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Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE] Empty Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE]

Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:03 pm
Day 1: A Night with Criminals

Azaiyo would come to the door of his room as he would use the Flying Thunder God technique to place a Survival Seal before his room, one that he could teleport to anytime in case of danger from outside. After this, Azaiyo would make his way inside with the two bodies with great precaution. Azaiyo would pull out a white blanket from his room to have the unconscious vessels to lay down on as blood would indeed pour from the next thing Azaiyo would do. Looking to the passed out man angrily, Azaiyo would first mutter "You liar..." as he would pull a kunai from his weapon pouch and stab it through the head of the cold, male shinobi, killing him. With one of the two eliminated, Azaiyo would think about the female. He would remember her speaking, but not about where she came from. Maybe she did not want to speak about where she came from, a response that Azaiyo would surely like more than lying about where you settle. He would also remember her passing out randomly. Azaiyo would predict that the previous brawl between him and the now dead male had made her quite drowsy. Further thinking about this, Azaiyo would ask himself "Is this girl truly a Missing-Nin?" He would say this as he knew Missing-Nin were originally terrifying, eager to kill, and ready to battle at any given moment as they attracted lots. This girl's actions seemed different. Azaiyo would create a new plan for this girl as he would strip her down to her undergarments, leaving behind whatever tools she possessed as he would also tie her with wire. The same procedure would be done with the male as Azaiyo would keep the weapon pouches equipped with his weapon pouch belt. Having the lady rest upon a chair, everything but her mouth covered, Azaiyo would hold a kunai to her head as he would attempt to wake her up.
Denki Hyuuga
Denki Hyuuga
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Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE]

Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:06 pm
Azaiyo wrote:Day 1: A Night with Criminals

Azaiyo would come to the door of his room as he would use the Flying Thunder God technique to place a Survival Seal before his room, one that he could teleport to anytime in case of danger from outside. After this, Azaiyo would make his way inside with the two bodies with great precaution. Azaiyo would pull out a white blanket from his room to have the unconscious vessels to lay down on as blood would indeed pour from the next thing Azaiyo would do. Looking to the passed out man angrily, Azaiyo would first mutter "You liar..." as he would pull a kunai from his weapon pouch and stab it through the head of the cold, male shinobi, killing him.

He just controls my actions, not giving me not one chance to counter, therefor is god mod.
Nightshade Arashi
Nightshade Arashi
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Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE]

Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:12 pm
Gasping for breathe she snaps awake. "Where am I? What the hell?" Nightshade noticed the Kunai being held to her head. She was completely tied up. "You must have figured me out! Ok let me start of by saying, I am not what you may think I am." She said in her defense hoping he would listen before he killed her. "I am taking it you will give me a chance to talk right?" She asked looking up at him, for the first time in her life she may have to plead to live.
Denki Hyuuga
Denki Hyuuga
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Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE]

Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:36 pm
Gaignun falls, with the kunai deep in his head, dying instantly on contact. His body falling lifeless on the ground with blooding spilling out of his head.
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE]

Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:02 pm
Azaiyo would notice the girl wake up as predicted, mentally confused but somewhat knowing where the situation was leading. "You are least for now," Azaiyo said, still in the same position with an intolerant face. "I have your life as of this given moment. The man you were once with is dead. However, I need to see if there is a significant difference between you two as Missing-Nin, a difference that is worthy enough to keep you lively. You see, you performed actions out on the borders that no one would expect to encounter from a Missing-Nin, maybe because you are truly not one of them. Your partner proved he is bad by lying to my face of where he settles. So, if you are indeed a Missing-Nin, your death will arise, understand? Proce to me that you do not have the factors of a Missing-Nin with great reasoning and you will still be with me, but live." Azaiyo would be very judgmental from here-on-in, for he had a new mission now; dividing the good from the bad.
Nightshade Arashi
Nightshade Arashi
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Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE]

Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:40 am
Nightshade is not one to care about things unless they would benefit her in the end. She sighed a heavy sigh. In this case, honesty was the best policy. "My name if you must know is Nightshade Arashi. I am originallgy from Kumogakure. I became a missing nin after my father passed away in a battle. It was too painful for me to really stay there. I have a twin but I want nothing to do with hin. I just didn't like what happened to my father so I turned against everyone and everything and left. I have never killed a person in my entire life. I just blame certain individuals for my fathers death and for my brother hating me so I left. Kill me if you must but I would NEVER go back to that place." She said looking away as a tear ran down her cheek. Memories of her past hurt to remember. "I am being honest, I have no reason to lie to you." Nightshade added. " since you know I am not a danger to you, could you please untie me? It's not like I can run from you anyways."
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE]

Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:25 pm
Azaiyo would hear the quick responses from this woman as he could tell she just wanted to be free. However, Azaiyo would need more details before releasing her and putting her under his surveillance. "It is unfortunate that you had to see your father's death and your brother's hatred come upon you. However, was blaming that village the right choice?" Azaiyo would put his kunai back in his weapon pouch and gently hold the female's chin as he would turn her head towards him. "You know, I can tell from your eyes that you reflect upon Kumogakure as a terrifying place. However, have you ever had the belief of overcoming your fear? Also, do you think your father would enjoy what you have become? I admit that death is a great tragedy and takes great time to get over, but you cannot just give up because an incident like that. Every single family member I had died due to corruption, but I still live to avenge them, and all that have suffered through death. Take your time here and think about your future. Talk to me about what opportunities you see before you before I make the final judgment." This would be all that Azaiyo would say for a while as he would expect a decent story from this lady. If not impressed, Azaiyo would have her killed under the laws of Sunagakure.
Nightshade Arashi
Nightshade Arashi
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Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE]

Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:36 pm
This man had a point. As much as Nightshade hated to admit when she was wrong, this might be a case where she really was. Why did he have to mention that? Remembering her father brought back painful memories. She sighed,"I never thought of it that way. I just hated the fact that I feel he was used by the other shinobi and that he died. When I left that day, I felt I left behind those horrible memories. I don't ever want to go back there. Besides, my brother is there and we hate each other anyways. I would go to another village but I am doubtful after being a missing nin I could even do it." Nightshade said looking at him. Nightshade was not one to lie, she was one to be honest.
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE]

Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:54 pm
It seems the thoughts of this lady's past were corrupting her mind. "You didn't answer my question." Azaiyo stated, "Clear your mind. This is the dawn of a new beginning for you. I am your road to recovery. Tell me everything that happened, every single detail, along with how you wish to change it and how you want to remake your life. Do this, and depending on your answer, this will indeed be the final judgment. I can help you with your issues, well, as long as they're appropriate, but you need to trust me. I tied you here to attempt at making a new future for you as you don't seem to be a true shinobi of evil. Please tell me, I don't want to kill you." Azaiyo would be silent from this point on. Freedom or death would be this lady's option, a simple choice for a true shinobi of peace.
Nightshade Arashi
Nightshade Arashi
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Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Azaiyo's Room [PRIVATE]

Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:10 pm
Nightshade hated telling this story. "One evening, my father had come back from a battle, he was injured and when he came in the gates two of his fellow shinobi killed him. I saw it happen in front of my eyes. I don't know why they did it. I told my twin brother about it. He said nothing to me about his feelings. After that, I left the village. Maybe I shouldn't blame the village for it, but staying there made the memories to unbearable. There is nothing in that village left for me. I have lived in the woods among the missing nin for sometime now. I would move to another village if I could. If I could change anything..." Nightshade gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut. The memory of her father dying was painful.
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