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Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

Ep: 7 Go Go Azuki! The General Cleans Up Shop Empty Ep: 7 Go Go Azuki! The General Cleans Up Shop

Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:39 pm
Mission 1:

Mission 2:
Mission 3:

Mission 4:

Azuki was dolled up today as he had a full packed day. He needed the extra money for his new crafting endeavors. Not to mention the village could use the extra money. He had already offered up his bonus with his rank. He really didn't need money other then to make equipment. The development of his new weapon series would cost him several million in materials. He might need to do over 100 missions just to make the cash. Truly a troublesome road ahead of him it had seemed.

He finished polishing up his uniform for today. He wore black slacks and spotted black polka dot belt with a white base. A solid back dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows for ease of movement. His locs had been growing longer as of late with his hair in a ponytail. He folded his locs on the left side of his head over the right. A fresh mid taper on the sides with a clean up behind the ears. He slid on his black combat boots with metal lining.

He left a few buttons undone leaving part of his chest visible. A splash of his cherry blossom cologne around his neck and wrist. He remembered when his master taught him proper mannerisms. It's part of the reason he hated formal settings now. Tedious especially remembering what spoon goes where. This is for soup, this for food and what not. Dammit it pissed him off just thinking about it. With a deep and controlled breath he steadied and centered his mine. He embraced the negativity and released it in a following breath.

He was aware, and he was most definitely in tune. He carried his tanto with him today instead of his spear. He kept it close to his chest and out of sight for the moment. His first mission of today was to prevent some unsavory folk at a party. It was a local lord of the nation a young one. One with too many damn enemies so he needed to be baby sat. Work was work and whatever helped him helped the village damn near directly at this point. Double checking all of his gear Azuki left his apartment watching as the morning sun peeked in the sky. Luckily for him the venue was open and the party was only lasting two hours.

With that good news he wouldn't be suffering all day amongst nobility. Arriving to the venue 30 minutes prior it was a two story building. His main concern was the fact he would not be able to physically keep and eye on everyone without staying in the center. He checked every nook and cranny and also had a medical ninja on patrol help him detect the food for poison. Azuki signed and wrote a small letter, he signed the letter with his signature and chakra imbued into the letter.

The food and alcohol was not poisoned it seemed for now. He double checked the venue once more while checking a list. Luckily the guest list had all of the party goers. Not to mention they were organized with summaries of each target, their potential enemies, and even their assistants. The potentially hot target was a Duke Enkri of the Land of Bird. His assistant Nubui was a first class samurai of some sorts. Hmph a fellow weapon user he thought to himself. Although now wasn't the pace or time for duels. Even if his heart and body called for the taste of battle. He'd just take his frustrations out on the assassins if there were any.

Eventually the time passed and the part began at 11:00am and would end at 1:00pm. As the guest filtered in he watched from his perched up view on the ceiling. This gave him the 360 degree view he needed. Not to mention the venue was rather small so every guest fit into the range of his chakra sensory. His first 30 minutes or so was taking the time to memorize each chakra signature. Despite how tedious it might be it kept his mind sharp. Not to mention any changes in chakra or sudden disappearances with space time would be made known to him. It was practically a fool proof plan.

He took a moment to check the building using his immense speed and agility. This allowed him to silently and brazingly sweep the premises before anyone could even notice he was gone. None of the upper windows had been opened or tampered with. Another mental note of his to keep tucked within the corners of his mind. Time went by and by as even his mind started to wander. It was such a bad time right now. It felt like they were busy doing so much. Not to mention Kurogane is still at large and still has a army hidden under their noses. Maybe his wanting to make this equipment would have to wait.

But they needed all the fire power that they could muster. It wouldn't make sense to charge head long into battle otherwise. Not to mention Azuki  had phase 3 of his training to complete. He realized he needed to return back to his roots on his jutsu. Not to mention a recent discovery as of late. During a training session he discovered an ability that has never once been made known to himself. He had accidentally broken a bone and not only did it heal. He had accidentally made the bone grow and take shape forming a small curved blade from his own flesh.  He had not been able to recreate the ability as of late. But it was something he wanted to explore not to mention taijutsu was becoming a favorite past time of his. Using his own body as a weapon would surely push him to the heights he needed to accomplish.

He slinked below blending in with the small crowd. He kept his eyes and ears open mainly for gossip and drama. It was most likely why he was asked to handle this mission. Having a high ranking member acquire firsthand information was viable and reliable.It truly was the best for the situation at hand. He zoned in on a pair slightly off in the back. He found a seat and sat within hearing distance for a shinobi. "How are we suppose to profit when that hag Kage is uniting these riffraff savages." A gruff older male voice whispered under hushed breaths.  It took almost all his strength to not take the man's head after hearing that one.

"This Kurogane nonsense is fucking up our trade routes as well. Those damn monstrosities hav been running rampant for too damn long. These shinobi need to rise up off their asses and exterminate the rat." Azuki kept a straight face and his chakra under control.He feigned looking tired to maintain a casual persona. However he was grinning in his mind ready to take these nobles out. Had these idiots not realized they had to get ready. He wasn't a force to just stop with some hardwork. Besides until they formed as a shinobi village what had any of these bastards done?

