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Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private) Empty Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private)

Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:55 am
Training, Ten Trees Project
Vretyel Inazumahi was always one to set his goals, especially when it came to Taijutsu training. Earlier when he had decided to cut down ten trees in the training grounds he believed that it would not take that long to accomplish, but as he soon realized, that was not the case. Vretyel knew that he would be out for weeks completing this goal, but in the process he would become stronger and more able to use this strength longer than he would have before. After he had done some stamina training for a while on the first tree he realized that although it may be training, that would mean that it would take months for him to get one tree down so he decided to accelerate his efforts by taking the trees down with the force of his staff, his hands, his chakra, and his determination destroy the ten trees he marked for his success.

Tree One

Stamina Training

Vretyel returned to his training area the next day to continue his Taijutsu Training by destroying the Ten trees that he said that he would days ago. Today Vretyel began to train to increase his stamina, something that he desperately needed in for his taijutsu. With his Bloodied Bo in hand he began a three day long stamina challenge for himself, he was not worried about gaining strength or increasing his speed but rather to insure that he can continue with at that pace for long periods of time. He decided that he would do a three punch combo to the tree, with two punches, a left hook then right hook, then a left or right roundhouse to the same location. It may not be the finest or the most enjoyable way to train, but if Vretyel were do it for long enough he would have the stamina to that move and much more when he was fighting in actual combat. Vretyel looked up at the sky one last time before he began this grueling training, it was still the morning, but the sky had this view of determination and strength, and this gave him inspiration. So then he began, the first punch was easy, it was strong and ready to finish this, he was going to end this tree today no matter what, putting his heart and soul into bringing it down, he had to succeed. He was going to become the greatest Taijutsu/Ninjutsu warrior in the history of the hidden leaf village, he was sure of it, but he also was going to do justice to himself. The first ten minutes were easy, he was having the time of his life, so he decided to increase the intensity of his training. He was only going at about 50 percent of his normal power, so he decided that possibly the best thing to do now was increase it to about 75 percent of his power for the rest of this journey. After the first hour this started to take its toll on Vretyel, going at the same pace with the same moves was going to be tedious and painful, his hands started to scream in pain from constantly doing the same combo over and over again, but he knew that he needed to continue. Unfortunately for Vretyel the pain did not stop there, after every punch and kick the pain just got stronger and more present inside of him, it was a painful process, he hands had started to bleed just a little bit and his legs were starting to get sore from all the constant training that he was doing over the past few weeks, but he continued on more and more, with each punch Vretyel knew that he was getting stronger and becoming more able to fend of attacks with each and every swing that he did.
The hours dragged on and on, and it seemed like Vretyel was getting nowhere at all, he knew that he was chipping away at the trees, but the process was so slow, he looked around and watched as people came and trained, doing their ninjutsu or taijutsu or maybe even some training with their elements, others were doing the same that he was doing, trying to make trees fall, either the use of Taijutsu or some other forms of jutsu to increase their own skills, they often looked at him and probably asked in their heads ‘Why is this boy putting his body through so much pain and suffering?” but were too scared to say anything, for fear that he may not appreciate the question, or maybe that he was angry, so angry that he spent his days chopping away at this tree, so that finally he could get his revenge after chopping so many trees. They came and went all through the day and none of them even began to understand the reasoning behind what he was doing, but he still continued his training. After the first hour and a half Vretyel had only indented about 2 and an half more inches into the first tree, he still had a long way to go before he was even able to try to push the tree down using pure strength, he wanted to show people that he was able to do this without even the use of chakra, and he was not going to quit from completing this task today. He was going to get this tree down, he was not going to be another Genin and just another ninja, no he is going to be the best ninja that world has ever seen, people when he was gone and dead they would remember him for his fantastic strength and his amazing determination to bring justice not only to village, not only to himself, not only to his fellow ninja, but even to the people that he had beaten along the way, people would look up to him as a symbol of justice and power, and this was just the beginning of this incredible journey to the path of greatness.
As he spent time determined to get this tree down, he had a lot of time to think about the rumors that have been going on about Kochou, the girl that Vretyel had trained with earlier to help increase his skills, he had heard rumors that he had died to the hands of people the held her captive, because she was out going to the place that she was held captive for so many years. She was stupid, Vretyel thought, if she was going to be that idiotic she did not deserve to live. She allowed for herself to die, it’s terrible to think that she may have become a full ninja had she not done that. And Primrose, Primrose is also not very smart. Vertyel had seen her fight twice now and although she had some skill she still was not that good compared to the average ninja out there. I would hope that Primrose does not become a Chunin ever, it would be a bad thing for a village, Vretyel said to himself. But no matter, I will be the best ninja in the entire world, and all I have to do now is gain stamina and strength, and I will be the best. With this motivation he continued to take down this tree with all the force that he could muster now, He was hitting this tree now at 100% and he knew that he will not stop from this, he will always continue until this tree was down. With each hit he was getting stronger and stronger taking this tree down with every hit, he was going to get this tree down.
At around three hours of being determined to destroy this tree he noticed he was being watched by a little girl around the age of three. Although he only glanced at the girl once, he saw everything that he needed to see. The girl had red hair and the normal expressions that a three year old would have, looking young and unaware of the dangers of life. She was probably out with her parents who were also probably ninja training with each other while they let their child play. She was going to probably become a shinobi too when she was older, and she was looking at Vretyel with the look of amazement. She could not comprehend how much force he was putting into cutting down this tree, but still she was amazed. This was a boost that Vretyel needed, even though his hands and his legs were starting bleed out, he found the strength that he needed to continue this journey. But he was honored that the girl is amazed with the determination of Vretyel. However Vretyel did not know before but at that moment, the pain that had been around his hands just intensified, Vretyel was feeling hurt and he knew that he was bleeding out of his hands more rapidly because he was hitting the tree with all of his power for the last hour and a half. He was getting tired, but this girl, something about this girl gave him strength to continue. This next attack, it gave him the power to continue on, but his arms, his bloodied arms and hands, would not allow him. He stopped for the day, he did not want to potentially damage his hands today, but he knew that he would be back tomorrow, ready to finish what he started. He was going to get this tree down no matter what, and he walked home with his bloodied Bo Staff, almost completely painted red with Vretyels blood.
[Stamina Training Word Count 1455]

