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Perfection Empty Perfection

Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:10 am
Day 1

The tailed beasts. Massive chakra monsters created by Rikudou Sennin when he split the Ten Tailed beast into nine smaller beasts. Indeed they were very powerful creatures, quite the force to be reckoned with. Nowadays, the beasts were sealed into shinobi, making them the beast's Jinchuriki. The Jinchuriki were then expected to tame and control the power of these titans, quite the difficult task. Inside of Nashua Uchiha, the Yonbi dwelled within a Fuuinjutsu placed on him at birth. Yonbi never spoke much to Nashua, usually stayed silent, living its caged existence. It was quite sad if one thought about it, but not for Nashua Uchiha. He never really talked to Yonbi either, and they were fine on separate grounds. However, Yonbi had recently been stirring, becoming more active than usual. Nashua could feel this, and wondered what was going on with Yonbi.

Nashua felt something stir in his stomach as he sat down on the couch in his house. It was similar to the feeling one would get when nervous or angry, sometimes referred to as "butterflies in the stomach". Nashua had no idea why this was called as it was, as it was nowhere near the feel if butterflies were in one's stomach. He sat up and put his hands together, twiddling his thumbs. He decided to go visit Yonbi, and delved into his mind where Yonbi was held by the seal. Nashua was soon greeted by a large elegant looking gate. It was fairly hot when near Yonbi, and the place of consciousness where Yonbi was held was inside of a volcano, befitting of a beast like him.

Nashua pushed the gate open and walked into Yonbi's chamber, feeling the heat dramatically intensify. Nashua looked up and beheld a sight to be glorified. There, in the light of the lava surrounding the large rock platform, was the Four Tailed Beast, sitting in the enormous purple cage that held him. At the front of the cage was an old style looking key lock, bearing the symbol of the Uchiha clan on it. Yonbi turned around and looked at Nashua, an intense glare indeed. It was as if the beast could stare into Nashua's soul, his heart, tell his wants and desires just through one look. Nashua quickly looked to the side and back, to avoid his gaze and bring relief.

"What is wrong Yonbi? I have noticed you becoming restless now, and I would like to know why," Nashua said, attempting to fill his voice with confidence. He only tried because he knew he was on the other side of the bars, Yonbi wouldn't do anything. "Nashua.........I am becoming bored with you. You allow me no freedom, I never have anything to do, you just threw me aside like an old pair of unneeded clothes," Yonbi replied calmly. "I am tired of it!! I am the Ape King, a feared beast with massive powers!! How do you seem to ignore me?!" Yonbi continued, quite loud now. Nashua flinched at the volume of his yelling. "I am sorry, but a tailed beast sealed up inside of me is not the first thing on my mind most of the time. If I could allow you freedom, to let your amazing power loose, then I would," Nashua replied, a slight tone of sadness masked behind his voice.

Something went off in Yonbi's eyes when Nashua mentioned if he could he would. "What do you mean if you could you would? Do you not know how to tame a--" Yonbi stopped himself in the middle of his sentence. He then turned back away from Nashua and went silent. "Wait, what?" Nashua asked. He had started to talk about taming something, after Nashua said he couldn't control his power. It soon became a bit clear. If the winning side thinks the other losing side won, you wouldn't want to tell them the truth about who won, that would just get rid of the free reward. Although Yonbi soon regret keeping silent once he thought about what would happen if Nashua didn't attempt to fight and control Yonbi's power. An eternity of being sealed in the large cage was not very appealing. Hopefully, Nashua would figure it out.

Day 3

2 days after Nashua's conversation with Yonbi, he was sitting at home again, wondering about how Yonbi talked about taming. Was it possible for Nashua, a Jinchuriki, to control the large power of the Four Tailed Beast? It was credible, but quite far fetched in Nashua's mind to say the slightest on the subject. Nashua decided to go to the Hokage about this the next day, and to ask if there really was a way for him to tame the Bijuu's power and how to do it. The Hokage would likely know, being a man of his position he would likely know a large amount of history and top secret things. Nashua stood up and stretched, then headed outside to continue his day.

Day 4

Nashua stood up and picked up his Chuunin vest as he prepared to head out. He was headed for Hokage Mansion to ask the Hokage on the matter of taming tailed beasts. He did a few stretches and then went downstairs. Nashua looked around once he reached the end of the stairs. He received a thought, quite a random one though. It wasn't anything to worry about or to put into action at the time however. And so he ignored it, continuing forth in getting ready. As soon as Nashua was dressed he slid downstairs and out the door, locking it just in case on his way out.

It was a chilly day today, and storm clouds brewed over head somewhere off to the east of Konoha. Gray clouds circled Konoha, like wolves stalking their prey before they bite. Cold winds whipped throughout the village, sending chills into the bodies of adults and children who had come outside. Nashua could hear the whistling of the fierce air waves passing by as he stepped out side, putting a hand up against the wind. Nashua turned left and started down the road towards Hokage Mansion. On his way, Nashua saw a few children playing under the roof that overhung one house, and some adults chatting at Ichiraku, a glass wall and doors having been added recently. Nashua wondered how everyone could be this peaceful, he knew for sure that this would get boring to him and he would likely end up going off to kill.

