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Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

Ep 13 Trash Empty Ep 13 Trash

Thu Aug 22, 2024 12:16 am
The morning chirps of the wildlife had awoken him from a deep slumber.Visited within the recesses of his mental was his Atman spirit. Azuki was after what felt like a millennia had some semblance of what it was.His eyes fluttered and he wiped the crust from his face. His make shift bed in one of the empty rooms at Shinoda Springs. He still was homeless and was able to store the majority of his equipment within his dimensional seals. It was convenient for sleeping here and there.The storage room was cozy, and granted enough space to stretch out.

This was all apart of his duties it seemed. He felt scorned, stuck with the thought of.. No he cast away such though, but it was enough to admit he felt hurt. "Too much shit going on." He sighed, hopping to his feet. He examined his arms, having finally taken the bandages off. Riddled with scars his hands looked disgusting. Hysterical chuckles consumed with a shake of his head. "Rage consumes even the best of us." Not only had he shattered his own hands, he even went into combat. With a weakened body he had still managed to defeat the gang members. Being carried out by medical personnel was a badge of honor. The cheers they had for him truly gave him purpose. More so than he realized, which part of him wanted to forget. And yet he was left alone in his hospital room.

While getting overwhelmed he decided to cling on to the thoughts. He wasn't tucking it away, simply diverting focus. Making his way to the forest he scanned for an open spot of dirt. With a little bit of water style he created a small wing of damp earth. A cautionary measure to prevent the spread of fire. He collected a bundle of twigs and sticks of varying size. He needed only a small teepee fire to cook his fish. Assembling the fire with a circle of doused stones, he held up his fingers. A steady stream of lightning between his index and thumb. He sparked some shredded tinder and leaves and his fire was functional.

Activating his seals he pulled out all of the materials he needed from his dimension. A picnic blanket, cutting board ,kitchen knife and everything else needed. All maintained in it's original fresh state for ease of access. With expert skill he went to work on the two fish. Carefully and thoroughly de-scaling with routine perfection. Washing away the scales he took his time slicing open the stomach. He flushed and cleaned out the guts, saving it for later. It was always useful to make chum and use as bait in the future.

In a small bowl he added a myriad of spices. Two cups of garlic, 1/4 cup of cayenne, black pepper, onion powder, paprika, and chives. He tossed and mixed everything together to make a perfect blend. For the final addition of salt he opted for a low sodium soy sauce to create a wet mix. He slathered the fish getting the inside and outside. He carefully entered the two skewers using some Y shaped sticks to make a spit roast. He was careful with the flames and height, the fish would cook at medium to high heat. The aroma plagued the air with delicious flavor.

Azuki sat there and inhaled the beautiful aroma every time he cooked it,always felt like a serene bliss washed over his soul. He never had any formal training. However, having been a Vagabond throughout the entirety of his life, he learned how to cook on the road. When it came to Cookie, wild animals and making stones, he felt most comfortable with them.

Never been concerned with a single complaint with his cooking skills, have come up for discussion. Reflecting back on this past, he felt true pride. The fish continue the slowly roast over the heat quickly summon a pot. Promptly filling the pot with water he would use his own electricity. Once the heat from the lightning brought the water to a boil he set it aside. He diced and cube two potatoes. He allowed them to cook in the pot of boiling water.

Skinning a fresh onion he began to mince the onion, using the same cutting board on the blanket. Once the potatoes had cooked through, he began to add the onions. He was careful and draining out the excess water, containing the starch. A dollop of oil was added to the pot. He was quick and meticulous while slowly cooking. Once the onions mix with the potatoes between translucent he added a mixture of breadcrumbs and cheese.

Using the heat from the main flame he was able to pan fry the potatoes. He did it to a desirable and crispy golden brown. Within a separate mixing bowl his small one he started to work on the aioli. Adding to the bowl was mayo , lemon zest, chili powder, and some freshly chopped chives. Most of the components has been completed at this point.

He layers down a bed of fresh lettuce on a plate. Second he plated the two fish. The potato cake set in the center and carefully applied the coat of aioli. With a release of his seals after some proactive cleaning the mess was gone. And it was the best morning meal a man could ask for.

He went about his morning routine taking a shower and personal hygiene. Calling forth his armor and equipment he left his make shift home. The training grounds were still empty currently the peaceful serene waters. He looked over the destruction of the battle from the other day. Especially the giant spider corpses littered here and there. Azuki had sent out a summons and cancelled the morning trainings. The captured enemy was able to give him the answers he needed. Multiple individuals had been involved with the invasion. Allies, enemy, and citizens alike, who had been working for Kurogane in secret.

