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missing pets Empty missing pets

Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:17 pm
dont look!:

"Alright guys. The task today is to find some pets. Let's split up once more. " It never seemed to occur to AIos that the two puppets she controled were not real. It was just a simple fact that they were her only true friends, and friends were real, therefor clearly they were real. They walked together, Pinoch on her shoulders through the village. They needed to find five cats, which would be a fairly easy task. She "borrowed" a few animal cages and a large net from the animal shelter when the kennel assistant wasn't looking because he was dead on the floor, and got to work. She scanned the area, seeing a cat perched up on top of the local barbeque shop advertising new human barbeque, organs and brain extra. She cringed at the thought but was excited to find the cat. She handed Aios AI the net, and sent her around the other side of the restarant acting causally. Once she was in place Pinoch rushed towards the cat. It freaked out, trying to jump down and was caught in the net in an instant.

"Alright four more. " She continued her travels, finally noticing a cat wander down a large alley way. She was certain this would be the next. She stalked it quietly, or more so Aios Ai did. Once it was near she swept the net downward once more and caught the cat with no problem. They tossed it in the cave with the second which pinochio carried in his small hands. They searched the entire city for the rest but found nothing. Finally she decided to head into a local tavern to get a drink and clear her head. As she walked in she noticed a few less then trustworthy individuals sitting at a table in the corner, which was expected for funka, but what was odd was cat carries beside each. She walked up and noticed on the table was seven kittens. "Are you guys....doing what I think you're doing?" she said.

"Playing poker for kittens...what does it look like?" One man said "You want in or not. " She nodded taking a seat. the first round went horribly, with Aios losing one of the cats she had collected to a pair of pocket aces with two kings and an ace on the board. That however was planned and strategiezed. She set out her chakra strings, connecting them to quite a few of the cards without the people's knowledge, mostly the high cards with multiple strings for the ace and kings. As the second hand went out she was delighted to have a potential flush. She played the croud easilly, noticing only one who had good cards thanks to her chakra strings. She bluffed him out, winning the hand all in and was able to leave with all the cats they owned, which included the three missing felines, and actually was only the three missing felines. "Wierd guys...Not great at cards either. " She rushed to return the pets and get her money.

((TWC 510 claiming 500 ryo and 3 jp)
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missing pets Empty Re: missing pets

Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:42 pm
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