"With the current state of the environment we won't be able to have our association tournament this year. Even after of going through all the trouble of finding the best fighters. The influx of vagabonds and missing ninja flocking here has made for the best of scouting talent." The Gruff voice continued as the two voices paused for a moment. It sounded like their glasses were empty. It was easier to look peaceful with a drink in your hand. He expected and waited for the two to walk past him as he took a sip from his own cup. So far nobody had bothered him or went out of their way to question his presence. However he figured even his lonesome appearance would draw the stray wolf or two. Curiosity always got the better of those kinds of people.

Underground fights were also being done under their noses. What other sick games were the nobles up too? That would be a fun infiltration mission. But with Kurogane at large and until his presence is dead what could he do? That would have to be done before they tried to infiltrate this tournament. Azuki finished his own drink and was quick to grab a snack and a glass of wine. He went back to his seat peacefully partaking in the party. Still no killing intent to be found in the vicinity either.

He wondered if the Duke's assistant took part.For now he relayed this information through his communication seal. This way he could keep live streaming information in real time. When the duo returned to their corner spot Azuki's ears where on the ready. " I have new port calls with the Izuno group. They deal with the trade of rare materials and shipment. If one needs to obtain something from an outside source they pay regular price. This is due to a monthly or yearly member's fee. It's very much first come first serve. It's best to reserve something a few months in advance. But simpler things can be quickly acquired. Simply due to the notion that everyone isn't constantly requiring materials."   Azuki was quick to send over this new information as well.

To have such a partner as an ally to the village would ease his issues. As well as keep the village with constant supply of new materials. Stocking up in advance to help him create his Moon artifacts. Things were adding up to be an interesting morning so far. Azuki had slipped around ensuring the perimeter and collecting more information on the sly. Although he had his fun for now more people began to whisper and inquire about him.

"General thank you so much for watching over our party." Many heads turned with subtle hints of dread and dispair. Azuki turned on his heel and bowed towards the man who spoke to him. "It's been refreshing." Azuki said with a confident grin. He allowed his eyes to raze the sea of heads facing him. He couldn't help but ooze a slight amount of bloodlust. "How lovely it is to be amongst such savory character."  He threw out again with another bow as many of the guards grew tense. His flash of bloodlust had planted the seed of fear within them. He was soon about to step in to the next realm of power for himself. He started to see the path towards becoming a King amongst warriors. Maybe even one day he would transcend the realm of reality and become a God. A God of Battle no a God Of War.

The voice from ealier and the following chakra signature snuck up behind him. "Lady Benehime." H said with a charming smile. He was still heavily focused on the would be assassin. The party was almost finished and it would be near time to go. "How charming you are, thank you for keeping us safe." She cooed as Azuki felt nothing for blood lust. Especially for the way she insulted the village and Junko specifically. As if some hag and tired old flirting could sway me.

'It is of no problem for me, this is only 2 hours of my full day." He said feeling a new presence above. His eyes cut to the direction seeing a lone archer creep in. But he noticed they carried no quiver along side them.Chakra arrows. Snatching her hand with a subtle vice grip he removed it from his arm. He did not appreciate her sudden move to caress him. Foolish hag he thought in the forefront of his mind. " Excuse me." His was voice was calm yet stable as he sudden walked past her and would disappear.

He appeared above the archer using his chakra to stick to the ceiling. He watched as this archer indeed created a bow from chakra as he summarized within his head.He dropped pulling the handle to open a window. With a sudden influx of speed he grabbed the assassin's throat and hurled them out the window. Appearing outside met the flying target with an overhead kick. Azuki shot his ankle out and hooked them. He tucked and curled his leg spinning them by their neck. He crashed straight down on the roof hearing the pained gasp of a woman. Pressing down on her neck and arms he stared her down.

"Tell me what you know, who paid you to kill who and why?" Before she could even speak he would kick her through the chimney on the roof. He would jump over to her again keeping her pinned to the ground. "Too slow hurry up and speak before I lose my temper." He stated with a blank expression plastered across his face. He found it best to rough up people before they even get a chance to speak. It messed with their train of thought and let them know you meant business.Azuki raised his hand and struck the air creating a slashing blade of wind that missed her skull. "Hurry means hurry  3...2...1.."  

The assassin trembled and spoke. "I was hired the Nobles of Moon!. I don't know which the messenger was anonymous. I was meant to kill the cousin of the Duke." Azuki stood there looking not very amused. He released his killing intent directing it all at her. "If you think that's truly enough to keep your life the-" "No o nononon no there's more there's more I swear the underground arena! It's how they settle dispute's they pay in blood. They select champions they deal in slaves !" As the seconds went by the assassin went on and on about all the underworld secrets. Azuki continued to relay all this info and using the power of his thoughts mimicked her voice in his head. Making his thoughts her voice and words and transmitting it as if they heard the conversation themselves.He would add a note to inform Junko and all the chancellors of this information. Also confirming the death of one said prisoner.

