived at the examination room. He knocked on the door but heard no response and so entered the room and took a seat as he waited for the physician to arrive.

Whilst he waited he hummed to himself, a light hearted tune that his mentor and former vagabond Tatsuo taught him as they travelled. Jin always recalled his time and lessons with Tatsuo fondly and the old ninja had never pushed or prodded Jin to make one choice or another and simply taught what basics shinobis techniques and life skills he could. Jin lamented that he had been able to learn more of Tatsuo’s techniques but there was nothing to be done. Jin’s affinity was to the water element and Tatsuo was aligned with fire and earth and so was incapable of passing on his techniques that were almost exclusively elemental based. Tatsuo had told Jin many times that he preferred the purity of elemental ninjutsu and so had dedicated himself to it wholly, choosing to eschew the many other specialties in order to truly become a master of one. Tatsuo took a philosophical approach to Jin’s training the now 20 year old smiled as he hummed the tune, hands slowly and rhythmically forming the hand seals he had been taught by the old man.

Jin’s reverie was interrupted as the door opened and a lady wearing a physicians coast walked and took a seat at the desk opposite to Jin. “So you are Jin Rentei. Is that correct? I understand you are looking to join our village and are submitting yourself to a physical examination?”
“That’s correct, I feel hale and healthy so doubt you tests will bring up any issues. So what do we do first?” The doctor pulled up a clipboard and briefly scanned it as she spoke. “First I am going to take your blood pressure and measure your pulse. The you will be asked to perform press-ups, sit ups and squats for 2 minutes each and I will remeasure you pulse and blood pressure. Then we will measure your height and weight for our records before carrying out some basic vison and hearing exams before finally obtaining a blood sample. Once this is completed, and providing we find nothing in the results to cause concern, you should be free to leave and we will inform the administration that you are healthy enough to proceed with your application to the village. Do you have any further questions about the examinations?”

Jin remained quiet as the doctor explained and responded quickly as he rose and began removing his jacket, and draping it over the back of the chair in preparation for the examinations. “Sounds pretty straight forward. Well lets begin then!” Jin took part in the various examinations without much trouble or stress though the eye and ear exam was a little strange and new for him and he felt a little subconscious a she could not remember the last time he had cleaned his ears. In fact he was unsure if he had ever specifically cleaned inside his ears ever. Jin usually relied on swimming to do that job for him, a pastime he enjoyed and one that made sense perhaps considering his affinity to the water element.

The doctor concluded that there appeared to be no immediate concerns and a short wait later he was provided a letter advising he was free to proceed with the next section of the examination that would take place at the New Moon Academy. Jin enjoyed the play on words, amused that new moon was a phase and that new students would be new moon village ninjas. It was simple and effective whilst being rather amusing to the vagabond. Upon arrival he handed in his letter displaying a bill of good health and permission to proceed to take the exam. Jin was led to a room with a few other participants of the examination and begun silently humming Tatsuo’s song in his head as he waited on the chair, right leg crossed over left and his clasped hands resting on his right knee. It was one of Jin’s favourite sitting poses, designed to produce an air of calm and respectful poise.

Fortunately Jin did not have to wait to long until the examination papers were handed out and the test began. Jin proceeded through the test without too much trouble, though he was perhaps lacking in practical ninjutsu techniques and skills he had learned a great deal of the theory and practices during his eight year apprenticeship. Tatsuo had always said that Jins greatest limitation was his personality but that he had brains if he chose to use them. Jin was unsure if this was mor compliment or insult but regardless found the test bearable if not entirely easy. With the exam complete Jin decided to see if there were any jobs around the village he could help out with. It wouldn’t hurt to build up a reserve of money as he had yet to find a place to stay and Jin calculated that it would make a good impression if he was completing tasks before even being accepted as a member of the village.

Jin found his way to a mission notice board and spotted a mission to help clean one of the 5 shrines, Jin recognised the name of the temple as being the same one he had prayed and been offered help by on his journey to the village. Again Jin felt the hand of fate on his shoulder as he had the opportunity to help repay the monks for their kindness whilst doing a good deed for the village. Jin accepted the mission and set off immediately, heading to the temple.
For reasons unknown to Jin the journey was a lot quicker this time and it only took a few hours to locate the temple instead of several days. Bowed at the entrance when he arrived and offered a silent prayer to the great spirit the temple represented and paid homage too. Jin entered and called out when he spotted a few of the monks he recognised. “I found the village guys! I just accepted a job to come and help you clean up the temple so please let me know where to begin.” Jin was directed to the cleaning closet and gathered his weapons for the task. He began in the upper rooms as he had been informed that the monks would be busy at prayer in the main rooms of the temple. Jin climbed the stairs of the tower carefully, it would have been easier to simple run up the outside of the building with surface walking but Jin had not wish to cause unnecessary offence to the temple or the guardian spirit that it was devoted to. The rooms above were mostly clean so it did not take too long the complete the initial task outside of some dustings and polishing of the wooden floors.

