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Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko] Empty A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko]

Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:43 pm
One of his favorite times of the day, which was now morning...or was it afternoon had finally came upon the somewhat peaceful village of Kumogakure no sat and seeing it as a perfect time to do so he would get up and leave his peaceful cave to go and venture out into the world and life of Kumo. Deciding not to go out in his usual attire, he decided to put on a black buttoned up shirt which was halfway buttoned and showed his chest, and a pair of black pants along with his grey haori and famed sword. His spikey yet tamed silver hair sat in his face for a moment as he shook his head and continued to walk out of the cave outside.

The cool foggy air touched his face as he looked up at the sun which was being buffeted by the clouds and fog above, not a good sight but this would tell him that it was about to get either better or worse so he would chuckle slightly as he made his way to the village. It was not too long ago since he came down to the busy village after being the hospital so he thought it would be okay to check on everything.

After fifteen minutes of walking into the village he would look around and try to find something to he would stop in front of a restaurant that he had went to not to long ago to eat in, his grey eyes would stare at the sign for a moment contemplating on what he wanted to do," Grahh...i am hungry although i want to also go around the village for a bit to see some people," he was seriously beating himself up over this situation.
Kamiko Koutaishi
Kamiko Koutaishi
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A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko] Empty Re: A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko]

Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:06 am
Yuriko was deep in thought as she walked through the streets of Kumogakure, her mind was on the Orbs that she had only recently begun to be able to control and understand. The Orbs were a way of keeping herself safe, as well as warning for any impending danger, due to their sensory abilities and soft glow. She was tempted to create one such orb, but due to being outside on the streets of the village, she did not wish to draw any eyes upon her - moreso than her dress or young age - and instead elected to begin to think of new ways to use them.

While in this train of thought, Yuriko bumped head-first into Yaju and as she did so uttered a quick apology and took a step back to rub her head with one hand, feeling a bit sore. Her eyes then wandered over to the mans clothing, his body, then finally his eyes before she truly began to speak.

"Oh, Hello . . . I did not see you there." Yuriko stated, offering a small and slightly embarrassed smile to him as she waited for his response, not wanting to seem rude and simply walk off.

As she waited, Yuriko straightened her dress in a subtle nervous tic.
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko] Empty Re: A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko]

Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:24 am
The food was also tempting as he continued to smell it and for a moment he would be drooling, but before anyone could see him do this he would wipe his mouth and groan," The decisions are going to be the death of me... know what i am going to do this and nothing is going to change tha-," the feeling of someone bumping into him shifted him for a bit before he looked down to see Yuriko, the same girl from the gates the other day.

He had smiled fro a moment as he rubbed her head gently before smiling to her," Hello Yuriko and don't worry about it no harm no foul eh," a small chuckle escaped his lips as he looked into the restaurant for a moment and then looked back to Yuriko. A small formed on his face for a moment before speaking again," So Yuriko would you like to have some lunch with me today it would be my treat if you wanted to join me," he would wait for her to speak before walking inside to get them a table.
Kamiko Koutaishi
Kamiko Koutaishi
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A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko] Empty Re: A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko]

Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:35 am
Yuriko smiled as Yaju rubbed her head and laughed, she felt at ease with him, much like she had with Inijo, for now they were the only two to obtain such a feeling from Yuriko, who - at the academy and regularly around the village - was usually very quiet and aloof. Nonetheless she stood there now, smiling as she heard him offer to take her inside for lunch, her stomach rumbled a bit and she realized that she had not eaten today and so finally breaking her own momentary silence with a gleam in her eyes, Yuriko spoke.

"Of course, Yaju-San" She added for politeness, then giving a small curtsy. Yuriko was excited at the idea of having lunch with the man she knew as Yaju, but for what reason even she was not sure why. With that thought, Yuriko gazed into the restaurant and then back at Yaju.  

