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Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Vretyel Training Empty Vretyel Training

Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:17 am
The Sun was out, a few clouds were out in the sky, and Vretyel, always striving to improve upon himself, decided that today would be a good day to train, especially his speed, one of the essential skills needed to becoming a great ninja. Vretyel knew that he could increase his speed by concentrating the flow of Chakra to his feet. He knew that he could also gain speed by working out the core muscles and organs that contribute the most to speed, such as the lungs, Thigh muscles, lower leg muscles and core. He also knew that by improving his technique of running he could be a faster, more efficient sprinter and long distance runner. All of this he knew he could achieve by constant training and self observation of flaws.

Before then, Vretyel had only minimal use of his Chakra flow when running, partly because he hadn't trained his chakra control enough. So he decided that the best way to practice was to test his control of chakra in the major areas that contribute to running, such the major leg muscle groups and the feet. He started by practicing his chakra flow in his feet by attempting to sprint faster and faster for longer and longer distances, and then he would try to achieve that same sprinting speed without the use of chakra to help with development of the muscles. Vretyel started with something short and easy to achieve, a 25 meter dash. Vretyel looked up at the sky for few minutes to think and focus his mind into what he is trying to achieve: Chakra control in the feet, he kept on thinking to himself. After his short meditation he measured 25 meters away from a tree and started to concentrate his chakra with the proper hand signs. Concentrate to my feet, Vretyel thought, to my feet, to my feet. After a 30 seconds or so he knew that he was ready to begin. He had succeeded in flowing his chakra to his feet. This is it, Vretyel thought, this is beginning of my practice, and he started his sprint toward the tree, it was a mad dash, feeling the chakra increase his speed, gaining strength. He spirited to the tree, although he was a little out of breath, he knew he needed to immediately sprint back to where he began, so after a second or two at the tree he started his sprint back to the starting point, feeling the chakra flow through his feet, he observed one flaw: He was controlling his chakra as well as we wanted. He realized that the flow was not constant, and that sometime the chakra would fluctuate his speed. As he continued back to the starting point and continuing his sprint again to tree for the second cycle, he knew that he was wasting chakra like this. As Vretyel continued to the third continuous cycle he began to start noticing the strain this could be putting on his chakra, noticing that the different speeds at which he was running from the influx was slowing widening. at first, during the fourth, fifth, and sixth cycles (from the starting point to the tree and back) the strain remained the same. During the 8th cycle the strain started to increase, he realized that with each step the fluctuation was becoming very noticeable, he knew if he continued wasting chakra like this with these fluctuations could become a problem, especially in battle. After the end of the tenth cycle, he stopped, and he was a little out of breath from the exercise too, but nothing too excessive. He decided that he needed to start focusing his chakra more effectively before he could begin working on his speed.

Vretyel knew that concentrating chakra was key to increasing his speed and maintaining it, so he decided that the best thing to do now was to sprint as far as he could without his speed changing, meaning the chakra flow would maintain his speed. So he found a dirt path where (thankfully) nobody was walking on. As he looked up at the sky, he realized that he would have only a 7 or 8 tries today before it got dark. Vretyel then found a starting point and focused on flowing his chakra down to his feet with the proper hand signs. After a bit he knew that the chakra was at his feet, and at that moment he began his sprint. The only thing going through Vretyels mind was maintaining the chakra so did not slow down. As he sprinted farther and farther he was still maintaining his chakra. After around 150 meters, however, Vretyel noticed that he was fluctuating his speed. Once he realized, he stopped, out of breath, he marked the path where the chakra flow began to not be constant, and walked back to his starting point, he cursed in his head, angry because he thought he could go farther without the flow fluctuating, but then remembered why he was here, to practice. As he got back to his starting point he begin the process again. Doing the proper hand sign, getting the chakra to his feet, and sprinting as far as he could. The second time he sprinted with the same mindset, don't lose chakra flow. DO NOT LOSE Chakra Flow, Vretyel said. At about 160 meters, 10 meters more than than the try last time, he began to feel the same sensation. So he marked the line in the path once more and then moved back to the starting point. As he continued for a third fourth and fifth time, the same result was met. He would increase five to ten meters each time. To the point where he was sprinting at the constant speed for about 200 meters. Vretyel was proud a bit at the progress he had made today, but he knew he had to continue practicing. But Vretyel observed that it had taken him longer to get back to the starting point then he had anticipated. The sky had turned a bright barrage of red and orange from the west, and he decided that it was time to head home for the day, ready to continue anew tomorrow bright and early.

During the second day of his speed training Vretyel began by waking up when the sky was still only illuminated by the moon and stars, with large clouds scattered throughout. Vretyel got out of bed quickly and started his training. Knowing that he would be training that weekend, Vretyel borrowed from the academy weights to put around his thighs and lower legs to gain strength. He put the weights on and headed to the training fields before the sun rose. Today was going to be the day where he would run long distances with weights on with no chakra, followed by sprinting without chakra just for as long as he could go. Since he loved the sky and the sunrise, he decided that he would start running when he got to training grounds and continue until the sun had turned from its orange dawn to the sky blue of morning. When Vretyel finally got to the training fields he figured he may have an hour and half to two hours of constant running. After a few minutes of looking at the patterns of the fading stars and movements of the clouds, he decided that it was time to begin. He began his running. Vretyel was trying to break any speed records but to go at a faster than normal running pace, and he was going to continue even if the pain was excessive. After ten minutes he was fine, breathing normally, the weights not causing any any stress, and Vretyel gained some confidence that he could do this. At twenty minutes was feeling the same conditions, but he could start to feel the weights on his thighs, but only just. At thirty minutes of running he was breathing normally, but he started to slow down. Vretyel realized that if he continued at his current pace he had the possibility of burning out to quickly and he could not allow that to happen. By about 55 minutes of running Vretyel started to feel the pain in his legs, the weights had started to get become a problem. He began to start breathing a little heavier, but Vretyel kept on telling himself to keep moving, and not to stop, he couldn't stop, he made a goal for himself and even if it was the slowest jog he has ever done he was going to complete his goal.

