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Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk) Empty Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk)

Sun Mar 09, 2014 2:35 pm
Kankris leaned against a tree, the air breezed threw the green leaves of the trees that surrounded his training spot, the ground shifting ever so slightly as worms crawled threw it, and his faithful companion ShellShocker was just enjoying a bath in the near by pond Kankri almost didn't expect anything to go wrong as Shellshocker suddenly bashed into Kankris side via a Aqua jet, leaving Kankri gasping, Kankri ficked the turtle away from him getting off the ground, his pants and shirt now covered with dirt stains and Kankri let out a sigh.

" It's not gonna be a easy day" Kankri said placing his index and his middle finger on his lips remembering that purple haired girl, Kankri let out a grunt of rage at the thought of her, to this point of time he didn't understand anything she did, she ran from a fight ninjas never run, she called him a peasant which really got Kankri boiling, he calmed himself down and looked around, due to the less than happy meeting with that girl he completely forgot what his intentions where, he needed to make new friends, not to insult Sora but he couldn't have the same friend forever he felt he needed a new friend and this peaceful afternoon may be the time for Kankri to do it as he let his eyes wonder around the training grounds.
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Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk) Empty Re: Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk)

Sun Mar 09, 2014 2:45 pm
Megami strolled calmly through the training grounds, wondering where and when she should officially begin her training. She took in the nature around her, enjoying it with pleasure. It sure was nice to see such flora and fauna around her. 'God bless this village.' the young girl thought with a smile as she looked over to her left, squinting one eye as she spotted a rather young boy with pure white hair, almost like snow. It was relatively short compared to her own hair. Though that wasn't exactly saying much. The next thing she noticed almost drove her insane. He was covered in mud and dirt, not only that but he was wet. 'What complete disregard for cleanliness!' Megami thought to herself furiously. She made her way over to the boy, her hands on her hips as she prepared to scold him.

"Look at you! You're covered in dirt! How could you ever hope to survive in a world of mine, even as a saint, with such complete disregard for cleanliness?!" she scolded him, disregarding that she sounded like a complete lunatic. "Without cleanliness and order, any society would fall! It would fall to illness and disease and to germs! Do you want that?! Do you want the Devil to infect you with germs?! Huh?!" she stomped her foot impatiently, expecting an answer as she crossed her arms.
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Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk) Empty Re: Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk)

Sun Mar 09, 2014 2:58 pm
Kankris eyes widened in shock as the girl came arms at her waist, she began to scold Kankri about cleaning and such and how the devil would infect him with germs while she was talking her little heart out Kankri smiled Shellshocker right next to him, the aqua jet now gone Kankri looked at the girl who had just finished scolding him stomping her foot Kankri let one of his evil grins slip onto his face.

Kankri looked at his Shellshocker with a gleam in both of their eyes " You sure do talk a lot about being clean," Kankri said the grin not leaving his face even as he spoke "But you have a bit of dirt on your face too, her Shellshocker clean her off" Kankri said with a smile, Shellshocker would send a jet beam of water from his position, her being at point blank range with not enough speed to dodge the incoming stream of water left her a bit at a disadvantage, if the attack went threw drenching her Kankri and Shellshocker would laugh very loudly unlike most heroes you see or even hear about, Kankri never claimed to be a hero that title simply befell upon his personality, if the attack missed Kankri would look rather displeased at her then at Shellshocker.
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Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk) Empty Re: Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk)

Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:04 pm
Megami was blasted directly in the face with the stream of water, a rather large grimace encompassing her face as she struggled to keep from blushing and becoming flustered. She brought her hand up to her forehead, brushing her bangs ever so slightly to the left as she gave the boy the angriest look that a human could possibly give. She bite her bottom lip, her body tensing up as she struggled to maintain her composure. She closed her eyes, mumbling her next words carefully. "Y-you.. You dare... to drench the Messiah? You sinful filth?" she muttered, her eyes solidifying with anger.

"Do you not care what happens to you in the afterlife, you fool?! My divine father will damn you to Hell! Eternal flames will encompass your body incinerating you for eternity! You will know greater pain than anyone has ever felt combined throughout their entire lifetime!" she stomped her foot one last time and turned away stubbornly. "You're lucky none of my seals are active yet or you'd be in a world of trouble, young man." she sighed, crouching down as tears began to stream down form the corners of her eyes. "I'm... I'm so weak..." she burst into tears, crying gently.
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Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk) Empty Re: Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk)

Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:14 pm
Kankri sat threw yet another scolding she continued blabbering on and on about how her god would take Kankri to utmost reaches of hell, actually that would be the part Kankri enjoyed, he didn't mind pain he enjoyed it's feeling it meant he was alive, so what was the problem with being stabbed, a limb being torn off, it doesn't matter the pain it was simply enjoyable, then Kankri heard something that set him off 'Filth" Kankri began to get angry Shellshock knew this and stepped behind the tree, the air around Kankri changed from unshine to you gonna die mother fucker, Kankri looked up at her with a evil grin.

