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Never thought I'd spar you (IO) Empty Never thought I'd spar you (IO)

Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:09 pm
A gust of cool wind blew, the heat of the day was cooled as the wind cut through the trees. Sitting on a branch 30 meters from the ground was the young Jounin, Taiga. The wind pushed his charcoal black hair across his face, but did not effect his vision. The long black trench coat was flapping in the wind as he sat still, one of his feet were dangling below while the other was pulled up close to him. His hands locked together in a grip using his arms to hold his leg close to his torso, his eyes gazed over the horizon as the birds flew over him. He knew in his mind today he must train his abilities , strength was the only way he could remain a ninja in this village and not some dead fool. He began to wonder how to begin his training as he remained in the sitting position he had been in since he arrived in the dense forests of Takigakure.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Never thought I'd spar you (IO) Empty Re: Never thought I'd spar you (IO)

Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:30 pm
Saiga walks through the jungle, both of his hands placed in his pockets. Wearing a black shirt on his torso, accompanied black pants, and boots, and of course his Takigakure headband, which happens to hang from his neck. His signature gourd filled with all of his dust,  is strapped tightly against his back, the cork removed. He had decided it would be best for him to train. Actually, he had to. Whether he liked it or not he knew he could not stand to lose another fight, or have one end in a stalemate. There was no choice, but to become stronger.

While walking through the jungle, he notices a chakra signature near him. Looking up at its location, he finds himself staring at the frame of a person he had met previously, Taiga. Sighing softly, he wonders if he should invite the boy to the extreme training session he is about to enter. After deciding it would be best for him to train with a ninja of his own, that way they could both become stronger, he clears his throat, and opens his mouth, though hesitantly at first, he begins to speak, "You there. Would you like to join me? There is something I wish to speak with you about."
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Never thought I'd spar you (IO) Empty Re: Never thought I'd spar you (IO)

Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:41 pm
Taiga had noticed a signature of Chakra, while sitting in the tree. He then looked as the man appeared, it was the village leader Saiga himself. When the sound of his leader clearing his voice caught Taiga's attention he awaited what he hoped would be words of training, when the leader finished his sentence Taiga smiled with a joy of being able to converse with the savior of the village. He jumped from the tree and landed his feet stable on the ground his eyes fixed upon Saiga he spoke "Well Saiga sir, what brings you out here?" he then reached in his pocket and placed a cigar in his mouth, upon which he then lit with his fire chakra.

Taiga looked at the leader awaiting the response, his long dark blue trench coat hung down to Taiga's ankles and the sleeves were hanging down to the knuckles on his hand. The wind was causing his coat to reveal the black clothing Taiga was wearing beneath, along with the katana strapped to his side. Could Saiga be about to train with Taiga? This question arose in Taiga's mind as he spoke again "You needed something correct?" When he finished this sentence he exhaled smoke from the left side of his mouth in order to keep the smoke from entering his leaders face.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Never thought I'd spar you (IO) Empty Re: Never thought I'd spar you (IO)

Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:58 pm
The young leader observes Taiga as he leaps from the tree, while wondering about the hidden potential that may lie in the Jounin, Saiga replies to him nonchalantly, "Well, after the recent events concerning the village. I figured it would be benefitial for me, and the lives of the people within the village, to train. Can't have the village be threatened again." While he speaks, he removes his hands from his pockets, his well toned arms now hang loosely from their respective sides, the shirt only coming as far as his lower bicep area, near the elbow. "Figured I'd get some fresh air...The reason I called you down here is to asses your abilities. I know nothing about you, besides the information in your file, which I tend not to rely on. The Jounin title may seem pretty on paper, but on the battle field, is where your worth is truly measured." His red eyes stare directly into Taiga's as his voice lowers, and his face turns serious, filled with concern, and worry. "I don't want it to come to that. Which is why I must get you ready now. How 'bout it, you interested in training with me?" A distance of one meter now separates the two.
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Never thought I'd spar you (IO) Empty Re: Never thought I'd spar you (IO)

Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:28 pm
Taiga looked back into the red eyes of his leader he thought to himself "training" the words filled him with joy as he placed the palm of his left hand on the hilt of his katana. He then lowered his head and smirked with his eyes being covered by hair, then he spoke "True the rank jounin truly means nothing as there are people of genin rank stronger than I, so my answer is yes. I will partake in the training segment..." a moment of pause before he spoke again "You know I am aware of your power being over twice a much as my own, but I will do whatever I can to stand up for myself." He then uses his left hand to grip the handle of the katana tightly awaiting his leaders response.

Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Never thought I'd spar you (IO) Empty Re: Never thought I'd spar you (IO)

Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:11 pm
"Good. Since you understand...."

