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Training Medical Ninjutsu  Empty Training Medical Ninjutsu

Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:14 pm

Den did a lot of studying while in Sanctuary. He had given himself four years to learn while Minorin trained, and had done his best to use that time to not only study Sanctuary but to learn more about the human body. It had been a fascination of his since he was a child, having grown up believing his father was a medical-nin and wanting to follow in his footsteps. He had learned from random scrolls and books little interesting facts and information about the human body, and had learned to be capable of performing a few first-aid procedures.

He had sort of lost interest in medical Ninjutsu after his father had revealed himself to having been a Hunter-Nin in the past, and that his knowledge of the medical arts had originally been to allow him to kill people more efficiently. Other things had also pushed him away from learning about medical arts, such as the creation of Sanctuary and the Power of the White Snake that he possessed. Becoming a Jounin as well, had distracted him from what had been his original goal.

Now that he was in sanctuary, and had so much time however, his interest seemed to have rekindled itself. He began inquiring his father for lessons, on how to properly use his chakra for healing and for doing surgeries. He also wanted to learn about the more deadly aspects of medical Ninjutsu, such as using it to slice a person’s insides without leaving a wound or disrupting their nervous system with a touch.

The more he heard and read about Medical Ninjutsu, the more interested he became. He quickly read through any scroll his father had brought with him from their home, constantly rereading them in order to find all of their secrets. He devoured as much information as he could, learning about how muscles worked, the location of bones in the body, and of course about organs as well.

After months of learning Denkiteki decided that it was genetic experimentation that interested him most. He found that interesting, as he was not the first Snake summoner to become interested in such things. He wondered if the Power of the White Snake came with a curse, to want to understand the human body and, perhaps, learn how to make a being that was perfect. From his readings of The Tale of Naruto Uzamaki, he had learned of Orochimaru, a man who had been seeking immortality as well as perfection.

One night Denkiteki stayed up, looking over the book and reading more about Orochimaru. He was amused by the fact that this book, that he had bought simply because he had gotten a lot of a mission and was bored, was proving to be so useful to him. He read about Orochimaru’s technique that allowed him to possess new hosts in order to continue living. Denkiteki believed it to have been incomplete, mostly due to the short amount of time the man could remain inside of a host.

Denkiteki also learned of his obsession with the Sharingan, and its ability to understand Ninjutsu. Denkiteki’s interest in elemental and most other ‘normal’ Ninjutsu was not that great however, though the fact that Orochimaru experimented with Senju cells did. Den found it curious that Orochimaru desired the Uchiha clans powers, and had access to the cells of the First Hokage. He wondered if Orochimaru had ever hoped to recreate the Rinnegan, or if he even knew that the Dojutsu could be created by combining the two Kekkai Genkai. Perhaps that had been his plan? To eventually become a Sage and wield Divine Power? I feel, that would be the perfect being. Some one with the power of the original Sage. Denkiteki thought about it for a moment, wondering if he would be able to one day wield divine power. As far as he knew, he did not have any blood connection to the sage. [i]Perhaps that was his goal, to possess someone with a connection to the sage in hopes of obtaining Rinnegan? I was an interesting thought, that Orochimaru may have in fact wanted the Rinnegan. If he hadn’t wanted it, Den would think him a fool.

As he put down the book, laying it on his bed, his thoughts turned to Minorin. She was a Senju, a member of one of the clans that descended from the second son of the sage. He would never think about possessing her, but what about taking some DNA? Could he possibly, mix her blood with that of an Uchiha in order to create a power as great as the Sages?

It was, without a doubt, and interesting idea. It was one Denkiteki hoped to look further into, once he possessed a more complete knowledge of medical Ninjutsu he would see if he could possibly alter his own DNA with that if Senju and Uchiha, of perhaps he would need a new vessel, and be forced to become more like Orochimaru. He hoped it would not come to that, though Den wasn’t fazed but so much by death, he preferred not to kill or harm others unless she was forced, and took no joy unless he thought he was truly making the world better.

Perhaps I shall find a criminal with the body I seek, should I require a new vessel to reach my goal. That would work well, to rid the world of a criminal while also transcending beyond that of a normal human. It was probably the closest thing Den had ever come to being poetic, desiring to strike down evil in order to transcend and become a divine being, if he needed to do so anyway.

