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Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

(B rank Mission) I Aint Afraid Empty (B rank Mission) I Aint Afraid

Fri Jun 28, 2024 5:32 pm

"Ahhhhh", Ciel would say as he streched. It was late in the afternoon and the sunset was looking beautiful going down behind the village. Ciel had just awoken from a peaceful nap and was almost ready to meet up with some of his fellow ninja to accomplish a interesting mission of sorts. Tonight he would be doing the job of a monk and helping those who pass on finally gain some sort of peace, unforunately some of the spirits will not seem to be as friendly as Ciel would had like but none the less he had no problem beating a ghost back into death if need be.

After getting ready he wouldnt waste to much time around his home and decided it be best to finally be the first one at a mission meeting point, maybe this time he could actually be on time for something other than when its time to eat. As he walked through the village he could see some of the more after hours places start to open , bars start to fill with friends looking for a good night out.

"What a nice life it must be of a regular person, maybe after I retire one day ill be able to not have a care in the world like non shinobi people", he would think to himself as he would enjoy seeing the happy people wander about. Making sure to stay on task and not get distracted with all the bright lights and beautiful women out during this nice night, he decided it be best to continue his travels from the roof top where there is less chances of seeing something or someone that would have him late to the meeting.

After a good 15 mins of jumping from around the village Ciel would finally arrive at the gates of the cemetary. As he looked around he would notice no one was here besides him and the dead. "Oh shit i really got here first, lets goooo", he would think to himself proudly. As he stood there gloating to himself, he could start to hear voices coming from inside the graveyard.

Not being one who is afraid of death or the dead Ciel would walk closer to the edge of the entrace and would look around to see if he could see anything but with the graveyard being so big he decided it be best to just wait for the rest of the team to show up

Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 52

(B rank Mission) I Aint Afraid Empty Re: (B rank Mission) I Aint Afraid

Sat Jun 29, 2024 11:04 am
Another day, another mission. Lately, that seemed to be Emilia's routine. While completing missions was a fundamental duty of any shinobi, vital for gaining experience and growing stronger, they also significantly contributed to the well-being of the village in countless ways. It wasn't that Emilia dreaded the missions themselves; she understood their importance and embraced the responsibilities they entailed. However, the repetitive nature of her recent tasks left her feeling stuck in a monotonous cycle. This lingering sense of stagnation weighed on her, and finding a way to break free from this funk had become her top priority.

”First things first - let’s go complete this mission.”

Her golden eyes scanned her house, meticulously ensuring that nothing was left behind. She moved through each room with practiced precision, her keen gaze sweeping over every surface and corner. The familiar surroundings felt comforting yet slightly stifling, a reminder of the routine she sought to break free from. Satisfied that everything was in order, she took a deep breath and stepped outside.

The sun had set over the beautiful village of Hoshigakure, casting long shadows and bathing the landscape in a serene twilight glow. The air was cool and filled with the gentle sounds of the evening, creating a tranquil atmosphere that belied the mission ahead. Emi locked the door behind her, the click of the lock echoing softly in the quiet night. She took a moment to compose herself before darting off towards her destination.

Her mission location was a cemetery, an unfamiliar place that carried an air of mystery and unease. Though she had never been there before, she had heard the eerie rumors whispered among the villagers. Tales of restless spirits and strange occurrences seemed like mere superstitions to her, but the B-rank classification of the mission indicated a legitimate and pressing reason for her presence. There was no room for doubt or hesitation.
With a slight bend of her legs, she launched herself from the empty street to the rooftops, her movements fluid and graceful. Traveling along the rooftops allowed her to move swiftly and unobstructed, avoiding the meandering paths and potential interruptions of the village streets below. The cool night air rushed past her as she leaped from roof to roof, the village stretching out beneath her like a quiet, slumbering giant.

As she approached the cemetery, a chill ran down her spine. The place was cloaked in darkness, with only the faint glow of moonlight casting eerie shadows over the gravestones. Emi landed silently at the edge of the cemetery, her senses heightened and alert. She paused for a moment, taking in the surroundings and steeling herself for whatever lay ahead. The mission was crucial, and she was determined to see it through, no matter what challenges awaited her in the depths of the night.

”Hard to believe there’s actually ghosts rummaging an old cemetery. It seems those rumors I heard long ago were true after all.

As the thought slipped past her mind - her eyes locked onto someone who had arrived to the cemetery before her. A boy who couldn’t be much older than Emi, and certainly not someone that was physically imposing. Not that she was attempting to judge a book by its cover - it was just a mere observation on her part. The young kunoichi hoped her face hadn't betrayed her thoughts. Her golden eyes shifted slightly and softened as the moments passed by. Not sure if she had met him before and since she had just walked up, Emilia figured that it would be the correct thing to introduce herself.

”I’m Emilia… genin by day, ghostbuster by night!”

It had slipped out so randomly... she wasn't sure if the joke would land or not. She wanted to laugh badly, but she held back, deciding she would only chuckle if the joke was well-received by whoever might be listening. As the milliseconds ticked by, an eerie and haunting laugh resonated from within the cemetery. The sound was unsettling, sending another wave of chills running down Emilia's spine as it echoed through the area. It felt as if the laughter was directed right at her, but the source—whether person or something else—remained unseen.

The haunting laughter seemed to linger in the air, amplifying the already eerie atmosphere of the cemetery. Emilia's heart raced as she scanned the dark surroundings, her eyes straining to pierce the shadows. She was expecting a couple more people to arrive and thought it best to wait for them before doing any actual investigating. The presence of others would provide not only additional safety but also a sense of reassurance against the unknown that lurked in the cemetery's shadows.


WC: 795
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