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Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Training Water Release: Water Needles (Solo) Empty Training Water Release: Water Needles (Solo)

Fri Jun 27, 2014 5:00 pm
Although Aqua would have been training a lot these past few days for his fight aqua would have the will and drive to wake up early this day at an early five in the morning. The sun was still down and most of the people in the village would still be asleep. There were a few people awake at this time sure but most were not because it was so early. To learn yet another technique in such a short amount of time was going to be amazing for the young ninja but if he wanted to do that he would also need to learn things about these techniques that he was doing. The first thing that he would have to remember was that he just bought a book about some low ranking technique’s that he was going to use. He was preparing for his fight against Youta which he knew was going to be coming sooner rather than later this time. If he was able to learn the technique that he wanted to before he was supposed to fight him then he might have a shot in beating this very powerful opponent. He needed to train as much as he could with his new techniques so that he didn’t have a problem with it. The one technique that he did was to learn first off however was Water Release: Water Needles. This wasn’t going to be a tough training day but alas he would get out of bed and he would begin to think about this day and what he needed to do today. He was going to challenge himself to learn another technique. Any great ninja would tell the young ninja that the only way he was going to get himself ready for the real world was only to take the time to learn all the jutsu he can. He would never know when he would need to use them. However this technique was going to be used a lot Aqua could feel, he knew that he wanted to learn a technique that would give him a sharp edge in the fight but he didn’t know what to do until now. He wanted to push himself to learn more about the human body and other jutsu too, so today of course was going to be a long day for him.
This wasn’t the most difficult technique for Aqua to learn, after all he did have the power and the knowledge about it to really understand everything there was to know about water techniques, but that didn’t mean he didn’t need to train for it. No he would have to master the way the water was formed into a needle that would then be used as a projectile towards the opponent. That way he would be able to keep his distance without using a lot of chakra and energy doing it. With Aqua already vast amounts of chakra around he would know that the one thing that could beat him would be somebody coming too close to him and destroying him with force. His armor blocked against sharp objects and force of that matter but did not block the actual force that was coming from it. Aqua would have to do his best to take what he knew about his opponent and train up his strength and his will power for him to full understand what it is he needed to do to win. For now however it was training for these water needles.
The first thing that Aqua did was make sure that he read everything in this new book that he got about these low ranking techniques. It had pictures and knowledge about how they worked and about how long they lasted in the area, it was amazing that one person was able to come up with all of this knowledge about these techniques that Aqua just could not stop reading about it. There were techniques about walls and dragons and snakes that were made out of all of these types of elements that Aqua would not even dream about it. This book of course would inspire him to train better and faster to become an even better ninja and shaman at that. About halfway through the book though he found what he was looking for all along. The training and the methods that he would need for his new technique, water release: Water needles. It was classified as a C ranked technique with not a lot of skill to master, which was good given that he would need to move quickly so that he would be able to train it and use it for his fight. He figured out that the secret of the technique was just to make sure that he didn’t just make the needles into blobs of water and focused on making them into needles with sharp edges. This wasn’t the first time that he would do something like that with a technique but it was the first time he did it with water. This would take some time however which was not good.
Aqua would then take some time with his other book to read it as well. It was a technique book that showed aqua more about the human body which was something he would have to learn if he was going to be a ninja for this village. This was all just something that would need to do if he really wanted to have more power in the battle field. Although he was not a ninja with a medical emphasis yet he would realize that he needed to take time to understand the human body, say that he was a fight and his opponent was able to get into the close range combat with Aqua, if he knew where these pressure points were in the body he would be able to hit them and give himself more of an advantage in close quarters combat. This was also true for his new technique; if aqua was able to get a surprise attack on him from behind Aqua would be able to get these pressure points in the back which would of course prove useful because the man or woman would most likely be down for the count in a matter of moments.  He would need to know where all the pressure points of the bod were and how he was going to use that information in a fight. That was all that mattered in this ninja world and in this village was just how far a ninja would be able to go when he was in the battle. Aqua would take a few hours to memorize all the points and remember that if he forgets them he would always have these ready to go. No matter as he took these books back into his house he would take the time to go to training towers once more to learn this new technique.
Aqua did not want to take the books with him because he did not want them to get destroyed by all the water that was going to be created by the technique. HE wanted to make sure that the needles were not going to hurt anybody so he went to a floor of the building that he knew nobody would come to and locked the door behind him. If anybody foolish enough decided to come into the building they would be violating his privacy and they would probably get injured by it. So that was why he didn’t allow anyone to come into the room. This wasn’t like it was when he was making trees around him; no this was more dangerous although less powerful than the other technique that he did. No matter it was time for him to begin. First he would meditate for a little bit and asked the elements for their help in this fight. A few times he would think that he would hear them calling his name and trying to give him help, but he didn’t know if that was true or not. He didn’t know he was just hearing things but this time he would just let it go. He didn’t have time to go around and talk to these elements and learn more about their personalities.
                Aqua would do the two hand signs needed for the technique and he would begin to make water form out of the ground and the pipes that were in the room. As the water came to him and the needles began to form he was pleased to see that it came so easy to him. The needles were straight and they were perfect to his eyes, and not only that but the number of needles that he would be able to control on his first try was more than he ever imagined. The book that he had told him that he would not be able to make more than five but here he saw at least 7 up and ready for him to fight and this made the young ninja happy, and this would prove useful in his fight against youta. After spending so much time trying to learn the other technique Aqua would be pleased to learn that it didn’t take him nearly as much time to learn this one because he was on a tight schedule with training and all. Every second that he spent trying to learn how the technique worked and wasting time was a second that he would be spreading someplace else doing other training or learning new skills or meeting new people or worst of all being able to  talk to the kage so that one day he would be able to become an anbu. Time was money, fame and glory for the young ninja. He had spent so much time with the other villages that this was going to be a test to show him that his time away was well spent.
                When Aqua was done with trying to make he feel better about himself he would begin to shoot them out towards the wall that was closest to him. Aqua would watch as they crated small holes in the walls before they became water again. And he was pleased to see that the needles would of course prove to be powerful. In his fight he would not do anything that would hurt others mortally as those were the rules of the fight however he knew that he would use these to the best of his ability this time. Aqua would look at the room and make sure that everything was in order, he would take some paint and clean up that area later but for now he would unlock the door and head home to his tower and his house. It wasn’t the biggest house in the world but it housed him and all the things he needed.
Aqua would then sit down for a bit and read the rest of this great book. HE wanted to know if it held any more secrets that would give him an edge. After reading through the entire book aqua would close it and head to bed, he had spent the whole day at the training towers and he was not ready to fight his opponent without some good food and some rest. He figured he would do more training if he could before the fight began but of course that would all come with time. Aqua would be proud of the training that he did here and remember all of the times he would be outside the village gates and understand he too was going to be a great ninja. With learning this technique and reading the two books that he bought at the ninja shop he would be happy for the day. With his challenge complete and his body ready for bed he would get ready to sleep, eat some food, and head to his sleeping chambers again.
[WC: 2000, Requesting Training Complete For Water Release: Water Needles, 10 Stats.]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Training Water Release: Water Needles (Solo) Empty Re: Training Water Release: Water Needles (Solo)

Sat Jun 28, 2014 2:58 pm
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Training Water Release: Water Needles (Solo) Empty Re: Training Water Release: Water Needles (Solo)

Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:50 pm
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