Vretyel was more confident with himself and his ability with the Bo after so many hours, days, and weeks of training with it, each day he was getting stronger and stronger with his ability, especially with being able to effectively take out an enemy without any problem if they got close enough. After so much practice and training with the Bo staff that he had bought so long ago from the ninja he had grown fond of its presence and its power. Over the weeks it had become Crimson and red from all the blood that he himself had put into it and it resembled the sky now as the sun was fading into the western sky, it resembled the justice he was going to give to himself, and he was proud to be its owner. He knew that he had been extensively learning about lightning chakra and possibly how he could expand its power to his staff, so he knew that he would have to modify the staff at some point for more power and for it to become his. He knew that it would cost a lot of time and effort in order to modify his staff, but he was determined to do so, he was going to become a great shinobi warrior with a great weapon at his disposal. He had already decided as he was thinking during his stamina training what he was going to do to his Staff to make it more powerful. He had heard of abilities where he could put a crystal of chakra into a weapon to give it extra power, known as a chakra crystal, and Vretyel figured that this would be one way he could get his chakra to flow into the staff. He also decided that he would look into combining the staff with a lighter material so that he be able to use it more effectively, and finally, one of his dreams that Vretyel had for modifying his staff would be that although the staff would be sharp, he wanted to infuse the staff with lightning chakra so that when somebody even touched the staff they would be damaged. All of these things meant that Vretyel would be spending a lot of time trying to make the staff work, he knew that he would probably hurt his hands a lot in order to make the staff better, and he knew that he would finally achieve this goal when he was ready and done with his training of his speed, stamina, and strength. So after this thinking on his bed he woke up and got dressed, taking off the bandages he had put on the day before, his hands were still sore from the days before practice, and the wrapping themselves where a little red from the excess blood from his training. When Vretyel started this journey he told himself that he was going to complete this training without the use of these bandages until the end of the training, scarring his hands and arms immensely in the process so that he would always remember the sacrifice that he made in order to become a shinobi. Vretyel found after a while that his motivation was a powerful one that had pushed him before and was going to continue to push him until he draws his final breath. He took off his bandages and looked at the night sky, he wanted to get to the training grounds before it was light and he was going to leave after it was dark, like every day had been before that. Then he looked again at the Bo staff, and how he had made the weapon his. As he was walking toward the grounds Vretyel realized something, that he had made this ordinary Bo Staff a symbol of his justice, and he figured that if this was going to be his weapon of choice for the rest of his life, and maybe even the lives of the children that follow in Vretyel steps when they became a ninja under the name of Inazumahi. As he got closer and closer to the first tree he had started to destroy he began to understand why people had weapons that were important to them. These weapons, whether they be a Kunai knife or even a Bo staff all had great significance to their owners. They had trained with them to become good at the weapon, fought with them to survive and fend off attacks, used them to attack their opponent or opponents to get the upper hand, and kill them with these weapons when they had finally won the match. He realized that even though he had not gone into battle with his staff that one day he was going to be in battle. He realized that if he was going to have a staff of that importance in his life he should also give it a name of great importance to him. If his goal was to be a legendary shinobi, the staff had to also be legendary, and if the staff was legendary then it must have a legendary name. At this day, when he was just about cut down the first tree, he decided that when the tree had finally fallen over he would name the Bo Staff by giving it a name that one day to symbolize the way of Vretyel and his quest for justice. Then after that moment without even looking at the sky he began to train with his hands punching the tree with all his might. He had become stronger now that he had been training and doing these motions and punches had become easy for him to accomplish. He hit tree with all his might, ready to kill the tree when he had to. He wanted to kill the tree; he wanted the tree to fall and echo throughout the training grounds that at that moment this tree would fall at the hands of Vretyel Inazumahi. After the first ten minutes he started to feel the power that he had gained, instead of the tree giving him pain as he had thought and observed in the past, he realized that the tree was not giving him pain, the