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Takashi Terumi
Takashi Terumi
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Takashi's Bingo Entry
Mission Record : Takashi's Mission Scroll
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 4500

Clash of the Terumi! Empty Clash of the Terumi!

Yesterday at 7:27 pm
The sounds of the spring water trickling around the patch of land were enough to lull a man to sleep, the terrain was fairly open on this patch of land that spread roughly 50 meters in every direction from the center. A rather large willow occupied this specific central location, its trunk having a roughly a 2 meter circumference leaving about 48 meters of land between the trunk and the steaming hot spring water. A light steam cascaded through the training ground, though it alone was not enough to actually hinder anyone's sight. The land was mostly covered in very low and rather manicured grass, it shined a vibrant green wherever the sun managed to pierce the willow branches. Sitting at the base of this tree, his left leg fully extended and his right bent with his foot resting flat next to his left knee, was Takashi. He was dressed in his now normal ronin styled attire, his katana currently not tucked into his cloth belt but instead resting between his legs and leaning onto his chest. He himself leaned backwards against the trunk, the sandagosa covering most of his face at this angle as smoke seemed to creep from beneath its edges as he puffed on his kiseru. Takashi was waiting, listening to the streams and world around him for a change in sounds as he began to think to himself.

'Oda should be coming by soon, if he received my message. I requested a spar, perhaps he isn't as interested as me in testing our abilities? Guess I can wait around and find out, if not I'll respect his choice at the very least.'

The distant birds were chirping as Takashi reached into his robes and pulled out a small maybe two shot sake bottle, popping the cork and pressing the bottle to his lips he took a favorable sip. He continued to try and be aware of Oda's approach, should he decide to accept the spar challenge and make his way here.

(WC 335)

Last edited by Takashi Terumi on Tue Oct 15, 2024 7:32 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added description for spar)
Oda Terumi
Oda Terumi
Stat Page : Stat Page
Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 49
Strength: 1

Sub Stats
Vigor AP: 1000
Bonus AP: 217
Chakra AP Reduction: 25%
Agility: 49
Passive DR: 1

Current Stats
Current Stat Points 300
Current Health Bar 300
Action Points Pool 1217

Mission Record : Mission Record
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 44

Clash of the Terumi! Empty Re: Clash of the Terumi!

Yesterday at 8:24 pm
Oda had started the day off in a slump of some sorts. He half heartedly made some mushy pancakes and read his romance novels, struggling to motivate to get out of the house. That was of course until he decided to step outside of his apartment to take the trash out when he noticed a message left for him. He held the garbage bag in one hand while fumbling with the message. As he read it his eyes grew wide in excitement, he tossed the garbage bag back into his house, there was no time!

Oda came flying out of his apartment, still putting one boot on, his jacket hung from his shoulders haphazardly. He was already so late to reading the message, and Oda did not want to lose this opportunity. As nice as he was, Oda had an incredibly fierce competitive nature and he relished the chance at some friendly competition.

With his ninja attire on, he downgraded his full on sprint to a brisk walk. He didn’t want to tire himself out before the sparring began. As he approached Shinoda Springs he couldn’t help but think about what sort of tactics he would use. He stopped briefly, giving himself a pep talk.

Alright Oda, don’t let yourself get over-competitive. He thought to himself as he focused and then continued walking. As he approached the training grounds he could see the tell tale puffs of smoke from one of the training areas. He waved at Takashi, unsure if his friend could see him from here, and proceeded to the clearing. As he got closer he would observe his Vagabond friend lounging against a tree, the smoke wafting lazily into the air from under his hat. From here he almost looked asleep, and he gave a friendly whoop and waited for Takashi to make eye contact before giving an enthusiastic wave.

As he arrived at their particular training area that day he gave a big smile followed by a wave.
“Whatsup bossman. Thanks for getting me out of the house, I'm excited to spar!”
He scratched the back of his head and gave a sheepish grin “Sorry if I’m late, didn’t leave the house all day until I got your message”

He would exchange pleasantries with Takashi, willing to talk about anything he wished to talk about. Eventually though, Oda would be itching to take the stage and begin sparring.

If Takashi agreed, he would wait to take Takashis lead, setting himself as far away as Takashi deemed necessary and preparing himself for the spar ahead. Before the match would begin he would say one last thing. “Show me what you got Takashi Terumi.” And with a sly grin from Oda, the sparring would begin.