"You were useful I will now spare your life." This was his kindest form of mercy. The beautiful salvation of false hope and promise. The moment her eyes lit up and he removed his foot, he waited as she was about to thank him. Before she could even realize her head was off. He had already drawn his tanto faster than most could see. With a sudden surge of storm release he fired an intense blast of Storm chakra. That element would evaporate her until the only thing left was a black ash spot on the roof. He dusted himself off and returned down below to the party. Everything was still operating smoothly and nobody was injured. Which means the mission was a success as of late.

The true beauty was being able to score on such privy information. They had rather been in the dark about all of the underground operations. Otherwise the immense organ trade that went on here in this country. That was another issue in its full entirety that needed to be cracked down upon. Kurogane, smugglers, slavers, and now and underground fighting arena. What more nonsense did they have to combat before they could truly deal with peace. Finally after all this time the party was coming to a close. He still had some final closings to administer besides his rooftop execution.

Walking over to Lady Benehime he smiled softly. "It seems your little dove didn't make it." He teased as her face was sought with pure panic and fear. "If that was the best assassin money could by then i'm concerned. I made quick work of her and i'm much closer to you right this moment. Don't underestimate us ever again. You Nobles have your little fun. Once I take Kurogane's head and his subordinates you lot are next. Do you understand me ?" He would ask before patting her head for comfort. "Good bye now be safe leaving the venue." He waved her off with all the malicious joy he could muster. He wanted to be feared by those cowards. Count your days because he the reaper was coming to execute judgement.

He watched over the venue as everyone slowly began to filter out and leave. It wasn't too much of a bore and time surprisingly went by a bit fast. Maybe it was because of his little rooftop battle he felt so oddly calm. Yet he was also pumped up in a way. At least with his mission later tonight he would be able to let loose a little bit. Little by little he was getting stronger shattering his personal plateau's. It felt like a fever dream all the things he could do. So many things he could do indeed. He could summon a massive spatial demon, bend reality to his wind. Command the elements themselves and create dragons. The skills he accumulated were truly artforms. Something deserving of being called a jutsu. How many more could he learn and master? What were the upper limits of his abilities. Was there still worlds unknown for him to conquer. Were they as limitless as the stars and the sky?  

Azuki had no way of knowing the answer to any of these questions in the moment. But he still pondered them none the less. If he couldn't even dream of ideas how could he thus manifest ideas.Everything in the universe was a gentle balance layered on top of one another. The more we as people choose to focus on the objective truth. The easier it would be to succumb to our personal opinions and find peace. To find the  sense of self and exist in our natural state of being. For if expression did not exist would you still be? Azuki had to ask himself was he strong because he was Azuki. Or was he Azuki because he was strong. In his heart the fire that was his will held the one true answer for his being.

After freshening up for a bit Azuki headed to his next mission for the day. Apparently one of the shinobi and their partner were at odds. Both heavily active and one always injured it seemed they were the type to work hard for others. Typically these types of people ended up putting themselves last. He was the type to do so himself at least for a certain someone. He would come in and make sure to listen to both sides and the situation as a whole entirely. It was the just and fair thing to do he realized washing over the idea in his head.

Approaching the small apartment he knocked on the door before fixing himself up.  Which was really just him buttoning his shirt for now. He waited calmly before the door opened. It was a couple who looked to be only a few years older than him. "General thank you for coming to our home." They both bowed his eyes raised to the injury on the man's arm. He bowed back "Please I am the guest here thank you for having me." He said kindly before being allowed inside. He was taken to their living room where an assortment of snacks and water was prepared. "You are too kind," he said pouring himself water and waiting for them to get comfortable.  

"So tell me your shared story." Azuki asked the two of them bluntly. He slowly paused to meet them both in the eyes give them both the same weight to bear.  The young Lady spoke first with a small smile. We grew up together in one of the larger towns here in country. We had a port and travel with the outside world. So our story began decades ago." The young shinobi nodded as he adjusted his bandaged arm. "I didn't really fall for her romantically until we got older. I mean at first we were so close we had always been practically family." Azuki nodded as his stomach twisted for a moment.  "I understand continue." He replied staying present here in the moment.

"The other issue was we never really hung out with others we were always each other's best friend. So as we got older, developed more.... a festival night led one thing to another and here we are. You and Lady Tsukiko creating this village gave us a new life." He put a hand on her thigh for reassurance before the husband looked to Azuki. "We both have been gung-ho with Ise here devoting her life to working with the arts teaching survival skills through art and I as a shinobi. Although I get injured quite often I don't like the idea of others getting hurt. I end up pushing myself too hard. Ise also works hard and sometimes to she over exhaust herself. We both are so concerned, we miss each other, but I see her work so hard and think I have to do more. I have to be even greater to be with a women so great. How dare I just the bare minimum.." He said truly conveying his heart out to the two of them.