tree was giving him strength. He knew that after each punch the pain would become more and more but he did not care, he was going to give it all the power that he could possibly give to this one tree, he didn’t care about any of the other trees now, all that mattered that this tree went down. He continued to punch the tree. Every punch the power of his attack increased, he was getting angry at the tree, he was angry that he was not strong enough to make sure that it came down like it was nothing, instead the tree was being persistent and not allowing him to win. He was challenging Vretyel to go farther and stronger than he ever dreamed possible. The tree was taunting Vretyel to do all his power. He was weak, he knew he was weak, and he had to be stronger. His desire was to win against this tree and against any other tree; he would not allow the tree to beat him again, NO! Vretyel thought, this tree deserves to die! And he continued to punch it with more and more force. HE realized that he must destroy the tree today or that he would never forgive himself for as long as he lived. He decided at this moment that he had to use chakra in order to take the tree down with his bare hands. So he took a minute from continuing the assault of the tree and decided to concentrate his chakra to his hands, it was still early in the morning and the sun had not even come out at this point, so it was easy for Vretyel to not get distracted by the majesty of the sky, so he focused all of his chakra to his hands, it was hard at the first because his hands were shaking from all the work. Vretyel could not deny the fact that he was in pain from the constant training and power he had put into the tree. Blood was dripping onto the ground and the staff he had place to catch the blood too, in order to make it redder and so that his mission for the Bo staff would be Completed. He was in pain but Vretyel knew that he could not stop, not for anything at all. He finnaly got all of this chakra to his hands and he began slamming the tree. The first punch, the one that should have been weak and done nothing, slammed the tree and made a huge echo around the forest. The power at the tree was so great that his hand had gone almost halfway through the tree so Vretyel had to quickly move his hand out of the way just to make sure that he would not slam his hand into the possibly falling tree. He had done it. Vretyel knew that in a matter of minutes the tree would fall down and he could continue with the second tree. For safety reasons he decided that he would use the destructive power of the Bo staff in order to get the tree down. So Vretyel took the bo staff and smeared the staff with his blood, he had finally as well made the staff completely red from all the blood over the weeks that he had donated to it. So after a brief sentimental sigh and looking up at the changing night sky just for a mere second he tried to concentrate his chakra all the way from his hands to the staff. He tried for a good five minutes and he could only feel the staff gaining a little of the power he was giving to the staff, the rest was going to his hand. He was a little discouraged at the fact that the staff was not getting all the power that he had brought to it, but he had to continue anyways with destroying the tree once and for all. He hit the tree with the staff on the right side, the side with the most progress to it. He began hit it will all his might every single time, and the tree started to sway. The tree was not going to be around much longer, and he believed that he would complete his goal in the next five hits. The first hit indented another inch into the tree, making the tree sway more and more to right. This however was just a regular hit, what if he were to jump onto the tree, Vretyel thought, then maybe he would get more power and force out. The second hit was just that, he spun around with such force and power so that the tree started to sway back and forth, with the tree breaking and separating from itself after every single sway. It was clear now that this giant was going to be coming down no matter what, but Vretyel still had to get it down in three more hits, in three hits it had to fall. So if he knew that the tree was going to fall, it was in Vretyels nature to see how strong he really was with his Bo. How many inches does one hit from the Bo truly hit for. Vretyel went to an area that looked like the last un-hit edge of the tree and decided that he was going to do the strongest hit possible with his staff. Using as much chakra as he could muster he slammed his staff into the tree, the tree itself was almost 5 feet in diameter and when he hit it, Vretyels staff hit right through it, Vretyel hit it so hard and with so much force that his staff sliced the tree in half. After the encounter and the hit, however, Vretyel was completely exhausted from the hit, almost to the point that he didn’t realize that the tree was falling straight for him; he jumped out of the way of the trees fall, taking out some other smaller trees in the process. Vretyel had realized after he jumped out the way that he was much stronger that before and that in the orange glow of the sunrise, his Bo Staff gave off this shade of dark red. “Crimson” Vretyel said, as he walked home, giving him the name.
[2260 Word Count for strength, including intro]