WC: 456
Takashi Terumi
Takashi Terumi
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Takashi's Bingo Entry
Mission Record : Takashi's Mission Scroll
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 4500

Clash of the Terumi! Empty Re: Clash of the Terumi!

Yesterday at 9:21 pm
As Takashi lounged it didn't seem long before Oda would crossed these small hot spring streams that surrounded the island, initiating a conversation and even waving to Takashi, who by this point would look up at him with a hearty smile as he indulged in the conversation to follow. After a quick greeting Oda seemed to apologize for his delay, "Don't worry, I am enjoying a calm meditation. So let's not waste the day, I think about 5 meters between us will do for a starting point." He would walk about 3 meters from the tree he had been relaxing at, Oda seemingly took a position 5 meters from Takashi. As Oda walked Takashi would secure his katana back to his hip, the sheathe though tightly held to his belt seemingly hang from his hip.

As they both took their positions, Takashi spoke one last time outside of the soon to come combat "There is a steam geyser about 20 meters beyond the clearing over there, you will hear it spout here shortly that will be the sign to begin." Takashi remained calm and assumed that Oda understood the terms, it was a spar so he knew even though he would give it his all, he would ensure not to truly harm Oda. Though from what he has seen of his growth, perhaps it was Oda who would be the victorious shinobi here. His minor thought process was interrupted by the erupting steam whistling in the distance, Takashi would as fast as he could reach down with his right hand and grasp the grip of his katana with the hilt resting against his thumb, his left hand would sign as quickly as he could 'Rat → Tiger → Dog → Ox → Rabbit' he would inhale strongly through his nostrils as his lungs expanded. Soon releasing a jutsu known as Fire Release: Pheonix Sage Technique, as he exhaled six fireballs that hurled themselves at Oda in a pattern around him. One aimed directly for him, the other five spaced evenly around his current location exactly 1 meter from the target of the main fireball. Takashi's next move would be based on Oda's response to the initiated attack.

If Oda responded with a jutsu of his own, not moving from his current location, Takashi would sprint towards him with his right hand still grasping the katana on his hip. His eyes focused on what retaliation he may or may not receive from Oda, he would do his best to react to the response chosen from this position.

In the event Oda darted to one side or the other avoiding the fireballs, Takashi would sprint at him and if able to reach him quick enough he would quickly draw his katana and attempt to slap the blunt spin into one of Oda's kneecaps. If this were to come to fruition Takashi would make contact with his katana then quickly push himself in a pounce backwards reestablishing the 5 meter distance from the beginning.

The final scenario he accounted for was Oda jumping over the jutsu, if that was the decision Takashi would attempt to take advantage of him being in the air and quickly sign Snake → Ram → Monkey inhaling on the seal of the ram and exhaling at the arrival of the monkey. This of course would be him releasing the Great Fireball Technique, a massive ball of fire that reached a total diameter of 20 meters would hurl itself at Oda. If contact was made, Takashi would hope this was enough to throw him off guard and allow him to dash at him and draw his katana with the intent of slamming the wide side of the Katana into his gut. Again if he was able to make contact and actually strike Oda, Takashi would simply pounce backwards again, resetting their positions to 5 meters between them.

(WC 648)

Used Jutsu/Techniques:

Situational AP Used:
Oda Terumi
Oda Terumi
Stat Page : Stat Page
Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 49
Strength: 1

Sub Stats
Vigor AP: 1000
Bonus AP: 217
Chakra AP Reduction: 25%
Agility: 49
Passive DR: 1

Current Stats
Current Stat Points 300
Current Health Bar 300
Action Points Pool 1217

Mission Record : Mission Record
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 44

Clash of the Terumi! Empty Re: Clash of the Terumi!

Yesterday at 11:59 pm
Oda gave a friendly smile and followed Takashi to the center of the training area, making sure to maintain a 5m gap between him and his sparring opponent. As Takashi laid out the starting parameters Oda could already feel the sense of focus begin to envelop him. The distractions of the outside world fading away save for arena, Takashi, and the soon to come noise of the geyser.  His intense focus was only broken by the brief reminder to himself that this was a sparring match, and despite giving it his all, he would have to make sure to not truly harm Takashi.

With the resounding roar of a geyser, the fight began. Takashi opened his attack up with a spray of fireballs from his Phoenix Sage Fire Technique, as Takashi formed the hand signs for the jutsu deftly in his left hand, Oda made his own hand signs, but not however with his hands. He began to whistle a tune, it flitted quickly like a bird. With his hands free due to his Whistle Trigger ability, he would begin to sign another jutsu with his left hand, activating his own Phoenix Fire Sage Technique.

