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Amikiri Guhin
Amikiri Guhin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Rewards
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 154950

Next to the Koi Pond Empty Next to the Koi Pond

Sun Jul 07, 2024 2:21 pm
Amikiri stood on a gravel stone path along the edge of a koi pond. He looked down at the blue water, staring deep into its captivating blue color. The sun scattered brilliantly on the slight ripples across the surface of the pond and caused the koi within to glisten as their scales reflected the sunlight. The path he stood upon was made of rounded pea gravel, likely worn smooth by the main footsteps of those before him and those who will come after him.

The Hyuuga wore a pair of blue jeans, very recently washed and ironed. He wore a brown leather belt with a simple steel buckle and above that a dark green short sleeve shirt. To protect his feet he sported black socks with brown leather boots and to protect himself from the sun he had a thin, dark-green stretch of cloth draped across his shoulders and arms.

Amikiri stood there with his hands behind his back, quietly enjoying the tranquility of the pond. He gave us no external signs of wanting to be left alone, more so he was eager to strike up conversation with others so they could enjoy this wonderful garden together.

WC: 197
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Next to the Koi Pond Empty Re: Next to the Koi Pond

Mon Jul 08, 2024 7:13 pm
”It’s nice, isn’t it?

A slight figure appeared from behind—it was Emilia, who had recently taken a liking to the water gardens here inside of Hoshi. The gardens, with their tranquil ponds and gentle streams, offered her a peaceful haven, a place where she could reflect and try to understand not just herself but perhaps the complexities of the world as well. The sound of water trickling over stones was soothing, and the scent of blooming flowers added to the sense of serenity that enveloped her.

She couldn’t have been more than four or five meters behind the person standing by the edge of the pond. It was difficult to make out exactly how old he was, but he didn’t appear to be any taller than she was, although he did seem quite a bit more muscular. The kunoichi presumed the boy—or man—would turn towards her after hearing her words, curious or perhaps wary of her presence.

As she spoke, her golden eyes would kindly pierce through him, filled with a warmth and sincerity that matched the gentle smile growing upon her face. It was a smile that spoke of peace and understanding, a stark contrast to the potential danger that always lurked beneath the surface in the life of a kunoichi. Her presence in the garden added a new layer to its tranquility, one where human connection and nature's beauty intertwined seamlessly.

A gentle breeze came by, wafting the dark cloak that covered most of Emilia, except for the bottom of her legs and her elegant, serene face. Her face was fully visible because the hood of the cloak was laid down against her back. The breeze played with her hair, lifting a few strands and adding to the ethereal quality of the moment. She took a few more steps, inching closer to the koi pond, her movements graceful and deliberate. The young genin wasn’t quite as familiar with this particular area of the gardens, though it didn’t diminish the significance of the words she had spoken just moments ago. The koi pond, with its vibrant, shimmering fish gliding effortlessly through the water, seemed to echo the peace she sought. The garden's lush foliage and the gentle rustling of leaves created a harmonious backdrop to her thoughts.

She paused for a moment, taking in the serene surroundings. The sight of the colorful koi, the sound of the water gently lapping against the pond's edge, and the delicate fragrance of blooming flowers all combined to create a sense of peace. It truly was nice, she thought, to find such a place where she could momentarily escape the complexities of her world and simply be present in the moment. As the sun seemed to be setting at just the right time, casting a brilliant glare off the water and illuminating the area with magnificence. The young genin had recently completed several tasks that had taken a lot out of her. There was the mission with the noble, the bathhouse she had taken care of, and all the training and learning she had undergone to grow herself.

The overflowing look of confidence was a rather new one on Emilia. It wasn't that she didn’t believe in her own abilities, but believing and seeing yourself learn things you could only dream of are two different things. As she stood there, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, she felt a deep sense of accomplishment and growth, knowing that she had overcome significant challenges and was continuing to evolve.
”I’ve come here quite a bit recently - albeit a bit later in the night. I don’t know if this is an area that you favor, but it’s been a wonderful outlet for me and my thoughts.”

