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Missions with a friend [Mission. Light and Sora] Empty Missions with a friend [Mission. Light and Sora]

Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:23 pm

Chishiki had received a lot of missions. Many, many, many missions. He was going to sdo the 3 missions with a friend from the village, was it one he could remember? He didn't know what to do now, he was just looking around at the middle of the village, waiting for the other shinobi.
Chishiki was wearing his normal field attire, hence of him going to do missions that could be dangerous. He was wearing his full Phoenix armor that was made of a chain mail, torso armor, gauntlets and phoenix champion ring. He would look around, holding his left hand on the hilt of his phoenix sword, he was holding tight on it, if any rouge had gotten into the village. The katanto on his back was at a very good pose of slashing with it now, if needed. He would hold his skate board in his right hand and wait for the shinobi to come and meet him.
[twc: 160/2200]

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Missions with a friend [Mission. Light and Sora] Empty Re: Missions with a friend [Mission. Light and Sora]

Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:48 pm
Chishiki would see Sora, he had seen him in the village before. He would look and follow Sora as they were moving inside the building. Sora would make the man freeze. Chishiki didn't have time for this, he had to do 3 missions on 1 day. He would qiuckly jump forth. With an angry face he would lie to the man that Sora had made stopping. He would point his finger with the phoenix ring, on the shoulder of the man.
''You're under arrest, please take a seat so we can talk.'' He would say, having his mouth mask with a dragon mouth printed onto it. He would press a bit harder on the shoulder and look at him.
''ANBU black ops, please take a seat'' he would say and point at some benches not far away with his other hand. If this man had seen any ANBU before, he wuold recognize the Katanto on his back. It was looking like a Tanto of the ANBU's, but this was formed different. He would look at Sora.
''We don't have much time for this, let's make it quick'' he would say while trying to escort the man to the benches.

[twc: 750/2200]

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Missions with a friend [Mission. Light and Sora] Empty Re: Missions with a friend [Mission. Light and Sora]

Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:26 pm
Chishiki would get angry. Chishiki was 7 years old, but so strong that no one would think he would be able to do anything. Chishiki would get angry and look at Sora.
''Don't get too cocky'' he would say and he would channel the chakra into the phoenix champion ring. A red chakra blade would fly out and he would point it at Sora. Don't get into my ways of time.
He would look and jump up on the roofs, he was following Sora's movements. THe chakra blade was retracted and he would jump down and jump into the whole.
''I'll do it my way, and you do it your way'' he would say and jump down, taking his sword out and giving it chakra. The fire would arise and begin the sword would begin to burn. He would look at Sora, looking backwards. His back was covered, he would close his eyes, then activating his sharingan. At the moment he opened his eyes, a white transparent creamcolered lotus leaf would come out of the Katanto to protect him.
''I've heard rumors about you being Uchiha. Show me what you can, clans-member'' He would say and deactivate the leaf and look at all the people in the building. Horrible smell there was down there, but the mouth mask helped. He would fling his sword in the air, aiming to the wall 3 meters from him. A bright red fire wave flew out of teh sword and smashed into the wall, leaving a giant hole into the wall.
''You're all under arrest'' he would say as he also made few hand seals to make genjutsu clones, just to frighten them. Just to make them all piss their pants, he would also activate his chakra blade, take his katanto in his other hand and extend his armor. The armor would then being to burn red.
''Phoenix stage. Check'' he would say and have an evil smirk on his mouth, though they couldn't see it.

[Current stats:]
Health: 22
Chakra: 51
Stamina: 20
Speed: 25
Strength: 23

[twc: 1535/2200]

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Missions with a friend [Mission. Light and Sora] Empty Re: Missions with a friend [Mission. Light and Sora]

Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:19 pm
Chishiki would follow and ignore all the things Sora told him. He would look and don't know what to do now. He would look around and from the ram hand seal and puff away, just after Sora. They would both stand at the village gates. Chishiki would just relax and watch Sora do all the work, Chishiki was bored and tired of that little prick.

[Missions done]
[twc: 2290]
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Missions with a friend [Mission. Light and Sora] Empty Re: Missions with a friend [Mission. Light and Sora]

Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:27 pm
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