"Do you know any girls, Yaju-San?" She asked without preamble, titling her head slightly in curiosity as she asked him. Yuriko was not completely sure why she asked, but she felt like she wanted to know, and maybe .  .  . Her mind wandered as she waited for his reply, still gazing at him as she did so.
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko] Empty Re: A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko]

Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:52 am
" Good it would be nice to have a nice lunch with a potential student, after all being in this village for a while has me being a rather good sensei. Oh what ever you want to eat it will be on me, that includes drinks and the buffet," Yaju would smile and begin to walk inside of the restaurant before seeing an open table, so he would sit down at it and wait for Yuriko to join him. It was good to see another genin in the village be a little active and if he could he would like to start a new team up and lead them up into the higher ranks, it was literally all he did with his time in the village besides his Kage duties.

Yuriko's question would leave Yaju with a very apparent "what" face although for the first time in a while he was very confused on why she had asked him this. Smiling for a moment he would nod," I know of a couple of girls in the village, most of which are good friends with me. Theres the Raikage, Misaki Ametsuchi and one of my older students Reika why do you ask Yuriko," his head would tilt slighty, but not at the it was how she had asked him about it. For the moment he would wait for her response before responding back to her.

It was a bit different having lunch with one of the newer genin of the village, although he felt like she would be a good student so for the course of the lunch he would find out if she wanted to in fact study under him and become stronger.
Kamiko Koutaishi
Kamiko Koutaishi
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A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko] Empty Re: A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko]

Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:14 am
Yuriko's expression scrunched up in a show of confusion toward herself before eventually settling back into her usual, calm face. When she spoke, she did so with a mixture of wonder and anxiousness in her tone. 

"I just wanted to know, Yaju-San." She states, shifting in her chair a bit before asking another question. She was not sure why she kept asking these things, but something compelled her to do so, and her willpower was not yet strong enough to silence it, nor really did she wish to . . . Yet.

"Do you like any of them, Yaju-San?" She continues, placing emphasis on the "Like" as it was the most important word of the sentence to Yuriko, the part that she desired an answer for. Quickly after asking, she shakes her head and sighs, looking embarrassed. 

"I'm sorry . . . I should not ask so many questions over lunch like this, I just ---" She interrupted herself with a frustrated noise before continuing. "I just had a strange feeling, you should forget I asked any of that . . . " She finishes, gazing down at the table for a long moment before looking up with a faint smile.  

"So, I heard you train Genin? Like me?" She says, attempting to derail the train of thought she placed with the question prior. Yuriko continues to smile faintly at him, her gaze softening as she waits for a reply.
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko] Empty Re: A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko]

Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:31 am
So far it was going well between the two as they sat there and talked, although mentally this girl was older than she lead on to be. He wouldn't speak just yet although as she asked her next question he would look at her for a moment and then smile before shaking his head," No, as far as the two of them go Misaki is a close friend and i help her protect the village, and Reika is someone i am helping perfect her medical skills. To be honest i haven't really had anyone i "liked" although as of now it wouldn't be such a bad idea to find someone," a small chuckle happened to escape his lips before he waited for her to respond.

He would give her a comforting smile before speaking to her," I do not mind you asking me questions for i am a pretty open guy, in fact i wouldn't mind it if you did ask me questions. You should be yourself and not be so worried you are going to strike a nerve with me Yuriko, if you relax a bit everything will be fine," his smile would remain as he looked at the menu for only a second before looking back up at Yuriko.

" Yes i do, so far i have had three successful teams that have either went on their way to become chuunin and jounin of the village or are about to become chuunin. To be honest at first i wasn't the ideal sensei, but overtime i kind of got used it it. Lately i have been trying to find a new student to take under since i usually just have one person training under wouldn't be interested in becoming my student would you?," he would wait for a moment before looking back to her to see what her reaction would be.
Kamiko Koutaishi
Kamiko Koutaishi
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A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko] Empty Re: A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko]

Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:50 am
Yuriko's mind was already racing as Yaju replied, but she managed to focus on his words intently even as thoughts bombarded her relentlessly, disjointed and almost painful in their succession. Upon hearing that he did not like either of them in such a way as she had thought, Yuriko seemed to feel much lighter and even relaxed in her seat, her smile widening - if only slightly - to show her feeling toward the answer. His laugh made her at ease again, as it had when they first entered. 