By about an hour after Vretyel started jogging the sun was making the sky glow reds and oranges. He was close to completing his goal. He figured that he may have only twenty to thirty minutes of running to go. That was good thing, the pain in his legs was becoming almost unbearable, he was sweating before but now he was sweating excessively. At the eighty minute mark Vretyel was jogging at what seemed like a snails pace, he was breathing hard, but he knew that he only had about ten to fifteen minutes left of jogging. And sure enough, ten minutes later the sun had risen and sky was blue. He had completed his goal. Vretyel stopped, took off the weights, and as they dropped to ground, so did Vretyel. His legs felt like rocks, giant boulders. HE decided that now would be a great time to enjoy the sky, watch the clouds moving briskly across their path, and watch the sun go through its course seamlessly, as he rested. After about five to six hours of resting, with the sun almost being directly overhead at this point, Vretyel felt rested enough to continue his training.

[Word Count: 1635]
Kashou Terumi
Kashou Terumi
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Vretyel Training Empty Re: Vretyel Training

Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:08 pm
8 speed 16 JP
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Vretyel Training Empty Re: Vretyel Training

Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:11 pm
[Thank you!]
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Vretyel Training Empty Re: Vretyel Training

Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:23 pm
[Speed Training]
After several hours of laying on the ground looking at the sky ss he rested his tired legs from the intense workout of the morning, he continued his training with a few hours of daylight left for him work
with. He decided that through this time he would work on his endurance running through long runs without the weights on him, but by going uphill and on rocky terrain.

When he finally got up from resting he was refreshed and ready to begin more training to increase his speed. Knowing that someone may try to steal the weights he first took the weights back to his home so that wouldn't happen, but as he was walking back he noticed that he that walking was easy. He felt like he was walking on air and he didn't have to do anything. Vretyel was delighted at that progress, but he wanted more, he wanted his training to continue, increase his speed to fastest that he would possibly get it. He was going to train every day to get his speed up if that is what it took. Because of this inspiration he decided that once he got home he would try to sprint back to the point where he ended his journey from the morning, using Chakra as well. Once he got home he went to his room and put the weights down, went back outside and looked once more at the sky, Even the clouds were moving fast, a sign Vretyel thought was meant for him, to aim to keep up with these
fast moving clouds for as long as he could. So he took about thirty seconds to concentrate his chakra to his feet, he thought about all he had done already and all that he wanted to accomplish, he wanted to be a great shinobi and somebody others would look up to. He was inspired again to achieve greatness. He felt his chakra in his feet, and he began his sprint. He was faster than before, alot faster then what he was before, the chakra had made him move at almost double the speed he was sprinting just a day before. It took him almost an hour and half for Vretyel to get to the point where he ended his endurance running, but now, Vretyel observed that it only took about 20 minutes to do it. Sprinting, there was something else that he obscured too, that even though his chakra was still fluctuating a few times during his sprint, it was becoming less of an issue then what it was a day before, he was using his chakra better,and he could feel how easy it was to sprint those long distances so fast.

When Vretyel finally reached the end point he was at from earlier that day, he was energized and he wanted to do more sprinting, more running, more everything. So he started by going over to a rocky area of the
training grounds, one with small and large rocks that would be challenge for him to train on. Vretyel decided once the got there that he was going to sprint this terrain, but only this time he was only going to run on the rocks, not on the flat surface. He knew that sometimes if he was on missions he may be needed to run on rocky terrain, sometimes maybe run on tree branches for long distances. Vretyel thought that this would be the a good time to practice that. Vretyel soon learned, however, that this challenge he brought for himself would not be easy, there were places were small rocks were the only rocks available to him and some places where he would have to jump a distance to get to some of the rocks. If he hit an area with his feet that was not a rock he would have to start over again, that was the challenge Vretyel set for himself. He tried several time to achieve this goal, by going on the rocks over and over again, but there was one point when couldn't get back this obstacle, where the rocks were far apart and the rocks he had to jump on were small and difficult to land on. Sometimes he wouldn't be able to reach the small rock, some tries he would jump to far and not land on the rock, and sometimes he didn't jump the right direction from the first rock and would go into the completely other direction. He tried for hours to get it done, but as the sun went down he knew that he would have to stop his training and wait for tomorrow to finish he goal, he was ok with that, knowing that he had achieved much today, and becoming a faster and stronger ninja.

[Word Count: 801]
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Vretyel Training Empty Re: Vretyel Training

Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:23 am
Approved +4 Stats +8 JP
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Vretyel Training Empty Re: Vretyel Training

Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:35 am
[Thank you]
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