Despite Oda’s considerable training however, Takashi was still faster but only by a little bit, Takashi’s jutsu began racing towards him, before they could reach him however Oda would complete his hand signs for his own Phoenix Fire Sage Technique, using his own technique and shooting  fireballs at Takashi’s in response, aiming them to intercept his opponents.

Simultaneously the tune formed, and- noticing Takashi rushing towards him- he would activate the Hiding in Ash and Dust Technique. Ash and dust flowed out of Oda’s mouth expanding in an area 5m in radius around Oda at a jutsu speed of 50. If Takashi we're to come in contact with the jutsu it deals 50 damage.

He would then quickly activate the jutsu again, expanding the area of the ashe cloud to 20 m in radius. Ashe no longer flowing out of his mouth,He would then stay absolutely still, observing Takashi’s next move  from the safety of the ash cloud.

If Takashi kept running towards him, whether due to luck or memory, he would use his right hand to cast a Great Fireball Technique directly at Takashi while jumping backwards an extra 3m.

Otherwise, Oda would allow for a brief lull in the action as he waited for Takashi to act.

WC: 391
TWC: 847

Battle Stats:

Situational Jutsu:

Last edited by Oda Terumi on Wed Oct 16, 2024 3:52 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : adjusted ap costs)
Takashi Terumi
Takashi Terumi
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Takashi's Bingo Entry
Mission Record : Takashi's Mission Scroll
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 4500

Clash of the Terumi! Empty Re: Clash of the Terumi!

Today at 1:30 am
Takashi's eyes seemed to lock-in on Oda as he began whistling, on top of that he watched some very familiar signs as he dashed forward. The thought raced through his mind, 'Phoenix Sage Technique as well, good counter' Takashi was closing the gap rather quickly however not quite quick enough, the ash like substance began to pour from his mouth seconds after the final fireball had left his lips. Takashi, by this time, had closed a 5 meter distance down to maybe 2 meters leaving only seconds to react to this fiery smog. As he watched the ash begin to spew forth, Takashi would plant his most forward foot and shove himself backwards and to the left of the tree. This effectively placed an additional 14 meters between the two of them as the ash swallowed a 5 meter perimeter between them. Whilst he cascaded through the air he would reach into his robes with his right hand, releasing his katana and instead grasping two shuriken between his fingers. Upon his foot hitting the ground from his first leap backwards, Takashi quickly pushed himself back  another 4 meters placing 20 meters between them. As his second foot shoved him backwards the cloud of ash exploded engulfing a 20 meter radius around Oda in one massive explosion, Takashi would sign with his left hand as the explosion started. Once again he signed; Rat → Tiger → Dog → Ox → Rabbit being sure to inhale on Dog and exhale 6 fireballs at the last location in which he saw Oda. All were aimed to create a 6 fireball wall with a circumference of 3 meters, he used his chakra control to make them curve from an above angle. His intent was as they crashed to Oda's location, whether impacting him or the ground itself, the fireballs would explode on impact creating an explosive attack covering a 6 meter circumference on the ground where Oda was standing.

Takashi planned for Oda to move from the location he was standing, he would continue to focus and at the sign of movement Takashi would strike. In the event that Oda did move, Takashi would throw the 2 shuriken from his right hand pin-pointed to simply skim Oda's legs and merely scratch him. It was a way to say, 'I could have injured you' so that together they could learn to avoid these moments in the future, Takashi would rest his right hand on his katana once again. He'd quickly with his left hand sign; Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Tiger followed by him inhaling and watching Oda very closely. If he was correct in his planning and Oda moved, regardless of whether the shuriken did their job or not, Takashi with his inhaled breath would charge at him again. His jutsu prepared and his right hand firmly grasping at the hilt of his katana, being careful to not take his eyes off Oda as he pushed to close the distance as fast as he could.

If Oda had chosen not to move, he of course would be hit by the 6 fireballs Takashi had sent hurling at him. If this were his choice, Takashi would simply prepare himself for the counterattack by resting his left hand on the hilt of his katana whilst his right continued to hold his shuriken.

(WC 559)
(TWC 1,207)

Used Jutsu/Techniques:
Situational Jutsu/Techniques:
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