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Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

A Trustworthy(?) Guard in a Smaller Pond [Mission] Empty A Trustworthy(?) Guard in a Smaller Pond [Mission]

Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:09 pm
Contract #1:

Contract #2:

"Well ya see... This here town is completely off the radar. But that's completely understandable, the town is smaller than a cruise ship. Majority of the world doesn't know that we exist, and for those that do, we deal in trades. This is where ya come in, fella. Some of our dealings have gone sour and caused quite a ruckus. Now, not many of us are will to deal with outsiders. Tis why you got so many twisted looks upon ya coming here. I'm-a bit different. I see ya potential and I'd like to give ya a contract. In a few hours I have a trading deal to complete and I need someone who's gonna keep my merchandise in safe until the deal is complete. Ya seem more than able, so whadaya say, friend?

A middle aged man wearing a beat down brown hat. Stubble on his face with a thick mustache. Black hair with silver sides. Brown eyes and adorn in random colors that did not compliment one another. He sat at a counter of a shop that he owned. He sold a variety of things, mostly medicines that could only be obtain from this unique boondocks. Staring at someone that was directly in front of him, with a hopeful gaze.  

The murmurs of individuals walking by caught the ears of the two, the man and whom he was speaking to. Their staring was beginning to vex the being standing before the middle-aged man. Don in sable clothing from top to bottom. Jet hair with numerous piercings, one in particular dangled from his left ear - pitch cross, upside down. Demonic gilt eyes, cold and stern. Towering at six foot, one inch. His build was undeniable as it somewhat advertised beneath his clothing and coat. 

The air touch was gentle and soothing upon his face, his hair brushed back like that of a loving mother. Aokidanza had no recollection of how he happen upon this place, just that he stumbled within its grounds as he was venturing the outskirts of this land. He cared less of the people that were giving him untrusting glares, and the possible ill speaking of him from their tongues. He only cared for the potential coin that this man now spoke of.

To be clear, it was also the curiosity of who would be willing to tolerate these insufferable bores. "Very well. I'll lend you my aide. But do keep in mind, I'm not your servant, nor am I your helper. Do not glance my way for any labor other than that of bloodshed - am I understood?" The demon would motion to occupy a seat near the back of the shop, close to the counter, but out of sight of immediate view. The owner would nod as he looked to his product with a sweating expression. "What the hell did i get myself into???" Few customers passed in and out of the shop, nothing really grabbed the man's attention, on top of which nothing about this town did either. It was too small and too dull, voided of any excitement what so ever.  

In between the guest that visited the owner some dropped of food and beverages to him. It was their hospitality of the town to look out for one another. It was also their way of giving back - paying forward. The the demon it must have been a way of keeping things tight. The smell of fresh bread, beans, rice, pork, chicken and tea found his nose. The scents reminded him of a time when his late mother would cook in their small home. He was considered her taste tester. Each sample was rich in flavor and savory to the buds of his tongue. She was unmatched in the kitchen. A smile found his face. "Hey, uhh - would ya like some of this? I insist... here." Food of everything that was there was brought to the man, set upon a table which was dragged to him. Tea poured into a spare glass placed next to his food with some utensils. The owner would guesture for him to eat up and enjoy. Heading back to his station.  

Struck by mild surprise, this man was oddly kind to him, despite his intimidating appearance. Aokidanza, glancing over at the man as he ate from his own place, smiled. "...I thought I told you to keep in mind that I'm not a servant, nor helper." Eyes closed, waiting for the response. "I remembered, but everyone gotta eat." A genuine response, the man would take note of that. Opening the shutters to his eyes he would proceed with indulging himself with his own meal in front of him. Once done, his tea was the last to go - it tasted of pomegranate, sweet, yet not overwhelming.  

The time has flew and the sound of incoming foot steps approached the shop. The owner looked up to see several men standing before him. They all seemed to be of upper class. Those golden eyes would pierce over and fall upon them. To Aokidanza these men did not look of immediate danger, but he knew all too well that danger did not have a look that was always willing to fit its description. He would remain quiet to determine how things will play. 

Should they prove themselves capable he will see exactly of what they were capable of. Should the old middle-aged man need his protection he will step in. However, if things grow too simple for him he will more than likely just kill them all for wasting his time....or play with them.  