"And how does that make you feel Ise?" Ise turned to her husband grabbing his hands and forcing his eye contact. "How lucky I am to be a married to one so passionate and proud." Azuki couldn't help but cover his mouth and smile. Seeing the type of foundation they had for each other he knew that answer to all of this would be simple. "To be honest I don't see a problem with how either of you live it doesn't seem like love and trust is the issue."

Azuki would throwback a quick shot of water."You two are just fucking workaholics and need  damn vacation. You do realize you get more than enough off duty days right? We made our entire village structure so even on your off days when we need to muster power you get free time just as long as you're active within the village. You don't have to keep doing combat missions which I understand if that's what you want. If you're adamant then get stronger idiot. Use more teamwork don't be quick to sacrifice yourself that means you have no other options." Azuki then turned to the wife with a stern gaze. "And you we live in a peaceful village of the arts. A few days of rest throughout the week was the intended setup for everyone. So everyone has time off, time to spend with friends and allies and family. To foster families make use of this time we made for you.I understand how all the work you two do just constantly inspires one another. So much so that you keep working three times as hard. But you're working hard for everyone but yourselves which is the crazy part."

Azuki explained bluntly as he let the words sink in. "What i'm expressing is the fact is that the only thing fixing everything is you two. Because unironically the wedge is your own love and admiration for one another mixed in with your work ethic. So now the stronger the feel the more shit you guys put up with. And all that extra shit is working you two into a early grave. Relax, use your day off to frolic and wrestle in the woods." He jokingly chimed sharing laughter that warmed up the room.

"I mean it's really that simple of a fix. You shinobi your job is to complete the mission and return as safe as possible. Learn the Earth release if you haven't all ready. Or master barrier ninjutsu in general defend yourself and your body more. If you grow accustomed to wearing chakra armour or even armour in general you might not get your ass handed to you so much. Or you wouldn't be sacrificing your body blindly anymore. There's nothing wrong  with wanting to die for and protect your teammates." Azuki grew a sullen look as he pointed at his broken arm.

"If all you're capable of doing is throwing yourself  in harms way you are nothing but a meat bag. And if you get broken doing so not even a quality one.It doesn't have to be earth honestly any element or defensive jutsu in general. Or become more skillful in battle you have to consider. Poison is a deadly and classic killing method. If you succumb to every attack from which way how long before a genin poison user takes you out?" Azuki asked for the man to ponder. It was cruel to bring these things up in front of his wife but it was needed. Both would understand the risk more of putting unneeded stress on each other.

"So how easily it is to play around with your life?" Azuk nodded returning back once again to look into the eyes of the wife. "The same for you with overworking yourself. Being in a high state of stress can effect your organs and your daily health. I'm quite sure you two wish to be a family today here's to hoping. " He clasped his hands together shaking as a gesture of good luck and faith. "So now the big question now that we refocused where we are here in life. Take more damn time off that's literally your only issue. If you can't go one day without helping others at least go on a date that is low energy and work as an assistant to an event or serve food. Paint each other relax. You work hard for everyone else and never play hard. So go enjoy each other, go on dinner dates, request leave from your squad. You have these options they are made for you so do use them."

Azuki was always surprising himself with how in depth he could be. He had always been the strong silent type. Despite never speaking aloud he was always thinking. His mind thought and worked at incredible speeds so much show so he repressed his mouth. It was the only way he could go on without info dumping. It wasn't that he couldn't control himself it was just so much on his mind. So much to process so much to share so short of time. He always felt like this drowned in his own thoughts. Being sarcastic and a smart ass felt like the only things saving him from his own mind.

"Now since you are the active shinobi I have a simple exercise for you. Based on your time off you make a date night schedule. As well as a schedule for bonding." He rolled his eyes with a playful gleam. "She never knows you have constant surprises for her and can plan weeks out. Also mandatory cuddle time everyday 40 minutes to whenever. Also try and get a hobby together. Something you guys can share together. Also have interest and things outside of each other as well. It's good to have healthy space to be your own people. Because a strong relationship is the union of two things together. You don't mix like paint you stand firm side by side. Steadily there for one another." Standing up Azuki dusted himself off before smiling. "To start you lot off on the right food I will be cooking you a dinner this fine evening." He gave the man a look to signify the rest was on him. Both nodded with flames growing behind both their eye's.

Azuki and the shinobi both teamed up as Azuki gathered the ingrediants to make her favorite meal and he left to set up his house for a wonderful date night. Azuki had in a bowl seasoned breadcrumbs spinach. In a bowl of cornstarch,egg, crab and octcopus he got ready to make the main course for tonight. Seafood crabcakes with octopus and spinach. He already had his sweet honey rice cooking on the stove. A perfect sweet and savory contrast to the umami of the crab cakes. He prepared the pan on the stove letting the oil batter. He added 4 perfectly sized crab cakes as he began cleaning ups his area. He has used every ounce of his ingredients and focused on the last parts of his side dish.

He sliced and shredded an entire half of a cabbage along with carrots and red cabbage. He mixed it into a bowl before adding 6oz of mayo, 1 cup of lemon juice, garlic, paprika, black pepper and some cayenne. He also added a splash of dry mustard with some salt before combining both components. Azuki carefully mixed and shook up the coleslaw that he seasoned to perfection.

