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Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Present for Koroshi :D [P, IO] Empty Present for Koroshi :D [P, IO]

Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:50 pm
Xuro Bakuton had made his way towards the Kazekage's chambers with the unconscious body of the boy on his back. He felt he needed to do the right thing and hand the boy in to the Kazekage to be dealt with justice and not just simply kill him. Xuro reached the Kazekage's chambers and walked up to his office. He would ask the Anbu guards, "I have something for the Kazekage, Koroshi-sama. It is a boy which was trying to go rouge and defect this village." he was in a hurry and had to be somewhere. He would hand over the body of the boy to the Anbu and asked them to give it to Koroshi and relate the story about the boy trying to defect. Xuro would disappear in a blur of speed heading out of the Kazekage's chambers...
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Present for Koroshi :D [P, IO] Empty Re: Present for Koroshi :D [P, IO]

Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:19 pm
The ANBU accept the unconscious giving him a quick check to make sure that there isn't any booms, or traps placed on him before opening the door to the Kazakage chambers "Sir we have a gift from Xuro, he found this boy trying to leave the village, from what he said he was trying to go rouge" The ANBU says while walking into the room to show Koroshi the body "Hmmm, why was he was trying to leave and go rouge?" Koroshi asks the ANBU who is placing the boy on the floor in his office "I have no idea, but does it really matter? Shouldn't we lock him up so he doesn't cause harm to anyone?" The ANBU says after putting the boy down and looking at Koroshi "Well I wanna know why first, if I am not going that good of a job as a Kage that my ninja are trying to leave, then I wish to know" Koroshi says as he gets up and stand in front of the boy, waiting for him to wake up, the ANBU simply nod and leave the room, shutting the door behind them.
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