After this is said, the man places both hands together forming the necessary seal to summon an explosive clone to his left side. This clone is equipped with all items, Saiga has, including the dust filled gourd. Once the clone is summoned, Saiga performs an additional hand sign, body flickering ten meters away from Taiga, and his clone.

"How about we start this off. Let's see if you can land a hit against my clone."

The clone enters a hand-to-hand fighting stance, after Saiga completes his sentence. Preparing itself for an expected battle. It stands a single meter in front of the boy, waiting for him to make his move.
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Never thought I'd spar you (IO) Empty Re: Never thought I'd spar you (IO)

Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:36 pm
Taiga watched the handseals and jumped back putting 5 more meters between them, he then lifted the katana an inch out of it's sheath making it easier to slice from the draw. The flat ground they were standing in was roughly the size of a football field but rounded on the edges creating a large oval, enormous 1,000 year old trees stood above the men creating a light shade over the area. The ground was moist good for a strong grip for the ninjas feet, the trees were thick and tall making the forest seem denses from above but the size of the cause large patches of ground between each one. Raising his right hand about 1 inch from his waist forming the seal of the tiger, two clone of his own appeared a meter in front of him. The first clone reached into his kunai pouch strapped and lifted out a three pronged kunai in his right hand, the other did the same but stepped back taking on a defensive stance next to the real Taiga who remained holding his katana's handle with his left hand. The first clone used body flicker to appear behind Saiga's clone if the clone did not react a sudden twist of Taiga's clone would slice Saiga's clone's throat.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Never thought I'd spar you (IO) Empty Re: Never thought I'd spar you (IO)

Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:38 pm
The clone summoned by Saiga takes note of its three opponents, two clones, and the other real. When one of them disappears, it is notified of its position instantly, with the help of chakra sensory. The clone would respond without a single halt in movement, attempting to slam its left elbow into the abdomen of the clone, the moment it appears behind it. After this, a single construct would rise from the gourd on the clones back, that of a kunai, composed entirely of dust. The kunai would levitate over the clones head, and suddenly fall into its hands, unless interrupted. With the kunai in hand, the clone would attempt to turn around, and slash at the chest of Taiga's clone. At the same time, it's back would turn towards Taiga, and the other clone. At which time the dust within the gourd would rise, and shoot forth, a wave of dust three meters wide, and tall, would attempt to slam into both Taiga, and his clone moving at a speed the Jounin would be able to track (60).

Saiga merely stands back, calmly watching the events unfold in front of him. Curious to see his ninja's response, to his first attack. Hopefully it would not be too much for the boy to handle.
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Never thought I'd spar you (IO) Empty Re: Never thought I'd spar you (IO)

Mon Apr 07, 2014 6:28 pm
The charging clone noticed the quick movements by the opposing clone, knowing something was beginning to go wrong he would initiate the technique godly endurance. Veins on his head become prominent as he is filled with a burst of speed and strength, If the opposing clone did not recognize the jutsu nor the burst of speed and strength than he would be able to slide his katana through the throat off his opponent canceling the second attack. If the clone failed and was defeated the 2nd clone would attempt to dodge the attack while the real Taiga would escape a blow by using the hiding like a mole jutsu.

[Godly Endurance Active First clone, Hiding like a mole Taiga]
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Never thought I'd spar you (IO) Empty Re: Never thought I'd spar you (IO)

Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:16 pm
An ordinary clone would be destroyed at this point, however this was no ordinary clone. While watching a distance away, Saiga would mentally command the clone to explode, attempting to take the clone and all of those within the explosion radius with it. Smiling at Taiga's remarkable feat to come close to destroying his clone, the dust within his gourd would begin to stir, and if the boy managed to survive the explosion he would begin his next attack.

The entire amount of dust would exit the gourd, taking place behind him before moving to extend two meters from his body in all directions. This would make it appear as if a storm cloud had surrounded the leader, adding on a menacing appearance. Once all of the dust has exited the gourd, a portion of it, roughly a meter would break off, and take place five meters to the right of Saiga, five meters above the ground, a portion of it would dive into the ground, and begin to Search for, and collect, more of the Osmium.

As this happens, two disks of dust would both begin to form at Saiga's left, and right hand side. Once they've taken shape, they would shoot forth, aiming to locate Taiga. Upon doing so, both disks would attempt to pierce the boy, aiming to slam into his torso area if possible. The disks would move under the command of Saiga, so if the boy was still beneath the ground, the disks would follow him there too. Aiming to make some point of impact. If the disks come close to tearing into the boy's flesh, Saiga would command them to stop. He didn't want to kill one of his ninja, in a simple spar.

Osmium Dust WC:290
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