Flipping the crab cakes he started to pan his plates as the table had already been set outside. A decorative table set up with a mix of blue and purple lotuses and roses. He created a circular bed of rice on both plates. A ring of coleslaw using the natural uneven shapes to take form and color the plate. Lastly the two crab cakes on top garnished with a bit of fresh parsley. A spoonful off the sauce used to make the sweet honey rice with a side of aeoli. Azuki also took his time pulling out two chilled wine glasses. He poured two full wine glasses. With his quick work he had the kitchen clean and table set. Still wearing his nice clothes from this morning he opened the door. "Dinner is served." He would say to the two with a gentle bow and smile. He was truly a master of many talents. Azuki allowed them to enter before being handed an envelope full of the mission reward. Azuki nodded to the young couple before finally stretching his back. From bodyguard to relationship counselor Azuki had his worked cut out for him. Inspecting the contents of the dear envelope he decided to call it a day for now.

Azuki tossed and turned in his sleep before being woken up with a new mental alert. He appreciated the communication seal but sometimes it was a pain in the ass. A job fair today at the academy. Another opportunity to recruit more members to his combat division. He would put on a show for sure. Over the span of the next few hours Azuki had made breakfast and dressed in his combat garb. He wore the lilac colors of the village with a dressy look to his clothes. His spear adorned along his back as he went about setting up the area for the job fair. He had some of his combat division members help out and also offered the opportunity for them to bring in more people to their sector.

"What are missions like?!" A young kid asked out of a large group that approached. They all looked at Azuki in amazement as he stood and bowed."Hello young ones, it depends on the mission. As you know battle and being a shinobi is dangerous work. Your life and your comrades lines are on the line. Some missions are finding cats and collecting groceries. Others is killing bandits, hunting down murderers and pirates. It's exciting and dangerous. We are a peaceful village however set on spreading art and opening our doors to all that we can. But even we still go into battle when needed. That is the role of my Combat Division. Any shinobi can take any mission they meet the requirements for. However we separate all of our shinobi into units as a system for determining who to select. If we had a combat mission and needed a team we would summon a medical division member, a sensor, and two combat division members to create a well balanced and safe team." He explained to the young group with a smile.

I was told to demonstrate jutsu as a weapon's specialist personally. But I can use all three forms of shinobi combat, weapons, jutsu, and hand to hand combat. Do you want to see my true power it can be quite frightening. I am the master of the Dragon's of the Gates." He would say jumping into the open area. He would do what he normally did to scare new recruits but also properly display the power of his jutsu. His members warned everyone to pay attention for the demonstration. Luckily as a village of the arts Jutsu art competitions were the norm so he wasn't worried about everyone being too terrified.

He activated his space time chakra and flooded his body feeling the power rise in his veins. With a bountiful leap he was once again spinning through the air wielding his spear. He traced it along the air creating a orb of 5m of slicing winds. He decided to rain down dragons in a beautiful cross net like pattern. Using up the majority of his chakra Azuki was able to create 15x15 crossing dragons that descended upon the academy sparking the interest of all before him. This was the man who led the troops as best he could. This was years of dedication. This was Azuki Shinoda at his finest for the current moment.

Deciding to keep up his effort he used his wind style to allow himself to free fall gracefully. It was as if he was an angel hiding his wings and enjoying the sky for what it was worth. His natural element for one born to walk on the ground. He defied reality in his own ways.He slowly landed back on his feet with a thud after devouring the sky. The young students all rushed him as he safely strapped his spear to his back. "Can you teach us to do that!" "I wanna learn the spear too!" This and many more bombardment of questions horded Azuki.

Swamped for the next 30 minutes a group of genin approached him. They had to be freshly graduated as he was unfamiliar with most of their faces. Despite being a small village it was still hard to remember fully everyone in detail. They were still relatively new and with no major battles not much camaraderie. They were in a peaceful village during semi peaceful times. "And how may I help you all today my young warriors." He said proudly as they all stood and saluted.  "General Shinoda sir we are choosing to join the combat division. We all want to be strong like you." He stood towering above them all but rendered them a salute none the less.

"If that's the case then our next training schedule is in two days. Every Friday we run battle drills and other things. I do hope you are prepared." He said with his usual grin as they all got excited. Azuki took his time to educate all who were there on the overall principles of battle and technique. At the end of the day your jutsu had a certain amount of power or not. It was always good to have a few jutsu mastered that you could fully realize it's maximum potential.

He went on to talk about basic body mechanics in battle. Range , distance, form, technique. Being loose until the moment of impact, focusing on the inside of the arm and the bicep when striking. How that act alone increased mind to muscle connectivity. Most of the genin and academy students had absorbed the majority of the information he absorbed. Combat was simple yet complex, it was more so doing what you needed to do or not when it was needed to be done. For even the act of nothing is also something. Sometimes not stepping into an attack or a room could be the difference between life and death.

