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Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Hikarishi the weak. Empty Hikarishi the weak.

Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:17 am
Hikarishi Uchiha woke up a little bit earlier then he had wanted to, his alram clock read 7:30 a.m and he had set the clock to go off at 8 a.m he despised waking up early in the morning for that meant his rest was over and it was time to go out in the world and do some good, none the less he went to shower. He turned the faucet handle to hot, and stepped aside as it came out cold like it always did, as it warmed up he adjusted in the cold and began the process of taking his shower, he washed his body shampooed his hair and even put conditioner in it. His shower over he dried off and got dressed, He put on his black shirt, which was tight fitting to keep it from getting grabbed but yet loose enough to where it did not constrict movement, with the uchiha crest, since he was in Kohonagakure no sato and should not have to worry about anyone knowing who he was, and black pants, the pants that he picked out had white pouch taped to his right leg to make it eaiser to find his kunai. He walked out of his room and headed down stairs to make him self some breakfast, he made himself some eggs and toast with white pepper gravy, which he scarfed down hungrily, the early morning light hanging in the air seemed to carry a sense of misery with the mist that hung in it, Hikarishi stood and walked over to his weapons. He strapped on his Heavens sorrow ninjato and filled his pouch with five kunai. Felling that he was ready he walked out of the silent house and locked the door, Ready for any adventure he was going to come across.

Hikarishi uchiha walked around town for a bit, passing the hokages office a couple of times on his way, the morning light now gone as it had turned into a bright sun over head clouds in the air to provide some shade should some one get to hot4. At this particular time the young nine year old stood in front of the Hokages building, looking around at the massive structure before glancing else where to see what was going on in the village. While looking down one of streets he caught the sign of a new store and decided to walk down there and check it out, The store had all kinds of cool things in it, from kunai to full body armor it held all kinds of neat ninja tools even some custom things that looked deadly. He continued to browse around when he saw a piece of custom armor that look incredibly deadly, it had spikes that were four inches long on the knuckles and a blade running along the wrist, like it was meant just to kill and nothing else. The girl behind the counter smiled and said "That is a pretty glove is it not? To bad its not for sale you see this is a custom piece of armor that not everyone can get, You need the owners permission first." the smile she had met her eyes and Hikarishi returned the smile, the smile he wore how ever was not genuine it was a mask that he wore to fill the sorrow that he had felt just a few weeks ago and he found that he was getting good at fooling people into thinking that what emotion he showed was what he felt, "Thank you for your time mam." He told the lady as he walked out of the building back towards the Hokages building. He stood back in front of the building where he started at, again looking at the arches that the building held, and decided to go get him something to eat at the Ramen Stand.

He made a left from the building and walked towards the stand dodging the on comers who were not paying attention to where they were going. He arrived at the Ramen stand and took a seat, "What will it be?" Came the old mans question, his voice tinged with age and wisdom. "Ill take some Miso Ramen. " He told the old man dropping the ryo that it cost on the counter. He waited as his food was prepared, He looked around the shop seeing the decorations that were up and a smile crossed his lips. "Order up!" the old man said as a pretty young woman brought him his Ramen to him "Enjoy~" she told him her bright blue eyes contrasting against her pale skin and brown hair. "I will, Thank you." Hikarishi told her as he picked up his chop sticks and began to eat. Hikarishi finished his food and slurped down the broth that was left over and with a satisfying AHHH he sat the bowl down "Hey can i get another bowl of Miso Ramen Old man?" He called out setting down the ryo for another bowl as he heard "Sure thing kid!" and another bowl of fresh ramen was brought to him the girl still smiling and the same ring in her voice as she said "Another bowl eh? Enjoy~!!" he finished this bowl the same way as the first slurping down the broth and setting the bowl on the counter "Have a nice Day!" he said as he was walking out the cook and servers reply muffled as he stepped into the street. 'Where to now' He thought to him self looking down the roads he decided to go towards the training grounds and get some training in.