Azuki merged with the water and sank below disappearing from the open area. He sank in to the wilderness and even decided to take a nap. People filed in with a total of 7 strangers. Azuki was told that none of these spies knew about each other's existence. They were all given unique deals for whatever reason. But for starters these defectors needed to die. Utter terror would be the last thing they experience in this world. To wash away their sins with blood and by his hands. Eventually

"It seems you can manifest me at will." Despite feeling new the voice of his Atman didn't feel unfamiliar. " Akuma shall we deliver judgement to these traitors?" Azuki would disperse in a puff of smoke before rising from the water's surface. "Welcome chosen brave few. It has been brought to my attention your valiant efforts during the invasion. I'm sure we heard of the initial summons during my time in recovery. As such you were brought here now." A warm and welcoming smile was plastered on his face. Even the boiling blood lust submerged just below the surface. But they were none the wiser.

He slowly walked the line examining each one. Mental notes and astute observation activating his chakra insight. Three weapon users, one genjutsu user, and the rest used various ninjutsu. "I want you to hold you heads high. The recognition of the village is extended through me." Smiles littered the seven traitorous bastards. With a sudden flash Azuki was now fitted with his armour and weapons due to his reverse armory seals. A village vest with sealing bands, and 50 of chakra wire."I hereby extend the recognition of your traitorous bastards and extend death by the hand of our Leader and he people." Before the realization came to fruition Azuki had appeared behind the genjutu user. His newly forged weapon Mr.Clod was drawn and already stained with the beautiful crimson color.

The genjutsu user was the first to fall but it was only a flesh wound. Even if he didn't care to let them live. The other 6 scattered with the three weapon users circling him. He flicked Mr.Clod clean waiting for their feeble attempts. "By all means extend your torture for as long as you'd like. It won't equate to the fraction of the pain you've caused others. " He baited as they rushed him Azuki didn't move an inch. He swatted the first sword strike and smacked the man upside the head with the flat side of his shovel.

The other two attempted a frontal assault which was null and void. Pressing the trigger built into the side of the shove it extended into it's full length hitting both blades. The sudden force and choke point halted all momentum as Azuki sensed the jutsu from behind. With a single slash he not only countered the massive ball of fire, but happily returned it to the sender. "You're weak and fucking pathetic." He chimed walking the two surviving weapon users. He pressed down with all his force walking forward and pressing them further into the water. "What the hell do you know, you can't defeat all of u-" Azuki kicked the man with a reverse back kick sending both of them flying.

This opened up a opportunity for those fighting from a distance. He could tell they truly had no idea of each other. Their collaborative combat was a joke. It was disorganized and dysfunctional, meaning they were responding on the fly. What most people didn't realize is the advantage of fighting multiple opponents. Those with synergy would cause a problem surely , but a single flaw remained. None of these idiots could be considerate and would be too focused on avoiding each other. He could attack freely while hey had to make sure to aim.

"Even with this so called advantage you think you have it's wasted." He ducked and ran towards the furthest person a stream of lightning sailing overhead. Something was coming from below. Water burst as he smiled avoiding the lightning coated punch."Let's go on a trip. He gripped the man's throat not breaking his momentum. The initial stream of lightning ended as he crushed and raised his arm. The jutsu was launched a second time but he now had a body shield. His hostage took the brunt of the lightning. Racing across the water he had closed the distance ramming both into each other. He released a powerful sword slash as the others all blindly charged him.

"Let's pick up the pace shall we?" His crimson chakra flourished making them all slightly hesitate. The battle became a roar as clashes and impacts were met over and over. They were starting to get a semblance of a rhythm, yet Azuki was always a step ahead. He was pinned down with fast pace nin-tai combined with long range projectiles.

"My patience is starting to wane." He spat as returned a counter slash but the individual rolled away. Using the brief moment the other two jumped and flipped forward. They spun wildly and broke the spin with double drop kicks. Azuki targeted one to kick up into the air 30m before tracing from behind. Rotating as he would whip out two strands of wire. Around their neck and the other looping around their ankles. With a powerful yank he slung them to the water creating a massive splash of water.

"This is how you fight? You must not care to die." He called out, it was more of a threat than anything. He gracefully looked around the self made carnage feeling disappointed. Those who were still standing all rose up against him. Azuki opened up his arms as he sent his armor, shirt and other armor back to his dimension. The freshly healed wound in stomach was on display. His body was leaner than usual considering he had bulked twenty lbs. Instead of releasing his chakra for intimidation he simply suppressed it.
He quickly finished up.


Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

Ep 13 Trash Empty Re: Ep 13 Trash

Thu Aug 22, 2024 12:23 am
Claiming 2000 WC

Augmentation WC 2000
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Ep 13 Trash Empty Re: Ep 13 Trash

Fri Aug 23, 2024 1:07 am
Azuki Shinoda wrote:Claiming 2000 WC

Augmentation WC 2000
Ep 13 Trash JPYXIpT
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