Last edited by Vretyel on Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:26 am; edited 2 times in total
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Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private) Empty Re: Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private)

Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:47 pm
18 stats 17 JP


Please put a total word count at the end of the post next time.
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private) Empty Re: Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private)

Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:05 pm
[Thank you!]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private) Empty Re: Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private)

Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:20 am
Tree Two (Stamina Training)
Vretyel decided that he was going to work on stamina again today, he had to end early a day before, but today he was inspired to do more and more to improve his ability. He had taken down the first tree, only nine more to go and that exicted him greatly. Today I will become strong for a longer period of time than before. Now I have power, but after today I will be able to keep that power. He woke up and got ready when the sun was just about to rise. He was to eat breakfast today because the day before, when he completed taking down the first tree, he went home and was so tired so he just went to sleep without eating. He was going to get better and better, but he had to work hard. He decided that for his stamina training, instead of hitting the trees, he was going to run, and hit the trees only less often than the day before. He ran out of his hose with only crimson in hand, with his hands still bandaged because he thought that he should take them off when he got there. He ran for a while, just jogging, and he decided early that he was going to run around the training grounds for a while before he started hit the trees. The Training grounds were long, but he wanted to gain endurance, so he decided to run around them at least once before he started training with the second tree. He knew that stamina came from training his strenght and his speed, but also his determination. Vretyel sometimes had a problem with being impatient with results; he felt sometimes that he took way to long to learn things, so today he also decided to learn the aspect of patience. By running around the village at a less than fast pave he would be able to learn the idea of patience, as he was taking time away from his goal. He was running for about a few hours when he finally found his second tree. When he got to the location he decided to look for a few minutes at the tree. The tree towered above many around it, it had been around for a while, and it looked stronger than the other tree. If the first tree was that hard, imagine how hard this one can be, I am going to have to work really hard to finally get this one down from his high place, I know that I can do it, but i must be patient. He continued running around the training grounds. It was sunny now and ninja who were going to the grounds today were also doing a variety of training, some ground of new genin were learning to control their chakra better, and some older ninja, who looked to be in their fifties, looked to be training to maintain their bodies for their last few years of service to the fire Hokage. The Hokage, Vretyel thought, I wounder how hard he worked to get to the position he is in now. He is a great warrior with amazing chakra jutsu and is a member of the legendary Uchiha Bloodline. He must have worked very hard and for a long time to be in that position. If I am to be Hokage someday I am going to have to work hard like he did. Vretyel then took Crimson, his Bo staff, in his left hand and began running around the grounds again. He was seeing many peopleninja along the way now. These were ninja from every level, it was a Sunday so their dedication to being a shinobi was astounding, for most this was one of their days off, I can’t believe that many people are out training like me today, Vretyel thought, if they are working as hard as I am, I am going to need to increase my training so that I surpass all of them. Vretyel then got to about the edge of the training grounds when he decided to start running back to the tree. He decided from seeing all the people that would start on his goal to taking down the tree. He needed to train more now, and he knew it. It took him a few more hours, as he was practicing his patience as well as his stamina he decided to maintain the pace that he was in and take a longer route, he found that in this training not only was he maintaining his stamina he was also gaining wisdom about himself. He thought of all the things he had done already, he was exicted to train more and this made him think about the progress he was making so rapidly now. As he went the long route back to the second tree he saw part of the training grounds that people used for battling for long periods of time. He saw the scars of fires and the ground where the grounds were faulted from giant earthquakes that people made, he saw the remains of giant fires and water Tsuamanis and knew that only in just a little bit he would be involved in such battles with other shinobi who are just as willing to become Hokage as he is, and if he wants to become Hokage is going to have to beat them all.

After a few hours and the sun were finally overhead, Vretyel had finally reached his tree again. Tree number two, Vretyel thought, this was the greatest feat he was going to achieve yet. He breathed heavily after the time, all those hours of waiting he was finally to start hitting this tree. Tree number two. He put himself into a battle position with Crimson and started to hit the tree. Since this was a speed day of stamina training it looked like he decided that he was going to do a flurry of fast staff attacks and hits to the tree. These hits were starting to chip away at the bark of the tree, hit after hit he was fast. the tree was starting to go down, He went around and around the tree, every single time he hit he would chip away at the tree. He chipped at the tree further and further until he finally was able to get all the bark off of the tree ahead of him, below him, and slightly above him. This massive tree was stripped of his massive defense of bark. He saw the tree in its naked form, but Vretyel looked at the time, he didn't think it took that long. He was patient with his success and he felt time fly, he wasn’t complaining about how long it took of much he was missing in the clouds, he just did it. He realized that he could control his own time by just making sure that he wasn’t thinking about it, he just had to wait. Satisifed with his progress he decided that he would take the rest of the day and walk around, there were only a few more hours before he would have to wake up again, as it was nightfall when he completed, so he took Crimson and walked back home.

[Word Count: 1215 for stamina]
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Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private) Empty Re: Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private)

Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:14 pm
Approved for +6 Stamina and +12 JP ^.^
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private) Empty Re: Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private)

Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:47 pm
Strength Training
Tree Number Two