His final message was never be afraid of feeling fear. Fear is what kept you alive but do not be consumed by fear. Control it and dominate it and live side by side as an companion. For that alone was the true act of bravery. Azuki bowed once more saluting his new members. Breaking down the site and collecting his payment for the day he continued on to rest for the rest of the day.


Last edited by Azuki Shinoda on Wed Jul 10, 2024 6:11 pm; edited 3 times in total
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

Ep: 7 Go Go Azuki! The General Cleans Up Shop Empty Re: Ep: 7 Go Go Azuki! The General Cleans Up Shop

Fri Jul 05, 2024 6:28 pm
Azuki had quite the workday as of yet. An underground science mutation operation which considering their legal organ trade....never the less it was something once foretold to happen. He got prepared for battle although he also had to blend in today. So today he would bust out one of his more stylish outfits. Today he stood in his mirror with briefs as he styled his locs. He throw them over his head from the left side. This let his tapers show out a bit more. His hair had gotten a little longer he had wondered should he cut it and retwist. He pulled out a pair of sunglasses using it to help keep his hair tucked. But he added a hairband to keep his hair from blocking his eyes. He put on black pants and a short sleeve black skin tight top. It was meant to be thin and breathable.

It helped to move in the jungle without leaving him fully to the elements. He threw on a bomber he had recently purchased that fit his usual all black attire. The final piece was his lilac colored shinobi shoes. He wrapped the sheathe of his tanto around his shoulders and chest. It was tucked on the left side of his body underneath his jacket. He wouldn't be able to walk around with his spear as he liked. Two orders of business mean that he could let loose a little. Much had been on his mind as of late so combat was always a good stress reliever.  Double checking himself once more in the mirror he sprayed on his signature cologne and rubbed in his sentenced oils. He was going to Outer Moon a well known club and party spot within the village.

Although it's patrons and owners seemed to have darker affiliations.One final thing he thought giving himself a questionable look. But he was to recognizable as a figure. He would be spotted within moments even with the get up.He sighed weaving a few seals before a puff of smoke exploded. He was engulfed before the clouds then suddenly began to disperse from around his new person. He was now a shorter version of himself which felt awkward to adjust.

But more so importantly he turned himself into female version of himself. He gave himself a modest and soft figure then something overt and too much. "Hi i'm Ana." His tone of voice and inflection had completely changed with as well. He sounded somewhat velvety and powerful in away. A shiver and chill unknowingly snuck up his spine. He was now ready to begin the operation.Tonight would be the end of all of this.

Azuki walked through the village as the cool air took hold of the air around him. Walking around as a female was different feeling and somewhat uncomfortable. All of the eyes lingering was starting to piss him off. He made it over to the club he had been searching for with a decently long line. Looking at the tall greasy bouncer he flashed a simple smile batting his eyes. Eh was the only feeling that he could describe about the situation. With a few flirty words and hand grabs Azuki had found his way inside. The club truly lived up to its name considering the development of art within the village. As such new genres of music found themselves into existence.

Looking behind the stage of performers he saw a massive poster. It had seemed had seemed a flyting tournament was to occur. Flyting was the back and forth verbal abuse of someone's opponent with poetic wordplay. The prize for winning said tournament was the house special. If he could win this tournament he would be able to get direct access to the organ shop. That way he would be able to to send over the information as he discovered more. But shit he needed to get a drink. Even someone like him needed to loosen up. He wasn't much of a poet. However he had one secret technique that prevailed in all scenarios. One of the most trusty tool any decent human being could acquire. The power of genuine bullshit and sarcasm. His advanced release of bullshitting was the true ultimate jutsu.

Azuki traced his eyes along the bar for any prominent looking figures. It would do him well to scout out the competition. His first opponent was BlazePyre which made him almost die laughing. He was a missing ninja from a small minor village. And as his name suggested he was quite the well known pyromaniac. Azuki was at a lost for words as his name got called up. He went with the title Cold Steel. The drowning cheers from the crowd were overwhelming as he stood on the stage. Jeers, cheers, and thrown up beer filled his sight as far as the lie can see.

BlazePyre came up on the stage next he was a lanky crook type. Baggie hoodie and baggie clothes he wasn't much of an impression. The two stared each other down before coming to the host. "Ladies and gentleman we have BlazePyre versus COooold Steel!" Azuki chose head and lost the toss to go second as he stuck his hands in his pocket. He had to make sure he didn't laugh.

"Cold steel because you can't stand the heat, you brittle and weak, 10 pounds from a hammer and could break your back over the knee. Anvil and hammer you nervous as shit, you rumble and crumble and fall apart call it a clammer." Azuki stared down Blaze with blood lust in his eyes. Although the majority of his heart was touched with amusement. It took all of his power to hold back and combat against these.  Blaze's fire had slowly died out and embers became hollowed wisp that flickered and died. The crowd  was enraged and upset at the sudden silence of Blaze as Azuki grinned. Azuki threw a hand up silencing the crowd before trying his attempt at this flyting.