Sighing, Den left the book on his bed as he stood up, before he could do any of this he had to learn the basics of medical Ninjutsu. Stretching, Denkiteki looked out towards the rising sun, which he had decided would be blue that day. It didn’t affect the color of anything else however, there was no blue tint to the surrounding landscape. Everything looked the same as it would have if Den had his sun look exactly the same as the real one.

Den only paused for a moment however, before made his way out of the door and went downstairs. His father was waiting for him, a few medical books in his hands. “I suppose you’ll want to read through these again soon, or have you memorized them yet?” His father chuckled as he asked the question, holding the giant books between both arms. Den had read each book a number of times already, however it would have been impossible to memorize them, there was just too much information. Den could only hope that he could learn what he needed from them, in order to become a proper medical ninja.

Denkiteki took one of the books from his father’s hands, it described genetics and mostly focused on Kekkai Genkai. Den’s father chuckled a she picked up the book, he knew that Den had grown interested in manipulating genetics to give a person the abilities of another clan. So far though, most of his studies hadn’t helped much. The book, though he read it often, would have him believe that it is nearly impossible to mix a Kekkai Genkai with another, and to perform the act he wished. Despite this, it was still useful, and would be helpful until he could conduct his own studies.

“So are you just going to read today? I thought we might use some of the people you make to practice doing surgery. You made them with human bodies correct? They have organs and bones?” Denkiteki’s father didn’t really view the people created in Sanctuary as real, so while what he said may have sounded disturbing to some Den wasn’t really bothered by it.

“Yes, I believe they are just like normal human beings. I suppose we could find out, at least. I‘ll just make one, as well as a lab and we can cut them open.” Den said this all nonchalantly, deciding he would create a corpse. He didn’t want to create life just to snuff it out soon afterwards, even though he was a god in this place and could just bring them back. If I am to aspire to divinity, I must act as a true divine being should.

Den didn’t want to treat the lives of the people in his realm as though it didn’t matter, because to him it would be one step closer to becoming a dark being. Den wanted to be considered a god, not a demon or devil. If he began disregarding the lives of his own creations simply because he had absolute power over them, what would happen if he managed to obtain god like powers in the real world? Den believed he would begin to disregard the lives of anyone except those close to him, and he would become a being who took life without cause or reason.

Thinking for a moment, Denkiteki created a laboratory full of already diseased people, as well as tools he would need. He created underground, miles away from the city he had created. He then put a hand on his father’s shoulder, the one that wasn’t holding the book of course. After a moment the two disappeared in a bright white light.


Den had been studying in his lab for four years, using corpses created in Sanctuary. He was almost an expert at performing surgeries, and was also learning to make medicine and poison. He also believed he was well on his way to achieving his goal, though he believed it would take some time before he could actually possess divine ability. His father had been a great help, using his knowledge as a medical ninja and an assassin to guide him in his endeavor. Den learned much about the workings of the human body, and also studied to see if he could alter his own. He wondered if there was a way to make his Power of the White Snake grant him even more abilities, perhaps even and enhanced regeneration or more control over his transformations.

Den’s lab was rather large, though needlessly so. He could alter everything in it, so he could have just made it have what he needed for the given task. But he liked it spacious, and so it was. He had a room in which he dissected people, another where he learned how to best preserve bodies and organs. He also had a room in which he practiced making poison and medicine. It had truly been an interesting four years.

His father believed he was capable of learning medical Ninjutsu, as he had been a skilled Ninjutsu and his chakra control was good. However, Den didn’t begin by learning the basic techs. He instead began to try and learn his own, attempting to make a jutsu that was based around his research into Kekkai Genkai manipulation as well as the human body. Unlike many other jutsu he had created, such as his earth release techs, this one proved difficult. Even after a few years of attempting it, the tech still didn’t work. Not that Den had any good test subjects, so he honestly couldn’t be sure.

Den sighed as he put down his scalpel, one of the few ‘real’ items in his lab. He looked at the corpse of the dead old man he had created, whose torso he had cut up with the scalpel he had just put down. He could see a number of organs, and wondered which ones he should study next. He already had extensive notes on what the heart looked like, and it operated. Den had even created a person who felt no pain so that he could look at one in action, though he had made sure to heal the man afterwards and gave him the sense of touch. Perhaps Den should look at the brain? But that was not in the torso of course, and much harder to get to.