Her feet stopped short a foot or two from making their way into the pond. By now, Emilia was certainly standing next to the man. Much easier to make out that he was a little older than her - maybe a few years. His style of clothing isn’t something that Emilia would go for - but she certainly wouldn’t judge anyone for their own tastes. There’s something to be said for those that choose their own path - and she felt like he certainly didn’t follow the norm when it came to appearance. ”Maybe he’s interesting…” It was her last thought before she let her eyes wander the blazing sunset, eventually making their way back down to the koi pond - trying to find that one, the one that just always seems to catch your eye.

WC: 770
Amikiri Guhin
Amikiri Guhin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Rewards
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 154950

Next to the Koi Pond Empty Re: Next to the Koi Pond

Sun Aug 18, 2024 3:07 pm
Amikiri was slightly startled by the new presence. Not enough to show any physical reaction, but enough to temporarily break his sense of calm. The Hyuuga’s eyes would surge to life, quickly allowing him to see the world surrounding him and more importantly, the stranger behind him. His Byakugan let him see what was behind him, without any visible signs of its activity to her. The dark haired man noted her similar height, a common occurrence for the relatively short man. However he was much more muscular than her and seemed to be at least a few years her senior.

Just as quickly as his Byakugan activated, Amikiri would deactivate it. There was something regrettable about seeing everything. The bug buried deep under a bush. The drop of water dripping from a leaf. It overwhelmed the senses and lessened the tranquility of the garden to himself.

Amikiri would respond by saying, “It certainly is. The people who maintain these gardens do a spectacular job.” Based on their short conversation, Amikiri felt that they both sought the same quietness of the gardens and an enjoyment of nature. The dark haired man could also tell that she was exuding an aura of friendliness, a different, but not unwelcome, tone to the quiet solitude these gardens offered to many. A wonderful breeze came through the area, causing a cascade of light ripples across the pond.

The Hyuuga took a moment to continue enjoying his beautiful surroundings. He thought of what was soon to come. What was once whispers had now become news of an upcoming Nova Exams. The exact date and circumstances seemed to hand in a quiet balance, but it was still coming nonetheless. Amikiri knew that he was at least decently prepared for the arduous tasks to come, but he didn’t know if he was mentally prepared. As such, he came to these gardens. Growing up in rural Haven County for most of his life, the sounds of the forests were like air and the smells of the forests like water. They were things he took in without second thought, assimilating them into his daily life. However, now that he was in a world of constant activity and noise, Hoshigakure, he realized that his times in nature were what kept him grounded. That is why he seeked out these gardens. As much as they were pale imitations of the grandeur of what lay beyond Hoshigakure’s walls, they still granted him a sliver of the peace he found in the forests of Haven County’s countryside.

Amirki heard her light footsteps as she made her way closer to the pond. In response to her comments, the Hyuuga would say, “I myself have spent quite some time here recently. However, I usually am here much earlier in the morning, usually before the sun rises. Most people never see it, but something truly beautiful happens in the early hours of the morning. My father called it ‘glass lakes.’ It’s when the lake has had the whole night to calm down and it is so early that nothing has happened in the lake. No wind has guided the lake’s direction for the day, no foot or vessel has set down into the lake, and nothing has disturbed the lake. It looks like a sheet of glass, perfectly flat, perfectly still, and perfectly reflective of every single detail. You could count the needles on the trees from their reflections if you so chose to. It’s possible even here. I like to come here before even the koi fish have awoken to see the pond's true beauty.”

The Hyuuga would continue to look forward, noting the contradicting nature of the pond he described to the one in front of him. Fish swam under its surface, ever so slightly changing the pond's direction. Wind caused constant ripples across the pond, even hours after the last breeze. The sunset was painted from colors one would normally call loud, oranges, pinks, and purples. However all of these elements combined to make a mesmerizing dance at the day’s end.