Once the upstairs cleaning had been completed Jin took the opportunity to take a look at some of the art pieces and statues in the upper chamber, really taking the time to appreciate the craftsmanship and skill. He had moved around half the floors artistic treasures before he heard the gentle footfalls of a monk coming up the stairs and informing him he was free to assist with the lower levels cleaning. Once Jin had descended the stairs he noted that many of the monks and shrine maidens had changed into cleaning attire and had begun sweeping, cleaning and polishing the expanse of the floors. Jin rolled up his sleeves once more and joined in, timing his movements and rhythms with the other denizens so as not to disrupt the harmonious flow of the work being completed.

In short time the cleaning work had been complete and the monks and maidens had given their thanks to Jin. “Thank you again for your help before, I will be sure to visit again some time and repay my debt to you further!” Jin gave a polite bow and muttered another quiet prayer of thanks to the guardian spirit before making his way back to the village and requesting payment for the job he had completed.

Once Jin had returned to the village and turned in his mission reward he set about wandering again, looking for somewhere to stay the night or perhaps find a particularly comfortable tree or roof to sleep on. As he wandered in search of a sleeping spot he became aware of a rumbling and grumbling in his stomach. He was no stranger to hunger pangs but as he walked through the streets with a pocket full of ryo and the scent of food lingering in the air it was very hard to ignore them. Jin caught the sweet smell of his home, a strong scent of honey and some kind of baked goods and followed his nose until he arrived at a dark and rather spiky looking building that seemed to be the kind of place Jin would usually ignore. The scent of honey and pancakes however drove him inwards, and he was quickly seated at a table. He was uncertain that he had ever seen this particular style before and he stuck out rather conspicuously with his bright green clothing and bright blonde hair. He read something about 10 pancakes and made his order.

“I will have the 10 large pancakes please with plenty of honey!” Once they had arrived a rather undignified scene occurred as Jin tore into the pancakes and honey like a ravenous beast and by the time he had finished his meal the table and plate appeared like a whirlwind had swept through and Jin leaned back in his chair softly groaning and regulating his breathing as he patted his now overfull belly. “That was so good! How much do I owe you?” The server looked slightly confused at his question and awkwardly replied in a quiet voice. “Well the meal was free if you ate it all which…” She glanced at the scene where the ten large pancakes and honey had seemingly been viciously attacked “…you seem to have done rather well. You are also eligible for reward to congratulate you on succeeding the challenge.” Jin was momentarily confused by the information provided to him. “You get paid to eat delicious food here? This si deifntiely my kind of establishment, even if the colours are a little drab, no offence, it still gets 10/10 style points! And the Jin seal of approval. Look.” Jin formed his seal of approval and smiled a toothy grin. The seal in question was simply a heart shaped formed using both hands held above his head. It had no ninjutsu application yet but it was the highest praise Jin could deliver via a pose and for Jin that was saying something.

WC: 2280 TWC:2280  TMWC: 2280/2000

Claiming mission rewards (Beloved Presence applied for 2x ryo and 2x AP):
+ 8500 ryo
+ 42 AP

Claiming Stats:
+ 22 Vigor (87 + 22 = 109 vigor)

Claiming WC:
+ 1,024 to complete: Water Release: Soap Bubble Ninjutsu 2500/2500 - 1024/2280
previous claims:
+ Genjutsu Release Mastery [No handseals] -250/250 - 1374/2280
+ 1006 towards Seigan: Stage 1 [Incomplete] - 1006/2000 - 2280/2280
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Jin's Productive Day Out! Empty Re: Jin's Productive Day Out!

Wed Jun 19, 2024 6:26 pm
Jin Rentei wrote:

WC: 2280 TWC:2280  TMWC: 2280/2000

Claiming mission rewards (Beloved Presence applied for 2x ryo and 2x AP):
+ 8500 ryo
+ 42 AP

Claiming Stats:
+ 22 Vigor (87 + 22 = 109 vigor)

Claiming WC:
+ 1,024 to complete: Water Release: Soap Bubble Ninjutsu 2500/2500 - 1024/2280
previous claims:
+ Genjutsu Release Mastery [No handseals] -250/250 - 1374/2280
+ 1006 towards Seigan: Stage 1 [Incomplete] - 1006/2000 - 2280/2280

Jin's Productive Day Out! JPYXIpT
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