Not innocent people or random people that is, he would just get bored and need to do something, Nashua wouldn't be able to stand sitting around the village doing nothing. He wondered what caused his partial bloodlust and insanity, and then tried to make sense of it by saying it was his Uchiha heritage. It probably was also Yonbi's spirit sleeping inside him, and Nashua remembered when Yonbi had also said he was bored of this. Maybe Yonbi was right, life was becoming quite dull.

Nashua eventually found himself deep in thought when he finally realized he had unconsciously made it to his destination, the entrance to Hokage Mansion. He opened the doors and headed inside, walking upstairs until he found that he was going to open the door to Hokage-sama's office. He decided against it, and instead knocked on the door as nobody knew what the Hokage could be doing. It would be disrespectful to invade his privacy without permission just for his own needs. The voice of the Hokage answered, "Come in" and Nashua headed into the office. He greeted the Hokage and then explained his request. The Hokage became interested when Nashua mentioned taming a Bijuu. "You mean you don't know? After eighteen years of being a Jinchuriki and faithful to our village you do not know?" Hokage asked. Nashua asked him what he meant and was soon answered. "Nashua, I think it is time for you to take a trip to a little island, think of it as, a mandatory vacation or training session," Hokage answered, "There, you will be guided to train and master the power of your tailed beast Yonbi." Nashua replied with a short nod and turned to leave, but the Hokage cut him off with further instruction. "Go down to the harbor and talk to the Kumogakure shinobi there, his name is Aigashi, he will take you to the Bijuu Training Island. Nashua simply grunted a confirmation and left.

Nashua walked around, asking directions to whatever dock the Hokage was talking about. He had never known there was a harbor or dock in Konoha let alone the Land of Fire. Most of the replies were things like, "What dock?" "What are you talking about, we are landlocked aren't we?" or various other confused statements. Nashua had thought ths country was landlocked too, but apparently nor him or most people in the village thought the same. Nashua happened across a Chuunin after about five minutes, and had asked him the same question. The skinny ninja replied with, "Oh, the dock? That is just down over by the west side of Konoha, it was only made in the last few decades though. It turned out that there was a stream that connected into Konoha that led out to the ocean, and so a dock or harbor some say was built to increase travel!" Nashua thanked the man and headed for the west side of Konoha. When he mentioned a stream Nashua instantly had an idea of what he was talking about. Down on the west side of Konoha there was a thick stream that had had gates built over it for some reason. Obviously the gates led to the dock, and Nashua assumed the harbor itself was built outside of Konoha's boundaries because he knew of no room to build a large successful harbor anywhere in the village itself.

Once Nashua was all the way over on the west side of the village he looked at the large gate in the wall with water running below. The gate was very large, made of black iron and had chains attached to indents in it that led up to two guard towers on each side. Nashua looked at the stream and found that even though the gate was so large and thick there must have been room possibly under it and under the water for the stream to run through, because if that were not true the water would be clashing up against the gate and causing water to splash up, however this was not the case. Instead, the water continued through as if the gate were not even there. Nashua looked up to the guard towers and observed to very wary looking guards observing him, probably waiting to see what he would do. Nashua called to them to ask if they could open the gates so he could go to the harbor, then verified his identity and permission. The guards nodded across to each other when they leaned out of the windows and headed back into their towers. Soon afterward there was a large rumbling and the chains attached to the gate started retracting, slowly pulling the gate open. To the right of the opening in the gate soon was revealed a path that led to another layer of the wall with another gate which was opened, revealing another layer with an opened gate and so on. There seemed to be about five layers, and Nashua started sprinting down the path to the harbor.

Nashua skidded to a halt when he found himself standing outside Konoha, a large flat grassy plain ahead of him with a stream that went as far as he could see out into the ocean. Even though the ocean was not very far away. Nashua walked forward and stepped down a few stone stairs that had been built to the wooden harbor below, several metal and wood boats resting in the larger part of the stream right past the end of the third dock out of five. All he could see on the harbor were boats and a shack that looked like it might be a supplying station for travelers to stop and pick up food and other things. Upon closer inspection Nashua saw a person wearing a purple shirt and black pants leaned up against the side of a tall yet narrow metal boat. Nashua walked towards him and saw the Kumogakure headband wrapped around his right arm, yet he appeared to be sleeping. He appeared to be that was. Once Nashua was within 2 meters of him he seemed to spring to life and spun over to Nashua. The man examined Nashua's face, his own look one of pondering and thinking. Nashua was quite put off by him, and wondered what exactly he was doing.