Kankri was half way threw his lightning palm as she said something he could ignore 'I'm... I'm so weak...' is what she said simply, Kankri remembered feeling the same way about himself after the fight with Sora, the boy had beaten Kankri to a pulp breaking his body and then he had to go threw the Genin exams and try and show them he was worth their time.All threw out the exam Kankri felt pity for himself, he could barely do the cloning jutsus, and he felt this same pain, weakness, it egged him to see what he saw, she busted into tears crying rather gently like a child Kankri sigh and looked at her "Listen don't call yourself weak, at least you held your ground against Shellshockers attack' Kankri said trying to comfort her as much as he could without making her feel embarrassed.
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Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk) Empty Re: Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk)

Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:20 pm
Megami looked up at him, making a half smile as she stood up at full height, giggling. "You sure do fall for the simplest emotional manipulation, don't ya kid?" she chuckled, brushing her hair with her hand. "Though I do appreciate the kind words, I'd give it about two days before I'm able to take on anyone in this village." she giggled gently, closing her eyes as she looked up to the sky, embracing the sun. "For now I may seem weak but that won't change the world. I don't simply wish to become stronger. I must. It is in God's plan. Without me becoming stronger, nothing will get better. I will be a failure." she sighed before turning to look at him.

"Sorry for faking you out with the false tears. You're interesting enough. I'd like to get to know you." she told him rather plainly, her anger slowly subsiding. He didn't seem like all that bad of a guy. She found it difficult to maintain her anger towards him. "After all, when the world is finally changed I will require people like you to act as my Saints." she chuckled, smiling at him.
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Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk) Empty Re: Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk)

Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:57 pm
Kankri was played just like a card, this chick had just tugged on his feelings like a rope, his eyes started to squint and his teeth started to grin, she wanted them to be friends, but true friends wouldn't do this she spilled some shit about saints and Kankri felt a snap in his sanity just like the old man he went beserk and started throwing around rude comments to the girl.

"so... YOU FUCKING EXPECT ME TO BE FRIENDS WITH THE LIKE OF YOU!" Kankri said with a cold scream "This is kumo bitch, and i am about to teach you what happens to people who get all cocky" Kankri said his eyes widening as he pulled his sword out sticking it deep into the  ground requiring at least 5 strength to rip it out " Use my kings blade" Kankri said as he did the hand signs for Denki bodi for +20 to his speed making it 50 speed, he would make it over to the girl switching his tansmetal katana to it's katana form, Kankri would move to the girl, to her it would be a second, as Kankri would take his katana slashing clean threw her right arm, that katana is located in his right hand, and he would take his left hand ripping her eyeball out of her socket, this would not kill her only weaken her.Kankri would then hop back laughing "WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW BITCH HUH NOT HERE PROTECTING YOU, YOU MUST BE WORST THAN TRASH TO HIM NOW I HAVE A LIMB AND A EYE FOR MY USE!" Kankri would say with a screaming ton holding both the things he stole from her proudly.


Last edited by Kankri on Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk) Empty Re: Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk)

Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:50 pm
((OOC: Partial Void Request. He used multiple stat boosting techniques which violates the rules.
-You cannot have more that one boosting method in a single field active at a time.

I am posting this in concurence with The Post Voids Rule and request that either a member of staff take a look or that my opponent himself accept the void.

Megami calmly tilted her head, watching on as he appeared to be preparing for an assault of sorts. She had already deduced such based purely on his mounting anger and rude comments. She realized quickly that she was at a disadvantage in terms of power. She had not fulfilled any of her training yet, after all. However, what she did have would fully cover up for that fact. She had strategy, at the least. She had already formulated her plan while he was shouting at her and while he prepared his techniques she reached down for a rock, gripping and weighing it in her hand. 'Perfect.' she thought calmly, looking on as he was about to make his first move.

As soon as he disappeared from sight she had already calculated the approximate path he'd take, after all his speed far surpassed hers, so she simply tossed the rock forward and jumped back with the full extent of her speed. Although it wouldn't be enough to surpass his speed, it'd put enough distance that she'd avoid whatever attack he planned and also give the rock time to do its job. As it took him a mere second to traverse the distance, he should not have had any time to react and the rock should have done exactly as intended and become lodged in his head or chest. If not, Megami might be in trouble.

"Woah there, kid. Calm down. You're getting far too hasty there." she stated, calmly picking up another rock. If he had stopped where he had initially intended she would be several meters away at this point. Unlikely to get out unscathed if he continued. Luckily he had been quite a distance away, 50 meters, from her in the first place. ((We never stated distance.)) She sighed, tilting her head. "You're too good of a person for this."
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Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk) Empty Re: Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk)

Sun Mar 09, 2014 5:01 pm
Kankri at speeds of 50 dodged the pebble and began running away or more known as 'retreating' he wantedd to cool off and he knew the perfect way to do that, via a bubble bath, shellshocker lagging way behind him as Kankri traveled 50 meters a second leaving the girl behind unless she followed.

{attempt to exit}
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Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk) Empty Re: Sin and the 'Hero' (Io, Nk)

Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:03 pm
Megami sighed and simply allowed him to leave, disappointed that their discussions were ended so abruptly. She turned around and began to walk towards the training grounds track. 'Time to train my speed then.'

[Topic End]
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