Vretyel woke up late that morning, after getting from the border of the fire nation and the sand nation and back to Konoha was a long journey and he needed to rest, but Vretyel decided now that he was going to do some more strength training today, to make his taijutsu better, and to make him a more powerful weapon when he weilds his new weapon Crimson V.2. Once he finally got out of bed he returned to the training grounds as fast as he could, to the tree that Vretyel had coined, Tree Number two. Tree number two was massive, it stood taller than all the other trees around it and the trunk at the bottom was at least 10 feet in total diameter, it was massive compared to any of the other trees that Vretyel had used for his ten trees training. When he finally got to the tree the Sun was almost about to set for the day but he decided that today he was going to train through the night in order to increase his skills. He took his new Bo staff, Crimson V.2. and examined the staff itself. He assumed that the staff would not warp or bend like his first one, and that it would be durable for a long time, able to sustain heavy hits without being destroyed. The staff itself was made out of a metal that was flexible and could sustain heavy damage, seeing as though it had the qualities of a hard wood it had the ability to be hard almost 90 percent of the time, but when anybody needed to bend it, it would be able to bend for a short period of time before it went back to its original stiffness. Vretyel began with some warmups hitting the trees with his hands, bandages and cleans, since his first staff was now destroyed, there was no need to be covering it with blood. He remembered something that Navi had said, about how he thought that his first staff was absolutely disgusting when he touched it with his hand. He realized that it was not a clean thing to be lugging around, a bloody staff, and he realized that as long as he had a staff that was covered in blood, not one person would take him seriously. When he went to the session of the fire nation meeting he knew that he was the strongest, but he also knew that everything that he did was not impressive at all, all the other membered used a C rank or higher jutsu in order to try and touch Navi when he gave them all the order to, but Vretyel was only using a D Rank technique, too low to even be considered a way to touch an elite Jounin like Navi. He realized deep in his thought during his training that all he did was embarrass him while all the others probably looked like pros, he needed to prove himself again. This time he was going to be better than all of his other peers, even better than Navi. With this hint of inspiration Vretyel became mad, he was mad at himself mostly, for looking like a terrible little academy student that wasn’t able to do anything. He kept going on and on about how he was searching for justice for himself but back there all he was able to do was humiliate himself in front of everybody, he was the Kochou of the group, and that made him the angriest. Kochou Uzumaki, the one that he talked always so poorly about was him, he did absolutely nothing the entire time just like Kochou did and he just allowed others to do all the work. That was the breaking point for him, he was going to do justice for himself no matter what he had to do, if he didn’t then he shouldn’t be a shinobi, from now on there is no time be stupid or arrogant like all of the other genin, at this moment, Vretyel was the bottom of the barrel, nothing, a worthless runt that everybody should pick on, but now he was going to prove himself and the rest of the group wrong. From now on there was no reason that he was going to be without his Bo Staff, so why should he not train with it. He was going to be a great weapon holder with the Bo staff in hand and nobody was going take that away from him.
Vretyel put his new lightning gloves on, the ones that gave the holder the power of holding and charging the Bo staff with just a little chakra infusion. The lightning would stay there until he stopped it. At this point he was just using bandaged hands, but now he was going to use Crimson V.2. He concentrated some of his chakra to his hands, and the conductor charged Crimson with the lighting chakra that he was using. And once that was complete, he slammed the staff into the tree, the lightning radiating even to the top. The tree shook with the terror of knowing that the Bo staff had come out, remembering back when the Bo staff was here last, with Crimson V.1 he was able to take off all the bark from the base of the tree and up 10 feet, so that he had a clear view of the bark, he hit the tree again and again, the lighting making its distinct sound so that he could everybody around him would hear the screech. He was amazed at how much power he was able to use, but he needed more, the charge was great, but he found that once he was able to use the staff charged on every single surface it does not stay on the target, but rather a small portion of it is taken away and put onto the object. He found that with this he would began to lose chakra, not a lot at first, but over the course of 20 to 30 hits, he would be almost out of chakra in an normal fight, he had to be careful about using Crimsons Full power when he didn’t have the chakra to, he has to ensure that he won’t act stupid and use it to hit something that otherwise would not have any use to him hitting it with lightning. Vretyel decided that it was going to be time to take a break and make sure that he would not use Crimsons Power effectively and efficiently.
When Vretyel took his small break the sun had gone down and most of the training grounds were barren that what they were when he got here just hours ago. He didn’t even look at the sky today, but instead looked at the progress of his tree hitting. The right side of the tree was badly burned from all the lightning chakra, so it would be easier for him get however far it burned it, but he thought that it was probably going to be small, he didn’t hit the tree with his own hands but just for the warm up, so he went to crimson to check to see if there was any damage at all, to his delight and shock the staff was not damaged, it seemed that the lighting that was pulsating through the staff was able to act as shield, absorbing all the damage that would have occurred. Although he knew it would not be safe hold the staff for another few minutes he watched to see where the lighting went. He learned from just watching his staff that all the lighting went back and forth and lighting fast speeds to each conductor. And when there was no lightning being brought into the staff that the conductors would actually absorb the chakra to the point that the conductors then glowed white from the energy that was inside of the conductors, he knew that the conductors had a limit of how much they allowed lighting to flow through them before they would explode, but he wanted to see how long it would take. After several more minutes of waiting around the conductors did not stop glowing white, which was a problem for Vretyel, he did not want to have this white light here forever, especially because he could actually have the staff be so bright that people would be able to see where he was even at night, which would be really bad for him if he was supposed to spy on and take down a village or something of that nature. So Vretyel took him staff with his gloves on and made sure that the conductors would not have any more chakra in it. He took the staff in his hands and saw that the staff did not change, so he then thought about slamming it into a tree. With his strength he hit the uncharged staff into the tree and learned that even after doing that a few times, although he did put a big dent onto its right side, the staff still did not change from its white light. So he then thought, what if he to try to concentrate the lighting out of the conductors. He took the staff in his hands and he tried to concentrate the chakra from the staff to his hands. What happened then was the staff, which was uncharged before now became charged again, she just made the chakra flow back through it, and that was something crazy for Vretyel to learn, how could he use this chakra to his advantage? Vretyel thought to himself after hitting the tree a few more times with his charged staff. From this point on during his training he would not charge Crimson until there was no more chakra left in the staff at all, seeing if then he was able to make the staff not charged with his lighting chakra. He took the staff and began hitting the tree again; making the staff lose some of its charge, After an hour of hitting the tree he saw that the lightning was almost dissipated completely and that the staff was almost back to its original form. He also counted the hits of the staff, it took at least 150 hits before the lightning was completely out of the staff, and he was shocked, maybe he didn’t have to use as much chakra as he was using in order to get the effect that he was looking for.

