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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf Empty Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf

Thu Aug 22, 2024 5:12 pm
The sounds of howling deep within the forests of Fang signaled the beginning of the morning. For the young Jugo and his siblings that meant going into the depth of the forests to find food and sustenance, but today something else might have been found. Walking out from his cave like shelter. Dressed in his normal attire he would be met at the mouth of the cave by Kuro, his wolf brother. The two shared a brief glance and a smile before the two headed off into the depths of the woods into the thick trees, east of the new village. The two moved in silence as they began to trek through the trees in search of their normal hunting grounds. Touma himself had heard of stirrings in the lands not far from their home, the small village that his family passed through for trade when he was younger had grown through some means. What those means had been were unknown to the male but curiosity was bringing him closer to finding out. The sun had just reached the apex of the sky when the duo had made it to their hunting grounds, but Kuro had picked up on the scent of something he did not recognize. Something new. Something foreign. Turning on his heels he would begin to move in the direction of the scent, notifying Touma so that he could make a decision. At first Touma would question the decision of his brother, but now he knew if Kuro had picked up on something it was good enough to question what it was. The two moved with stealth and silence as they came 15 meters near the entrance of a new structure.

Tilting his head, the black haired male would pet the head of his companion before looking around. It had seemed as if people had traveled here before and if is memory had not forsook him, this was not the village of Yaeba. No that place was rather simple, this....was different. Stepping from the foliage, he would look around before motioning to Kuro," Stay here... I will scout ahead and figure out this new structure is." He wouldn't say it aloud, but the two shared a bond that would allow them to speak even in silence. Slowly he would move toward the gates where he could see what was going on. A line. As he listened to those waiting, he would hear tales of a new shinobi village that was just made here and that even confused him. From what he knew Fang did not have a shinobi settlement... but this was one? Tilting his head he waited in line until he could finally get to the front to see what had really been going on.

460 WC
Stat Page : Roar of Dissent
Mission Record : Set List
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 67000

Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf Empty Re: Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf

Thu Aug 22, 2024 5:38 pm
Rokku stood at the gates of Kemonogakure watching the small groups of villagers and the occasional trader or traveller wander through. On occasion he would stop someone to ask a few quick questions if they appeared suspicious or out of the ordinary but otherwise the hours passed without any real incidents of note and he enjoyed the relative peace and stability following the journey to the Land of Fang. It was a bold new venture and only time would tell how well the former residents of the Land of Sky would adapt. He was certain that for some the change would be too jarring and stark from their previous lives but he was confident that in time they would thrive. Plans for the villages defences had already been made though Rokku was not privy to the particular details he understood some of the obvious components and reasoned that if he needed to know more then Quinn, or the Shodai Genoshokage as they should now be referred to, would ensure that the information would arrive via the appropriate channels.

Rokku continued his work and noticed and interesting individual travelling with a large dog or perhaps a wolf whilst he processed a few traders he kept an eye on the odd visitor, but continuing as the stranger took his place in the small line that had formed outside of the gates. After a few more people had been processed it was the strange mans turn and Rokku remained weary of his presence, he moved too smoothly and quietly for a normal villager or trader. Once the stranger was 10 meters away Rokku raised up a  palm facing towards the visitor as a clear signal to stop. “Welcome to Kemonogakure traveller, you do not carry yourself as a trader or a civilian might. If you would not mind I would like to ask a few questions before admitting you access into the village, it shouldn’t take more than  few minutes.”

Rokku gestured for Touma to move  5 meters to the right of the gates and Rokku stopped 5 meters away from Touma before speaking again, presuming that Touma would move to the indicated spot. “My name is Rokku, a Genin of Kemonogakure. Please can you provide your name, any affiliations with ninja villages, land of origin and your intentions or  business at Kemonogakure today? And do you intend to be staying for a while or is this just a quick visit? I appreciate it is a lot of questions but we cannot be to cautious and as I am sure you may be aware, the village is relatively new.”

Rokku waited for the strangers answer whilst watching them carefully, keeping his hands free and prepared to fight if the stranger decided to attack or take violent action but otherwise making no overt motions or threatening actions.