On his way to the training grounds the young Uchiha boy drifted in and out of thought, thinking one minute of the leaves color and the next of what he would do if it were to rain. His thoughts a jumbled up mess he continued on his way to the training grounds taking a left to skip past the grave yard where his parents were buried. He was about a mile away from the training grounds, the left he took had led him through the woods, When he heard "You stupid kid" and a some thing that sounded like some one getting punched the cry of pain afterwards confirmed what he had thought, the voice he had heard talking sounded of some one who was older then he was and the cry was that of a kid about Hikarishis' age. Hikarishi speed up going towards the sounds of the clearly one sided fight he was there in a seconds notice what he saw shocked him there stood around one little boy three teenagers laughing as they took turns kicking him in various body parts infuriated Hikarishi instinctively activated his sharigan his one tomoe set in the right hand corner of his eye as the rest of it turned red "HEY!" he shouted the anger clear in his voice"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?" he asked as one of them jumped and twisted his face in anger.

The three boys upon hearing someone shout at them turned and laughed even though this kid had a sharigan the stage was so low that it wouldnt do them him any good. "Well you little shit" one of them said, "We are simply teaching this boy how to defend his self from more then one attacker aint that right kid." He finished looking at the boy as he said "Th-thats right..." came out of his mouth as he was kicked in the gut by another one of the teenagers. "Why don't you fight some one who can fight back?" Hikarishi said taking a defensive position and waiting for one of them to come at him. The three of them turned and smiled and two of them walked forward, 'of course the bigger ones are mine' Hikarishi thought, and the other one turned back around and started to kick the boy again. A feral roar escaped the young boys lips as he decided to take the lead and starting the attack his mid went blank and he thought of only defeating the boys in front of him so that he could help the kid. Hikarishi was running full force when the fist hit him in the side of the face, a laugh escaping the boys lips as Hikarishi felt the searing pain in his left cheek. Hikarishi was sent flying to the right and landed on the ground five feet from where he was before a uff escaped him as he hit the ground and rolled to the side. One of the boys pinned him to the ground and removed his weapons while the other kicked him in the head, weaponless and his head hurting he screamed out in pain and rage. Hikarishi flailed around until he was able to get loose from the boys he could see one of the boys still kicking the kid in the gut this made him even more angry Hikarishi went into a berserk kind of state and punched one of the boys in the gut, the boy doubled over and came back up a second later with an uppercut. He lifted Hikarishi about a foot off the ground and sent him flying backwards two feet, he hit the ground hard and arched hit back 'Why cant i get over there and help this kid??? Im a NINJA of the hidden leaf i should not go down in a fight this easy but yet here are these boys just beating me up like im nothing at all!' he thought to him self moments before he hit the ground, He stood back up and looked at the kid getting kicked as one of the boys said "I got this you go back over there and learn that little shit a thing or two while your at it." The bigger one told the other one. The other teenager smiled and went back over to kick the boy, "Learn" him a lesson as the bigger boy had said, the kid cried out in pain each time a foot hit home. "Are you an idiot or some thing you neanderthal?" Hikarishi said to the bigger man which only made him show a hint of anger and then the boy threw a fist at his face he was able to move out of the way just barley in time.

Hikarishi stood up taking a stance, he wanted to help the boy but he felt helpless against the bigger male, anger surged through his face again and he struck out at the man hoping to hit him in the face but instead he hit air as the boy leaned back and twisted around to catch him in the side of the face with an elbow. Hikarishi fell to the ground and began to fade in and out of conciseness one minute he would see black and the next he would see the boy each time he got closer to the boy, the older kid was dragging him closer to extend the pain and suffering even more, he ended up being one foot away from the boy. Then he blacked out again, the blackness seemed to be comforting to him in saved him from the pain of the world and the pain of seeing the boys face contorted in suffering, he started hearing things off in the distance at first and then up close "HELP ME!!!" he heard the boy screaming, in his mind he reached out and held the boy comforting him but he knew he was doing no such thing when his vision came back to and he saw the face of the boy the tears that ran down his face, he wanted to help this boy but he could not and that made matters all the worse if he was not strong enough to help this boy what made him think he was strong enough to get his revenge? those were his last thoughts as he gave in to the darkness that welcomed him with open arms hiding nothing from him showing all the black that he wanted to see.

[EXIT requesting 2nd tomoe]
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Hikarishi the weak. Empty Re: Hikarishi the weak.

Wed Feb 20, 2013 5:11 pm
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Hikarishi the weak. Empty Re: Hikarishi the weak.

Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:47 pm
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Hikarishi the weak. Empty Re: Hikarishi the weak.

Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:46 am
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