She did suppose that she was over-reacting, worrying too much about what his reaction would be rather than focusing on the present, and their conversation. It was important after-all to take everything with a grain of salt, and to not only worry what others may think. She glanced at her menu as well, staring at the selections hungrily, but as she was still in the middle of a conversation she could not be bothered to worry about the food at that moment, but perhaps soon, as her stomach rumbled once more. 

Hearing how well his previous students had done and that he was looking for a new student made Yuriko's jaw drop slightly before she turned it into a beaming smile - rare for her, but in this case she allowed herself to do so - speaking quickly. 

"I would be honored to be your student, Yaju-San - - - Yaju-Sensei!" Yuriko managed to contain her excitement enough as to not yell her words, but she spoke quite quickly and a tad bit louder than her normal, soft tone.  

Yuriko simply beamed with delight at Yaju, feeling as if the world were finally revealing itself to her and he was her guide. 

Everything begins here. She thought to herself.
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko] Empty Re: A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko]

Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:41 am
Seeing the smile on her face would make Yaju a little curious about why although he had a few guesses so he would simply smile and lightly chuckle as he relaxed in his seat a bit. He was enjoying this time with his new student and although he would see a couple of available waiters he would not call them over just yet. Before he had forgotten he would take his sword and sit it on the floor underneath the table so he could be a little more comfortable.

Seeing that she was going to accept his offer to be her student, Yaju could hear the excitement in her voice as she spoke," Well then Yuriko we will start your training tomorrow either at the training grounds or the mountains, if you want you can choose between the two locations depending on which one you would like better," he would let her choose where she would like to be trained due to the fact that it would need to be a place where she would be comfortable training in.

After a small moment a waiter would come over asking the two what would they like to drink and were they ready to order, in which Yaju would look up to the waiter and nod," I would like a nice cup of green tea and also some pork buns, and i guess i will have the Pork Udon please," the waiter would also take Yuriko's order and soon walk off leaving the two alone. Yaju's eyes would go back to Yuriko before speaking," So what will your goals be as we train Yuriko, i am sure you would like to either get stronger or find a new place in the village...but do you have any personal goals," curious as to what the girl would like to learn and obtain, Yaju wanted to see what she would say.
Kamiko Koutaishi
Kamiko Koutaishi
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A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko] Empty Re: A meeting in the restaurant [Yuriko]

Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:38 pm
Yuriko calmed herself as Yaju asked his first question about where she wished to train and gave herself a moment to consider this, eventually she made up her mind and spoke her thoughts aloud on the subject. "Well, Yaju-Sensei." She began, pausing for a moment as her thoughts were put into words almost automatically. Her tone was normal now, but underneath still held her excitement at everything that had just happened and what may become of it. "I think that we should visit the mountains first, preferably somewhere dark - - - " Knowing it may have sounded strange to say that last bit, she elaborated. "I wanted to show you something that I made up. I think you might like it, too - - - I could even show you how if you would like to know." At this she giggled softly, it was a bit funny to her, a student teaching something to the Sensei, but it was not as if it never happened.

When the waiter came, Yuriko ordered a simple bowl of ramen and a cup of tea as well - though she usually preferred a sweeter drink, Yuriko was sure that tea was the more "Grown-Up" drink and would make for a better impression, which is why she ordered it.

As Yaju asked about her goals, it dawned on her that she had never truly put them into words before, merely vaguely hoping for adventure and excitement, glory and fame were not even truly part of it. Nonetheless she decided to at least attempt to explain her goals to her new Sensei.
"Well, Sensei . . . " She made an expression showing confusion for a moment before continuing. "I never really thought about it a lot before, to be honest. But if I had to say? I think what I really want is to do something for the village, maybe even the world. I want to be more than just another shinobi, I want to be remembered and have an adventure along the way. Most of all . . . I think I want to be a hero one day, not the type of hero that comes to the rescue for every little thing, but a hero that saves the day when no one else can. Basically . . . I want to be more than I am now." She let out a deep sigh as she finished her small speech, Yuriko was sure that all if it was probably nonsense to her new Sensei, maybe even made her look a little childish, so she slumped her shoulders and waited for the orders to arrive.
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