"Blaze you a tall and lanky like a wheat stock, smack you upside the head, rip the roots snuff wheat out. You talk a big game blaze but you lie with what you say, you got a big head you high fanning flames, but I see you for snuff and flukes, you talk top shit but I speak with fist, pull out your dukes, snuff the blaze out blow up smoke in the roof." Azuki had the the entire club jumping and going wild. He was honestly was saying whatever nonsense.

"Fire style ain't shit compared to my flowing water, storm born-." Azuki raised his hands and made his hands and eyes glowed with storm release.Azuki under his disguise flamed his way to the top of the competition. He won the champion ship and was given vip access for the night. Giving away the majority of the the free gifts. He was met with a representative of the group. Azuki followed the mask covered goons around back to another location. A hidden door which was promptly opened for him.

The guard led them down into what looked like an underground laboratory. The walls were a light silver and the amount of light made it feel like high noon but indoors.  Azuki was shown a collection of organs from all around the world. It was something they freely capitalized on here in the intense pursuit of the arts.But these organs weren't freely sold or traded freely whatsoever. It was disrespect and nothing but a shit stain on the hard work they put effort into. He relayed all of the information he learned from this currently through his communication seal.

"What the fuck is up CHAMP!" The host with his eccentric pale blue hair came bursting in. He had a bald head and two spots of hair that looked like wings. Azuki had no idea what to make of this bastard. He didn't know honestly if he should laugh or just be extremely pissed off. Surely either of these options wouldn't be good for his blood pressure. It was best to calm down in general for his own health and sanity. It was the more positive option to just accept his antics as stupid and press on with faith.

"I wonder what you have in store for me." Azuki cooed with his feminine voice as his eyes pierced the host with hints of bloodlust. He could see the fear lingering in his eyes. Beads of sweat forming on his shiny bald head as the feeling of death hugged his throat. "So there champ.... we um basically outsource these organs from poor bastards who can't make it to this here village." The host began as he massaged his head. He was nervous, good, it meant that Azuki was doing his job in terrorizing this bastard before his final moments.  

"Organ trade isn't so frowned upon here in Tsukigakure. However there's been one bastard who has been about for awhile. Goes by the name of Kurogane. Some deranged fucking missing ninja. Seen the man one time big as an ox mixed with animal parts. So is most of his army but some of the more human ones.. those are his generals you see." Generals huh Azuki thought to himself a vein popping into his head. And who might these lovely people be." He asked his original voice slowly beginning to return."

The host gulped starting to tremble in Azuki's presence." The 8 stars and each goes by a number. Each star is a specialist in something and the 4th Star Haineko  is the chief surgeon and researcher of Kurogane. She is a perfected abomination and personally deals with us."  A pair of arms grasped around Azuki's neck causing all of his bloodlust to pour out as his eyes darted to a young bald woman. "He's right you know about me afterall. Why the hostile energy cutie." Azuki sighed and chuckled to himself as the Host would suddenly grasp his throat.

"Cheeky shits like you piss me off as of late." Before this surgeon could brink Azuki had her collar gripped. She was slammed into the ground causing a crater.  He struck her chin with his elbow causing her head to ring and bounce about. The effect was debilitating and disorientating. Azuki went on a killing spree wiping out every member of this organization he could find. First he started with the lab. All the while transporting all of this info with the communication seal.

He zoned out for the majority of the process. It wasn't until he ran back down into the lab. Before he knew it he three the 4th star into the road. He watched her roll like a rag doll. A puff of smoke released again revealing his original male form. "Everything you decide to tell me is going to determine the rest of the night. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Whichever you decide will be entirely on you. Now tell me what information you have on Kurogane. " Azuki demanded slowly walking towards the woman as he released his chakra. The radiating bloodlust was enough to make her suffocate. "Like hell I would te-"

Before she could even finish her quick witted statement Azuki had moved at his top speed and kicked her. He did so repeatedly attacking her with an over abundance of weaker strikes. He needed to crush her spirit before properly asking for the information he needed. All of this was needed to keep the village safe. Plus it was the perfect way to blow off steam. He could tell a storm was coming to swallow them whole. And he alone would slice through that storm. Azuki clenched his fist lost in his thoughts before refocusing.

He was standing on the 4th star before sighing and crouching with his foot pressed. "Care to explain yourself now.I think we warmed up quite a bit. I know how to hold back just enough. It's due to dedication and training. Something monsters such as yourself can't fathom." He finished spitting by the side of her head. "I don't even have my main weapon here with me. It's currently still in development. However though your life is forfeit. How comfortable your passing will be is what is currently being negotiated."

Azuki threatened and finally he was given the information he asked for.He sighed drawing his tanto before looking up at the moon looking over the village."Tell me 4th star do you have any final words? I'm in a good mood today I can allow this much." Azuki looked down at her with utter disgust. Whatever she said it wasn't even audible. Not even with the ears of a shinobi it was just gurgles and groans. Truly pitiful he thought as he walked past her as a sudden slash appeared into the earth. "Mission complete..." He sighed before two chakra signatures appeared before him. Two more abominations both mixed with sharks and crabs it had seemed like.