He then began hitting the tree with all of his force without the use of chakra, since the tree was burned from all the lighting chakra hit on it. Tree number two was not as difficult as Vretyel was assuming it was going to be. The tree was becoming burnt and soft with the hits, and now all the Vretyel had to contend with was all the ashes that remained. He hit the tree with the force the normally would, and soon he was almost to the central point of the tree, after each hit the tree gaining closer and closer to his demise. Tree number two was still strong, however, Vretyel knew that he would have to hit hard in order for it to go down. After a while of hitting the tree he began to get the same effect that he got on Tree number one, the tree started to move, it was still night fall, and without the staff giving him light he could not see at all what he was doing. He had to use the lighting chakra to charge up the staff again so he could see. Vretyel was exhausted already from all the training, but he had enough to charge the staff with some of his remaining chakra pool. As he began to charge his staff with chakra, the light that came with it illuminated his surroundings and he could see the real work that he had done on the giant tree. He looked back at the beginning of his journey and the tree that now stood before him; there was no comparison to how much he had done to the tree. He had taken all of the bark off before and he had used his lighting to take the tree down even further, but now the tree was basically going to fall, all he had to do was about 5 more hits and he would be done. Hit number one was with a charged Crimson, the tree began to crack and the tree began to lose its balance. It made the sounds that all great gaint trees make when they fall, the tree itself began to lean more and more to the right to compensate for the loss of bark. Now it was time for hit number two. It was a strong hit along the opposite part of the tree, the one that he did not hit much since he got here, the tree groaned and moan in pain and it was about to fall. Even with just that one hit it started to fall further and further to the right. Vretyel was not satisfied, he did not want for the tree to go that direction, he made a decision that hits 3 4 and 5 were going to make sure that the tree was going to fall in the opposite direction than what it was going. Hit 3 was an uppercut slash to the tree to stop it from going to the right and halt its movement, and hit number four was to make sure that the tree became almost vertical. Hit number five was going to use up all of his strength to complete, and he was going to hit the tree and push it to the left. This hit was the hardest, the tree was heavy, but Vretyel was strong, Vretyel took all of the chakra he had left and poured it into the tree, screaming in pain and pushing it more and more. The lightning was now going through the tree and around the tree, and the trees leaves started to glow on fire from all the lightning energy. He pushed and pushed and he finally was able to get the momentum he was looking for. He was thinking about Navi, Habee, Primrose, Kochou, Ayama, Nero, and Damballa, thinking about how weak he was in their eyes, and then looked at the tree, and in awe he watched it fall, his determination had payed off and it was falling to the left, he had done it, and his strength was higher as well it looked like. When the tree finally hit the ground he found a bucket he had place just in case of a fire and went to a near stream, he filled up the bucket with water and doused some of the leaves on fire with it. Vretyel was impressed with himself for doing that, but the rest of the leaves he figured would not catch fire to anything else around it. So he watched the tree as it burned and his staff as it radiated with lighting chakra, the lightning radiating through it. Once he had finally gotten to his senses however, he began to feel immense pain in his body, he looked at his hands and he noticed how burnt they were. Although his hands and forearms were not damaged from the lightning because of the gloves, but his biceps and outer arms were burnt from the lighting, he had his lighting all the way up to his arms. He saw now that with all of the force the conductors could not find a place for all of the lighting and instead of allowing the conductors to overload the lightning went to the arms, the next best place. He was done for the day it looked like; he needed to get some ointment to his hands before it got worse, and get some sleep, getting the tree down took a lot of his strength and a lot of his chakra in the process so he needed to rest and replenish his strength. Not satisfied with his performance he walked home ready for another round of training tomorrow. As much as he wanted to continue with tree number three he needed the sleep more than he needed to complete more of his mission.