Amikiri would ask, “If you don’t mind me asking, why do you and why have you come here to this pond?”

WC: 698
TWC: 895
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Next to the Koi Pond Empty Re: Next to the Koi Pond

Sun Aug 18, 2024 5:44 pm
The sudden encounter with Emilia seemed to catch the man off guard, his surprise manifesting visibly as his Byakugan eyes flared to life for a moment before he quickly deactivated them. They stood together in silence, the initial exchange between them barely skimming the surface of any meaningful conversation. Emilia's expression was one of calm contemplation, her golden eyes drifting across the pond before them, taking in the graceful dance of the koi fish beneath the water's surface.

In these quiet moments, to an outside observer, it might appear that they enjoyed complete freedom, able to move and act at their leisure, to live life on their own terms. Yet, as Emilia absorbed the tranquil scene, her thoughts took a deeper, more introspective turn. The peacefulness of the setting contrasted sharply with the realization that had begun to dawn on her: their lives, seemingly free and autonomous, were perhaps not entirely their own. This philosophical contemplation stirred a mix of wonder and skepticism within her.

Was their perceived freedom real, or merely an illusion—a cruel jest played by fate or those who wielded power over them? As these thoughts swirled in her mind, her gaze lifted to the clouds drifting lazily across the night sky, their movement a silent testament to the passage of time and the elusive nature of freedom. Her contemplative silence was broken by the sound of the man's voice as he responded to a question she had posed earlier. His words, finally reaching her ears, brought her back from her reverie, anchoring her thoughts back to the present moment and the conversation that was slowly beginning to unfold between them.

Emilia found herself in agreement with the man, particularly regarding the commendable work done by those who maintained the gardens. While she occasionally noticed sections that could benefit from more meticulous care—a standard she felt the caretakers should aspire to—it wasn't a significant issue in the broader context of their overall beauty and tranquility. As they continued their conversation, Emilia's senses were suddenly captivated by the aromatic presence of nearby flowers. The delightful scent wafted through the air, prompting her to pause and take a deeper breath to appreciate the floral combination. "Is that Gardenia mixed with Lilac? An interesting combination indeed", her thoughts interrupting a nic moment as she was intrigued by the unique fusion of fragrances.

The young kunoichi then inhaled more deliberately, savoring the evening air as she tried to discern the precise elements contributing to the intoxicating aroma. This sensory exploration was not just about enjoying the scents themselves but also about understanding the careful craft of garden arrangement that could create such a harmonious blend. It was moments like these that deepened her appreciation for the subtle complexities of nature and the thoughtful human touch that enhanced its beauty.

“I myself have spent quite some time here recently. However, I usually am here much earlier in the morning, usually before the sun rises. Most people never see it, but something truly beautiful happens in the early hours of the morning. My father called it ‘glass lakes.’ It’s when the lake has had the whole night to calm down and it is so early that nothing has happened in the lake. No wind has guided the lake’s direction for the day, no foot or vessel has set down into the lake, and nothing has disturbed the lake. It looks like a sheet of glass, perfectly flat, perfectly still, and perfectly reflective of every single detail. You could count the needles on the trees from their reflections if you so chose to. It’s possible even here. I like to come here before even the koi fish have awoken to see the pond's true beauty.”

As the man elaborated on his thoughts, Emilia listened intently, absorbing each word with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. His response was rich in detail and depth, weaving a narrative that intrigued her, though she couldn't fully verify its accuracy due to her limited knowledge on the topic. Nonetheless, she chose to take him at his word, offering him a smile in return. Whether his words held truth or were merely a beautiful fabrication, they added a layer of intrigue and enjoyment to their conversation.

As he concluded his tale, Emilia responded with a playful, cheesy grin and a gentle squint of her eyes, a non-verbal expression of her appreciation for the story shared. She then turned her gaze back toward the sky, allowing her eyes to roam over the cloud-streaked, moonlit night, a serene backdrop that seemed to echo the quiet depth of their dialogue.

