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Nito Nekoto
Nito Nekoto
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Genin Exam (NK) Empty Genin Exam (NK)

Sat Nov 14, 2015 2:02 am
Logic, having learned the jutsu required for his Genin exam, made his way over to the ninja academy that day. Nearing the door, he pulled it open and walked inside then directed himself over to the assigned classroom for them today. He saw a few others passing by and simply proceeding forward, paying little attention. Now in class, he got into a seat and sat around for a while waiting for one of the teachers to show up for the examination. “I’ve practiced these enough so it shouldn’t become much of a problem. I’ve been waiting for this day for a while now.” He said, waiting.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 223500

Genin Exam (NK) Empty Re: Genin Exam (NK)

Sat Nov 14, 2015 9:44 am
Shina had been having quite the busy day. Being one of a very few number of fuin users in Hoshi, the task of placing seals around the city had fallen to her and as a result, the dark haired jounin had been flying around the city all day. Now, as she made her way to the academy to fill in for the man who was supposed to be testing the new batch of students for genin, the young woman couldn't help but feel completely drained.

"Hi guys," she greeted the few hopefuls sitting on desks to try their hand at genin. "Your regular teacher is away so I'll be filling in. I'm Shina, a jounin of Hoshigakure. Who'd like to go first?"

With that she'd motion for the first student to begin.

(800 words and you're good to go)
Nito Nekoto
Nito Nekoto
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Genin Exam (NK) Empty Re: Genin Exam (NK)

Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:24 am
“Guess I’m first to go. Thanks for choosing me.” Logic said, rising from his seat. The looks on the faces of the few other students seemed that of appreciation or just surprised to see him. Being on the rise side of the class, Logic turned to his left and walked down the center line that was empty of desk. Once forward, he had gone to the center area he saw used for the exam for other people often and began to do his work. Logic was going to ask if there was any set order to go in though… “It seems like the most fitting would be alphabetical order in terms of organization on a paper for checking with marks of yes or no… that would make the order clone technique, transformation technique.” - - - He was now ready to begin. The teacher lifted the checkboard and gave a nod to explain that he could start at any time. Logic, by sheer instinctiveness, nodding back and began his first demonstration, the clone technique. “The process is simple as what I did before.” He thought to himself while quickly recalling the hand signs necessary for the technique. He did them not too fast but not very slow favoring fluidity opposed to abnormal speed. One by one, they were completed. Ram. Snake. Tiger. Holding the final part of the tiger seal, logic began to see from his mind’s eye perspective and started building his human replica of himself. Just like before, it started from the feet and rose upwards building in layers like smalls sheets of paper. Knowing both of his techniques in this test would require some decent level of visualization, he had practiced earlier, looking in a mirror, to stare for a while then draw himself on a paper in as much detail as possible. This proved useful for creating himself and others. He stared down, mentally, at his creation from an odd angle. It was nearing the waist section in his mind so it wouldn’t be long until he finished. In reality, this whole process was much faster than described. In a few moments or so, the mental replication was fully completed. It seemed accurate enough and Logic activated his technique. To his left side, a small burst of smoke appeared which quickly settled away in a matter of seconds. Looking over to examine what he had made, he noticed a fatal error while swaying his vision to his left. “Well then…” He said to himself only. He had slipped one finger out of alignment in his tiger sign. This made the clone appear to be missing his left arm and even made it slightly shorter than the original as well. Logic, with great swiftness, canceled and dismissed his clone before making another one. He did the same process and this time made sure to give a little more speed to his hand signs. You’d think it would be the opposite. But, since he trained them to be done fast, it seemed unnatural to do them slowly. The 2nd clone was created with another small burst of smoke to the right of him. After the smoke cleared, logic examined his results and saw everything was perfectly fine. To test the mimicking of movement, he stretched out his arm and so did the clone. The teacher gave a glancing down and writing look. Logic dismissed his clone one more and moved on to the next demonstration, the transformation technique. First, he recalled the signs necessary for the ability. Thinking back to the fix of his clone technique, Logic performed the signs faster this time around. Dog, boar, ram. Holding on the final part of ram, he attempted thinking and visualizing the form that he would take with great speed. “Let’s see…” Behind the teacher to the right was a poster on the wall that showed a full body picture of a ninja. He had long purple hair, old style shinobi armor using plates on the chest, shoulders, etc and was a quite dark skin tone with red eyes. Logic focused on that and printed a mental version of this to translate to his jutsu. Finally having it fully settled, he activated the technique and felt a slight change in height as he assumed the ninja was taller than himself. Granted that he could evaluate the accuracy of his own looks, he took lock-on to the teacher’s countenance to see a sign of approval. Logic ran through his actions and came to the conclusion that he didn’t mess up anything. Now it was the time for confirmation. A few signs of it being properly done to him would be that for one, his left eye was blocked by some sort of hair which wasn’t normally how his hair shaped, the height change was rather general but helpful as well, and the shoulder pad of armor could be barely seen to both sides of his vision.

[WC: 825]
[Rank Up - Genin]

Last edited by Logic on Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:07 pm; edited 2 times in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Genin Exam (NK) Empty Re: Genin Exam (NK)

Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:57 pm

(Don't forget to list your word count please <3 )
Nito Nekoto
Nito Nekoto
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Genin Exam (NK) Empty Re: Genin Exam (NK)

Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:05 pm
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Genin Exam (NK) Empty Re: Genin Exam (NK)

Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:27 pm
"Well done," Shina pronounced as the young man finished his test. "Congratulations new grnin, here is your headband. Make this city proud." With a final smile, the kunoichi turned back to the rest of the class.

"Alright, next please," she continued.

(Approved, you get 15 stats and a free spec <3)
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