The meeting between both parties appear to be going smoothly, that was until all members of the buying party pressed the counter in an attempt to strong-arm a reduced price. Unbeknownst to them, the owner had a guard, Aokidanza, whom made his pressence known as he turned the corner that was blocking him from view. The towering man would glare are the pushing members, expression far more lax than that of a traditional guard. Though there was no need to be riled up in the presence of fools with numbers, they're still fools. One of the men fumbled over his own feet stepping away. 

Gold orbs located him, granting him a sadistic glare. "Is this how trades are done now? Five distinguished men taking advantage of one homely middle-aged man. How distasteful, surely you have better etiquette than this. Or have all humans fallen to such depths."  

Challenging their stature amongst their own kind, would provoke one of two things. One of them being foolish enough to speak back in a condescending tone, thus he will teach discipline for speaking out of turn. Two, they will contemplate their methods and act with diligence, thus he will continue to observe the trading to be a peace one as originally planned by the owner. Manifesting on the frame of his face was a sinister smirk. "Now, now my friend. Ya see, my friend here has a bit of a temper and a mean thirst for violence. So why don't we all take a minute to collect ourselves and proceed with the scheduled business at hand." The men looked amongst themselves, nodding as they straightened their clothing. They would continue with their dealings as planned, leaving in one piece.  

What a pity, for the Senju desired some form of entertainment from this bunch. Golden eyes trail to find the brown eyes of the owner. He was presented with a coin purse full to the brim. "Here's ya payment. Thank ya for stepping in when ya did. Things looked like they were taking a turn for the worst." Accepting his payment the man acknowledged the middle-aged man for his kindness and hospitality. Thus he will leave in peace, with no desire to cause any trouble.  

Once in the open, the streets of the miniscule town, the man was met, once again, with glares of disgust and condescension. "These people are rather annoying, even for my own taste. Best I leave before I loose what little patience i have left." His departure began as he motioned for the route that lead him to this place. Those murmurs and glares could be felt from afar, albeit they were of little concern to him. The tails of his coat swayed with each step that he took, long strides carried the demon along to his destination.  


The slight sensation of a sting manifested upon the back of his head. The pulsation of minor pain emerged in that very spot. His eyes fell to the surface of the ground under his feet. A medium size rock rolled into view... Moments felt like forever as he analyzed the situation thoroughly within his consciousness. Two more rocks flew pass his head, one more in between his legs. Those malicious eyes would rise from the rocks on the ground, his body turning one hundred-eighty degrees. In a swift motion his right hand caught another rock that would have collided with his face. Those two toned golden eyes would inspect the rock, tracing it origins path back to a mere boy or teenage years. 

Aokidanza was not pleased in the least by this behavior towards a complete stranger. It reminded him of a lack of respect and a hate that did not have no place in categorizing him. The boy looked to be surprised that the rock was snatched from the air with such ease. Many people looking about, all beaming hateful eyes at the man don in black. Not one looking at the boy in aim to correct his actions. "Interesting... You all stand and watch as your youth assults an outsider and do nothing about it. This speaks volumes about you as a people. Such disgust breed into hate, only to be projected onto the world to breed more hate. What you think of as peace can be painful for others. That very pain can unleash horrendous consequences." Taking a single step forward, eyes counting up to twenty individuals, children included.  

"Allow me to educate you all... Hatred and despair is power, yours to command and do as you see fit with it. All that you need to do is transform it into strength, and use that strength to do as you please when you please." Now towering over the teenage boy. Fear washed over his being as the remaining rocks fell from his clutched hands and sweat profuse from his flesh. Noted by the demon, the boy was beginning to understand. However, that was just the tip of the lesson. His massive hand found the throat of the boy, clutching it tightly. This of course caused the people to gasp and shout as the boy struggled to fight the man's grip from his person. It was futile, but fun to observe. "Learn to accept how to embrace the fear of feeling about what it's like to contemplate what it is to experience despair. Because for me, when all was stolen from me, i was left with my despair."  