"Hmm, I am gonna go off and assume you are here to use my boat? Yeah you wanna use my boat don't you? It seems you want to use my boat and I will allow this," the man said. "Bu-bu--" Nashua stuttered. He hadn't even said anything or done anything. How had the Kumo ninja just guessed that Nashua wanted to use his boat. Soon the man grabbed Nashua by the collar of his kimono and was dragging him towards his big metal boat. Nashua gagged at the sudden grab and was choked as he was pulled towards the boat. This guy is crazy! he thought as he was dragged. The man was quite strong, and Nashua soon gave up resisting. He soon was lying on the wooden floor of the boat, the man headed towards the front where the steering wheel was. The Kumo ninja jumped up and clicked his heels together, then yelled, "AND OFF WE GO!" And then they were off, sailing towards the Bijuu Training Island. Nashua assumed that the man had either received info from the Hokage that he needed to go there or that the Bijuu Training Island was his specialized destination he took people to. Either way it didn't matter.

Day 8

Nashua's stomach grumbled as he stood on the deck of the big metal boat, leaning on the railing and looking out over the ocean. The Kumo ninja had told him that morning that they were nearing their destination. Nashua hoped so, he had been on this boat for four days now and was getting bored. Nashua stood there, looking ahead into the mist that had formed over the sea ahead of them. Nashua was hoping that the island would soon come into view when something penetrated the mist ahead. It seemed to be a few spikes, forming the shape as though they were attached to some sort of sphere. The spikes were large and gray, seemingly made out of stone. Aigashi soon came out of the door to the inside of the boat behind Nashua and observed the giant spiked sphere that seemed to be created out of the mist as the boat moved forward. Aigashi then announced that that was the island for Bijuu training. Nashua's jaw dropped at this. "THAT is the Bijuu Training Island? Looks quite intimidating," he exclaimed. "Well what did you expect, the island where people fight their inner selves and control massive chakra demons to be all peaceful and have a double rainbow soaring over?" Aigashi retorted. Nashua supposed he was right, and decided to keep his mouth shut until they arrived at the island.

A few minutes later, the boat came to a halt at a pier. There were a few people waiting on the ground just off the dock they were boarding. There were three people to be exact, two ANBU standing to the sides of a man wearing the Kumo uniform and with an eye patch and long hair. Nashua stepped off of the boat and over to the man guarded by ANBU then listened as he introduced himself. "Hello, I am Mr. Awagashi, caretaker of this island and teacher of Jinchuriki on how to control their Bijuu. I assume you are another lucky Jinchuriki?" he explained. "Well, uhh hello Mr. Awagashi, yea I am the Four Tails Jinchuriki, nice to meet you," Nashua introduced. "Ok then Nashua, let us skip the pleasantries and get right down to it eh? I will lead you to the first part of the training, we are going to do this quick and easy," Mr. Awagashi replied as he then headed down the path he was standing on that led into the woods behind him. Nashua followed closely, not wanting to get lost since Mr. Awagashi would likely know the island much better than him.

Birds chirped and frogs somewhere could be heard croaking. Nashua followed close behind Mr. Awagashi, to the left of the ANBU bodyguard on Mr. Awagashi's left. The ANBU guards were very close to Mr. Awagashi, and together they took up most of the space on the road not leaving a whole lot of room for Nashua to see ahead. After a few minutes the sound of rushing water could be heard. Somewhere off in the distance pounding could be heard. This island was indeed very strange and had lots of animals. The pounding was probably a giant creature moving around somewhere in the forest. Mr. Awagashi stopped a few more meters down the path and lifted his hand in a fist. The fist then turned into a flat hand which was flicked to the right and the ANBU guards Shunshined away. Once they had gone Nashua could see a huge waterfall ahead of Mr. Awagashi. Mr. Awagashi turned around with a smile and said "We are here, the spot of the first stage of Bijuu Training. I hope you are ready!" Nashua nodded. He wanted this power that was spoken of so highly. So feared throughout history. Nashua felt that this power would bring him one step closer to completion. He wanted it all, power, the Sharingan, Flying Thunder God, the power of Yonbi. He would finally soon be complete.

Last edited by Nashua Uchiha on Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:36 pm; edited 5 times in total

Perfection Empty Re: Perfection

Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:42 pm
1080 words so far.

Request for One Tailed Yonbi Bijuu mode and JP
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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Perfection Empty Re: Perfection

Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:55 pm
Approved, 5 JP

Perfection Empty Re: Perfection

Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:52 am
2090 words in topic so far.

Request for 2nd tail Yonbi cloak and JP for 1010 words just added.
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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Perfection Empty Re: Perfection

Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:57 am
Approved, 5 JP

Perfection Empty Re: Perfection

Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:38 pm
3004 words in topic now and reaching completion

Request for third tail cloak and 4 more JP for the 914 words added this time around
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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Perfection Empty Re: Perfection

Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:41 pm
Approved, 4 JP
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