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The Robin Hood
The Robin Hood
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Wed Jul 04, 2012 4:05 pm
Raito was waiting for someone to show up because he was standing by the entrance to the forest holding his Katana. Maybe he was on a mission or was with his team. Then again he had no team...yet, but he was assigned to team 5 that seemed not to be given to him or they were still trying to figure out who was in that team. Raito then let go of his katana and began to walk into the forest hoping not to get ambushed by bandits or Laruko as that usually did happen when he was in the forest. He then heard a sound coming from one of the trees and some from the bushes. "This can't be good" thought Raito as he grabbed his katana and began to turn around while looking at the surrounding area. He then let go of his katana and called out "Show yourself!!!!!!!" He then grabbed his katana as he heard the bushes all around him start to rustle. He was prepared for anything and yet everything but wasn't prepared for what would happen next.
Kida Rounin
Kida Rounin
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Wed Jul 04, 2012 4:30 pm
It was a nice warm day when Kida decided to take a stroll out to the forest, only problem was, he had been told very specifically by his guardian that he was not to step foot in the forest without an escort or even just permission but he just had to get away from the city a while. His guardian always looked after Kida but he was starting to get a bit too over-protective meaning that kida would often sneak out to he forest as he had doen from a very young age. He wasn't stupid though, he knew just how dangerous it was on the outside so he always made sure to stay close to the village entrance andout of site, he travelled mainly through the trees and would spend the majority of his time by the entrance watching those enter and exit.

Kida was hidden in the trees right by the entrance to the forest looking down with his white blank stare as someone left the village, the person was weilding a katana and looked to not be too much older than Kida himself so naturally he was curious as to what the person was doing. As usual Kida planned to follow the person through the trees, he didn't want to wander far from the village entrance so he saw this as an ppotunity to practise his sneaking skills rather than actually find out what the person was up to. Kida followed as stealthy as he possibly could but inevitably the person noticed Kida's presence. Althought the man looked about ready to fight Kida saw him as a friendly as he had just seen him leaving the village so he decided to introduce himself as he prefered to. Kida retracted three shuriken between his fingers whilst still hidden and proceeded to throw them towards the person directly in his line of sight o that it was easy to block but would hopefully distract him for a moment. A moment that Kida would then use to leap out the tree un-noticeably over the person and land behind him with some distance kept between them but in plain sight before speaking. "Who the hell are you?"
Z Ne
Stat Page : Shades of White
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

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Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:36 pm
Zachariah was walking towards Konoha, taking a scenic route through the forest. He saw on person wielding a katana, and then several shuuriken thrown from the shadows. A fight? Just to be safe, a singular seal opened and Zachariah swirled around. On his hand how was a metal glove, metal pokers in the palm. He ran in to see what was happening. Foolish to just run into what may be a fight but oh well too bad so sad. There would have been a slight whirring before Zachariah had spun. Now, from where the glove had came, there remained a few seals. One held the other glove. One held a device that could be used to power others. One held Zachariah's staff. Twelve more held a type of aqueous cage which Zachariah could release on a moments notice. Three more contained particles of size so infinitesimally small as to be unable to be seen. They could float through the air. They were the things that provided completeness to holograms; direction to the unknowing. One was released as he arrived at the location where the shuuriken had just hit.


((Sorry short, no inspiration >.< Should get better though.))
The Robin Hood
The Robin Hood
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Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:46 pm
Raito had seen the shuriken and had preformed the hand seals to do the replacement technique. He was then replaced by a log which got hit by the shuriken. Raito then looked to where the shuriken had been sent from. He then saw another person standing there with gloves on. "Yo..Did you throw this?" asked Raito. Then he heard the sound of someone leaping from the trees. He then saw a boy not much younger than him leap out of the tree. The boy then landed behind him and asked "Who the hell are you?" Raito then turned around, still holding his sheathed katana. He then looked at the boy and saw a Konohagakure headband. "I'm Raito Yamaki..One of the last survivors of the Yamaki Clan and I'm the 7 tailed beast Jinchuriki..." said Raito as he then unsheathed his katana. "Now my turn....Who are you?" asked Raito as he pointed the Katana at the boy. "And who the hell are you?" said Raito as he then looked over his shoulder towards the other person. Raito didn't get an answer so he began to leave while the two people were watching him at it.

Kida Rounin
Kida Rounin
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Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:15 pm
[Woah, what's up with the abrupt ending? You need to give people time to respond rather than just say that their character doesn't reply. Could have just said that maybe your character simply left uninterested in an answer. Well the story must go on.]

Kida now stood un-impressed by the substitution as he had pretty much expected that the shuriken would be dodged, he then caught a glimpse of another person that seemed to arrive at the scene just then. Kida momentarily turned his attention to face the other new face, he observed the person to be no older than Kida aswell though he had a look that Kida himself considered unique with the dreads and the googles. Kida turned to the person that had just introduced himself to him and begun to speak, "Hmph...I simply asked for a name...i have no interest in your clan...or you personal situation." He said refering to the fact that Yamaki person was a jinchuikki. The young jinchurikki must not have heard Kida or probably just didn't like Kida's tone because he simply turned away and begun to walk away after asking the other person who he was too. "Jeez, do you believe that, asks a queston and simply walks away." Kida said to himself before yelling "Nice to meet you too!" Sarcastically as the young man walked away. "So..." He said turning towards the dreaded man, "...Who the hell are you again?"
Z Ne
Stat Page : Shades of White
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Free 4 All (Private,No kill or Rob or Kidnap) Empty Re: Free 4 All (Private,No kill or Rob or Kidnap)

Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:19 pm
Zachariah just ignored the drama going on between those two and let the guy walk away. It was one thing to rudely ask a question, although in the situation it was somewhat understandable, but it was another to not even wait for an answer before walking away. Oh well, he thought. What's done is done. Now he had to deal with the other person's question. "I am Zachariah Zarakami Delamoure, and might I inquire your name?" he would say as bells would be heard. "Oh I must apologize, I am running late. I hope to see you again," he said, running towards the village.

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