Tree Number Three
Vretyel woke up the next day late again, as he was gone almost to the morning of the next day training taking down Tree number two. He was rested and refreshed for another day of training, this time, with Tree number three. He didn’t think that it would be as difficult as tree number two but he knew that it was still going to be a challenge. The tree was going to be difficult because of the way that it needed to go down. The tree was covered in large branches that were going to make it impossible to hit until they were all gone, and since they all needed to be gone he had to hit them all one at a time, basically chopping them all down. Once that happened then the tree was going to be a breeze to get down. Vretyel went up to the tree after walking to the grounds and looked at it, All the branches all the thorns, they were all going to be challenge, especially at night. Vretyel took Crimson out and started hitting the tree against the thorns. This was going to be monotonous, the tree was going to be difficult to completely hit down but he knew that he had to continue. He hit the tree more and more and he realized that the tree was not going to be that hard to get down. After only a few hours of training the tree was almost halfway stripped of all of its branches. All of the debris from the constant attacks scattered on the floor of the green grass. He hit and hit and noticed that he was a lot stronger than what he thought, the tree was going to go down faster than he even imagined, so he thought that he would do some strength training and carry all of the debris at once to a disposal area in the grounds. He asked a few people to put all of the debris onto his arms which he covered with his gloves so he would not get stabbed from all the attacks from the thorns. He then spent over an hour walking all of the debris over to the disposal area, it was hard because the branches were long and dense, and it required precise balance and positioning for that entire hour. He walked and he walked and by the time he got to the disposal site his calves and arms were in pain from being in the same position all the time. Then with one throw he threw all the branches away from him. This task was done, and all of the braches that he had used would now become the fertilizer for the new trees that were going to be here once they plant them.
It was almost dark again when Vretyel got back to tree number three; the tree stripped of all it branches and thorns and now it was time for the fun part of the training. The tree was hard and strong, Harder than the previous two as it was made of a very different sturdy wood, he figured that the tree would be used to make Staves and other wooden weapons as it was that hard when he was done and brought it into town for sale. He started to hit the tree again and again and he found early that he was going to need Crimson in order to make the tree go down, a charged Crimson would the only way that it was going to work, by loosening the bark and ensuring that he was not over doing it would be the only way that this tree was going to go down. The tree was no match for the power of the charged Crimson, as the staff was charged with lighting the tree was being burned from the inside out rotting the core and burning off the bark of the tree with every hit, the tree was going to go down the same day that he started the tree. With every hit Vretyel moved to a different location on the small fat tree, making the entire bark burnt and rotten from all the hits. The tree was being turned into ash, well at least the bark, he didn’t want to completely burn the tree but just a little bit of it around the edges, and once he did that he stopped, he did not want to the destroy the tree so that nobody could use any of the wood. Once the trees bark had singed he took a small break to think about what he had done and to let the staff cool down before he started training again. He remembered something about Ayama, the girl who used the cresent moon leaf dance against Navi in the earlier fight. He knew that was leaf technique and not a sand one, and he wondered, how was she able to use that technique, either somebody is teaching her secretly or she learned it from somebody who was a leaf ninja giving those secrets to a sand shinobi. Vretyel, however, only saw this as a minor and irritating distraction, without her sword she would be useless, she would have no defense against any of Vretyels range of attacks, and he was curious to see what she had in store when they met again. Enough of that, Vretyel thought, I must continue on my mission to destroy this tree, that is the goal I am doing, that is my mission.

With this newfound inspiration and desire to be the best he hit the tree with all the force that he could possibly, and with that one hit he went almost a foot into the diameter of the tree, which was almost 10 feet. He saw that where he hit the lightning onto it the tree had decayed rotten, into ash. He saw that even with the areas that were not burnt from the chakra that the trees core was decaded, almost to the point of there not being one at all, the tree was old and rotting to the core. Nobody is going to want this wood, Vretyel thought to himself , the tree is in decrepitude and should be used to feed other plants not be used as the wood for staves and tables. With this next information he took Crimson and just wailed on the tree, going inch by inch with every hit, he wasn’t even exhausted when he reached the point. He then coined the term for himself, the point of which the tree is going to fall down within the next five hit. When he reached the point he saw that it was probably only a hit to a higher part of the tree would be the only thing that it needed to go down. Tree three was struck with hit one and with that hit it began to fall, not even cracking or giving off any sound at all. He was disappointed with the tree, the wood was soft and decayed and the outer shell was the other only thing that was keeping the tree up. When the tree hit the ground he did absolutely nothing with it. He felt that it would have a better purpose if it was just lying there, decaying and giving energy to the trees around it. His work was done with tree number three and now it was time to head to tree number four, the next day, as like yesterday, he had trained all the way into the hours of the morning, and he needed to rest and regain his strength for tomorrow.
[Word Count: 4027, 20 Strength and 40 JP]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private) Empty Re: Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private)

Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:06 pm
Speed Training
Tree Number
Vretyel woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and ready for another day of training. Today he was going to work on his speed which was the exact reason for Vretyel choosing Tree number four. He got ready and took Crimson and went out to the training grounds, the same as the last few days of training Vretyel had gotten up late because of the intensity of the training. In the last two days he had taken down two trees and his arms were sore and felt like rocks on Vretyel’s sides. So he knew that tree number four came at the right time. He was happy because when he got there, the owner of the tree was looking as the tree too. When Vretyel decided that he was going to take down this tree he made sure it was ok with the owner, the owner had told him that the tree was special as it was a rare tree that he planted from his youth, the only reason why it was dying was because of the vines that were growing around the tree. It was taking all the energy from the tree and using it to suffocate the tree, leaving it to die as the host got all of the trees energy, it appeared that the owner was too old to take off all the vines so he asked Vretyel to one day do it for him, which was why he was happy that he was there. It gave him the opportunity to talk to the owner one more time before he began working, Vretyel and the man shook hands, told him not to destroy the tree again, and that he was free to work at his own pace until he was done. Vretyel was happy for the last part, since he was not able to use any strength to take down all the vines he realized that he was going to rely on speed to get the job done. The only thing that he hit the tree for was to loosen the trees vines so he could grab onto them and take them down. He began to hit the tree and when the first vine was loosened he did the tree climbing jutsu so he could climb up the tree and get the vines off of the tree. The tree was easy to walk on, its trunk was huge and easy to get onto, what was going to be the hard part were going to be the vines. The vines that grew in the land of fire were not like other vines, the attached small roots to the bark and were very attached to the tree so they didn’t get too cold in the winter and die.
Vretyel did the tree climbing justu and climbed up the tree with the first vine in hand. He learned then that it was going to be harder than he thought, the vines whirled up and down the tree and he was going to have to climb and run around the tree if he wanted to get them down. He decided that he was going to set a challenge for himself. He was going to see if he could get the tree down in less than two hours of work, he then climbed up the tree going as fast as he could, even to the point that he infused his legs with chakra so that he would run faster. He ran the path of the first vine up and down and around the tree, if he messed up, he had to walk back, start where he messed up, and start running again, the first vine was hard because there were so many to keep track up, but then he realized something huge about the vine, it was all just one big vine that had attached to the tree. And he had to go the correct pattern in order to even just get one half of it down. He ran and ran and ran up and down the tree, untangling the mess that this vine had made, showing the partially decayed bark that had not reiceived sunlight in so long. At one point he had to make a new line because since he had started in the middle there were points that he could not get past and this snag put him back awhile, he had to walk up and down the tree to find the starting point of the vine and start there before he could continue. When he had finally found that point he had already been an hour into his training, he had to move. Going as fast as he could he move around and around the tree, as fast as he was, the vines were falling off the tree, and when he minutes afterwards he was almost done with his goal. Tree number four was going to the fastest he had ever done a tree, and he was happy about it too. All the vines were off and Vretyel could see why the tree meant so much to the man, and why it was so special. When he finally got all of the tree vines off he saw that the tree had the name of the man and another woman in a heart, probably the man’s wife. This was touching but not heartwarming to Vretyel, he only delayed the death of the tree, the tree is not going to grow anymore and will probably rot a decay within a few years, still, I guess the sentiment meant something to the man, so he told the man he had competed, and walked on home. Vreytel took all of the vines with him as well and sent them where they would become fertilizer for new trees, just like the branches from the old one. Once he got all the way to the disposal site he ran back home. He had done some speed training and some jutsu training for sure, but it was time to get some rest so that tomorrow he could do even more training for tree number six.

Word Count: 1024, 5 Speed and 10 JP, Total Word Count 5051, 5 speed, 20 strength, and 50JP]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private) Empty Re: Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private)

Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:17 pm
Bump! From Monday 10/1
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Stat Page : Shades of White
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private) Empty Re: Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private)

Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:25 pm
50 jp
25 stats

Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private) Empty Re: Ten Trees (Vretyel Training Private)

Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:42 pm
Vretyel decided that he was going to work on increasing his health today by finishing out the 10 trees training that he had begun long ago. He had realized that he still had one tree left and it needed to be taken down as soon as possible. Although it was a ten trees training and he was basically done with the entire training he wanted to finish this out. He felt as though the last thing that he needed to do in order for him to feel ready to fight in any situation was increase his health just a little bit more. Vretyel realized that if he could use this last tree in some way to increase his health the entire training would be complete. Vretyel thought it would be best for him to try to get the tree down bare handed but make sure that his hands did not bleed in the process. He woke up that morning and then started to walk to the training grounds. It was a bit of Nastalga really because this would be the last time in his ninja life so far that he would be waking up that early to improve his skills instead of just trying to keep them at that level. Vretyel would remember all the training that he had done before that starting from the first day that he went to the training grounds to train with Primrose, Navi, and Kochou, in the few months that Vretyel would have been on this world since then he has improved to be one of the best Ninja of his class racing through all the ranks with ease. Now that his nostalgic time was over Vretyel would come to the final tree and look at its greatness. He would see that the tree had many spikes and thorns around it so in order for him not to bleed he would have to be very careful with what he did. Vretyel would land the first punch on the tree carefully to make sure that the thorns would not be in the way. HE could feel as some of the blood from his veins had started to make a bruise on Vretyel’s palm, but that did not count as bleeding in Vretyel’s mind. HE would continue to hit the tree time after time again. Making sure not to have his hands spill a drop of blood in the process, if he felt as though one hand was taking to much of a beating, he would stop using that hand and start using the other, destroying the tree on both sides in the process. When both of his hands were about ready to bleed Vretyel would use his legs to kick the tree on both sides as well, he would figure that he should at least try to be careful and try to see how long it would take for his feet to bleed.

As the time went on Vretyel would soon realize that he had made this training more about making sure that he did not harm himself by touching somebody, this was something that Vretyel praised himself in doing, because knowing your limits is the key to becoming a successful ninja in this world. Vretyel stoped for a bit right before the tree was about to go down. As Vretyel saw the tree sway back and forth about to fall he looked at the sky once more, something that he rarely had done in the past few months, he loved looking at the sky, but for some reason, the sky did not seem as important to him now, but no matter, Vretyel would look at the sky as the tree fell on its own, the last of the ten trees training. It was a fitting end to his journey, and he was proud that he had completed this task.

[645, 3 Stats, 6 JP, 645/10000 for Soul Amathyst]
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