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Herozen Uchiha
Herozen Uchiha
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Herozen
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Herozen's Genin Exam Empty Herozen's Genin Exam

Yesterday at 11:16 pm
The exam:

Herozen groggily raised himself up and out of bed. He had stayed up late the previous night training in the Noboru Kaito Martial Arts Academy, preparing himself for the Genin exam he would be taking later in the day. It was a short journey up to this point. He had done a bunch of training at the Noboru Kaito Martial Arts Academy with various other shinobi. His cousin had helped him awaken his Sharingan. Zo had helped him learn some new jutsu and skills he wouldn’t have been able to pick up on his own. Herozen knew he was ready for the just part of the exam, but because he was in the accelerated course, he would be tested differently than just showing off the jutsu he had just learned. He reached for his pack of cigarettes and lighter. He found a cigarette before a shower helped to awaken him. It enabled him to focus on the task at hand and organize the thoughts in his head. Herozen began to smoke his cigarette and started getting ready to start his day.

When Herozen exited the shower, he noticed he had few clean clothes left. He shifted through his pile of clean clothes and found his clean garments. Making a mental note to wash his clothes he quickly got dressed. When he entered the kitchen, he noticed his dad was drinking tea, and the kettle was still steaming. “Good morning, Herozen. Are you ready for your exam today?” His father, Yokuba, asked him. His father was also his instructor and had been aware of Herozen’s ability to get him into the accelerated program. It was good for Herozen to see his father in a position that showcased his abilities. Before the academy, Herozen only regarded his father as a teacher lacking any shinobi ability, but seeing him teaching was both eye-opening and refreshing for Herozen. His mother and brother were probably out on a mission this morning. “Good morning, Father; I am ready for whatever the exam has for me.” He said as he poured himself some tea and sat beside his father. They both sat in silence and drank their tea. Herozen would excuse himself before his father, wash his teacup, and put it away. “I’ll see you when you get there,” Herozen said as he left the kitchen and exited the house.

He would head to the academy instead of the training facility like he was used to every morning. He had become accustomed to training before class every morning and hoped to continue with training every morning even after becoming a genin. There would be less structure outside of his missions and such when he became a genin; no one would hold his hands, and he knew the habits he started now would follow him for the rest of his life. He pulled out a cigarette and started smoking as he strolled leisurely to the academy. He wanted to see what they were preparing for him and the others planning to take the genin exam that day with him. Herozen felt excited and a little anxious about taking the next step; for now, he had gotten to train, but he wouldn’t be in any life-or-death situations. There would be those in the future when a shinobi’s life wasn’t promised.

Herozen would arrive before most students, wanting to get as much information about the exams as possible. He would ask a few staff members, but they wouldn’t reveal anything about the test to the student. Herozen, not taking no for an answer, snuck into the instructor's lounge and tried to eavesdrop on their conversations, using the transformation technique to hide as a mug on the shelf so he would listen in. “Are the preparations for the exams made?” An instructor inquired to another instructor. “Yes, this Is for the advanced class; only those qualified will be able to make it through.” The other instructor responded with a touch of humor in their voice. Herozen would wait for the instructors to leave before breaking the jutsu and leaving the break room disappointed. He hadn’t learned much from the instructors.

As the students and staff arrived at the academy, Herozen waited in the testing waiting room. It was business as usual for the academy except for the few who were testing with Herozen. Once all the students had arrived, the instructors closed the doors and started the exam. “The first part of the exam will be a written test,” Yokuba sensei would inform the students. “Following the written test, you’ll be tested on your transformation and clone techniques. After that, you’ll have a mock battle; if you fail any part of this test, we’ll keep you in the academy for another month.” At this, the class looked at each other and the instructors in excitement and anxiety. The only part that bothered Herozen would be the mock battle. He sparred with his cousin and got his ass kicked.

After everyone had settled down, the students were seated at intervals far enough from each other so there could be no cheating. Herozen didn’t need help with his quiz; with two genius family members in his household and an instructor, he had learned all the theories and applications of chakra and battle tactics. Herozen would finish his test first and bring it up to the proctor. The proctor glanced at the test and graded it. He had earned one hundred percent on the test and would be moving on to the next test. They moved Herozen into the next testing area.

Once Herozen arrived at the next testing stage, he was alone with a proctor. “Alright, Herozen, I’ll be grading you here. As the rest of the class finishes their first test, they’ll show up. Whenever you’re ready, perform the transformation technique.” The proctor motioned for Herozen to perform his jutsu, so Herozen did as asked. He would take one hand, make the dog seal, and transform into a boar. The proctor was pleased with the outcome and told Herozen to return to his regular body shape. Herozen did as he was told.

As he finished his transformation test, more students came out, and a second and third proctor came out with them. The students lined up at each proctor to perform the transformation technique for them. Herozen’s proctor pulled Herozen and had him perform the clone jutsu before allowing the next student in line. Herozen was quick on the clone technique. He performed the ram hand seal with his right hand and produced four perfect clones of himself. The proctor told Herozen he passed and then told him to wait nearby for the rest of the students to finish.

Herozen would wait and watch as the other students performed for the proctors. Eleven others were left by the time the rest of the students had finished. That made twelve in total, including Herozen. “Alright, you guys have done well. I want you to place these white headbands on your head. You have two hours to make it from here to the point marked on the map we’re handing out. Traps and other proctors are attempting to take your headbands, if you lose your headband you will be disqualified. The routes will be…” Herozen was out of earshot by the time the proctor was finishing that statement and was continuing for whoever was left. It was a trap to keep people there. They had started the stopwatch when the students were informed it was a two hour race. Herozen noticed it when the proctor held the stopwatch out for the students to observe.

The first proctor jumped out at Herozen when he was halfway to his destination. Herozen summoned two clones and used a genjutsu on the proctor, and kept running. He had an objective and fighting wasn’t one of them. He reached the destination before anyone else, and waited for the rest of the students to arrive. By the end of two hours the rest of the students had made it to the end of the race. “Congratulations, guys, you’re now Genin.” Yokuba sensei had said and released the transformation jutsu on the white headbands revealing Kumogakure headbands on their heads. Herozen smiled at his father and gave high-fives to the rest of the class. Herozen already knew, but hard work and determination paid off in the end. Now he was ready.

Mission Claims:
1,000 Ryo / 5 AP & promotion to Genin/D Power Rank / 1x Ninja Headband of Kumogakure
TWC: 1400

14 Chakra

Jutsu 1400 words to Sharingan two tome 1400/4000
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