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Mazoku Momochi
Mazoku Momochi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 14000

Self Defense Class Empty Self Defense Class

Wed Jul 17, 2024 12:07 am
Self Defense Class 

Mazoku has been through a lot in the past couple of months with the relocation and murders he's committed even killing his relative...Mazoku wanted to have a rest day...He woke up and started the day with his morning routine of 150 push-ups 150 sit-ups and 150 crunches after those Mazoku checked himself out in a mirror in the room he was in that he purchased at a nearby inn...Mazoku was looking very fit and ready for the day...once finished in the room he went down and out of the inn and decided to go to a nearby restaurant that was recommended by some inn employees.. he went by the restaurant and outside was a sign looking for a ninja for training of local militia...Mazoku thought this could be a good way to get some easy money. he grabbed the flyer went into the restaurant and sat down at a table he was greeted very quickly and the order was taken...Mazoku ate some amazing noodles and got up from his table...

Mazoku decided he wanted to check out this job he found on the flyer so he went to the local militia encampment outside he was surprised to find a line of people with weapons, Mazoku thought they must be here for the job as well. Mazoku waited in this ridiculously long line to finally get to a guard at the end of it. The guard asked, "Why should we hire you?"
Mazoku responded with "Because I can beat anyone in this line in a fight"
the guard laughed and said You hired young man your first day starts tomorrow at 10:00". Mazoku nodded and walked away from the guard and in the direction of the inn once more. Once reaching the inn he decided to get cleaned up and lay in his room and relaxed a bit while thinking about what to teach these militia... he wrote down Kunai throwing, simple slashing, Parrying, and finally movement. Mazoku put the pad down and laid his head back...he thought "That should be enough for them" 
After a few hours, Mazoku got hungry again and decided to step out and get some food real quick. While going out he couldn't help but hear some commotion in the roads of the settlement Mazoku gasped as he saw some men with swords pushing some young woman...Mazoku feeling annoyed and pissed off at this sight decided he was going to cause some blood loss today and almost instantly dashed behind the men and punched one of them with such force and speed the man threw 10 feet to the ground... without knowing what happened the last remaining man let out a yell "SHITTTT" and turned towards Mazoku... Mazoku grinned and punched the man in the face almost as hard as he could the sound of breaking bones filled the air. Mazoku couldn't help but smile as the man lay on the floor out cold...Mazoku spits on them and starts to walk away from the 2 men on the floor and back towards a restaurant for some more noodles. Mazoku finished up his meal and walked out as he left he saw some guards heading in the direction of those two men that he beat up. Mazoku ignored the scene and kept walking towards the inn. Once at the inn Mazoku laid back down and went to sleep.

Mazoku woke up the next day and once again did his morning routine of 150 pushes up 150 sit-ups and 150 crunches he also added 150 squats in aswell. After his morning routine, he got dressed and prepared for the training job and headed back down and out of the inn,  on his way to the militia camp he passed the young woman that he saved... she smiled and kept walking past Mazoku... Mazoku smiled back and also kept walking in the direction of the encampment... Mazoku finally reached the encampment and was let in with no hassle or stoppage at all... Mazoku saw a lineup of all the men he was to train and was surprised at how shabby and weak they all looked... Old and weathered was how he would describe them. Mazoku would be surprised if they could even fight at all... Mazoku got started and told them all to grab their weapons and show him what they had... The men started to swing and slash around aimlessly they had barely any control over their weapons and no real aim...Mazoku started by teaching them how to better control their swings and how to aim properly... After that, he told them they would have to practice that more on their own or in pairs later let's move on to the movement part...Mazoku showed how to properly move around an opponent.The men he was training showed some good movement at the surprise of Mazoku... Mazoku carried on with the teachings for a bit and moved on to the next step which was to parry and block... Mazoku asked one of the men to attack him... one man stepped up to the challenge and swung at mazoku...Mazoku easily parried it and smacked the man in the face that is how you easily parry an attack...Mazoku told them to practice for a bit and sat back and watched for a bit at the training he saw one man performing better and kept an eye on him as he would be a good candidate to take over the training once Mazoku was gone...Mazoku stopped the practice and told them the next thing they would be learning was how to properly fight with their fists and feet in case they lost their weapon...
Mazoku lined the men up and performed several kicks and punching techniques...

After a few hours of training, Mazoku finally concluded his training and was happy with what he taught the men as now they might have a chance at whatever battle they get in to live...Mazoku went to the head of Miliita's tent asked for payment and left... Once leaving the encampment Mazoku went back to the inn got cleaned up and went to lay down happy with what he had done he slept easily. The next day he woke up and got excited to go back to the camp and train the men more... he did his usual morning routine of push-ups sit-ups and crunches he did not do squats this time...Mazoku finished the morning routine and left to go to the encampment once more and once there he saw another trainer training different men surprised by this he went into the head tent to talk about why there is a trainer there training different men and why it wasn't Mazoku doing the training...The man responded "We will have a competition to see who trained who better and that person can continue to train them" Mazoku nodded in agreement and went outside the tent.
Mazoku Yelled for the men he had previously trained to line up he remembered that one man who showed promise and told him to step forward.

Mazoku decided it would be a one-on-one competition Mazoku told the man to follow him and walked towards the other training group and walked up to the trainer... Mazoku told the trainer to pick his best man and fight his best man... the man nodded and chose... after a few minutes Mazokus man won the fight and cheered for victory Mazoku said I won and left the encampment satisfied...Mazoku was mad at them for their lack of loyalty but they now know that he was the superior trainer...Mazoku left that encampment not to return again and went back to his room in the inn and laid back down and chilled until the next day once awake mazoku does his usual routine and start to head out of the settlement Mazoku plans to never come back to that settlement again

1,313 WC
Genjutsu Release +5 250/250  Previous Genjutsu Claim #1 #2 #3
second form:water wheel 1250/1250
mission claim 2000 ryo +10 ap
water wall 58/1000
+5 vigor +8 speed
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Self Defense Class Empty Re: Self Defense Class

Fri Jul 19, 2024 4:13 am
Mazoku Momochi wrote:

1,313 WC
Genjutsu Release +5 250/250  Previous Genjutsu Claim #1 #2 #3
second form:water wheel 1250/1250
mission claim 2000 ryo +10 ap
water wall 58/1000
+5 vigor +8 speed

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