WC: 474
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf Empty Re: Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf

Thu Aug 22, 2024 8:32 pm
Touma continued to move with the line until there had been one that had stepped out and stopped him within 15 meters of the gates. At this moment his brother would have still been hidden within the dark foliage of the trees. Touma looked at the male who had given him the "stop" signal though word would have been just as fair. Listening to the male, Touma would tilt his head for a moment as he began to confirm a series of questions that the black haired Jugo would have had. This places name: Kemonogakure. This was a shinobi village if his memory did not fail him. Nomads within his families tribe often spoke of such settlements that exist outside of the Land of Fang that they might have been to as one point. That made this one, who seemed younger than Touma, a shinobi. Interestingly enough he figured they would have been taller and more imposing, but looks could always be deceiving. He stepped an additional 5 meters to the right but kept the other males full body within few just in case he needed to react to any combative stimuli that would occur, but for the moment he did not feel any hostility from the known shinobi at this time. The questions became pointless, at least from his point of view. People of this land never asked about villages, unless it was Yaeba. Most were nomadic and stuck to tribes. While he did not remove his eyes from the male he would relay what had been going on mentally to his companion who had still been hiding.

After a moment or after he assumed the other male had stopped asking him questions, Touma would respond in kind. As he was slightly hunched over, Touma would stand tall and clear his throat as if it was his first time speaking to humans in a long time," You are in my lands.... All of Fang is my home and neither animal nor i knew of your existence till today.," he paused for a moment to motion to all of the forest and animals hidden within its embrace before he held up and second finger," Secondly my intentions are to see what you are and who is your pack leader. Once i have held council with them my intentions shall be clear, but peace is my first option always," as someone who has lived within these lands and forest his whole life, when a new tribe or entity moved into your backyard you were always cautious about what would come from it. With no one to actually speak for the wildlife inside of the forests, Touma took it upon himself to make sure his original home was safe from all threats even neighbors that moved into his backyard.

467 WC
927 TWC

2/6 Nature Stacks
Stat Page : Roar of Dissent
Mission Record : Set List
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 67000

Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf Empty Re: Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf

Fri Aug 23, 2024 1:37 pm
Rokku raised an eyebrow at the stranger but did not comment for a moment. On one hand the stranger appeared unwilling to comply with the usually gate entry screening questions but on the other he seemed to believe he actually was the ruler of the Land of Fang. Rokku was not aware of any true ruler as it was understood to be rough wilderness for the most part, a mere buffer zone between the former prominent ninja villages of Stone and Wind, both of which had long since been destroyed. At the same time Rokku could see the man took a simplistic view of such matters, referring to all of Fang as his home and so therefore believing it was his. The fact he had travelled with a wolf suggested a natural connection and this was confirmed by his comments in regards to no animals being aware of their arrival. “I see. Well I must apologize but I have not heard of you, or any ruler of the Land of Fang however it is not for me to decide whether what you say is true. I am glad you are peaceful and I assure you no harm will come to you or your friend..” Rokku gestured in the general direction of the hiding wolf he had spotted upon the strangers arrival. “…provided you do no harm to us first. It is irregular but I will escort you to the Genshokage, our uh.. pack leader as you would say, they should be at work in the Apex tower around now I should think.”

Rokku proceeded through the gate gesturing for the stranger to follow. “You are welcome to bring your friend if you wish, or they can stay outside in the trees if you prefer. The choice is yours." Rokku lead the way, only slightly ahead at a slight diagonal angle from Touma and keeping a 5 meter distance just in case of any sudden movements. The stranger had claimed peace but Rokku had the sense that he might become erratic if he saw something he disliked so decided caution was too be maintained and so kept him under a close watch.

Rokku let Touma into the village and paused once they had passed the gates. “Welcome to Kemonogakure, it is not much yet but we hope to learn much from the land and see it become a stronghold for a new generation of beast ninja. We try to harmonise and work with nature and the surroundings rather than oppose it as you can see.” Rokku carried on walking with a steady pace, neither going too fast or too slow for the traveller a short distance to his side. “The Genshokage has a particular way of speaking, direct and to the point with few words. They communicate more through action and lead by example. Something tells me you will get along well but a word of caution, if you attack the Genshokage or threaten violence against them the whole village will be your enemy. As I am sure you know, a pack will fight and hunt together when necessary. If you have any questions on the way please feel free to ask them and I will answer if I deem it appropriate.”

