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Water needle perfection (training solo) Empty Water needle perfection (training solo)

Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:33 pm
Kuro took calm deep breaths as he stepped into the tundra. He wasn't far from town, but he was far enough to not be disturbed. He patted himself, feeling his thick coat. It was so warm. He thanked whatever animal or animals that died to make it. He smiled and stretched a bit before he got started. Today he was going to master the water needle. His friend Kira had started teaching him at the border, but he wasn't quite ready. After spending some time training with Mugen and Kiro though, he knew that he'd be able to get it this time. Well, after a couple tries, but this training session! He took his time to do the hand signs, making sure the form was correct and precise. He then swung his arm from left to right, the five small needles materializing in the air and flying forwards to impale into the ground. "Ha! I did it! Who can't do water needles right now!? Not me any more!" Kuro laughed and grinned. Now that he was able to use the water needle technique, he just had to get it down accurately and quickly.

Kuro carefully set down a few wooden posts with red bulls-eyes painted on them. He walked backwards about 30 paces and grinned. He performed the handsigns once more, going faster this time and swung his arm vertically, his chakra creating five more needles that sat in the air a moment before impaling one of the posts, only one hitting the bullseye dead-on. Kuro wasn't concerned about his sub-par accuracy though. He was focused on the fact that the needles had stayed suspended in the air for a period of time. "I wonder ...Could I keep it suspended? Man, Kira probably would have told me if I hadn't been a screw up! Wait... or did she tell me and I forgot?" Kuro paused a moment as he tried to recollect whether or not he was told. "Ah screw it, I'll just try it out!" With that he performed the technique once more, then trued to hold his chakra in place. For a few seconds the small ice needles stayed motionless. He released the needles and watched them stab into the next post. "All right! I've gotta do some more testing!"

Kuro jumped into the air and sent his needles out, holding them in place while he dashed forward and grabbed a post, tossing it up then kicking it into the air where the water needles launched forward and sailed right past. "Dang it!" He caught the wood as it fell back down and pointed at it's middle, speaking to it very seriously. "I hate you post. I'm gonna murder you with needles. This time I won't miss." Kuro repeated his manuever once more, staring up at the board and focused on it intensly. The needles flew once more, this time two of them hit their mark. "Ha! Death to wood!" He swung his hand over his head and fired another volley of needles straight up, the wood not slowing as it fell and smacked the genin in the face. "Gahhhh!" Kuro held his now red cheek and forehead. It was to risky to turn to water out here right now, not over a light smack in the faace. "I hate you!" Kuro kicked the post as far as he could then panted. All these needles were exhausting him. "Whoo boy. Being this awesome sure takes it out of you." 
It was then that Kuro saw it. A small movement in the snow. Perfect target practice. Kuro didn't take any time to think about what he was doing and hurled five more sharp ice shards at the movement. The moving figure evaded the needles by running to the right. "You won't get away that easy!" He looked ahead of where the shape amongst the snow was running and created some suspended water needles. He held up his right hand and watched the movement. "Steady... steadyyyyy, NOW!" he flung his arm forward and launched the wave of needles, a small splurt of red blood appearing on the white snow, causing a light amount of steam to rise up. "Oh crap I hit it!" Kuro ran towards the blood and came to a stop when he saw what it was.

A small snow hare lay a few feet away from him with two holes where the needles pierced it. The poor thing was still kicking but it was painfully slowly bleeding out. Kuro felt his eyes water as he looked at the small innocent creature he was about to have killed. "A... ahhhh... I'm sorry little fluffy guy. I didn't meant to. I thought you were a figment of my imagination." Kuro wiped his face and stood up straight, lifting his right arm. "Ok, I'm gonna end your suffering. Just... hold still." He ready his water needles and paused for a moment as he bit his lip. He closed his eyes and brought down his arm. He opend his eyes and didn't see the rabbit anymore. He did see wolf prints and a streak of blood though. Looking further up the blood trail Kuro saw a large white wolf. He gulped when he noticed that it had the rabbit in it's jaws and had a bleeding shoulder. He gulped again and backed up when he saw two more pairs of eyes appear next to it. "Um... I-I found the rabbit first... so, it's your fault you got hurt... and um, you can't be mad..." the wolves growled at the genin. "Nice doggies?" They barked and the two who didn't have the rabbit started running at Kuro. "Aaaaahhhh!" Kuro sprinted as fast as he could back towards the village, picking up the posts he'd been training with as he ran. "Stop chasing me!" He started throwing the poles at the wolves in an attempt to deter the wolves. "Save me posts!" Kuro laughed a bit as he ran into the village in tears. 

(1001 wc, learn Water Needle
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Water needle perfection (training solo) Empty Re: Water needle perfection (training solo)

Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:29 pm
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