The man broke the contemplative silence once again, this time posing a personal question that sought to probe deeper into her motivations. He asked why she had come to this specific place on this particular night. Emilia's response, though straightforward, wasn’t imbued with profound revelations about her character or deeper motivations. "I find peace here under the night sky," she would say, a simple truth that spoke to her appreciation for the quietude and beauty of the garden at night but left much unsaid about her inner life and her deeper reasons for seeking out such moments of solitude and reflection. This exchange, while light on profound disclosures, offered a glimpse into Emilia's character—a young kunoichi who valued the serenity of nature and the reflective calm it could offer, yet perhaps held back the fuller story of her life and pursuits from casual inquiry.

”I know that’s a simple answer, and it’s not nearly as elaborate or deep as the story you so kindly shared with me – but that’s my truth. With the world we live in, sometimes we can forget about peace and quietness, regardless if it’s a war or just a mission… this place helps me remember that peace, at least for just a little bit of time.” Emilia’s golden eyes set sternly in front of her. She hadn’t meant to share so much or speak in such a way, it just seemed to flow out of her.

”I enjoyed what you said by the way, and my name is Emilia.”

Emilia felt that sharing her name in this setting was more than a mere formality; it was a gesture of respect, an indication that she was at ease with the ambiance and the unfolding conversation. Satisfied with the serene environment around her, she felt no rush to return home to the solitude of her bed and the silent anticipation of another day. Whether the man shared her sense of contentment or was inclined to extend their dialogue further was uncertain, so Emilia chose not to press the matter.

For someone of her youth, she was remarkably comfortable with silence, recognizing it not as a void to be filled hastily but as a space where contemplation and understanding might grow. Therefore, she decided to let the moment linger, open to the possibilities of more conversation or comfortable quiet. She would simply wait and observe how the situation would evolve, allowing the natural course of interaction to dictate their evening without the need for forced exchanges. This approach not only spoke to her maturity but also to her confidence in navigating social dynamics gracefully and intuitively.

WC: 1227
TWC: 1997
Amikiri Guhin
Amikiri Guhin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Rewards
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 154950

Next to the Koi Pond Empty Re: Next to the Koi Pond

Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:52 am
As the beautiful sunset turned to night, Amikiri appreciated a rare moment. Twilight. It was an absolutely stunning time of day. Where the purples and pinks of a sunset far beyond still radiated into the pitch black sky. A beautiful aura of purple stretched across the horizon as far west as he could see, while the moon rose behind them in the east. The woman, who Amikiri was soon to discover was called Emilia, showed subtle signs of appreciation for his story. Amikiri would give a brief smile in response, a simple sign of his appreciation for her appreciation.

The Hyuuga appreciated the simplicity of her answer, certainly not offended by its brevity. While his story was a bit long-winded, most of its length came from the fact that it was a story and not a direct response, but the actual reason he came here was just as simple. Amikiri longed for the feeling of nature and he came here to try and replicate it. Unfortunately, it was still a pale imitation of what nature could truly be.

In response to her introduction, Amikiri would respond in kind, saying “My name is Amikiri. It’s nice to meet you.” It had been a month or so since Amikiri had met and tried to bond with someone new, so this was quite the pleasant experience for the dark haired man.

As the two stood in silence and let twilight change to night, Amikiri appreciated the silence. He forgot where he had heard this, maybe in a book, maybe from a friend, maybe even from his father, but someone once told him that true friends accept silence. It is false friends, those who are at the mere surface level with each other who try to fill every moment with jokes and laughter. While nothing was wrong with joy and having a grand old time, it was these moments of silence where people truly got to know each other. What someone does when there is nothing to entertain them is truly telling of who they are, so Amikiri greatly appreciated these moments of quiet with Emilia.

He debated asking a question, especially in regards to what she said about being in missions and wars. However, the Hyuuga chose not to break the silence and continued standing there, enjoying the quiet.

WC: 386
TWC: 1281
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