From the shop a block up from where he fulfilled his contract the middle-aged man came out with shock in his eyes. He runs down to the man and boy and placed his hands on the wrist of Aokidanza. Those goldeb eyes found the man's brown eyes, then his tugging hands. It would seem that he took their recent time as an open door to lay his filthy paws on him. "Come now, friend. No need for this, let the boy go. He doesn't know any better." Words that further solidified that this town that didn't even appear on a radar was too far gone in their poor behavior. His gaze would scan over all the eyes looking at him. Finding that he had their undivided attention. They were concerned...they were afraid.  

"Fear is neccessary for evolution. The very fear that you all could be destroyed at any given moment... In this world, whenever there is light - there is also darkness. With the ideal of the strong, there must also be a weak. The desire to want to maintain peace gives birth to war, thus in turn manifests despair for that love... A terrible consequence for one sides actions for doing what they believe is right... In so, in conclusion... this is yours."  


Gasping in a hundred foot radius. The eyes that harbored hate was now filled with floods of tears and fear. The middle-aged man stumbled back to hit his back against a wall. The arms of the teen that assaulted the man now dangled without life as his throat was snapped. The fill of bliss overflow his being. Dropping the corps of the boy to the ground as he looked on to the other people. Tilting his head to the left then the right, cracking his neck as he began to motion. "W-What did ya do? He was just a mere lad. Why?

Aokidanza ceased his advancement, turning his attention to the shop owner. "When a boy is taught to hate, he must bear the risk of consequences. The longer you live... the more you will realize that reality consists of pain, despair and destitution. Asking 'why?' while drawing blood is something only fools can do. I spared him of such a reality. Just as I will do for the rest of you." The middle-aged man's eyes widen as blood spew from his mouth, his rib cage was caved in by a fluid side kick from the demon.  

Screams reached his ears as his attention was fixed on those that were trying to defend themselves. He would choke, crush, snap and break any that stood up to him. He would even strangle the life out of those that tried to flee. Not a single soul was safe, not even the children. Blood painted the streets and home fronts. 

Windows were shattered as doors were caved in. Stores set ablaze as lamps fell over in the struggle. The scent of death quickly overwhelmed the air of this miniscule town. The day grew dark as the man, no, the demon stood in the middle of the street with his fingers from his right hand - index and middle - lodged deeply into the eye sockets of the last woman on this place. The blood on his face and lips, licking it from his mouth with a smile he watched as her plasma fell from his head down his hand to the ground.  

This was a punishment that they set upon themselves. Their actions provoked this - Aokidanza allows her corpse to hit the ground in a soft thud, turning his eyes to scan the town once more. No one was missed. All twenty were now dead and he was pleased by this. Though, he did not wish for it to come to this, if only they had left him be... they would have still be able to live in their delusional reality.  "Dying together is my ideal of teamwork... A job well done." In the midst of the slaughter, he would take what he found on them and in their homes and stores. It was considered to be his compensation for releasing them of such a cruel world, one that they were not fit to be in. Long strides would guide him to the exit of this town where he will now find a path that was familiar to him. One that he could take to return from once he came. This man was a true demon in the shape of a human.

[Contract(s) Complete - Exit]
[Total WC: 2,606]

[Claiming the Following -
500 Ryo + 500 Ryo = 1,000 Ryo
100 Ryo + 100 Ryo = 200 Ryo (Missing Ninja D rank Bonus for Contracts)
26 Stats
+7 Vigor, +8 Chakra, +5 Speed and +6 Strength 
1,500 WC added to bank to claim Advance Element -  Wood Release [2000/2000]
106 WC to Bank towards learning Water Release: Water Whip [214/1000]
1,000 WC to claim Tearing Earth Turning Palm C Rank
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

A Trustworthy(?) Guard in a Smaller Pond [Mission] Empty Re: A Trustworthy(?) Guard in a Smaller Pond [Mission]

Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:30 pm
Approved except for rank please post rank up request on stat page and link threads that are towards rank up thanks!
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

A Trustworthy(?) Guard in a Smaller Pond [Mission] Empty Re: A Trustworthy(?) Guard in a Smaller Pond [Mission]

Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:52 pm
Thank you for looking over and approving my mission for me. However, I fear that there as a slight misunderstanding :blush: I did not request a Rank up, but I did request the 100 Ryo bonus for being. D rank Missing Nin completing a contract. 

Apologies for the confusion there.
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