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Hātosutīrā Coeus
Hātosutīrā Coeus
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Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO} Empty Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO}

Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:42 am
Kobushi had only one more jutsu to learn before he was ready to take the Genin exams. The jutsu was known as the Substitution Technique, and one of the must useful lower level ninjutsu techniques. 

While he was still sore from the sparring match with Angel, he wanted to master this technique before he headed home. If he had remembered that he still needed to learn it, he would of asked her for help, instead, he had to go about learning it all on his own.
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO} Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO}

Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:29 pm
Angel felt bad for what she had done to her student before.  So she decided to go apologize.  But today she thought she would try out a new Puppet she had finished building.  Keeping the chakra threads hidden the cloaked girl entered the training grounds.  Kobushi had always ended these spars getting mad, so instead today she would test out his skills because he should have passed the Genin exam already.  She needed to get him t graduate.

Walking onto the training ground she lowered her hood and her Red hair spilled out onto her shoulders.  Angel's face was passive and apologetic "Kobushi, I kind of lashed out yesterday...I'm still getting used to this whole mentoring thing, I'm sorry."  Angel studied his face to see his reaction.

[-5 ap Ventriloquism]
Hātosutīrā Coeus
Hātosutīrā Coeus
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Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO} Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO}

Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:36 pm
Kobushi heard Angel's voice, and turned around. In front of him was a cloaked form. Though he wondered why she was wearing it, he knew he should take her offer. It was time to show her his substitution technique, but he wanted to make sure it was correct.

The basics of the jutsu, was to quickly, utilizing much stealth and misdirection, to replace one's own body with another object... be it a clone, animal, log, etc... The jutsu had five hand signs: Tiger;  Boar; Ox; Dog; Snake, having two more then  the previous jutsu that Kobushi had learned, and it would also make it a tad bit slower then the other two.

Across the yard and behind Angel, was a training dummy, which Kobushi thought would be a perfect target for the jutsu. Setting his feet, Kobushi started the hand signs. Tiger... first he gathered all the chakra in his body...  Boar... then he directed it towards his feet.... Ox.... all of the chakra gathers in his feet... Dog.... moves onto the balls of his feet... Snake.... with the final sign he takes off. 

The amount of chakra causes a cloud of smoke behind him, which he hoped would confuse or at least faze Angel, as he quickly runs over to the training dummy. Grabbing it, he throws it towards where he was. Before even a second as passed, he has now switched places with the training dummy. Calling out from behind her, he yelled.

"Now, was there anything about that that you could help me with?"

{WC 257} Substitution Learned
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO} Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO}

Mon Jun 16, 2014 1:49 pm
"Hmmm No looks like you got the basics down.  as you practice the technique it becomes easier to do some have even mastered it to a point that they could do it with very little effort and at unimaginable speeds.  But you have performed the technique with out even needing me to teach you much of anything else."  Angel would stand there waiting to see if he required any more help.

"is there anything else you need help with because if not I have been authorized to give you your Genin exam."

Angel would wait for a response for that one.

[-5 ventriloquism]

Last edited by Angel Aburame on Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hātosutīrā Coeus
Hātosutīrā Coeus
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Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO} Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO}

Mon Jun 16, 2014 3:23 pm
After barely thinking about it, Kobushi responded. 

"That is about it, but yeah sure, let us get this underway. Ready when you are."
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO} Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO}

Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:43 pm
"Alright then show me what you've learned."  Angel pulled a kunai from her pouch.  Flicking into the ground right behind her.  "Your test will be to use all of your skills to retrieve this kunai.  Impress me and I will suggest your recommendation for Genin placement."  Angel changed her expression to that of determination bracing against the coming attack.

[-5 ventriloquism]

Last edited by Angel Aburame on Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hātosutīrā Coeus
Hātosutīrā Coeus
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Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO} Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO}

Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:02 pm
Kobushi's smile dropped, and transformed into one of determination. Quickly he went through the hand signs for the clone technique, Ram, Snake, Tiger, and was flanked by two replicas of himself. Then by running through the hand signs for the substitution technique, Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, Snake, and substituted himself for the training dummy behind Angel. Now she was in the middle of a 'Y', with Kobushi and his clones at the end points. 

Before he did anything else, he did a series of substitution techniques, swapping his positions around with the clones, further to add to the confusing. All at once, the clones and the real Kobushi ran at Angel. Unless she had some way of knowing which one was which, she would have to strike at random. As they closed in on her, all three led up with a punch, aiming to punch Angel. If she struck the wrong one, the real one would cut his punch short, and grab the kunai. If it looked like she was aiming at the correct one, he would simply substitute with a clone, and go after the real one in the confusion.

There is Kobushi 1 on her left, Kobushi 2 on her right, and Kobushi 3 behind her.

Clone -5 AP
4x Substitution -20 AP {as i did do one before the contest}
Sub Total: -25 AP
AP LEFT: 60-25=35
If attacks the wrong one, another Substitution -5 AP
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO} Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO}

Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:15 pm
"Good."  Angel said.  Using clones and substitution in quick succession was a strong quality in a younger student.  It seemed he also picked up a little of what she was trying to teach him.  Noticing the dummy fall out of the smoke cloud Angel knew that the and transported behind her.  but with the clones he could easily swap with them so instead of striking any of them ANgel claped her hands and gave a quick stomp channeling her chakra through her feet.  A 2 meter square platform rose from the ground blocking his advance.  Angel now stood 5 meters high on a platform that also held the kunai knife.  the height would be too high for him to just jump.  He would have to be clever to get up here

[-5 ventriloquism]
Hātosutīrā Coeus
Hātosutīrā Coeus
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Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO} Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO}

Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:23 pm
Angel's response to his jutsu combination was to raise a platform above his head, which contained both her and the kunai. Kobushi knew this was a problem, as he would not be able to jump up there. Instead he had all three versions of himself go over to the training dummy. Then using one of the Kobushi's to block it, he had all three 'lift it'. As the clones could not make contact, instead it was the real one lifting it, while the fake ones only looked like they did. It took time, but he moved it over to the platform. Then using a running jump, all three jumped onto the platform. Once more all three came at her, one from the left, one from the right, and one straight at her.
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO} Empty Re: Quest for Genin Part III{NK IO}

Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:45 pm
Angel stood there and took each blow seemingly completely unphased.  She would however only be hit by one of the "clones"  which would of course be the real one.  Angel would grab his hand/ feet what ever hit her and the platform would lower back to be level with the ground.  Angel would then toss him a few yards allowing him to land on his feet if he wishes.  "your doing good keep it up."

[-5 ventriloquism]
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