Sighing, Den snapped his fingers, the body disappearing completely. Unsure what to do, Den created a chair in the corner of his lab and sat down for a moment, “What should I do, Takehiko?” He sounded bored, uninspired. He was tired of ‘playing’ medical-nin, and wanted to begin helping real people, as well as practicing his technique to see if he could alter the genetic code of people. Takehiko stood on the other side of the room, looking over at where the body had been. He had been standing there, watching Den the whole time. He was interested in what Denkiteki did, but not in such a way that he desired to learn it. He preferred his Earth Release techniques and the more combative jutsu. It would help him defend people better.

“Perhaps you should try and join the medical corps in Tengakure? I’m sure they would welcome you, you are fast and could learn the techniques you need quickly enough. I’m sure someone amongst them would help you with your techniques you are attempting to create.” Takehiko didn’t really sound that sure of his answer though. He didn’t know much about the medical corps in Tengakure, or if one even existed. He just assumed there was one, because that would make sense.

“I am sure some of the things I desire would be considered kinjutsu, that third tech I was attempting to create would most definitely be considered illegal. The others I am not so sure about, but I don’t want anyone to know about my goal, at least until I have reached it. And I don’t want anyone else trying to steal my ideas, I do not want to start some race for the Rinnegan. Or have someone steal my idea for increasing the power of ones muscles in a way similar, but not exactly the same to that of Tsunade’s technique. I am not good at sharing.” He chuckled at the last part, though it was true. Even though he didn’t know if his ideas were plausible, or if they were stupid, he didn’t want anyone to steal them from him.

“”Alright, I am sorry Denkiteki-sama. Perhaps we should try to get some test subjects, for the technique you desire. So far you haven’t really been able to test it. Why not find some poor sap looking for power, and try to give him a Kekkai Genkai?” Takehiko thought that idea worked, he knew of the three techniques Den had thought of that was the one he wanted to perfect the most. The other two were based off of powerful techniques Den had read about, and he only cared for them in order to increase his fighting ability.

“Perhaps I shall, nut I think I will go back to studying for now. I’d like to wait a bit longer before testing that, I want to make sure that I don’t kill anyone when I attempt that.” Den walked over to Takehiko, putting his hand on his shoulder. The two then disappeared in a bright white light, leaving Sanctuary.

Den appeared in his new apartment that he and Takehiko shared. It was a very nice place, like the Tenkage had told him it would be. Both Den and Take had their own rooms, there was a small kitchen, and a small living room with a television (though neither of them really used it). There were a couple of books in the living room however, all of them on medical terminology or anatomy or something like that. Takehiko had been surprised when Den had first walked in from the library, bringing in piles of book for him to read alongside him.

The two had done a lot of studying, though Den did far more so than Takehiko. Take read a few books here and there, but he barely understood what any of them meant. He wanted to help Denkiteki however, so he continued to try and understand what the hell the books were saying.

Den had a much easier time, having studied medical Ninjutsu for four years at that point. He knew most of the terminology and now had a basic knowledge on most types of medical Ninjutsu. He could make some poisons, such as the one needed for his shape-shifting sword when it was in katana form. He knew how to stitch up wounds and properly bandage them. He had yet to learn any techniques, but he would soon begin to do that as well, though he didn’t care for most of them. He didn’t want to waste his time using a healing tech or learning it when he could just as quickly stitch the wound up or bandage it. He would probably learn healing techs for more serious wounds however.

Den picked up one of the larger books, another about genetics. It had proved really helpful in his quest for understanding Kekkai Genkai. The book explained genetics, and how they pertained to Kekkai Genkai in great detail. Den learned a lot, and it helped him with his theories on how the Uchiha and Senju came to be. If he could figure out how to create Rinnegan from the two, he might be able to create the eyes, or somehow alter his own genetics to allow him to develop a pair.

As he sat down in a chair with the book, he took out his notes as well. He thought he was close, at least, to being able to develop Kekkai Genkai in other people. Perhaps not create the all mighty Rinnegan, but that was fine. If his theory worked, and his technique was possible, he could make others gain powerful bloodlines. He believed he could even cause people to develop a second, though he had yet to test out the technique so there was no way to be certain. I shall find out soon enough, once I finally find someone willing to let me test the technique on them.

(Switching Ninjutsu for Medical Ninjutsu, Space-time is now my main spec?)

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