[Allowing Touma entry into Kemonogakure]

WC:546 TWC: 1,020
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf Empty Re: Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf

Fri Aug 23, 2024 5:42 pm
Touma did not know whether to chuckle or be confused about the males wording, probably because he took what he said at face value instead of the actual meaning of his words. His hands would return to his side as he shook his head and blinked," You. Dense as an Oak. Touma is not leader of Fang, his family has been in this lands since long before I or you were even a concept in our parent's minds. Even if I were a Lord of this Land you would not know of any of us due to you being as new as a sapling to these lands, but Touma has lived here for all of his life," it wasn't matter of fact, it was truth. Either way he had gained entry to the village and as he began to walk toward the gates themselves he would lightly press both his left index and thumb finger to his lips and let out a shrill whistle. Rustling would come from the trees as his companion, Kuro, came from the forest and joined at his left side. Touma himself would pat the head of the wolf as the two began to walk into the village proper. The two would exchange small glances around as they took in the sights of the new "village" with scrutiny. It was nothing like the nomadic huts and tents he had grew up in, but it also was not something on the level of Yaeba. This couldn't have just been put up, but even he knew that this settlement was not here long. Many of the people looked disshelved as if they had been abruptly or importunely moved. Either way from what he could see and hear for himself, nothing had stood out as an immediate threat to the Lands of Fang.

The grey eyed male would turn his gaze back to Rokku for a moment before continuing his look over the village," These lands have known peace and protected itself. Whether your...shinobi village will make it better is yet to be seen," though when the statement of what would happen if he attack their alpha he would chuckle," If I attack this...Genshoukage it will be either because she is a threat or as a test of strength," though he was curious about the berth of this person he was going to meet, he was not disillusioned to potentiality of him joining as well. Even with being away from his family for two years now, everyone needed a home. Only time would truly tell at this point.

429 WC
1,356 TWC

[Exit into the village]
[Max Stat Discount] Putting 1,356 Words toward gaining Kuro the Wolf making total 1,356/1,500
Stat Page : Roar of Dissent
Mission Record : Set List
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 67000

Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf Empty Re: Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf

Fri Aug 23, 2024 9:12 pm
Rokku smiled in amusement at the strangers comments, it certainly sounded like he was claiming the Land of Fang was his by stating the village was in his lands and that all fang was his home. The stranger did not seem entirely comfortable speaking so perhaps it was a simple miscommunication. Rokku shrugged off the comments and retorted calmly and in a  matter of fact tone. “Well I guess more like sprouts than saplings I would say but I get your point.
Rokku chuckled when the stranger spoke again. “Apologies, I am not laughing at you, just imagine how the Genshokage will react. Seriously though they can be a little scary at times but if you really want a fight they will give you one, just don’t expect it to be easy or to get out with all your limbs intact. I imagine they could spend all day hitting you and never grow bored."

Rokku led the stranger to the Apex tower and leaving him in the corridor outside the Kages office. “Well here you are, if you gonna fight maybe consider doing it in the arena, tower is fairly new so would be a shame to have it wrecked so soon after completion.” Rokku turned to walk away, giving one final comment before departing. “Good luck”

WC: 216 TWC: 1236

Claiming 1236 wc:

1236 towards: Ash Release: The Last Minute [Incomplete] 2189/2500
Previous Claims:
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf Empty Re: Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf

Fri Aug 23, 2024 11:19 pm
Touma wrote:
429 WC
1,356 TWC

[Exit into the village]
[Max Stat Discount] Putting 1,356 Words toward gaining Kuro the Wolf making total 1,356/1,500
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf Empty Re: Curiosity Never Killed the Wolf

Sun Aug 25, 2024 3:23 am
Rokku wrote:
WC: 216 TWC: 1236

Claiming 1236 wc:

1236 towards: Ash Release: The Last Minute [Incomplete] 2189/2500
Previous Claims:

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