"You killed our General you as if we'd allow you to live." Azuki let his arms hang with an annoyed smirk. "So to tell me dumbass and dipshit. You do you prefer to be boiled or steamed?" He asked as both the twins rushed him from both sides. Azuki was forced into a midair roll to dodge both of their armored and shelled arms. These two were more humanoid more so than the rest of the force's he had fought so far. Azuki was prepared to counterattack but suddenly could not move.

He had looked down to see something with his shadow."Playing tricks I see." Azuki laughed as the twins tried to capatalize on this sudden chance. Azuki had jutsu prepared for instances like these. Chains shot up and wrapped around the two of them. The chains wrapped around taught making both of them get caught and slam into the ground.Azuki in response flooded himself with space time chakra boosting his chakra and speed. He resisted the hold on the shadow with pure speed and physical prowess.

He dashed at the shadow wielder dodging the now more refined shadows. They moved like sharp tendrils aiming to pierce his body. He was careful to avoid the tendrils and his shadow from making contact.Careful and precise acrobatics brought Azuki in close enough. The first thing that met the ninja was his foot. Azuki planted his heel straight into the solar plexus of the shinobi. Once he felt the crunch of bone he spun and shot another kick. Throwing his tanto into the chest of the flying man Azuki dispersed in a burst of lightning. He reappeared grabbing the man's shoulder.

With a spin he slashed him before slamming him into the ground. This left a small human sized crater in the ground. "I'll give you 5 minutes to run away before I end my fun for the night. Do you two understand what i'm saying?" The twins free of the summoned chains would rise into a defensive posture. "Stop acting so superior you human! We've become more than our flesh a fusion a -" Azuki's hand appeared grabbing his jaw. "Hey shut the hell up would you?" Azuki spun his body to kick the other one with his heel. He made him spiral in mid air sprawling on the ground. Then with all of his might he contorted before shooting his foot on to the ground."No No No Stop please please mercy MERCY!" Azuki rotated at a speed of 230 becoming a human tornado with the crab shark man out around him. Then like the crack of the whip Azuki bent backwards into a full body suplex.

"Boom." He said flipping back up on to his feet dusting himself off. " No seriously you can take as long as you want.I have all night because my job is to instill discipline. That is what all of this simply is. A lesson that you and everyone like you needs to be taught is that here. We here at Tsukigakure are vigilant in the pursuit of art. The pursuit of love and happiness and thus defending said peace and love with all of our hearts. I'm not even angry this isn't anger. This is the personification of my love and desire to protect those I care about. And you are simply victims to my love." Azuki released his current enhancer as well as he cracked his neck.

He waited for them to get up figuring if he messed them up too soon they couldn't fight back. He put away his tanto before ripping off his shirt and jacket. The humidity was starting to piss him off plus it gave him the best freedom of movement when fighting. The twins seemingly giving into their anger both circled Azuki making him smile softly. A bombardment of taijutsu from all angles  as they swapped and kept up attacking.

Both would rush in throwing in a a myriad of combos one after the other. Azuki relaxed his body mainly using his feet and forearms to block and redirect these strikes. When the opportunity would show itself he would take a extra step and once deflecting would shoot out and meet their jaws with his own strike. Effectively whooping the dog shit out of these wannabe shinobi. Azuki was also careful in striking the weak points in their claw like limbs.

Azuki flung both of them into the air before jumping and following them up as he beat them to a pulp. He would slam his fist into both of their stomachs firing off his storm chakra. He would force all of his chakra through them as they were fried in their shells. Azuki then turned them into dust before he landed down on his feet. Cleaning off his hands he watched as the combat division and medical division arrived on the scene as back up. He gave the orders needed to be handled out as he rested and was sought to. This science experiment nonsense had been dealt with.

WC:3,012 WC: 9,057 {Exit}

Claiming 9k WC 25% Discount

Reward :  Ryo   34,500  = 18,000 + 3000(4) + 4500 AP to Ry: 90 x50= 4500 3000 Bonus

Puppetry 1500 WC
Puppeteer WC: 1500
Yokai Hand Bind  A rank 1,875
Puppetry Slicing Threads  A rank WC: 1,875
TCB A WC: 1875
False Perception Tech D  WC: 375

Water Breathing  57/2000
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Ep: 7 Go Go Azuki! The General Cleans Up Shop Empty Re: Ep: 7 Go Go Azuki! The General Cleans Up Shop

Wed Jul 10, 2024 9:56 pm
Azuki Shinoda wrote:

WC:3,012 WC: 9,057   {Exit}

Claiming 9k WC 25% Discount

Reward :  Ryo   34,500  = 18,000 + 3000(4) + 4500                AP to Ryo:  90 x50= 4500      3000 Bonus

Puppetry 1500 WC
Puppeteer WC: 1500
Yokai Hand Bind  A rank 1,875
Puppetry Slicing Threads  A rank WC: 1,875
TCB A WC: 1875
False Perception Tech D  WC: 375

Water Breathing  57/2000
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