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Jinichi Terumi
Jinichi Terumi
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Mission: Missing Pets [P, Jin] Empty Mission: Missing Pets [P, Jin]

Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:15 am

Jin woke up at around 8AM, the mission board had given Jin the task of looking for a bunch of lost pets, they seemed to have just disappeared, the owners of said pets said that their pets would never do such a thing, this could lead to suggest that they might have been stolen, which is somewhat depressing, Jin was going to save all of the cute animals that have found themselves alone, one of the cats, Jimmy, a cat which was said to possess ninja like attributes, had gone missing somehow, Jin didn't really care, he was going to find Jimmy at all costs and give him back to his owners intact, so Jin set out, got dressed and walked out of the door and into the village, he didn't really know where to look, so he figured he'd ask Jimmy's owners where the last time they saw him.

He headed towards the address listed on the "LOST CAT" notice, and Jin knocked on their door a couple of times, a rather worried looking woman opening up later on "I'm here for what happened to Jimmy-kun, do you know where you last saw the kitty?" Jin asked, he wanted to know approximately which direction he should be looking at to find the despaired feline companion of this middle aged woman, she responded with: "I think I saw Jimmy get taken by a bunch of men in white suits, they looked like doctors of sorts. Please get him back, please!" The woman begged, almost in tears, "Ne, ne! I'll get the kitty back but do you know which direction they went in?" He asked, the woman pointed to the west, Jin nodded and set off in that direction, he thought he heard a cat meow in the distance, but he wasn't exactly sure, the streets were almost empty, and the meow made itself heard yet again, by now Jin had the arousing suspicion that it might have been Jimmy, he heard yet another meow as Jin turned around and headed for the direction where he heard the meows.

"Get the anesthesia." A deep voice demanded, as muffled footsteps were heard, they were probably in a basement somewhere, Jin looked around and noticed some form of metal trapdoor, but it wouldn't budge, it was either rusted in place or had a lock on it, Jin used his Earth Spear technique to yank the door out and jump down, the voices less muffled afterwards, the trapdoor led to some form of thin, badly lit hallway, he crouched down at the corner of the room where the meows were heard and listened in.

"So is this dumb cat really as fast as a ninja? Seems like a load of bullshit to me." One of the guys spoke with a deep voice, the other one just grunted. "He will be after the experiments."

"Damn, forgot the god damned needles, I'll be right back." one of the men said as he narrowly walked past Jin's corridor, thankfully, without seeing him, Jin used this opportunity to strike, He ran towards the door and dealt a flying kick, busting it off it's hinges and sending it flying towards one of the surgeons holding a scalpel, the door collided with his head and broke on it, knocking him out instantly as Jin used Earth Spear to turn his hand black and increse his strength to punch a medic who was trying to assault him with a bone saw right through his expensive medical equipment, the other guy had just gotten back, but Jin dealt him a swift strength augmented blow to the nose, breaking it and knocking him down as blood dribbled from his nostrils.

Jin removed the electrodes and the anasthesia mask from the cat and got the hell out of here, radioing to HQ to arrest the scientists.

Jin walked towards the woman's house and knocked on the door, Jin held up the unconscious cat and smiled, the woman burst into tears with joy and held the cat while sobbing, Jin received his pay and headed home.

Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Mission: Missing Pets [P, Jin] Empty Re: Mission: Missing Pets [P, Jin]

Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:43 pm
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